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Data as a lifestyle: fascinating world of datasexuals
Príborská, Soňa
"Porno je pro starý, data is the new sexy!" Je tohle věta, která vystihuje datasexuály? Kdo je datasexuál a co jeho život dělá jiným? Nejste náhodou taky takoví?
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Golf - is it posh or for all?
Šperl, Martin ; Kandert, Josef (advisor) ; Tuček, Milan (referee)
Playing golf became a part of lifestyle of new dominant social and cultural groups but thanks to democratization tendencies and use as a business tool it opens up for more wide range of Czech society. Simultaneously the sporty heritors of golf tradition from the past before November 1989 last till today creating a core of Czech golfers space and teach newcomers the secrets of golf rules and etiquette. There are various groups in Czech golf space which differ from each other in the spirit of game, costs, but also in form of capital acquired. The first group is the mentioned one with long golf heredity. These players are holders of ideas in sense of golf rules, etiquette and skills. It was mainly social capital witch they obtained in golf space before November 1989 in their connections to golf community, nowadays it is according to their skills and traditional club membership symbolic capital. Together with this group it was a then power and wealth elite who started golf playing before November 1989. What its members drew from this activity was a symbolic capital when using golf playing as a demonstration of their wealth while nowadays it is mainly social capital which they can use. Newcomers into golf environment are mainly top executive managers and businessmen encountering golf as a part of...

The French and their Life-style from the viewpoint of a Foreigner
Jelínková, Radka ; Kalfiřtová, Eva (advisor) ; Müllerová, Eva (referee)
Jací jsou vlastně Francouzi? Jsou takoví, jak se o nich říká? Jsou takoví, jací si myslí, že jsou? Jsou vlastenci, bohémové, gurmáni nebo snobi? Odpovídají tato národnostní klišé realitě? V této práci bych chtěla nahlédnout do francouzské národní povahy, francouzské mentality, do francouzské společnosti. Chtěla bych porovnat historické vlivy i moderní trendy v životě Francouzů. Ráda bych poodhalila francouzský životní styl a typické chování a zvyklosti Francouzů. Provázejí Francouze v každodenním životě jejich tradiční hodnoty jako Svoboda, Rovnost, Bratrství? Řídí se jimi sami Francouzi nebo je jen hlásají světu? Chtěla bych popsat, jak Francouzi tráví volný čas, jak se chovají v práci i jaké mají rodinné tradice. Jedna z hlavních podkapitol je také věnována politice. Snažila jsem se nastínit, jaký je postoj Francouzů к politice, státu a veřejnému životu. Také jsem se zabývala současnými problémy ve Francii spojenými s tímto tématem. Poslední kapitolu jsem věnovala názorům různých českých osobností ale i obyčejných lidí. Osobnosti a odborníci, kteří žijí nebo žili ve Francii, se vyjadřují к francouzské povaze nebo к aktuálním francouzským tématům. Druhá část vychází z průzkumu mezi studenty gymnázií i mezi dospělými pracujícími lidmi. Powered by TCPDF (

System TOGA and work style questionnaire for managers
Krištof, Daniel ; Štikar, Jiří (advisor) ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Gregar, Aleš (referee)
In theoretical part of dissertation author describes the constitution of the system called TOGA as a unifying concept which enables assessment of work style of managers based on systemisation of their activities into three categories. It differentiates the following categories of activities: diagnostically oriented activities, algorithmically oriented activities and creatively oriented activities. Based on these universal and understandable categories it assesses the preference of particularly oriented activities. In system of TOGA the term work style of manager is described as an individually characteristic level how manager prefers activities with diagnostic, algorithmic, creative orientation. Higher risk is assigned to the profile of work style of manager who dislikes or neglects or refuses certainly oriented activities. Typical mistakes but also recommendations are described for individual managers as well as measures to be implemented by their superiors. In research part of dissertation author introduces results of standardisation study of questionnaire which assesses attitude/preference to diagnostically, algorithmically and creatively oriented activities. Reliability, validity, item analysis and norms are demonstrated in the study.

Application of e-marketing on social networks and Google Network
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to create an e-marketig strategy and implement it on a real world project focused on healthy lifestyle and fitness. The state of the art knowledge in the field of social networks and the Google Network is used in the thesis. In the theoretical part, social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Google+ are described with regard to their application in e-marketing. Furthermore, the features of some parts of the Google Network: the Display Network (formerly known as the Content Network) and Search Network, are described. These networks currently have a great e-marketing potential, therefore, the thesis provides their comparison and proposes the optimal implementation into the real operation. The practical part focuses on creating a web project as an open source solution. Consequently, data from several advertising campaigns were gathered and analyzed using Google Analytics and reports from other external tools. The final analysis compares e-marketing effectiveness of used strategies in the project.

Grossmanův model poptávky po zdravotní péči (po zdraví)
Kosička, Tomáš
Zdravý životní styl je téma, které je v poslední době velmi často zmiňované, a to s mnoha tématy. Jsou to například rizika spojená s kouřením, s obezitou, s nádorovými chorobami a s dalšími závažnými nemocemi. V poslední době začaly stoupat čísla mortality a incidence různých civilizačních nemocí.Ve své práci budu rozebírat Grossmanův model, který se možná jako jediný touto tématikou zabývá. Tento model byl často doplňován a vylepšován, nicméně jeho podstata zůstala stejná. Chtěl bych se pokusit o nový pohled na tento model a jeho interpretaci.
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A dancer's lifestyle as a part of dance medicine
Nováková, Pavla ; JANEČEK, Václav (advisor) ; PUCHOWSKA, Sara Maria (referee)
This thesis deals with dancer′s lifestyle as a part of the dance medicine. It is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on notions of dance medicine and lifestyle and relationships between them. Lifestyle consists of two main components - nutrition and psychology. These ingredients include between disciplines, which is engaged in dance medicine. The second part focuses on the physical component of lifestyle - nutrition and proper diet. Several chapters described the importance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, phytochemicals and fluids in the dancer′s diet. Part of these chapters are also dietary guidelines. A special chapter is devoted to alcohol and energy drinks and their effects on health and performance of the dancer. As conclusion of this part of the thesis describes the Healthy Plate as a tool that can help when the dancers focus on issues of healthy eating. The third part of this work deals with the emotional and psychological component of the dancer′s lifestyle. There is a description of the issues of: stress and burnout in the life of a dancer, Female Athlete Triad (concerning girls and women), sleep and his in/sufficiency, issues of recovery and relaxation.

Nutrition in Gouty Arthritis: from Past to Present, the Real Possibilities of Influence by Nutrition and the Consequences of strict diet restriction
Látalová, Ivana ; Pavelka, Karel (advisor) ; Žák, Aleš (referee)
It is a short work devoted to a disease called gout. The work can be divided into 3 parts. The first part deals with the development of the disease and its treatment. It is also described recent pharmacological treatment of gout and the latest drugs for this disease. Because the work is treated as final in the field of nutrition therapy constitutes a large part of dietary management and diet, which is appropriate to comply with this disease. The work also includes research on disease among patients with gout. These patients were asked about their knowledge of the disease, age, gender and adherence to the diet. The research evaluates whether patients consumed alcoholic beverages. The project also sought individual doctor by profession, in which patients with gout treated. Research data were obtained anonymously from patients at the pharmacy. The research was evaluated using graphs. Results obtained in this research are not very optimistic. Patients have incomplete information. They are usually do not comply with diet. Most patients also admitted to drinking alcoholic beverages. Finally, work is a statement that it would be possible to improve the health status of patients suffering from gout, by following dietary regimen and compliance with the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Key words: Gout,...

The arrival of new spirituality, Hinduism and spiritual Masters in the Czech Republic
Nykodýmová, Iveta ; Štampach, Ivan (advisor) ; Vojtíšek, Zdeněk (referee)
This text refers to the Indian religious beliefs, Hinduism in particular, that we can meet in the Czech Republic. Many people are interested in these religions and my question is 'what makes present man so interested in these religions and what is so attractive to them?' Foremost in my text there is basic information about Hinduism, including the myths, Gods and Goddesses and creeds. As the Indian culture is very diverse and rich I have only mentioned basic information for understanding the text well. Then I have described yoga in the text, Bhaktiyoga in particular. This type of yoga forms part of the Hare Khrisna movement. Both Yoga in Daily Life and the Hare Khrisna have already worked for many years and both have continuity with their Indian founders and came into our subconscious through their spiritual pursuit. I have described their influence in the Czech Republic on the basis of my questionnaire and even on my personal experience. Apart from these two movements this text refers to individual persons who are active in this kind of lifestyle. My conclusion is that these religious trends do not signify any danger or threat for our society; on the contrary it means that by helping us to find our way to God this enriches our daily lives. Powered by TCPDF (

Theory about the Effects of the Mass Media and the Influence of Society on the Press
Ryšková, Miroslava ; Stracený, Josef (advisor) ; Havlík, Radomír (referee)
Tématem mé diplomové práce jsou média. Masová média jsou jedním z projevů modernizace společnosti a hrají v našem životě důležitou roli. O významném postavení tisku, rozhlasu, televize či počítačových sítí ve společnosti není pochyb. Nabízejí nejrůznčjší informace a podněty k zamyšlení a prožívání, podílejí se na strukturování času v každodenním životě, posilují či posunují významy slov, zvuků a obrazů a předkládají vzory chování a společenské hodnoty. Ze sféry masových médií se práce konkrétně věnuje jednomu z nejatraktivnějších a nejpřitažlivějších problémů a to jejímu vlivu. Dnes již není sporu o tom, že média mají vliv na chování jednotlivce a společnosti, na životní styl a dokonce i na politické rozhodování. Právě proto jsou s fungováním médií ve společnosti spojovány nejrůznější naděje a obavy a právě proto veřejnost odborná i laická tolik diskutuje o onom vlivu. Nicméně hned na počátku se setkáme s problémem, který nás neopustí po celou dobu studia vybraného tématu. Masová média se stala nedílnou součástí naší společnosti, s ostatními společenskými institucemi a ději jsou natolik provázaná, že je téměř nemožné je od těchto vzájemných interakcí izolovat a zkoumat samostatně. Nadto by bylo chybné, pokoušet se o oddělení vlivu médií od sociálního prostředí, protože média vždy působí jako součást...