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Database System for Silver Piston SMC Competition
Lenhart, Vojtěch ; Šeda, Miloš (referee) ; Dobrovský, Ladislav (advisor)
This master's thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a database system for the SMC Silver Piston competition. The work includes an introduction to the competition, an analysis of the existing database and technical aspects of development, including security measures. It analyzes the needs and requirements of the competition and proposes a suitable solution for managing competition tasks, scoring and user account management. The application implementation involves creating a database structure, implementing security measures and developing a user interface with responsive design for various devices. The result is a complex database system that meets the requirements of the SMC Silver Piston competition and provides a user-friendly environment for managing the competition. The achieved results are evaluated and possibilities for further development and improvement of the system are mentioned.
Web Based Simulator of Superscalar Processors
Majer, Michal ; Olšák, Ondřej (referee) ; Jaroš, Jiří (advisor)
A clear and interactive visualization of the superscalar processor is a valuable tool for studying its operation, particularly due to its complexity. The main contribution of this work is the extension of the existing RISC-V instruction set simulator with a new web-based user interface and improvements of the simulation quality. Nearly all modules of the simulator have been enhanced. Among other things, errors in the implementation have been resolved, statistics collection has been improved, and the instruction set has been expanded. The integration with the C language compiler is of great benefit. The simulator has been expanded to include HTTP and CLI interfaces. The React library has been utilized for implementing the web application. The result of the work is a functional and tested application, ready for practical use and with a positive impact on education.
User-friendliness of the City Councils Voting System
Osinek, Pavel ; Hynek, Jiří (referee) ; Zaklová, Kristýna (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the user-friendliness of the system for the visualization of the Brno City Council voting. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the initial state of the system, and based on the findings, to design and implement a redesign of the user interface, with an emphasis on user-friendliness, also in the smartphone display version. The implementation included adding extensions to the system. The theoretical part summarizes elementary information about the municipal councils and possible ways of presenting data from their meetings. The concepts of user-friendliness and data visualization are also explained. The created redesign was implemented using Cascading Style Sheets and the React, Chart.js and PrimeReact libraries. The practical part of the thesis also includes refactoring and optimization of the client side of the application. The system was tested by a representative group of users. The findings of this thesis include a survey of the target user group, the design and the implementation of a user-friendly interface of the system and its extension.
Web for Displaying Archive Materials
Malík, Oto ; Veigend, Petr (referee) ; Rozman, Jaroslav (advisor)
The thesis deals with the websites analysis of the archives in the Czech Republic and used technologies. The aim of the thesis is to design an intuitive user interface and to create a datacentric web application for displaying archival materials from eight main archives in the Czech Republic. The server part of the application is implemented by using the Java programming language with Spring Boot. The client part of the application is built by using Angular, and the part of the application that is designed for a detailed browsing of the digitized attachments is created by using the OpenSeadragon JavaScript library.
Web for Displaying Archive Materials
Šesták, Pavel ; Veigend, Petr (referee) ; Rozman, Jaroslav (advisor)
The aim of the thesis is to unify the data of the individual archives into one system, within which the user will be able to search and view the data. In particular, it is about scanned archival materials and their metadata. The thesis describes the different types of archival data and analyses the current systems. The thesis compares four scraping systems on the basis of dataset size, missing values and consistency between datasets. The archival imaging system is then modeled using behavioral and structural UML diagrams. The work also includes a graphical design produced in Figma. The thesis also includes a description of the implementation, testing and deployment procedure using Docker on the school infrastructure.
Generating Synthetic Web Traffic
Koprda, Peter ; Žádník, Martin (referee) ; Hranický, Radek (advisor)
Web crawlers, známi aj ako webové pavúky alebo roboty, zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu pri vyhľadávaní informácií, optimalizácii pre vyhľadávače a indexovaní webových stránok. Weboví roboti sa však môžu používať aj pri penetračnom testovaní webových aplikácií. Automatizácia procesu odhaľovania zraniteľností, identifikácia skrytých koncových bodov a efektívne mapovanie štruktúry webovej aplikácie môžu zvýšiť účinnosť penetračného testovania. Táto práca sa zameriava na vytvorenie nástroja určeného na generovanie neľudskej (syntetickej) webovej prevádzky. Tento nástroj bude určený aj na automatizované penetračné testovanie webových aplikácií pomocou webových robotov s využitím syntetickej webovej prevádzky na rozšírenie možností testovania. Okrem toho sa tento nástroj bude používať na hodnotenie účinosti bezpečnostných systémov, ako sú IDS, IPS a webové aplikačné firewally (WAF).
Web application for setting up an ergonomic position on a bicycle
Vlasák, Jiří ; Bobák, Petr (referee) ; Čadík, Martin (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na vývoj webové aplikace, která uživatelům pomůže nastavit ergonomickou polohu na jízdním kole. Aplikace využívá model odhadu pózy RTMPose k analýze videa uživatele šlapajícího na kole z profilu, poté vypočítá rozličné úhly kloubů a poskytne uživateli návrhy na změnu výšky sedla kola, předozadní polohu sedla, výšky řídítek a předozadní polohy řídítek pro dosažení ergonomičtějšího posedu. Aplikace je implementována pomocí frameworku SvelteKit. Model pro odhad pózy běží na straně klienta pomocí knihovny TensorFlow.js. Pro vyhodnocení a zlepšení přesnosti modelu odhadu pózy byla vytvořena datová sada 2309 fotografií autora šlapajícího na kole. Po fine-tunování modelu na tomto datovém souboru se normovaná průměrná chyba modelu výrazně snížila z 2,54 na 1,51 (zlepšení o 40 %). Experimenty ukázaly, že aplikace detekuje změny úhlu způsobené změnami výšky sedla a že ji lze použít k nastavení výšky sedla.
Secure Coding Guidelines for Java
Jalakšová, Michaela ; Malinka, Kamil (referee) ; Tamaškovič, Marek (advisor)
Java je populárny programovací jazyk, ktorý je široko používaný v rôznych aplikáciách. Java však nie je výnimkou, pokiaľ ide o zraniteľnosť voči útokom, ktoré hľadajú bezpečnostné chyby v kóde. Cieľom tejto práce je zvýšiť povedomie o zraniteľnostiach programovania v Jave a vyvinúť vzdelávací nástroj, ktorý pomôže programátorom naučiť sa písať bezpečnejší kód. Cieľom tohto nástroja je poskytnúť programátorom Javy informácie o postupoch bezpečného kódovania a prostredie, kde sa môžu naučiť základy bezpečného programovania. Táto práca tiež poskytuje riešenie niektorých bežnejších zraniteľností v Jave.
Mobile application for remote therapy of hypokinetic dysarthria
Semanková, Soňa ; Mekyska, Jiří (referee) ; Galáž, Zoltán (advisor)
Hypokinetic dysarthria is a motor speech disorder that is a common symptom of Parkinson’s disease. Currently, the 3F test is used in the Czech Republic for the diagnosis of dysarthria, on the basis of which a therapeutic material for dysarthria therapy has been developed. The material contains a large number of exercises from which the clinical speech therapist selects the appropriate exercises for the patient based on the previous diagnosis. Dysarthria tends to be a fluctuating condition, therefore the therapy plan needs to be adapted over time to the patient’s current condition. This is the reason why there is a need for a therapeutic mobile application that would simplify the work of the speech therapist and make the patient’s therapy more comfortable. The goal of this thesis is to design, implement and test such a therapeutic application and web interface that will be used by speech therapists to manage patients’ treatment plans. The result of the work is a functional multiplatform therapeutic application with an administration web interface. The server side of the application is implemented using Django framework in Python and the user interface is implemented using React Native and React frameworks in TypeScript.
An App for Organising Football Tournaments
Sadlek, Samuel ; Chlubna, Tomáš (referee) ; Kapinus, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals in detail with the design and implementation of a sophisticated web application that is specifically designed for the management and coordination of football tournaments. The aim of the work is to develop and provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows users to efficiently organize tournaments, track the progress of individual matches and effectively manage the schedule of competitions. A key aspect of the application is its ability to integrate a timer that supports real-time recording and timely updates of events during matches. This system provides invaluable support to tournament organisers by ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of information that is essential for the smooth running of football events.

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