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Selected social determinants of health in immigrants in some regions of the Czech Republic
The main aim of the research was to map the influence of selected social determinants on health of target immigrant groups. The method was based on the concept of ten social determinants of health as introduced by Wilkinson and Marmot (2003). The quantitative method used were interviews. The survey was carried out in the period from January 2010 to December 2012. Data collection was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the influence of two social determinants of health (nutrition and addiction) on the respondents' state of health was investigated. The second stage of the survey focused on working conditions and on how respondents can use health care. 246 immigrants were interviewed in the first stage of the survey. They were from the following regions: South Bohemian Region, the capital Prague and Vysočina Region. 236 immigrants from two regions (South Bohemian Region and the capital Prague) were addressed in the second stage of the survey. They were legally settled immigrants in the age group 18 65, of Vietnamese, Mongolian and Ukrainian nationality. The results of the survey clearly show that the target immigrant groups are more exposed to unfavorable working conditions than majority population. Compared to the Czech population the target immigrant groups show statistically significant differences especially in the area of excessive workload and discrimination in the workplace. Increasing incidence of unfavorable working conditions resulted in significant increase in occupational diseases. The factors influencing use of healthcare by immigrants are the type of health insurance, length of residence, sex and knowledge of Czech language. Immigrants who had entered the system of public health insurance used healthcare much more frequently than immigrants with commercial health insurance. Male immigrants smoke and drink alcohol much more heavily than female immigrants. The young generation of immigrants (aged 18 to 29) smoke statistically more significantly than the middle-aged and older generation of immigrants. Middle-aged immigrants (aged 30 to 50) consume more wine and spirits. Their health was perceived subjectively as "worse" by those respondents who at the same time mentioned chronic pain and psychic stress in the workplace. The following measures could lead to elimination of social inequality and to improvement of immigrants' situation in the Czech Republic: equal working conditions for immigrants and Czech employees, improvement of immigrants' knowledge of Czech, shortening of the overall time for obtaining permanent residence, simplification of the terms for gaining citizenship, guarantee of access to public healthcare to all legally settled immigrants.

Business plan for founding a shop
Velová, Petra ; Filipová, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Drozen, František (referee)
The contect of the bachelor thesis is to build a business plan for founding a shop with climbing equipment in Turnov and to offer a climbing courses mainly for children. The main aim is according to the results of business plan to decide whether our intention to implement or not to. The theoretical part contains basic information about the term business,businessman, company and business plan in terms of its content and types. The practical part is focused at processing particular, a complete business plan.

Design of Landscape Management of Horní Počernice
Barešová, Terezie ; Syrovátka, Oldřich (advisor) ; Novotná, Eliška (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the assessment of the current landscape management in Horní Počernice and the design of ecological measures, which can be used as a basis for comprehensive land changes of Horní Počernice. The theoretical part defines basic terms of landscaping and landscape ecology. The practical part describes the selected area including processing of ecological characteristics. Ecological measures of landscape are designed to improve the quality of life in Horní Počernice. A research was made to investigate the attitude of residents to the scenic countryside in connection with the expansion of buildings at the expense of vegetation. The conclusion contains an evaluation of the research.

The migration crisis in Europe and subsequent implications for Swedish welfare state
Lacková, Dominika ; Bič, Josef (advisor) ; Němcová, Ingeborg (referee)
In general, migration is one of the most important global challenges. The topic of regulating migration flows came to the fore in relation to the current Europe's migration, or more precisely, refugee crisis. It has been described as the most massive migrant's crisis since the WW2. Unprecedented influx of immigrants and refugees in 2015 resulted in that even the best prepared European countries, such as Sweden, have reached a tipping point with regard to respect EU standards related to reception and processing of asylum applications. Master thesis covered two main analyses - the relevance of the refugee crisis in the EU in regards to the Swedish welfare state and the subsequent implications arising from the refugee crisis for the Swedish welfare state.

Marketing Situational Analysis of a chosen Company
Doležal, Ondřej ; Svoboda, Petr (advisor) ; Čejka, Pavel (referee)
The aim of my thesis is to create an educated description of marketing situational analysis of selected energy company - ČEZ, Inc. The analysis should help the company to better plan its marketing activities and thus succeed in a competitive environment. The theoretical part deals with basic concepts related to marketing as a whole and theoretical background needed for the completion of marketing situational analysis, which includes both PEST analysis, Porter's fice forces analysis, SWOT analysis and marketing mix. Results from those are then applied in practice. The result of each analysis are then formulated into recommendations that should help the company to improve its marketing management.

Usage of unstructured data in Business Intelligence
Rakhmanova, Malika ; Šperková, Lucie (advisor) ; Karkošková, Soňa (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to identify the main trends that are occurring in the market of Business Intelligence and related to unstructured data, to describe the possibilities for integrating unstructured data, to clarify what the impact on the company have the results that can be obtained using these solutions and how generally incorporate an analysis of unstructured data into BI. Another aim is to show the current situation of processing unstructured data on the example of BI system. The thesis is divided into several parts. First part is describing of the Business Intelligence area and the basic components of Business Intelligence, as well as identifying market trends. Then, there is the next part: separating the data into structured and unstructured. Here is the part about how you can access and analyse unstructured data and what is their place in BI systems. This is the end of a block of unstructured data and the beginning of a description of the enhanced version of BI. Finally, the current market situation and BI tools, which include unstructured data, are introduced. This section provides an overview of how BI tools approach to analyse unstructured data. Existed literature, professional and freely available Internet resources are used for writing the work. The purpose is to serve as a source of information for quickly orienting in the current situation, to serve as a guide to the world of BI solutions and to show potential users what are the options and functionality of these BI solutions.

Comparison of methods of ECLIA and ELISA in determining the beta-CrossLaps
Osteoporosis is a very old disease affecting a large majority of population. Its occurrence rate has been growing permanently. It is a systemic disease of bones for which the decrease in bone mass, i.e. of inorganic as well as organic bone part is characteristic. Typical symptoms are osteoporotic fractures. To perform an in time diagnostics of the disease, it is necessary to execute the necessary examinations. One of them is also the laboratory determination of markers of bone resorption and new creation for finding out the state of bone metabolism. The target of my bachelor thesis was to find out the level of the bone resorption marker (beta-CrossLaps) by means of ELISA and ECLIA methods on the same serum from patients with the diagnosed osteoporosis and to process statistically the results. In the next part I dealt with the structure and functions of bones. Then I focused on markers of bone formation and resorption. Finally I mentioned the bone metabolism and its control mechanisms. I concentrated mainly on the metabolism of calcium, D vitamin, parathormone and calcitonin. I carried out the practical part of my bachelor's thesis in the accredited private laboratory STAFILA, spol. s r. o. in České Budějovice. The procedure of my work followed the standard operating procedure of the laboratory. In the research, in total 66 serums of patients with osteoporosis were analysed by me. At first, I determined the concentration by beta-CrossLaps method based on the principle of sandwich ELISA on the appliance NexGen Four from TestLine company. Then I analysed the same samples on the automatic analyser IDS-iSYS from IDS company, this time by ECLIA method. Both appliances on which the determination was executed, principles of both methods, applied analytic sets and the procedures of analysis are described in the methodical part. In the next part of my bachelor's thesis, the results of my measuring are stated. At first I entered the concentrations beta-CrossLaps in ng/ml measured by both methods into the table and for the respective samples I stated the sex and years of birth of individual patients. Moreover I prepared a graph illustrating the share of men and women of various age categories in my research. The second graph shows the differences in values of beta-CrossLaps concentrations between both methods. Resulting concentrations were subject to regression analysis. I applied linear regression and Grubbs test for finding out the outlying values excluded from the further statistical processing. I performed Passing-Bablok regression based on the remaining values. As a result of regression equation and 95% CI of the slope B and intercept A, the proportional error of measuring was rejected but on the contrary, the systematic error was confirmed. Correlation coefficient R = 0,97 shows a very good linear dependency between both methods. It turned out by practice in the laboratory that the evaluation of concentrations beta-CrossLaps from the same patients on various appliances may show partially different values. I worked at two different analysers, each of them was based on another principle, with a different sensitivity and calibration. All of this could have the influence on the resulting concentration of individual samples. The advantage of automatic analyser IDS-iSYS is a quicker determination. Moreover it is possible to perform on this apparatus all the possible examination concerning the bone metabolism from D vitamin, parathormone, osteocalcin up to bone markers. It is advantage for the patients with osteoporosis as well as with other metabolic skeleton diseases. It follows from this that all the necessary examinations may be carried out on one apparatus.

Bob Krčil
Douša, Jan ; MOUCHA, Josef (advisor) ; Buddeus, Hana (referee)
The life and work of Bob Krčil have so far been known from fragments and unsubstantiated legends. The aim of this essayistic piece is to lay out the deeper motives of his personal trajectory, photographic oeuvre, and activities for the Czech exile community. Krčil’s photographic body of work is inseparably connected with his eventful life. The writing of the thesis was preceded by tracking down and putting together Krčil’s fragmented estate, sorting out his correspondence and writings, and interviewing people who knew him personally. By drawing on these materials, the thesis aims to provide insight into the life and motivations of this important figure of Czech exile culture.

Antidecubital Care as a Nursing Problem
This thesis deals with the issue of providing antidecubital care and observes the fulfilment of nursing interventions in the care about non-self sufficient patients. During performing her duties, every nurse encounters the issue of decubitus ulcers formation and with this related antidecubital care. Thus, it can be stated that the occurrence of decubitous ulcers serves also as the indicator of the quality of provided nursing care. A lot of people think that the problem develops particularly in elders, but young people who are bedridden after injuries and accidents are also affected and this complication degrades the quality of their life. The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical parts. The theoretical part describes the anatomy of skin and its function, decubitus and classification of decubitus ulcers are defined, their localization with characteristics of predilection sites are specified, outlining complications in decubitus ulcers. The theoretical part pursues antidecubital care with the division into subheads on positioning, antidecubital aids, nursing interventions, and the mission of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel is described. The separate chapter includes the risk assessment of decubitus ulcers formations, as is e.g. Norton scale, etc. The last chapter embraces the specification of conservative and surgical treatment of pressure sores. The aim of the research examination was to determine whether the nurses perceived antidecubital care as a nursing problem and to map the opinions of the nurses relating to antidecubital care. Three research questions were set to achieve the objectives: first, what the pitfalls of nursing care were on the part of the nurses, secondly, what areas within antidecubital care were neglected and finally, how antidecubital care at selected inpatient wards was provided. The research was implemented at the chosen inpatient wards in České Budějovice Hospital, PLC, from the period of February to April 2014. The research file consisted of the general nurses and the medical assistants. A hidden participant observation was conducted and then questionnaires with 15 questions that were closed or semi-closed were distributed to the nurses. 45 questionnaires were handed out, 31 handed back and all 31 questionnaires could be processed. Thus, the total return of the questionnaires was 69%. Questions in the questionnaire were based on the observation criteria. The hidden participant observation was processed and plotted on the observation sheet and then classified according to the given criteria. After delivery, the returned questionnaires were checked and evaluated graphically. All results were processed using Misrocoft Office Excel program, were plotted in graphs with keys and descriptions. By processing and comparing the results, we ascertained that in some fields the opinion of the nurses was different from the practice that was really performed. It could be also caused by the fact that antidecubital care is very time-consuming, demanding and comprises a lot of nursing interventions. Sufficient number of aids with which the ward is equipped is relevant as well, be it preventive aids or medical ones. And last but not least the organization of the care. At present, the time spent on completing documentation is increasing and the time that can be used by nurses for contacting a patient and satisfy his/her needs is decreasing. Nevertheless, the patient´s state and his/her contentment reflect and demonstrate our care. After previous arrangement, the results of our research examination will be communicated to the ward sisters at the selected inpatient wards where the research examination was performed.