National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Graduates of secondary schools and the labor market. Industry: Law, legal and public administration
Doležalová, Gabriela ; Vojtěch, Jiří
Contains important and available information about the number of newly admitted students and graduates, their readiness and success in the transition to the labor market or to further education, about whether graduates actually in the field working etc., for selected industries, here specifically for industry Law, Legal and Public Law Activities. It is not a separate sector, but rather activities that intersect across all sectors of the economy.
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Analysis of unemployment of young people in the Czech republic
Šleisová, Jaroslava ; Miskolczi, Martina (advisor) ; Antovová, Michaela (referee)
The bachelor thesis is focused on analysis of unemployment of young people in the age up to 29 years in the Czech Republic during 2003--2013. Exactly these people belong to threatened groups on the labour market in recent years. Further, unemployed university graduates were selected from the age group of young ones and were analysed according to their differences based on attained education at the university and time since the graduation, during which they are registered at labour office of the Czech Republic. Unemployment trend was mainly influenced by economic crisis, when substantial increase of unemployment in all age groups was identified and young people aged 20--29 years belong to most threatened age group on the labour market. This could be caused by reluctance of companies to employ workers without experience. Trend of unemployment of graduates worsened after economic crisis. The most of unemployed graduated was in the period till half year after graduation.
Unemployment of graduates and their educational structure
Polakovič, Martin ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Durdisová, Jaroslava (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the unemployment of graduates, it focuses on their educational structure. The main aim is to refuse or confirm the hypothesis that more educated people are less vulnerable to unemployment. To analyse labour market there are used data collected by labour offices and data from survey. In this thesis are analysed three specific areas -- Prague, Moravian-Silesian Region and Usti nad Labem Region. Czech educational system and labour market has changed a lot over last few decades. In relation to this fact, it began a discussion about over-education. The thesis also deals with this over-education problem. It explains reasons why the college graduates are still less vulnerable to unemployment than less educated people. The last part of this work contents the forecast of future development on labour market.
Unemployment of Czech University Graduates
Šíšová, Veronika ; Sedláková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Nový, Jan (referee)
My bachelor thesis called Unemployment of graduates of Czech universities considers unemployment of graduates of universities in various branches at labour market. It has two parts- theoretical and practical.In the practical part it focuses on South Bohemia, especially Tábor and České Budějovice regions. These two regions are compared with region Prague. My thesis deals with the importance of the right choice of the field of study and practice in getting job. At the end I try find a possible solution to the graduate unemployment.

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