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Specific and general human capital in an endogenous growth model
Vourvachaki, E. ; Jerbashian, Vahagn ; Slobodyan, Sergey
In this paper, we define specific (general) human capital in terms of the occupations whose use is spread in a limited (wide) set of industries. We analyze the growth impact of an economy’s composition of specific and general human capital, in a model where education and R&D are costly and complementary activities. The model suggests that a declining share of specific human capital, as observed in the Czech Republic, can be associated with a lower rate of long run growth. We also discuss optimal educational policies in the presence of market frictions.

Irrationality in the decision- making of an individual as an economic entity in the territory of the Czech Republic
Böhm, Tomáš ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Babin, Jan (referee)
The main objective of this thesis is an in-depth analysis of the decision-making process on issues of economic nature for individuals in the Czech Republic. The degree of rationality occurring in consumer behavior is evaluated based on lessons learned. The theoretical section is concerned with the economic aspect of the decision-making process, which mainly includes knowledge of neoclassical theory, whose basis is the cardinal and ordinal concept of utility maximization. Subsequently there are introduced the alternative approaches to decision making, focusing on the subjective aspects of human reasoning. Using the mutual synthesis of these approaches, the author draws a term behavioral economics, specific elements of which constitute a substantive content of the whole work. The practical section verifies the hypothesis that the decision-making contradicts the theory of rational individual conduct. Data collected through the questionnaire is subjected to analytical procedures by which the stated hypothesis was verified.

Do women with children have lower wage rate than childless women?
Lukášová, Nikola ; Brožová, Dagmar (advisor) ; Čermáková, Klára (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate if women with children in the Czech Republic have a lower wage rate than childless women. The data from WageIndicator Foundation was processed by using the the least squares method. The conclusion is that motherhood has a negative impact on salaries. I also found that the depreciation of human capital influences only women with two or more children. It can be caused by the lenght of maternity leave. The main finding is that the wage penalty for motherhood actually exists. And the society and politicians should give the motherhood penalty more attention in the future.

The effect of investment in tertiary education on gross wages in the region Prague
Diessner, Daniel ; Chytil, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Babin, Jan (referee)
The aim of this work is to determine whether and how higher education affects gross wages. The theoretical part focuses on the theory of human capital, especially investment in education. The theory posits that a higher investment in human capital leads to higher yield, higher wages. The validity of this concept will be tested on the group of respondents who entered the labour market at the turn of millennium. Concentration of candidates with tertiary education in this period has risen considerably, which could cause an imbalance in the labour market. The practical part is based on the work of Mincer (1974). I used Mincer Earnings Function as a basis to build regression model. Partial aim is to prove the declining rate of return on investment in tertiary education using Mincer Equation.

Employee motivation and satisfaction in production company
Olszowá, Zuzana ; Matysová, Kamila (advisor) ; Chylíková, Hana (referee)
The main subject of the thesis is employee motivation and satisfaction. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the employee motivation and work satisfaction of a production company, identify areas of dissatisfaction and provide recommendations for future improvements. The study also aims to emphasize the relationship between employee motivation and work satisfaction and the level of their performance, loyalty, absenteeism, fluctuation as well as the correllation between employee motivation and satisfaction and the overall organizational performance. A brief introduction is followed by the theoretical framework of the thesis which includes such concepts as motivation, stimulation, work motivation, job satisfaction or motivation profile, explains and focuses on basic theories of motivation and factors of employee satisfaction. The empirical part of the thesis introduces the human resources management in the production company and the questionnaire investigation conducted among the employees of the production company. The questionnaire icludes parts where the questions about satisfaction of the employee with the selected factors influencing employee motivation and satisfaction were asked. This section also includes conclusions and recommendations for future employee motivation and satisfaction improvements.

International involvement in the peacebuilding process on Sri Lanka
Mojžíš, Michal ; Havlová, Radka (advisor) ; Burešová, Jana (referee)
The final months of Sri Lankan civil war, the 26 year military campaign between the Government of Sri Lanka and the insurgent separatist organization Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, are marked by allegations of war crimes committed by both parties of the conflict, including attacks on civilians, summary executions of prisoners, enforced disappearances, restrictions on humanitarian assistance and recruitment of children. Since the attempts to put the Sri Lankan issue on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council failed on the unwillingness of China and Russia, the UN bodies in Geneva have taken a leading role in promoting the peacebuilding process on the island. The thesis aims to analyse the impact of the Geneva-based human rights bodies, in particular of the United Nations Human Rights Council, on the process of reconciliation in Sri Lanka, for which is crucial that the alleged violations of human rights in the last months of the civil war would be properly investigated and that the perpetrators would be held accountable. In order to put the activity of the UN Human Rights Council into broader context, the paper will examine the political development in Sri Lanka since the end of the civil war in 2009 as well as the failed efforts of Sri Lankan governments to launch the process of reconciliation.

Dynamic model of human resources in project management
Hančar, Michal ; Mildeová, Stanislava (advisor) ; Šviráková, Eva (referee)
This thesis is focused on dynamics of soft factors influencing workers during projects. These factors include motivation, workplace atmosphere, team synergy of workers and their emotions, and attribute of project manager who manages the project. Identification of soft factors and their relationships was achieved by examination of scientific literature in psychology and system dynamics. Description of managing project matters was achieved by examination of scientific literature dealing with project management. The main objective of this thesis is to create a dynamic model which simulates behavior of these soft factors influencing the project staff. The primary metric of the model is efficiency of workers participating on the project based on input parameters. Validation of the model was achieved by verification of historic behavior of key elements. Results of validation experiments correspond with historic behavior with roughly 95 % accuracy. At the end of this thesis is presented an ICT project case study. Based on the results of simulation experiments is performed a scenario analysis which tries to bring possible suggestions for project management.

The current state and prospects for sustainable development of tourism in Slovakia.
Libantová, Silvia ; Indrová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Chaloupka, Radek (referee)
Tourism contributes to the prosperity of destinations by bringing financial resources, new jobs, a higher level of services and infrastructure development. However, if tourism does not develop sustainably, it is accompanied by negative factors, as well. Especially, negative impacts on the environment, such as: water and soil contamination, increased noise and overcrowded destination during the high season. As a response to the worsening state of the environment and possible irreversible changes caused by irresponsible human behavior, the idea of sustainable development is becoming more important. The theoretical part describes tourism in the Slovak Republic and highlights plans for sustainable tourism development. In the practical part, the results of the questionnaire, related to the awareness of sustainable tourism in the Slovak Republic, are evaluated. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the current situation in the field of sustainable tourism and to make suggestions for its future development.

Global Witness´s influence on forming of conflict mineral legislation
Lukeš, Jakub ; Zemanová, Štěpánka (advisor) ; Trávníčková, Zuzana (referee)
The thesis concers the issue of conflict minerals in the Democratic republic of Congo. The situation in the country has been monitored by the NGO Global Witness for decades. Human rights violation, illicit trade followed by exporting of minerals out of the country, have been supervised by militaristic rebel groups. As a result these groups have been indirectly founded by international corporations.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of Global Witness at the agenda setting of conflict minerals, including a critical assessment of legislative measures.

Introduction to bio art
Šperanda, Nina ; SILVERIO, Robert (advisor) ; JANOŠČÍK, Václav (referee)
Bio art is a contemporary art practice that works with living organisms (except humans) or is created in cooperation with living organisms. It is relatively new art movement that is rooted deeply inside the history of evolution, domestication of animals and plants, technological discoveries, their development and science. Never before was art questioning its ethics and aesthetics in such profound, molecular and sub-molecular way. In this work I will consider the historical influences and conditions that led to current developments in the field. I will also try to explain the problematics of defining what bio art is and try to clarify the associated terminology. Most relevant and ground breaking works in the field will be mentioned as some new recent developments. Aesthetics of bio art is also an important subject often set aside by the ado around ethics of it. It is an extremely important subject to be considered when talking about bio art and I will try to sketch out a brief outline of it with references to philosophy and contemporary bio art theory.