National Repository of Grey Literature 2,579 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.23 seconds. 

Development of Military Mapping of Our Country
The presented thesis is entitled "Development of Military Mapping of Our Country." Each chapter captures the most significant and best known stages in the development of topographic mapping: mapping by Jan Kryštof Müller; the first, second and third military mapping; 1923-1945 mapping; the military mapping after the Second World War; and finally the military mapping after the Czech Republic joined NATO. The aim of the thesis is to characterize and elaborate through a detail retrieval the course of military topographic mapping in Bohemia and Moravia from Müller's first mapping till present. The conclusion summarizes the obtained key information reflecting the findings about the historical milestones in the field of mapping and map creation in our country.

Culture safety of medical devices and pacient safety
The quality issue of provided health care is the topic which is constantly getting more attention. In this area there is always even probably will be always - something to improve. The patients´ safety in healthcare facilities is affected by the so-called culture of safety.The research was conducted in six medical institutions of the South Bohemian Region, though seven were originally planned. However, I was not given the data here, probably due to the long term incapacity of the respondent. The research was focused precisely on the area of care quality and patient safety. A mixed method research (qualitative and quantitative) was deliberately used in this task. The aim was to map the most common causes of adverse events and then, based on the causes, to propose possible arrangements to prevent the occurrence of the causes. For this purpose five research questions were established.The outcomes obtained were processed into tables, plus the graphical representation of some was accompanied. Then, in the "discussion" chapter, the results were compared and analyzed in more detail.

Cryotherapy as the oppurtunity for the regeneration of sportsmen
Počtová, Bohumila ; Nováková, Pavlína (advisor) ; Majorová, Simona (referee)
Title ofthesis : Cryotherapy is oppurtunity for the regeneration ofsportsmen Goal of the project : To map and compare information of c:ryotherapy center and places that provide c:ryotherapy application in the Czech Republic. Ifthere is a regulary and properly train information of cold effect for body and prove to provide. On the basis ofthis is determination the quality of information giving to clients and experience ofsportsmen clients at information about influence of cold and this procedure. To find out how the method is used and whether are conditions an fulfiled. Metb.ods :For research I use an exploratory method.The collection of dates was executed by public inguiry and guestionnaires PO:tv1S. The getting dates of particular items was evaluated by qualitative method. Results : This reseach charted cryotherapy centres in the Czech Republic. There was established professional skill specialists served in each of all questionnairy cryotherapy centres. However safety ofthe clients is provided in part only. The clients should have to udergo medical examinations. But these ones are not realised in some of them. The results of this rescach ís cryotherapy centres and sportsmen are deficienty ínformation. The results ofquestionnaires POMS cenfirmed players feelings are posítive after cold application....

Mapping the Possibilities of Dílny Tvořivosti Development
Dubnová, Jitka ; Vorlová, Marie (advisor) ; Roth, Martin (referee)
My bachelor's dissertation is mainly focused on mapping the possibilities of implementing activities in the field of employment support for handicapped people in the small region of Opočensko, which is situated in the Královéhradecký region. I analyze current needs of handicapped people expressed through other social and educational service providers and also the state of the local social service market. I map the state of community and strategic planning of the towns Dobruška, Nové Město nad Metují, Opočno and the Královéhradecký region. The summary of its present progress and outputs concerning mainly the state and planned development of social services is further used for more specific definition of the activity of Dílny Tvořivosti nonprofit organization branch in the small region and for framing a draft of a proposed project directly addressing the local situation. In this way I have reached, as I firmly believe, a qualified decision that Dílny tvořivosti can offer its present experience in the field of supporting integration of people threatened with social exclusion and contribute to the solution of current issues of the region in this field. But for setting up a branch of the organization in the small region and providing its services it is needed to obtain stable support of the local government as...

The level of invasion by alien plants in the Ploučnice River basin
Šenová, Vendula ; Matějček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Romportl, Dušan (referee)
The level of invasion varies according to the habitat type. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the level of invasion in the basin of the Ploučnice River in North Bohemia. The values of the level of invasion were quantified for vegetation plots from the Czech National Phytosociological Database and for segments of riverbank vegetation which were mapped at own field research. Ten maps showing the level of invasion by alien plants were developed based on a quantitative assessment of the level of invasion of particular habitat types at different altitudes. The levels of invasion were measured as proportion of the species that are aliens and total cover of alien species, the same was done for archeophytes and neophytes separately. The other option to quantify the level of invasion was using levels of count of invasive neophytes in the riverbank vegetation. Within each habitat the level of invasion was related to altitude. If the relation was significant, the level of invasion in that habitat was extrapolated according to that relation to altitude. Mean levels of invasion were used for the habitats which the relation was non-significant for. The west, northeast and the central parts of the assessed basin were evaluated as the most invaded areas. It is caused by the occurrence of the most invaded...

Deformometrická a výšková měření v katastrálním území obce Dětmarovice v roce 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Staš, Lubomír
Ústav geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i. v Ostravě byl v souvislosti s uvažovaným hlubinným dobýváním uhelných zásob a jeho možného vlivu na katastrální území Dětmarovice požádán v roce 2001 Dolem ČSA o posouzení případných vlivů poddolování na stabilitu svahů na vybrané části katastrálního území Dětmarovice. Důsledkem dobývání jsou, mimo jiné, i poklesy povrchu, což vzhledem ke stávající morfologii terénu v předmětném katastrálním území vyvolalo obavu, zda tyto poklesy nebudou dále indukovat svahové pohyby. V listopadu 2001 tedy byla v dané lokalitě vybudována kontrolní monitorovací síť o čtyřech individuálních profilech. Na těchto přímkách bylo doporučeno provádět ve stejných intervalech deformometrická (délková) a nivelační (výšková) měření. Z následného periodického deformometrického a nivelačního monitoringu těchto svahů ještě před začátkem rozvoje poklesové kotliny do sledované oblasti a dále v období projevů účinků dobývání je pak možné stanovit, zda vůbec k vývoji svahových deformací dochází, a následně na možné příčiny případných pohybů poukázat (morfologicko-geotechnické a klimatické přírodní podmínky, hornická a antropogenní činnost aj.).

The structure of currency in the Czech lands in the second half of the 17th century. The predictive value of coin findings of the second half of the 17th century
Brádle, Vojtěch ; Kostlán, Antonín (referee) ; Šimek, Eduard (referee)
Contemporary Czech numismatics still lacks an up-to-date summary work which would deal with the issues of monetary circulation in Bohemia in the second half of the 17th century which to a great extent coincides with the rule of Leopold I. Besides studying written sources monetary situation of the given period may be also enlightened in a way by coin hoards cached at that time. Following the criteria of the minimum number of 100 coins in particular hoards, their complete or almost complete preservation and a certain degree of expert processing, 13 coin hoards were selected cached by their owners between 1650 and 1700 containing in all 8089 coins. These coins were used for making a detailed analysis with the objective to ascertain monetary structure in Bohemia in the second half of the 17th century, compare the results with the composition of coins hoards from between 1618 and 1648 and thus reveal possible changes and trends. In the case of Bohemian coinages the objective was also to compare its representation in coins hoards abroad in other parts of the Habsburg monarchy. Last but not least, the analysis was to verify some theses often repeated in literature concerning e.g., occurrence and influx of foreign coins to the territory of Bohemia or significance of private issuers of coins from Bohemia, Moravia...

Home for the Seniors
Knapčíková, Šárka ; Bartolšicová, Eva (referee) ; Matějka, Libor (advisor)
The aim of diploma thesis is elaborate the project documentation to execution of a new building home for the elderly. The building is detached and situated in a sloping terrain on the selected piece of land in the cadastral area of Smíchov in Prague 5. This new building is designated for permanent housing for persons of retirement age with a good level of their ability to perform routine daily tasks and take care of themselves, but also for people without this ability. Home for the Elderly offers a 40 beds in single and double rooms. The building has three above grounds and one underground floor. The entire building is expected movement of persons with reduced mobility. Entry to the first functional part is located on the north side of the home. It consists of a reception room and each floors with rooms. In the home for the elderly is 30 rooms with private bathroom. The second function of the operation home is located in the basement floor, entrance is possible from the south or staircase or elevator from the first floor. All floors are connected by two staircases, and three elevators. The object is designed in a technology of Porotherm system. Roof structure consists of single-layer flat roof with a classic sequence of layers, combined DUO and extensive green. The project documentation which is needed for a realization of a new home for the elderly is worked up with eight structural details including in a computer program AutoCAD.

The Analysis of the Functions of Email Services
Šandera, David ; Šebesta, Michal (advisor) ; Jelínek, Ivan (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis and comparison of the e-mail servers sold in the Czech Republic. The aim is to identify and specify the needs and expectations of users of e-mail communication system, including time management using calendars, events and tasks, contact maintenance and other e-mail system functions related to teamwork and communication. Based on these needs, the work analyses selected solutions and recommends suitable solutions for different business needs. The benefit of this work is a detailed description of the contemporary Czech market with e-mail servers with recommendations for choosing the most appropriate ones for a model organization. It also deals with the estimated development of corporate electronic communications in the future.