National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Steel interior staircase in the polytechnical building in Bratislava
Redecha, Martin ; Horáček, Martin (referee) ; Pešek, Ondřej (advisor)
The subject of the bachelor thesis is the design and assessment of the supporting steel structure of the staircase in the multifunctional building in Bratislava. The staircase is located in the entrance atrium in an open space between the 1st floor to 3NP with a total height difference of 6850 mm floors. The approximate ground plan dimensions of the staircase construction are 5500 x 5100 mm. The construction of the staircase was designed from enclosed SHS 50x4 steel profiles in steel S355 J2. The construction system represents truss beams of various shapes that are connected to each other by horizontal and oblique dams. All rods are from the profile. Anchoring is rebuilt by anchor plates with a thickness of 15 mm with 4 chemical anchors and threaded rods M12, 8.8. The static calculation was the program by RFEM 6.06. Subsequently, manual calculation and assessment of the most stressed rods were made by internal forces and design and calculation of anchoring. The C-Fix Online program Fischer was also used to design chemical anchors.
New Approaches in Numerical Aeroelasticity Applied in Aerodynamic Optimization of Elastic Wing
Navrátil, Jan ; Slavík, Svatomír (referee) ; Komárek,, Martin (referee) ; Hlinka, Jiří (advisor)
Aeroelasticita je nezbytná vědní disciplína zahrnuta do návrhu letounů. Zaměřuje se na předpovídání jevů, které vznikají vlivem interakce aerodynamických, elastických a setrvačných sil. Tyto jevy často vedou ke katastrofickým následkům, proto musí být prokázáno, že nevzniknou v rozsahu rychlostí ohraničujících letovou obálku. Aplikace moderních materiálů při konstrukci draku, spolu se snahou navrhnout aerodynamicky efektivní tvar křídel, vede ke zvyšování poddajnosti letounů. To má za následek změnu aerodynamických vlastností a také k výraznějšímu vliv na aeroelastické jevy, které mohou být vyvolány snadněji vlivem pohybů tuhého tělesa než v případě tužších konstrukcí. Aeroelastické jevy mohou vznikat v širokém rozsahu rychlostí zahrnujícím i transsonickou oblast. V této oblasti je ovlivněna zejména rychlost, při níž dochází k třepetání, a to vlivem nelineárních jevů v proudu. Běžné nástroje, které jsou založeny na lineárních teoriích, nejsou schopny tyto nelineární jevy popsat. Cílem práce je proto navrhnout, implementovat a otestovat nástroj pro výpočetní (numerickou) simulaci aeroelasticity. Nástroj má využívat řešič proudového pole, který je schopen předpovědět nelineární jevy. V práci je kladen důraz na simulaci statické aeroelasticity. V práci jsou popsány metody, které je nutno zahrnout do numerické simulace statické aeroelasticity. Dále je popsán vlastní nástroj a je provedeno zhodnocení konvergence statických aeroelastických výpočtů. Funkčnost nástroje byla ověřena na příkladech, kdy byly použity různé aerodynamické a strukturální modely. Nástroj byl také aplikován při aerodynamické tvarové optimalizaci poddajného křídla. Výsledky optimalizace a její výpočetní náročnost byly porovnány s případem optimalizace tuhého křídla. Na závěr je v práci prezentován příspěvek autora do výzkumu zaměřeného na zhodnocení vlivu časové synchronizace mezi CFD a CSM řešiči. Použitý testovací případ je transsonické obtékání křídla na začátku třepetání (flutteru). Výsledky byly srovnány s experimentálními daty poskytnutými NASA.
Modeling the brain of a rat
Kuřátko, David ; Koudelka, Vlastimil (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with creation and modification of several numerical rat’s brain models which are subsequently used in electromagnetic software CST Studio Suite 2014. The first part of the thesis is focused to insertion of exciting source to the model which depends on the used approach. These sources produce signals on the surface of the rat’s brain model which are then analysed. The experimental part of the thesis dealt with three different procedures of cooking agar jelly, which were used for creation of five plate capacitors, which subsequently served for measure electric properties of phantom. The conclusion of this master’s thesis is focused on comparison between results from simulations and experimental parts with a subsequent analysis of the deviations of results and their possible causes.
Sheeting of foundation pit
Šajuk, Mykola ; Kliš, Lumír (referee) ; Glisníková, Věra (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis describes the design and static assessment of the excavation of the construction pit realized for the construction of the Homole tunnel of the D35 Ostrov – Vysoké Mýto highway section. The introductory part of the work summarizes the basic input information about the location of interest, including the outputs of the engineering-geological survey, and provides an overview of the possibilities of securing construction pits. The core part of the work describes the design, assessment and economic evaluation of three selected variants of the stocking, subsequent evaluation of the results of the selection of the most suitable variant. The resulting structure is supplemented with drawing documentation, which is part of the annex.
Influence of acute stretching on strength predispositions in snowboardcross
Hanko, Michal ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Suchý, Jiří (referee)
Title: Influence of acute stretching on strength predispositions in snowboardcross Objectives: The aim of the work is to evaluate two effects of stretching - static and dynamic on the strength assumptions of the lower extremities by modifying the Bosco test in a group of 3 athletes in the snowboardcross discipline. Methods: Power Measurement in Bosco's Test Modification (3 series jumps of 20 seconds with a 20-second pause) after 5 minutes of warm-up on the bike ergometer (1.5W/kg) and application of a predetermined static or dynamic stretch (approximately 14 minutes). The probands are 3 male athletes in the snowboardcross discipline, aged from 16 to 23 years. Their fitness training consists of a gym 3 times a week (60-90min), gymnastics twice a week (90 min) and an individual evening stretching to develop flexibility at least 3 times a week (30 min). In the off-season, athletic training once a week (60 min). Measured values are - jump count, flight phase time in seconds, contact phase time in seconds, average power expressed in watts, and power drop in percent. Results: We found that two types of stretching - dynamic and static - have different effects on performance in the Bosco test modification. Significantly better results were achieved after application of dynamic stretching. In average...
Influence of acute stretching on strength predispositions in snowboardcross
Hanko, Michal ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Suchý, Jiří (referee)
Title: Influence of acute stretching on strength predispositions in snowboardcross Objectives: The aim of the work is to evaluate two effects of stretching - static and dynamic on the strength assumptions of the lower extremities by modifying the Bosco test in a group of 3 athletes in the snowboardcross discipline. Methods: Power Measurement in Bosco's Test Modification (3 series jumps of 20 seconds with a 20-second pause) after 5 minutes of warm-up on the bike ergometer (1.5W/kg) and application of a predetermined static or dynamic stretch (approximately 14 minutes). The probands are 3 male athletes in the snowboardcross discipline, aged from 16 to 23 years. Their fitness training consists of a gym 3 times a week (60-90min), gymnastics twice a week (90 min) and an individual evening stretching to develop flexibility at least 3 times a week (30 min). In the off-season, athletic training once a week (60 min). Measured values are - jump count, flight phase time in seconds, contact phase time in seconds, average power expressed in watts, and power drop in percent. Results: We found that two types of stretching - dynamic and static - have different effects on performance in the Bosco test modification. Significantly better results were achieved after application of dynamic stretching. In average...
Modeling the brain of a rat
Kuřátko, David ; Koudelka, Vlastimil (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with creation and modification of several numerical rat’s brain models which are subsequently used in electromagnetic software CST Studio Suite 2014. The first part of the thesis is focused to insertion of exciting source to the model which depends on the used approach. These sources produce signals on the surface of the rat’s brain model which are then analysed. The experimental part of the thesis dealt with three different procedures of cooking agar jelly, which were used for creation of five plate capacitors, which subsequently served for measure electric properties of phantom. The conclusion of this master’s thesis is focused on comparison between results from simulations and experimental parts with a subsequent analysis of the deviations of results and their possible causes.
New Approaches in Numerical Aeroelasticity Applied in Aerodynamic Optimization of Elastic Wing
Navrátil, Jan ; Slavík, Svatomír (referee) ; Komárek,, Martin (referee) ; Hlinka, Jiří (advisor)
Aeroelasticita je nezbytná vědní disciplína zahrnuta do návrhu letounů. Zaměřuje se na předpovídání jevů, které vznikají vlivem interakce aerodynamických, elastických a setrvačných sil. Tyto jevy často vedou ke katastrofickým následkům, proto musí být prokázáno, že nevzniknou v rozsahu rychlostí ohraničujících letovou obálku. Aplikace moderních materiálů při konstrukci draku, spolu se snahou navrhnout aerodynamicky efektivní tvar křídel, vede ke zvyšování poddajnosti letounů. To má za následek změnu aerodynamických vlastností a také k výraznějšímu vliv na aeroelastické jevy, které mohou být vyvolány snadněji vlivem pohybů tuhého tělesa než v případě tužších konstrukcí. Aeroelastické jevy mohou vznikat v širokém rozsahu rychlostí zahrnujícím i transsonickou oblast. V této oblasti je ovlivněna zejména rychlost, při níž dochází k třepetání, a to vlivem nelineárních jevů v proudu. Běžné nástroje, které jsou založeny na lineárních teoriích, nejsou schopny tyto nelineární jevy popsat. Cílem práce je proto navrhnout, implementovat a otestovat nástroj pro výpočetní (numerickou) simulaci aeroelasticity. Nástroj má využívat řešič proudového pole, který je schopen předpovědět nelineární jevy. V práci je kladen důraz na simulaci statické aeroelasticity. V práci jsou popsány metody, které je nutno zahrnout do numerické simulace statické aeroelasticity. Dále je popsán vlastní nástroj a je provedeno zhodnocení konvergence statických aeroelastických výpočtů. Funkčnost nástroje byla ověřena na příkladech, kdy byly použity různé aerodynamické a strukturální modely. Nástroj byl také aplikován při aerodynamické tvarové optimalizaci poddajného křídla. Výsledky optimalizace a její výpočetní náročnost byly porovnány s případem optimalizace tuhého křídla. Na závěr je v práci prezentován příspěvek autora do výzkumu zaměřeného na zhodnocení vlivu časové synchronizace mezi CFD a CSM řešiči. Použitý testovací případ je transsonické obtékání křídla na začátku třepetání (flutteru). Výsledky byly srovnány s experimentálními daty poskytnutými NASA.
The Influence of Dynamic Stretching to the Immediate Enforcement
SVOBODA, Vojtěch
The work is focused on the evaluation of the impact of two types of stretching on subsequent performance. With regard to the content can be divided into practical and theoretical. A practical part brings relevant knowledge to solve problems. Attention is given to the anatomy of the muscle fiber, the physiology of muscle contraction and muscle connections with the central nervous system. The study also describes the proprioceptive function of muscles, the anatomical dimensions and principles of operation. In connection with the internal control possibilities stretching the muscles are in the theoretical part also describes the reflexes at the level of the muscle fiber. General principles of stretching can be found in this section too. The following is a detailed resolution types of stretching and their implementation, advantages and disadvantages. At the end of the theoretical part describes general contraindications stretching and hypermobility as one of the risk factors. The second part belonged to practical research. The research aims to answer the question: "Which type of stretching before exercise has a better effect on the actual performance?" For this purpose we selected eight active athletes. After showing of concrete stretching workouts were tested person familiar with the disciplines in which the effect of stretching measured. It was a 40 yard sprint, a specific form of the shuttle run, jump from a place in the distance and the implementation of push-ups without stopping to find the maximum number of times. These disciplines have been always performed after the application of one type of stretching, with a minimum range of measurement was determined at 24 hours, for reasons of objectivity research. Overall, each activity was measured four times - twice after the static and twice after the dynamic stretching. Research records the individual variations in the measured values after the static and dynamic stretching in all tests. For better clarity, the deviations from the established arithmetic averages referring to the average positive and negative deviations. The resulting values are then captured in tables, graphically and verbally explained. All the four measurements showed analogous results. In the first three disciplines is a better determination of the dynamic type of stretching due to the relatively higher performance of individual activities. For Sprint and the shuttle run times were recorded less necessary to overcome the distance. At the same time was also significantly better in negative average deviation of the measured times after dynamic stretching. The last tested motion became workout pushups without rest for the maximum number of repetitions achieved. Based on this research it is not possible to determine the appropriate method of preparation for discipline. Implementation of push ups assigns power-endurance nature. Due to the relatively clear results for the other, short-term activities associated with the maximum of performance, it seems clear that the type of stretching manifests a greater impact with this type of load compared to strength-endurance exercise in the form of push-ups. Chapter titled "Discussion" is again divided into two parts. In the first analysis is made of the results and conclusions with regard to possible opposition view on objectivity of measurement. Research is generally considered as the objective and the results are accorded legitimacy. In the second part of the discussion are the conclusions obtained subject to comparison with other international studies that have looked at the impact of these types of stretching at the same or a similar discipline. Given the above facts and research itself can be considered for answering the research question. Short-term disciplines carried out with maximum intensity can be demonstrated dynamic stretching before the actual performance for better compared to static stretching.

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