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The Concept of Baptism by Jan Bechyňka in the Traktát o viděních a pokušeních zbožného mládence (Tractate of Visions and Temptations of Devout Youth) and in the Treatise O křtu zvonu (On baptism of the Bell).
Beranová, Bohumila ; Rejchrtová, Noemi (advisor) ; Halama, Ota (referee)
The thesis deals with conception of baptism by utraquist priest Jan Bechyňka. At first the figure of the peculiar writer and theologian after being introduced is integrated into historical connections of the jagellonian era. The chapters that follow aim at the particular topic. Bechyňka ́s view of pedobaptism drawn from a long passage about commitment of baptism from his Traktát o viděních a pokušeních zbožného mládence [The Tractate on Visions and Temptations of Devout Youth] is compared with pedobaptism in Chelčický ́s Zprávy o svátostech [Reports of Sacraments] and with baptism in general of another Chečický ́s work - Rozpravy [Disccusions] in Parisian manuscript. At first I had intended finding out paralles between mentioned thinkers, however certain differences have appeared as well, not in essential facts. In the case of Bechyňka ́s tractate O křtu zvonu [On Baptism of the Bell] I give an interpretation to it in the concrete. The last chapter deals with utraquist baptismal praxis in the early modern times and in the present day and in general describes baptismal rites of these times. As a apendix I add Bechyňka ́s tractate O křtu zvonu [On Baptism of the Bell] with a commentary and transcriptional notes. Powered by TCPDF (

Early Middle Ages settlement at Prague-Liboc
Profantová, Naďa
The early Slavic settlement is dated to 7th, maybe also at the beginning of the 8th century.

The try of reconstruction sacral topography with special attention of church st. James the Greater in Jihlava in Middle Ages
Vodáková, Dana ; Kuthan, Jiří (advisor) ; Scholz, Stefan (referee)
RESUME The concern of this thesis is one of the sacred building of Jihlava town, the parish church of St. Jacob the Bigger. The main object of interest is the oldest history of this temple, which extends to the time of forming of its own city. It attempts to summarize the known knowledge and also to consider the new findings, mostly the character of archaeology. Therein, it is needed to mention, that most of the founded situations were not appropriately to the moment of usage accessed, concerning the state of actual examination, which is limited by building reconstructions. Generally, it is possible to state, that the actual results seem to be aligned with the historical development of the temple. The attention was dedicated also to church building, which is thought to be built before the today's temple, we consider this from different angles of point of views. The one of them was the intention to examinate the possibility of destruction by the fire, which is indicated in pope list as well as the susceptibility measures of construction parts originated from this building, later on used on the actual church building. In dependence on the older construction and archaeological point of views the possibility of pre-allocated habitation on the place of current town was newly revised in the work. The part of the...

French Muses of Jindřich Štyrský
Dvořák, Michal ; Listíková, Renáta (advisor) ; Ébert-Zeminová, Catherine (referee)
Jindřich Štýrský est né le 11 aot 1899 dans le village appelé Černá en Bohme de l'est ; ses parents y avaient une grande propriété. Štýrský avait une relation difficile avec ses parents. Son pre, enseignant atteint d'alcoolisme chronique, était assez exigeant et obligeait son fils de devenir l'enseignant. Sa mre était trs croyante et l'a peu materné. Sa soeur aînée du premier mariage de sa mre s'appelait Marie et Štýrský enfant était amoureux d'elle. Cette relation platonique a fortement marqué Štýrský et elle a évoqué chez lui de premires fantaisies érotiques. Les témoignages décrivent Štýrský comme un jeune homme élégant et bien élevé. Il était connu comme un séducteur des femmes. Il détestait ses études d'enseignant et il préférait la peinture et la littérature. Parmi ses auteurs aimés se trouvaient les écrivains français. La mort de sa mre lui a libéré et aprs ses études, un an de service mititaire et deux ans de la profession du maître, il a quitté la campagne et s'est installé Prague. Malgré l'opposition de son pre il y a fréquenté l'Académie d'art plastique et il rencontrait des artistes connus. A cause de sa personnalité compliquée il a bientôt abandonné ses études l'Académie et grâce aux moyens obtenus de la succession de sa mre il a décidé voyager. Štýrský a voulu aller en Polynésie mais il s'est...

Josef Herscher. The Secret of His Coming and Working in the West Bohemia in the Baroque period
Jirmusová, Kristýna ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Bukačová, Irena (referee)
135 Summary This study deals with Josef Herscher, a sculptor of the late baroque period, who worked in West Bohemia. The first notice about his presence there comes from 1720, other apper during the next years till 1756 when Herscher died. During that time ruled in Manětín Marie Gabriela Lažanská, who wanted to increase the fame of the city. In 1719 died another sculptor, Štěpán Borovec, who had worked in Manětín before Josef Herscher. He is the author of e.g. The Trinity Statue on the main square. It is said, that the statue was finished by Borovec's son Václav Borovec. We assume, that Václav Borovec could have helped Josef Herscher in his workroom and could have been one of Herscher's journeymen. Štěpán Borovec studied in Prague in the workroom of Jan Brokof. We know from the teaching-paper, that he was educated there. Statues of Saints by Josef Herscher have many common features with these by Ferdinand Maxmilián Brokof. This study compares them with St. Elizabeth, St. John of Nepomuk, Holy Virgin and many others. It seems, Josef Herscher knew the production of Brokof's workroom from the beginning of the 18th century to the late twenties of this century. He used the whole composition of particular statues as so as small details from their faces or gesticulation, which he adapted according to his own...

Community Aproach to the People with Mental Health Problems As Alternative to the Institucional Care
Strnadová, Dagmar ; Klimešová, Anna (advisor) ; Sivek, Vojtěch (referee)
In the history the care of people with a mental health problems was going through a lot of changes. Most of the people were accepted as a part of a society. The family and a local community had been taken care of them. Only a small part of people with a mental health problems had been banished or kept in prison. With the beginning of a modern period the people with a mental illness have devoted and segregated in a large extent. The psychiatri and care for disordered people occured rapid developement in 20th century. In the 50's the psychiatric institution had been closing down in a many advanced countries. Institutional care was replaced with a out-patient and comunity care services. The main target of a community care is to help to the people with a mental illness so they can live in a naturally neighbourhood. The Great Britain has ranked among countries with a along tradition of community care. The broad range of services in the domain of living, employment and a leisure time arised here. The attitude to disordered people was also changed. In the Czech republic the community work set up to apply in 90's. Since the time the big progress was reached. Nevertheless the institutional care is still being preferred. The community care concur at traditional community values and it is established on esteem to...

Early Baroque Altars in Prague
Kolář, Jan ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Horyna, Mojmír (referee)
ENGLISH ANNOTATION This paper discusses Prague altars that were crafted in the years of early-baroque between 1620 and 1680. It contains a brief outline of the historical period during which - in relation to counter-reformation and recatholization after the defeat of the Estate uprising in 1620 - baroque style had been fully accepted in Czech lands. The church, supported by the state, had made it its goal to restore catholicism in Czech lands and for this purpose it also used the means of arts. The baroque church combined all kinds of arts in its complexity. The main attention of its builders was paid to altar constructions, most often wooden ones. This paper then analyzes the history and typology of the altar and its components - the altar table, the retabulum (altar leg) and the tabernacle (sanctuary). The overall development of early-baroque altars dated from late-renaissaince mannerism to the beginning of top-baroque is discussed, together with the metamorphosis of the altars' architectural concepts, the artistic perfection of the altars and of their decorative elements. Both preserved and some non-preserved altar constructions located in Prague (in the area of Hradčany, Lesser Town, Old Town and New Town) are listed and described in this paper. Furthermore, an account is given of the artists...

The most important Toraja rituals and their current form
Budimanová, Michaela ; Oberfalzerová, Alena (advisor) ; Dubovská, Zorica (referee) ; Remešová, Blanka Michaela (referee)
The presented doctoral thesis called The Most Important Toraja Rituals and Their Current Form deals with the ethnic group of Toraja, who inhabit the province of Tana Toraja, located in the southern part of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The work presents Toraja culture with a focus on two of the most important rituals - funerals and weddings. The goal is to outline the original form of these rituals and to capture the major social and religious changes in Toraja society since the Dutch missionaries first entered the area of present day Tana Toraja at the beginning of the 20th century. The Dutch introduced Christianity to the Toraja people, who until then adhered to their autochthonous religion Aluk Todolo. Almost all of the Toraja people gradually converted to Christianity, though they did not fully leave behind their original customs. In this work, I advert to how much the newly accepted Christianity influenced contemporary Toraja rituals, with an emphasis on the shift in their form and meaning. The work is based mostly on the field research; I implemented the method of concentrated observation. I also conducted and recorded many interviews with local people. After returning from the field, I analysed all of the collected text, voice, and video materials. Based on its analysis and the specialized...

Sebastiano del Piombo in Public Art Collections in the Czech Republic
Nová, Magdaléna ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Pujmanová, Olga (referee)
Sebastiano del Piombo in public collections of the Czech Republic Sebastiano del Piombo (his own name was Sebastiano Luciani) has been born at Venice in 1485. First art schooling obtained in Giovannni Bellini's workroom and soon he started to appreciate innovative works of Giorgione. Shorty he created his own art style combining Venetian coloristic tradition with monumentality of dimensions and forms. Around the first decade of 16th century he became an independent artist and obtained his first art commissions. In 1511 he went with his first patron Agostino Chigi to Rome. His first commission in Rome was to decorate Chigi's suburb villa. Here he learned that Rome art production is intimate to his own style which he polished in Venetia. Immediately after his arrival to Rome he is confronted with Raphael's artwork and they work together in Villa Farnesina. Later he had befriended Michelangelo who supported his Venetian friend in obtaining new orders and also with his own sketches. Relationship of those two artists is documented in their correspondence to these days. There are two Sebastian's works in the Czech Republic; a painting of a Madonna with a Veil and a drawing of Borgherini chapel decoration in a Rome San Pietro Church in Montorio. Both works are in possession of the Olomouc Archbishopric....