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Ichthyological monitoring of the Brno water reservoir in the year 2013
Jurajda, Pavel
This ichthyological survey of the Brno Reservoir was undertaken for the Morava River Basin company. Its aim is to provide an overview of the fish community composition in the reservoir and to forecast its development over the coming years. The survey focused on adult and juvenile fish communities in order to obtain information on species richness, relative composition, relative abundance and natural reproduction, and relates this to measures to improve water quality that have been implemented in the reservoir basin.

Management of industrial companies with the head ofice in České Budějovice in 2010
This bachelor thesis deals both with analysis and synthesis of financial indicators of industrial companies in 2010. Basic criteria for picking companies in the list are: the number of empolyees must be 20 or higher and the head office must be situated in České Budějovice. Data about financial management are taken from final accounts, consisting of balance sheet and profit and loss account. This thesis takes emphasis on following indicators: turnover, total profit, value added and personal expenses of the company. Last indicator refers to the nuber of employees. The objective of this work is to elaborate an overview about financial management of chosen companies in order to compare them with each other.

The Incidence of Suicide Among Alcoholics
LHOTSKÁ, Veronika
For my master thesis, I have chosen the topic of alcoholics' suicide occurrence. There were 1647 people who have committed a suicide in the Czech Republic during the year 2012. Out of the 1647 people, there were 1370 men, and 277 women (ČSÚ, 2013). The deaths of alcoholics are not recorded by the National Evidence Center. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The information for the theoretical part was gathered from academic sources. The two examined parts are the suicide commitment in the Czech Republic, and the alcohol consumption. The practical part is simply a primary research that I have done in PL Červený Dvůr. The research had two parts; quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative part was done through interviews with chosen respondents. The quantitative part was done through surveys distributed in PL Červený Dvůr. I have chosen to do the quantitative part first, so that I could choose the right candidates for the quantitative part based on their responses. The interviews helped me to complete the information I was looking for. I have set various goals that I wanted to reach through the research. The main goal was to chart the suicide behavior of alcoholics who are patients of PL Červený Dvůr. In order to reach such goal, I have set partial goals. The first partial goal was to contras the reason that lead the patients of PL Červený Dvůr to try to commit a suicide. According to the results I received, the most common reason for committing a suicide is either unfulfilled love, or the breaking-up with partner. Another goal was to discover the way the patients tried to kill themselves. As the majority responded so, the most common way is to cut the veins while drunk. The third goal was to compare and contrast the different reasons why as well as the ways how to commit a suicide. I have focused on two groups of patients of PL Červený Dvůr; the alcoholics and the toxicants. The alcoholics had proven that the reason why the tried to kill themselves was love, but the toxicants stated that they did it because they simply did not have a reason to live anymore. Both of the groups decided to end their lives by cutting their veins.

The migration crisis in Europe and subsequent implications for Swedish welfare state
Lacková, Dominika ; Bič, Josef (advisor) ; Němcová, Ingeborg (referee)
In general, migration is one of the most important global challenges. The topic of regulating migration flows came to the fore in relation to the current Europe's migration, or more precisely, refugee crisis. It has been described as the most massive migrant's crisis since the WW2. Unprecedented influx of immigrants and refugees in 2015 resulted in that even the best prepared European countries, such as Sweden, have reached a tipping point with regard to respect EU standards related to reception and processing of asylum applications. Master thesis covered two main analyses - the relevance of the refugee crisis in the EU in regards to the Swedish welfare state and the subsequent implications arising from the refugee crisis for the Swedish welfare state.

Differences between men and women in the Czech labour market
Stroukal, Dominik ; Kadeřábková, Božena (advisor) ; Pavelka, Tomáš (referee) ; Němec, Otakar (referee)
This thesis consists of five articles that apply current world research on labor economics at the Czech Republic and confirms the significant differences between men and women in this market. It shows that gender has a significant influence on the preference on the labor market and, consequently, on employment and health. First, the thesis shows that preferences are relevant determinant of career and then we study the difference in preference of salary for men and women. Subsequently it shows that gender plays a significant role in explaining the relationship between homeownership, and unemployment, as well as unemployment and health. The first chapter was able to demonstrate that the preference for a career has a positive influence on the choice of career. The influence of higher education on prioritizing career proved to be positive and significant. Probability of a career choice is reduced by the presence of children, however, is not dependent on their number, which is contrary to the theory of preferences. The second chapter shows that Czech women prefer more non-monetary rewards than men. It has also been shown that people with university education are same in the preferences of non-monetary rewards regardless of the gender of the respondents, however, compared to the world's research, the Czech higher education increases this preference. It turned out that women prefer risk less than men. The third chapter demonstrates that although the housing market undermines labor mobility and employment in the Czech Republic at the regional level, therefore, that in regions with a higher rate of home ownership is higher unemployment, at the individual level, the owners of housing are unemployed are less likely. The estimates are significantly different for men and women. Men living in owner-occupied housing have a higher likelihood of employment than women. At regional level, however, this thesis shows that the high rate of home ownership increases unemployment for both men and women, in the long run only to women. The fourth chapter showed that men transition to homeownership reduces the likelihood of unemployment next year. For women, this relationship has proved to be insignificant. In addition, as insignificant showed the opposite relationship, the transition from unemployment to the newly acquired home ownership. The last chapter shows that the change in the working status to unemployment will increase in the future probability of worse health. Influence in less than two years, however, proved to be significant. An important conclusion is that men have a significantly stronger relationship between health and unemployment than women.

Multicriteria games
Tichá, Michaela ; Dlouhý, Martin (advisor) ; Lachout, Petr (referee) ; Čičková, Zuzana (referee)
Theory of multicriteria games is a special field of game theory, when one or more players have at least two payoff functions and want to maximize simultaneously. The work introduces a number of new findings. It examined the concept of finding equilibria in pure strategies in noncooperative multicriteria game. It is possible to find all the equilibria in pure strategies by full search and solving two linear programs for each point. Furthermore, two linear programs are formulated for verifying that a selected point is the equilibrium of the game or not. In the noncooperative games is also introduced the concept that with knowledge of the equilibrium of bimatrix game determines preferences of the players. Although finding the equilibrium point of the bimatrix game is nonlinear problem, finding the preferences is linear problem. The latest findings in the noncooperative games is a generalization of the concept that solves multicriteria game by assigning weights to each criterion of each player. The work demonstrates that it may not be necessarily linear weights, but it can be more general function that describes the player's preference. The remaining part is devoted to knowledge in cooperative games. There is considered that the players know their preferences and are able to express them by weights. The game with known preferences is defined and solved with the use of bargaining theory. Then it is generalized to a case where players have more payoff functions, from which they can choose. Finally, the multicriteria case of voting game is defined. It is designed completely new concept, which selects the winning coalition in the voting game. This concept is then applied to the real situation after the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013.

The Religious Sisters' charitable and social service after 1948
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the destiny of female orders and congregations, whose traditional work in educational and medical institutions was forbidden by Action Ř in 1950. Communist regime tried to force nuns to take off their habits and work in civil occupations, by means of hard work in factories and on farms. Female orders, whose main role was to educate children and youth, and contemplative orders had to find new areas for their activities. Despite the difficult situation, nuns tried to carry out social and charitable work in such areas, where communist regime allowed them to do so. Many of such affected female orders and congregations found their fulfilment as care workers in health service, social and charitatible area, particularly by taking care of the sick, the old and mentally and physically disabled people. The theoretical part focuses on a description of the relation between church and state after 1948, the status of nuns after the communist takeover in February 1948 and district church secretary's and region church secretary's tasks in relation to nuns. The thesis describes communist work camps for nuns in more detail, there were strict rules and routine and very poor conditions, far from dignified way of life. The summary shows individual communist work camps with factories and workshops, where nuns had to work. The reseach part of the bachelor's thesis describes nuns' social and charitable work after 1948 and their motivation that helped them overcome difficulties, resulting from communist regime. I used the method of qualitative research and oral history method. I have made four profiles of nuns, on the basis of their life stories. These profiles monitor their lives with respect to the topics from the theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis and everything is supported with suitable quotations. I try to monitor both common and different experience of individual nuns and consider how questions of great history reflected on their life stories. The conclusion of the bachelor's thesis cosiders nuns' motivation for their devoted service to their neighbours, their attitudes, opinions and experience.

International involvement in the peacebuilding process on Sri Lanka
Mojžíš, Michal ; Havlová, Radka (advisor) ; Burešová, Jana (referee)
The final months of Sri Lankan civil war, the 26 year military campaign between the Government of Sri Lanka and the insurgent separatist organization Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, are marked by allegations of war crimes committed by both parties of the conflict, including attacks on civilians, summary executions of prisoners, enforced disappearances, restrictions on humanitarian assistance and recruitment of children. Since the attempts to put the Sri Lankan issue on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council failed on the unwillingness of China and Russia, the UN bodies in Geneva have taken a leading role in promoting the peacebuilding process on the island. The thesis aims to analyse the impact of the Geneva-based human rights bodies, in particular of the United Nations Human Rights Council, on the process of reconciliation in Sri Lanka, for which is crucial that the alleged violations of human rights in the last months of the civil war would be properly investigated and that the perpetrators would be held accountable. In order to put the activity of the UN Human Rights Council into broader context, the paper will examine the political development in Sri Lanka since the end of the civil war in 2009 as well as the failed efforts of Sri Lankan governments to launch the process of reconciliation.

Discussion on US sanctions against Cuba at the U.N. General Assembly
Šplíchalová, Eva ; Trávníčková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Machoň, Miloslav (referee)
The United States imposed the longest lasting sanction regime on Cuba in 1960 as a result of strained relations in recent years. Each US administration modified form of the sanctions regime, depending on the attitude toward the Cuban issue. General Assembly, the highest authority of the UN, adopts not legally binding but politically significant resolutions. Resolution condemning US sanctions regime has been adopted annually since 1992. Discussion on changes of the sanction regime in the General Assembly is a sign of reflection on current events and unrigid process of resolutions adoption. The main purpose is to determine whether the changes of the sanction regime were mentioned in the discussions on the adoption of the resolutions. The result of the analysis shows the reflection of the events in the speeches of ambassadors. The amount of mentioned events in speeches depends whether they were positive or negative step toward easing the embargo, and also how important the event was.

Height measurement in the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karviná Mines In 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Waclawik, Petr ; Staš, Lubomír
In the northern area of ​​mining areas Doubrava and Karvina mines on the border RA Detmarovice and Doubrava are implemented, the mining activities. For this reason, in order to detect possible effects of the mine to the surface and surface objects twice a year height focuses, points in this area stable. From 2014 he was a contractor for these works chosen by the Institute of Geonics, v.v.i., Ostrava. In August and November 2016 survey conducted campaigns planned this year, during which it conducted a total of 4 highrise focus of inter-related leveling routes, which are formed by these points. Highrise points are stabilized in the area of ​​interest in several ways - usually in steel design height marks on buildings, then as an iron bolt concreted in the ground or using nails driven into the concrete foundation or other alternative means. Distribution points in the area of ​​interest is indicative captured in the map appendix. Existing trace and focus points are highlighted in green, yellow trace inaccessible points, refocused points in red and violet points that have occurred to their long term disablement or destruction. Each zaměřovaných points in order to trace the terrain carefully documented (GPS coordinates, photos, text description) and registered. These documents are available from the contractor.