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Life Insurance as a Part of Staff Benefits in a Firm
This thesis attends to the valuation of life insurance as an instrument that affects the economy of a chosen firm. Firstly, it attends to the introduction to system of insurance. Then recount insurance, especially life insurance, its advantage and disadvantage. Subsequently it includes a risk analysis and principles of risk elimination by the insurance. The practical part is focused on life insurance products of specific insurance company, on the valuation of life insurance usage in chosen firm and on the usage of life insurance as the instrument that affects the economy of a chosen firm.

Antitumour efficacy of gels containing liposomes with hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine in photodynamic therapy
Kobrle, Pavel ; Poučková, Pavla (advisor) ; Štukavec, Jan (referee)
The targets of the diploma thesis presented here were to establish the antitumour efficacy of a new liposomal product with hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine (PC) in photodynamic therapy (PDT) of malignant tumours and determine the optimum time interval between the topical application of the product and PDT (tumour exposure to light). Effects were examined of the PC concentration on the PDT efficacy in a colon carcinoma cell line (SW-620), mammary carcinoma cell line (MDA-MB-231) and human neuroblastoma cell line (UKF NB-3). Hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine was employed as a photosensitizer. Outbred athymic female nude CD-1 mice already bearing the above mentioned xenotransplanted tumours were used in the experiments. The area comprising the tumour was exposed to light from a xenon lamp (600-700 nm, 80 J/cm2 ). The results were statistically evaluated, summarized in tables and plotted in graphs. In the diploma work, the liposomal product containing phthalocyanine (9-18 mg/ml) was shown to have considerable antitumour effects in the types of tumours chosen. The optimum time interval for the PDT is of 10 min after the product topical application. Key words: photodynamic therapy; hydroxy-aluminium phthalocyanine; liposomal drug delivery

Possible Applications of LNG in the Czech Republic
Machalová, Markéta ; Sedláček, Jiří (advisor) ; Kysilka, Hugo (referee)
This thesis evaluates the possibilities of application of LNG (liquefied natural gas) in the Czech Republic. LNG is a relatively new commodity, which has broad use in the world, but as of now, the Czech Republic hasn't entered its market. The main objective of this thesis is to determine whether there exists suitable use for LNG in the Czech Republic today. By analysis and calculation I came to the conclusion, that there are applications that would be economically advantageous and would, in addition, bring other significant benefits, such as reducing emissions. The most perspective is the use of LNG as an alternative truck fuel. Under certain conditions suitable applications are also LNG satellite stations, cogeneration or bus transport. The conclusion of this thesis is that liquefied natural gas has a great potential to expand to the Czech Republic.

Nanotechnology as potential method for recycling of PET bottles
Kráčalík, Milan ; Mikešová, Jana ; Pospíšil, L. ; Fortelný, Ivan ; Šimoník, J.
Recycling of PET worldwide is not sufficient. This issue results from decreasing molecular weight due to thermal, mechanical and hydrolytic degradation during multiple processing of polymer. The viscosity (next processability) of material can be increased by preparation of nanocomposites (formation of physical network in the polymer/clay system). The improved processing and utility properties of recycled PET were analyzed by rheology, morphology and tensile tests.

Position and perspectives of the oil-refining industry - comparison of Central and Eastern European Countrie
Kuznetsova, Evgenia ; Černá, Iveta (advisor) ; Taušer, Josef (referee)
Being non-renewable source of energy, oil maintains the largest contributor to the energy mix of all counties in the world. Consequently, oil-refining industry is a field of particular concern for the governments and society. This work focuses on oil-refining industry in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe. This topic is very sensitive for CEE counties due to continuously rising energy prices, vulnerability of the supply security and current EC regulations concerning emissions trade and common environment policy. This thesis aims to answer to question what will happen to the industry in CEE counties after implication of new EC regulations and development of the renewable sources of energy. For this purpose, SWOT analysis of the industry in different counties was performed, highlighting major strengths and potential threats. Further analysis describes major mergers and acquisitions in the industry, FDI and current problems of trade imbalance. Particular attention is given to the security of supply and dangerous dependency on the crude oil imports. The results show that some EC policies and regulations could be potentially perilous for the counties which have large crude reserves and developed oil-refining and petrochemical industry, influencing such factors as cost of production and competitiveness of the product in the market. However, further development of renewable sources is often the only option available for the counties with no fossil fuel reserves and poor developed refining infrastructure, aimed to eliminate ever-increasing energy dependency.

Participative management – key to minimaze conflicts between protection of biodiversity and socio-economic development of local communities
Těšitel, Jan ; Kušová, Drahomíra ; Matějka, K. ; Boháč, J. ; Bartoš, Michael ; Kopáčková, M. ; Moravcová, Jana ; Šrubař, Vladan
The project was aimed to propose a model of optimal coexistence of biodiversity protection and socio-economic development in large-scale protected areas. Its main output was identification of principles of participative management of protected areas and estimation of circumstances necessary for its practical implementation. The project focused on description of biodiversity in particular model areas, on eventuality of changes in biodiversity due to human activities and thus on identification of actual and potential conflicts. In parallel, selected parameters of quality of life of local population, behaviour the population and its relation to the Administration of protected area and to nature protection in general were studied. Analysis of behaviour of the administration of protected areas as social institution became also part of the project. The project was designed as empirical comparative study of three biosphere reserves (BR) - BR Šumava, BR Třeboňsko a BR Křivoklátsko.

Economical aspects of health care services and risks connected with legalization of euthanasia
Stehlíková, Jana ; Kuba, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Matula, Miloš (referee)
The thesis deals with legalization of active euthanasia, its main impacts for the whole society, potential abuse and some basic concerns of specialist of various profession related to euthanasia. The thesis is focused on the medical, economic, legal and religious point of view of euthanasia and defines crucial approaches of the defenders and defendant of euthanasia. Special emphasis is on the attitude of doctors, whose opinions on legalization of active euthanasia vary. The thesis denies legalization of active euthanasia as a good solution for patients which are incurable ill or dying, calls attention to keeping the right to live in current form and disagrees with the economical argument that euthanasia is cheap and fast solution for complicated situation of the health service.

Cultural capital of Bratislava and its influence on tourism
Jančovičová, Soňa ; Tyslová, Irena (advisor) ; Dianová, Markéta (referee)
This thesis is analyzing culture and tourism in Bratislava, which has already became tourist destination in the past and it has large potential to become a favourite destination due to its rich history, culture and nature. Firstly, there are given basic definitions for better orientation and understanding of this theme. Last part focuses on culture and tourism in Bratislava with a view to the city as a tourist destination. In thesis I focused on analysis of tourist infrastructure, competition, marketing and destination management. The part of the thesis is presenting the analysis of Bratislava culture and information centre, which is aimed to the city promotion.

Sustainable tourism development of Vysocina Region
Veselá, Markéta ; Macháček, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Vondráková, Zuzana (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of sustainable tourism development at the regional level. This phenomenon is elaborated on the example of Vysocina Region. To evaluate sustainability of its development, the potential of this touristic destination is researched regarding various areas, including key products. These are subjected to comparisons with recommendations of significant tourism organization for the purpose of assessing the sustainability of tourism. The diploma thesis also includes a comparison with other Czech regions experience as a touristic destination. Vysocina Region has favourable initial conditions for its sustainable development, especially regarding supply of key products, which include both environmentally friendly goods and cultural attractiveness contributing to the personal development of individuals and promoting intercultural tolerance. The main issue appears to be the spatial imbalance of its development in the region, caused mainly by the concentration of tourist activities to certain areas and low local initiative in the less attractive areas. The diploma thesis proposes a number of solutions, such as utilization of geocaching and products of gastroturism, supporting the foundation of local destination management organisations, promoting cycling tourism and the foundation of highly visited tourist destinations.

Occurance of the chosen risk in term of the gender about children.
Abstract The problems of hazardous behavior with adolescents are getting into the foreground of the wide public. The problem of hazardous behavior with children, adolescents or young people is very real, not only in the Czech Republic, but all over the world, at prezent, it is a worldwide problem representing a substantial social problem with which many specialists in the field of psychologists, psychiatrics, educators, politics and other participating institucions, World Health Organization, are dealing. The Publisher results of research are pointing to a non- decreasing occurrence of hazardous behavior, where it comes to a basic shifting to a lower age group from the point of view of the gender eguality, when the girls and boys engage in hazardous behavior with different circumstances, conditions and occurrence. A whole range of research on this theme exists, but it does not fully concern the hazardous behavior, for instance in connection with information technologies, cell phones and using of habit-forming drugs. The thesis is divided in the theoretical and the practical part. In the theoretical part, the selected forms of hazardous behavior with children and the gender problems are described. In the practical part, the quantitative research method has been chosen,a method of gathering data by means of a questionnaire. The research summary for questionnaire inquiry was created by pupils attending the 7 th to 9 th school year of the primary schools in the South Bohemian region. The aim and purpose of the thesis was to find the appearance of selected risk behaviour with the children from the point of view of the gender, and to map the differences with a view to the gender problems. The aim was accomplished. There were four hypothesis stated. H1: The boys are a more endangered group in occurance of a hazardous behavior in connection with alkohol than the girls. H2: There is a higher risk in connection with usaje non-legal drugs about boys than about girls. H3: Boys are more endangered in the occurrence of a hazardous behavior in connection with habit-forming behavior relating to virtual milieu. H4: Girls are more endangered in connection with communication technology. The thesis may be used as an information survey of a selected hazardous behavior with the children and with the gender problems. The results of the research can be used as informative material for the lay public, for children and adolescents, for parents and other specialists (anti-drug coordinator, methodic of school prevention and not least for the education or as basics for a further following research aktivity. Further, the results of the research can be used for a closer determination of suitable prevention programs. For this reason, the results of the research were given to schools, where the research observation proceeded for the purpose of enhancement of the primarily preventive activity.