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Analysis of financial products for students in the Czech Republic and the chosen country of the European Union.
NOVÁ, Michaela
The aim of this diploma thesis is an analysis of financial products for students in the Czech Republic and the chosen country of the European Union. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts related to banking, financial mathematics and decision-making models. In the practical part individual student accounts are analyzed and then two model examples for the monthly costs account and for multi-criteria decision-making methods are processed.

Is import of goods from european countries to Czech republic more or less influenced by changes in nominal and real exchange rates than in non european countries?
Vereš, Jan ; Stroukal, Dominik (advisor) ; Slaný, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses the connection between import of goods from foreign countries to Czech Republic and the exchange rate changes. The initial hypothesis of this paper is to prove that the depreciation of domestic currency has positive influence on balance of trade balance. For this purpose there is eight econometric models which were created by using time series from years 2003 to 2016. These models are divided in pairs among four chosen countries. For each country two models were created that follow the development of trade balance between Czech Republic and one of the countries in two different time frames. All the models always use the real effective exchange rate, growth rate of GDP for Czech Republic and growth rate of GDP for one of the countries as explanatory variable. It is connected with the second task of this thesis, which is the analysis of the differences in the behaviour of the models that belong to the countries which are members of the EU and these that are not. The aim is to find out whether the existence of tariffs on imported goods from countries out of the EU causes visible differences in the behaviour of the variables that were included in the models. Based on the outcomes of all eight models the main hypothesis has been proved right for three out of four countries. In the models for Germany, China and France the relation of real exchange rate and trade balance came out as positive in long term, in short term the outcome was ambiguous. The second question of this thesis has been answered, but its added value is questionable. The final models for each state do show some noticeable differences and they can be used to determine if the influence of the change of exchange rates on trade balance is smaller or bigger in the countries where tariffs are used. On the other hand, from the results we can learn that the sample of only four countries is insufficient for the deduction of any conclusions.

Analysis of real and nominal convergence of the Visegrad Group in the years 2000-2015
Wikturna, Jan ; Strejček, Ivo (advisor) ; Zamrazilová, Eva (referee)
This Bachelor thesis is focused on a macroeconomic analysis of the process of the real and nominal convergence of the Visegrad Group countries to the old member states of the European Union, called EU-15 during the period of 2000-2015. The objective of the analysis is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that in the selected period there is a convergence of the economically backward V4 countries with the advanced EU-15 countries and to highlight the factors that are behind the narrowing of the gap in economics and price levels. The theoretical part deals with the ways in which we measure and compare the economic performance and economic level, and explains the different approaches of the problem of economic growth and the subsequent catching up effect. The practical part is focused on a comparison of elected macroeconomic indicators and reference is made to the selected factors to determine whether, and for what reasons, the economic convergence of these selected countries made towards the developed countries of the EU-15. The analytical part confirms the ongoing process of the real and nominal convergence throughout the period, but its course is varied during different times of the period. In conclusion, it is found that the rate varied by the convergence processes and in fact positively affected the V4 countries, that joined the European Union. The incoming dynamics of the convergence, especially the prices, were significantly disrupted by the economic crisis.

Analysis of the Economic Development of BRICS Countries in 2007–2015
Berka, Kryštof ; Procházka, Pavel (advisor) ; Dyba, Karel (referee)
The aim of the bachelor's thesis is economic development assessment among and within BRICs countries in the context of developed world during 2007-2015. Based on yearly panel data, an analysis for following macroeconomic indicators was carried out: gross domestic product, inflation rate, unemployment rate, current account on the balance of payments, exchange rate. The profound analysis of selected indicators is instrumental in the comparison of member states and is supplemented by the comparison of BRICs and G6. Based on its evidence, I come to a conclusion that the BRICs as a whole succeeded in establishing as a strong global actor. That has been achieved with the help of global financial crisis, but also with regard to the economic policy implemented in 2007-2015. As a result, GDP of BRICs in terms of GDP of G6 achieved stable growth rate leading to its increase by 52 %. Besides providing main findings, outcomes of this thesis enable to identify main weaknesses and strengths of BRICs economies affecting the prospects for continuance of stable economic growth.

Fiscal rules in selected EU countries between 2004-2015: sensible method for consolidation of public finances or fad of politicians?
Veselý, Lukáš ; Strejček, Ivo (advisor) ; Chmelová, Pavla (referee)
The subject of fiscal rules is very topical issue. The rise of public debt in certain developed countries resulted in what is sometimes called "debt crisis". Debt of those countries which is higher than their annual gross domestic product is viewed as unpayable by some economists. The main objective of this thesis has been to prove or disprove hypothesis that the fiscal rules studied in this paper are an effective solution for public finance consolidation. This verification was based on the analysis of fiscal rules functioning in selected countries between 2004 and 2015. As per results of analysis the paper aims to give recommendations for the Czech financial constitution proposal. The actual results of inquiry proved the hypothesis. Well-chosen fiscal rules are the right way towards fiscal consolidation, provided they are observed. Fiscal rules making thus requires an emphasis to be placed on the well-formulated exit clauses altogether with prospective sanctions. The current Czech financial constitution proposal is built on the correctly picked fiscal rule type, although the reference value lacks economic sense and it would not lead, with a high degree of probability, towards fiscal consolidation.

Migration to selected EU countries: Labor market integration
Kaclíková, Roberta ; Šaroch, Stanislav (advisor) ; Němcová, Ingeborg (referee)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyse the labor market of European Union and its certain countries in relation to the immigration with the backgound of various social welfare models. The paper is analysing the topic of labor market of European Union, integration of immigrants on this market, with focus on economies and labour markets of Sweden, United Kingdom and Germany as countries with high level of immigration that are representing three different social welfare models, such as Nordic model, Liberal model and Conservative model. The main objective of this thesis is the analysis of labor markets in selected countries of the European Union in relation to immigration and their subsequent comparison using the background of different social welfare models. The result is the evaluation of effectivness of the various social models based on statistical data, acquired knowledge and performed comparisons. The thesis is divided into four chapters and contains 13 tables and 8 charts.

The Asian financial crisis and post-crisis development of newly industrialized countries of Asia
Panchenko, Victoria ; Bolotov, Ilya (advisor) ; Černá, Iveta (referee)
This thesis analyzes the Asian financial crisis by providing a comprehensive view of the development of the economies of the Asian newly industrialized countries before and after the outbreak of the crisis. The aim of this paper is to explore and understand the causes of the crisis and derive practical lessons. The work is structured as follows. The first chapter is theoretical and defines newly industrialized countries by focusing on the characteristics of the economic and social status of these countries in a period of prosperity. The second chapter examines the financial crisis in 1997 - its origin, causes, indicators and progress. The last chapter discusses the impact of the crisis both on countries of Southeast Asia and on the world economy overall. Afterwards, summarizing of the lessons that can be learned from the Asian financial crisis and that remain urgent even nowadays is outlined.

Competitiveness of the EU countries – Comparative Analysis
Kalík, Jan ; Černá, Iveta (advisor) ; Bolotov, Ilya (referee)
The diploma thesis focuses on comparative analysis of the EU countries, specifically of the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany. The paper is divided into four parts. The initial chapter is aimed at specification of the term competitiveness and the methods of measuring the competitiveness. The second and the third part focus on evaluation of chosen countries by using hard indicators and their placement in multicriterial rankings. The last chapter focuses on comparison between the competitiveness of United Kingdom and Germany

Implicit Pension Debt in the EU Member States
Doležal, Vítězslav ; Schneider, Ondřej (advisor) ; Votápková, Jana (referee)
The diploma thesis examines the implicit pension debt in the fifteen EU countries. The Holzmann et al. (2011) methodology is applied to show the impact of population ageing on the pension systems in the EU. The implicit pension debts demonstrate the considerable hidden debt burden in the all fifteen countries. The implicit pension debts range in the interval from 47 % of GDP for the Czech Republic to 906 % for Greece. Nine of the analyzed countries record the implicit pension debts in the interval 100 - 300 % of GDP. The sensitivity analysis and the comparison with other studies confirm our findings. The thesis points out sizeable imbalances among the particular countries, genders and age cohorts.

Comparison of production and conditions of use of liquid biofuels in different countries
Semerák, Adam ; Pecen, Josef (advisor) ; Krepl, Vladimír (referee)
Biofuels production has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Many countries initiated legislative measures to promote their development, production and use in the transport sector. However, there are also growing concerns about the economic, environmental and social sustainability of biofuels, as well as their ability to truly meet the expectations of energy security. This paper attempted to point out the complexity and diversity of the production and use of liquid biofuels in the transport sector while using available information resources. More specifically, bioethanol and biodiesel which are most commonly used biofuels. Furthermore, he also tried to point out the diversity of characteristics and impacts in production and use of liquid biofuels, as well as the importance of consideration of the specific local conditions. That was examined from four perspectives of sustainability: technological, economical, socioinstitutional, and environmental. To illustrate the diversity and interdependence of the impacts of this whole issue two countries with very different human development indexes were selected. The Malaysia and India. At the basis of this paper the author concluded that for successful and sustainable production of liquid biofuels there must be taken into account all the factors examined equally. He also emphasized the importance of further research of this renewable energy source in terms of ensuring future energy security.