National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Sebastiano del Piombo in Public Art Collections in the Czech Republic
Nová, Magdaléna ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Pujmanová, Olga (referee)
Sebastiano del Piombo in public collections of the Czech Republic Sebastiano del Piombo (his own name was Sebastiano Luciani) has been born at Venice in 1485. First art schooling obtained in Giovannni Bellini's workroom and soon he started to appreciate innovative works of Giorgione. Shorty he created his own art style combining Venetian coloristic tradition with monumentality of dimensions and forms. Around the first decade of 16th century he became an independent artist and obtained his first art commissions. In 1511 he went with his first patron Agostino Chigi to Rome. His first commission in Rome was to decorate Chigi's suburb villa. Here he learned that Rome art production is intimate to his own style which he polished in Venetia. Immediately after his arrival to Rome he is confronted with Raphael's artwork and they work together in Villa Farnesina. Later he had befriended Michelangelo who supported his Venetian friend in obtaining new orders and also with his own sketches. Relationship of those two artists is documented in their correspondence to these days. There are two Sebastian's works in the Czech Republic; a painting of a Madonna with a Veil and a drawing of Borgherini chapel decoration in a Rome San Pietro Church in Montorio. Both works are in possession of the Olomouc Archbishopric....
Sebastiano del Piombo in Public Art Collections in the Czech Republic
Nová, Magdaléna ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Pujmanová, Olga (referee)
Sebastiano del Piombo in public collections of the Czech Republic Sebastiano del Piombo (his own name was Sebastiano Luciani) has been born at Venice in 1485. First art schooling obtained in Giovannni Bellini's workroom and soon he started to appreciate innovative works of Giorgione. Shorty he created his own art style combining Venetian coloristic tradition with monumentality of dimensions and forms. Around the first decade of 16th century he became an independent artist and obtained his first art commissions. In 1511 he went with his first patron Agostino Chigi to Rome. His first commission in Rome was to decorate Chigi's suburb villa. Here he learned that Rome art production is intimate to his own style which he polished in Venetia. Immediately after his arrival to Rome he is confronted with Raphael's artwork and they work together in Villa Farnesina. Later he had befriended Michelangelo who supported his Venetian friend in obtaining new orders and also with his own sketches. Relationship of those two artists is documented in their correspondence to these days. There are two Sebastian's works in the Czech Republic; a painting of a Madonna with a Veil and a drawing of Borgherini chapel decoration in a Rome San Pietro Church in Montorio. Both works are in possession of the Olomouc Archbishopric....

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