National Repository of Grey Literature 165 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.08 seconds. 

Eating disorders from the perspective of the general public
This thesis deals with the influence of a vegetarian diet on dental status in adults. The importance of nutrition on dental status in adults is controversial and therefore this thesis seeks to shed light on the issue of nutrition with regard to dental status. A major role is played by the possibility of enjoying quality of life in older age based on early prevention and experience-those habits from the time before the age of fifteen years of one's life. The theoretical part focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the oral cavity and the influence of diet on dental status. The text lists the possible causes, treatment, diagnosis and prevention of disease in follow-up on the diet of an individual company. It goes on to discuss ways of improving the state of the teeth when receiving a vegetarian diet. The practical part is to determine how the vegetarian diet is reflected in the state of adult teeth, how many individuals are consuming, so if there is a demonstrable impact on the dental status when receiving a vegetarian diet. The practical part was carried out using questionnaires, interviews with specialists in dental hygiene and a vegetarian diet. The questionnaires were processed in the graphics section.

Experiance of the midwife in care of woman by childbirth of dead fetus.
ČERNÁ, Lenka
Intrauterine fetal death is a serious medical and nursing problem. Midwifes in the delivery room do not come across this diagnosis often, so the women in labour should be looked after by sufficiently experienced and educated midwives, who are well aware of the problem and are able to satisfy the needs of the woman in all its complexity. The theoretical part of the Study describes the causes of intrauterine fetal death, the symptoms, the complications, the diagnostical and therapeutical procedures. From the nursing point of view the Study focuses on midwives? care of the woman prior to the delivery, during labour, in the puerperium and in the subsequent ambulatory care. It also deals with the importance of farewell ritual with the child and with the psycho-social aspects of this problem. I have included a chapter on civil legal requirements that arise from this situation. The aim of this Study was to compare nursing care of women with stillbirth in selected maternity hospitals. I compare the midwives´ approach, ways and means of saying goodbye to the child and try to ascertain the level of awareness of the legal requirements relating to this situation amongst the midwives.Qualitative methodological approach was selected for the research. The investigation was conducted through semi-structured non-directive interviews. The results of the interviews were processed, analyzed and arranged into transparent schemes with a description. The research group consists of eight respondents from five different workplaces. The respondents were selected on the condition that they had been working in the delivery room and have experience with the care of a woman with stillbirth. Upon completing this research, the first research question could be answered. The nursing care of the woman with stillbirth is in all the facilities comparable. The midwife monitors the condition of the woman in labour and the course of the labour. All facilities make an effort to ensure the woman?s privacy, allow the partner?s presence and focus on good analgesia. Empathetic and sensitive approach to the woman is matter of course. The second research question was also answered. It was established that the farewell with the child is not facilitated in most of the monitored delivery rooms. At most workplaces the midwives do not actively offer the farewell with the child to the woman although they believe that this ritual bears great importance. The third research question can be answered that the midwives? awareness of the civil legal formalities in this area is not very high. Almost all respondents knew about the possibility to name and bury the stillborn child, but the midwives? knowledge about the maternity benefits and death allowance is not sufficient. The results of the research show that it is important to focus on improving the awareness of midwives in the care of a woman with stillbirth. The solution would be to organize a seminar on this topic. In the seminar, the midwives would acquaint themselves with the appropriate approach to the woman in labour, the possibilities of communication, about the importance of the farewell ritual with the child, the possible ways of this ritual and the information about the naming, burial and the maternity benefit. Another suitable method would be to create a training leaflet that would summarize the basic information related to this issue. This work could contribute to raising awareness amongst the midwives and thereby women in labour would receive not only professional care of their basic biological needs but also the adequate support in the psycho-social field. Midwives would become competent accompanying persons in this, for the woman very challenging time of life.

Nutrition of patients in oncology departments
The title of my bachelor thesis is Nutrition of Patients in Oncology Departments. In the theoretical part, I focused on the characteristics of malnutrition cancer, its symptoms, types of tumor malnutrition, its causes and consequences. Then I mentioned and described the various changes in metabolism of an oncology patient and a diagnosis of malnutrition. In the next part I described various types of nutritional support. In the theoretical part, I also focused on cancer therapy, where I described types of cancer treatment, various side effects of cancer therapy associated with intake of food and beverages and for every undesirable side effect I stated dietary recommendations. In the last part I mentioned risk factors and prevention of cancer. The goal of the practical part of my bachelor thesis was to determine the nutritional status of hospitalized patients in oncology departments in the context of anticancer therapy. I responded to three research questions: 1. "How does the antitumor therapy affect quality and quantity of consumed food?" 2. "How often must parenteral and enteral nutrition be applied to these patients?" 3. "How does the antitumor therapy affect the patient's weight?" The method quantitative and qualitative research was used for processing of the research part. The research was conducted by creating a week's records of diet, which were recorded by hospitalized patients in two departments of oncology. The research sample consisted of 50 oncology patients. Week's records of diet were recorded by 30 patients at University Hospital in Olomouc and by 20 patients at the University Hospital in Motol, Prague. The results were processed by Nutriservis software. Values of energy, protein, fat and carbohydrates calculated by Nutriservis software were compared with the recommended values corresponding with weight and age of the patient. I also examined the number of cases of parenteral and enteral nutrition and weight loss during cancer therapy by having records of the patient's weight at the beginning of anticancer treatments and their current weight. All patients were in the second half of anticancer treatment. I learned this information from patient documentation. To be allowed to have a look into the patient's documentation I prepared informed consent form, which I had consequently signed by the patients. The processed data are interpreted using tables and graphs, which are always accompanied by commentary. I have divided patients into groups according to diagnoses for evaluation. The results show that most patients have an inadequate intake of energy and essential nutrients. Food intake of patients has shown to be dependant on the type of tumor. Patients with carcinomas of the upper digestive tract, colon and carcinomas of liver, gall bladder and pancreas have larger deficiency of energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in comparison to patients with genital carcinomas. Patients with carcinomas of the kidney and urinary tract have also shown a significant deficit of energy, protein, fat and carbohydrates. The nutritional support was very common, particularly to patients to whom the tumor caused obstruction of some part of their digestive tract. As for carcinomas of the upper digestive tract, PEG is implemented to most patients. Very common was providing of sipping as an addition to their normal diet and in case of major nutrition complications parenteral nutrition was also often applied. The weight loss was apparent on most the patients. How significant was the weight loss depended on the type of tumor. Adequate intake of energy, nutrients and drinks during anticancer treatment is very important for patients. In the case of formation or developement of tumor malnutrition or developement of complications associated with food intake, nutritional support should be ensured timely according to patient's individual condition.

Design of computer tomograph
Bojková, Eva ; Lehocký, Peter (referee) ; Zvonek, Miroslav (advisor)
The graduation thesis is engaged in the design of computed tomography (CT). It is a piece of medical equipment which helps to define the diagnosis of a patient. The first part of the project is a research into contemporary stage and production of CT systems. Consequently the new design of computed tomography is designed in a way to maximise ergonomical, technical and aesthetic quality.

Image analysis in tribodiagnostics
Machalík, Stanislav ; Stodola,, Jiří (referee) ; Tillová,, Eva (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Image analysis of wear particles is a suitable support tool for detail analysis of engine, gear, hydraulic and industrial oils. It allows to obtain information not only of basic parameters of abrasion particles but also data that would be very difficult to obtain using classical ways of evaluation. Based on the analysis of morphological or image characteristics of particles, the progress of wearing the machine parts out can be followed and, as a result, possible breakdown of the engine can be prevented or the optimum period for changing the oil can be determined. The aim of this paper is to explore the possibilities of using the image analysis combined with the method of analytical ferrography and suggest a tool for automated particle classification. Current methods of wear particle analysis are derived from the evaluation that does not offer an exact idea of processes that take place between the friction surfaces in the engine system. The work is based upon the method of analytical ferrography which allows to evaluate the state of the machine. The benefit of use of classifiers defined in this wirk is the possibility of automated evaluation of analytical ferrography outputs; the use of them eliminates the crucial disadvantage of ferrographical analysis which is its dependence on the subjective evaluation done by the expert who performs the analysis. Classifiers are defined as a result of using the methods of machine learning. Based on an extensive database of particles that was created in the first part of the work, the classifiers were trained as a result, they make the evaluation of ferrographically separated abrasion particles from oils taken from lubricated systems possible. In the next stage, experiments were carried out and optimum classifier settings were determined based on the results of the experiments.

On the use of accelerated hadrons in treatment of cancer
Kundrát, Pavel ; Lokajíček st., Miloš
Basic principles of hadron radiotherpy and its current use worldwide will be summarized. Situation in the Czech Republic will be discussed, too

Role of the nurse in screening for depression in the elderly.
The diploma thesis deals with problems of depression in older people. Mainly the work is focused on identifying and analyzing the role of nurses in screening for depression in older people in primary care, acute care, long-term care and home care. This thesis was focused on theoretical direction and was used the method of design and demonstration. In this thesis was set one main goals with five research questions. The main goal was to identify and analyze the role of nurses in screening for depression in the elderly. RQ 1: What is the role of the nurse in screening for depression in the elderly? RQ 2: What is the role of the nurse in the primary care in screening for depression in the elderly? RQ 3: What is the role of the nurse in screening for depression in hospitalized patients in acute care? RQ 4: What is the role of the nurse in screening for depression in seniors in long-term and home care? RQ 5: What rating scales and methods are used in screening for depression in the elderly? The thesis introduce the concept of depression. The following are specified the causes of and the important factors that affect depression in the elderly. It also deals the differences in the clinical symptomatology of depression in old age. It explains possibilities and various barriers in the diagnosis of depression. Another chapter introduces complete geriatric examination, diagnostic classification systems, possible screening methods and scales for detection of depression in the elderly population. It also deals methods of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment and its possible complications associated with older age. By reason of increased suicide rate caused by depressive disorder the issue of suicidal behavior in the elderly is introduced. The next chapter deals with the nursing process, which is used by nurses in practice. It consists of the evaluation of the patient's health condition, making nursing diagnosis, creating nursing plan and subsequent implementation and evaluation. The nursing process is also needy for providing quality care. The nursing process in the stage of nursing diagnosis, introduces possible nursing diagnosis for a patient suffering from depression, which are based on the latest classification. Finally is described the role of nurses in screening for depression in the elderly in different health facilities and their contribution to the timely evaluation of depression in the elderly. This chapter introduces the role of nurses, nursing screening and collaboration with a physician. The role of nurses in screening for depression in different medical facilities is based on the first phase of the nursing process of assessment. On the basis of objective and subjective information, the nurse will assess the overall health and mental condition of the patient. Primarily, it was investigated what is the role of the nurse in screening for depression. On the basis of content analysis and synthesis it was necessary to used and processed domestic and foreign literature. A number of relevant sources are the results of various studies and Meta-analyzes, mostly from abroad, but also from the Czech Republic. The thesis can serve as a basis for nurses. The result of this thesis is to create e-learning material available for students in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice in the tutorial called Moodle.

Dexterity of 10-11 Year-old Children in Various Sports
Nykodýmová, Simona ; Hájková, Jana (advisor) ; Přibyl, Ivan (referee)
Pohyb je přirozenou součástí života a také jeho základním projevem. Lidský organismus je řizpůsoben aktivní činnosti. Pohyb má vliv nejen při práci, lokomoci ale i na tělesné a duševní linkce a krátkodobý i dlouhodobý zdravotní stav. Tento pojem je součástí snad každé diplomové ráce, která souvisí s tělovýchovou, proto ho úvodem zmiňuji. Jednou z aktivních činností je sport. Společnost nám nabízí sport v mnoha formách a na anoha úrovních, od rekreační formy tělesné aktivity až po vrcholový sport. Sport a pohybová ktivita působí na osobnost člověk a jeho vývoj pozitivně. Ke sportu musí děti někdo vést. Některé děti sice tíhnou k nějakému sportu, což ukazuje, že rndou jistě pohybově nadanější, jiné však potřebují silnější motivaci. Motivací dětí k pohybu je /ětšinou hra se zhodnocením a srovnáním. Testování lidské výkonnosti a zdatnosti bylo popsáno v mnoha publikací domácích i zahraničních. Tělesná výkonnost a zdatnost také úzce souvisí s posuzováním zdravotního stavu člověka. Z výsledků testů může učitel či trenér mnoho rozpoznat o tělesném a zdravotním stavu fiítěte.

Aestetics aspects of hospital environment and influence on mental condition of patient
Konůpková, Jana ; Kutnohorská, Jana (advisor) ; Bavor, Josef (referee) ; Pečenková, Jaroslava (referee)
The thesis describes aesthetics aspects in hospital environment, which affect mental condition of patients. Theoretical part contents description of anatomy and selected sense physiology - definition of light, colour, shape, smell and sound sensation psychology. Mental condition of patient during the hospitalization is closely described. Empiric part is based on quantitative analysis and pointed on aesthetic aspects, which affect patients the most. Analysed sample created 100 of informants from internal, surgical and children's ward. All the patients came from Oblastní nemocnice Jičín and had different diagnosis.

Study of signal systems with special focus on the role of nitric oxide: gene expression, regulation and pharmacological modulation in hepatocytes and adipocytes
Kutinová Canová, Nikolina ; Farghali, Hassan (advisor) ; Červinková, Zuzana (referee) ; Martásek, Pavel (referee)
Nitric oxide (NO) is involved in surprising array of vital physiological and pathophysiological phenomena. The expression of nitric oxide synthases, endothelial (eNOS) and inducible (iNOS), was demonstrated in rat liver and white adipose tissue among others. Therefore, the goals of the present thesis were to provide in vitro data about NO in the liver and white adipose tissue and to assess: 1) the effects of selective immunosuppressive drugs, cyclosporin A (CsA) and tacrolimus (FK 506), and nonspecific and specific iNOS inhibitors on NO production and iNOS expression during endotoxemic insult using primary rat hepatocyte culture; 2) spontaneous NO production under various culture conditions with comparison of its influence on functional status of hepatocytes in conventional cell culture and in hepatocyte bioreactors; 3) effects of S-nitroso-N-acetyl penicillamine (SNAP), D- galactosamine (D-GalN), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), LPS+D-GalN and thapsigargin (TG), a selective inhibitor of a sarco-endoplasmic reticulum-Ca2+ -ATPase, on apoptotic/necrotic markers in relation to NO production; 4) the effect of LPS on lipolysis in relation to iNOS stimulation; and 5) the interplay between NO production and β3-adrenoreceptor (β3- AR)/cAMP pathway on lipolysis in rat epididymal adipocyte culture. We found that CsA, FK...