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Contemporary Swedish drama by female authors: Sara Stridsberg
Sladkovská, Tereza ; Hartlová, Dagmar (advisor) ; Humpál, Martin (referee)
anglicky: This paper is in its first part dealing with the politicisation of the Swedish literature from 1960's on and it is focusing on the feminist literature written by female authors. It is following this literary tendency untill these days and it is emphasising drama and the theatre culture. In its second part the paper is analysing three plays by one of the most influential contemporary authors, Sara Stridsberg. The paper is also laying down a general definition of the feminist art based on the works of a Swedish gender theorist Tiina Rosenberg.
Nina Sadur as a playwright
Dvořáková, Iva ; Ulbrechtová, Helena (advisor) ; Ryčlová, Ivana (referee)
The thesis deals with dramatic work of a contemporary Russian author Nina Sadur (writing since the mid-eighties). Its object is to present main features of her poetics primarily by interpretation of two selected plays - Morokob and Milenkii, ryzhenkii. The first play could be conceived as a metaphysic drama. Its analysis pays attention to two mutually connected levels - those of and of . The second play is based on an older Sadur's subject transposed from the former novel to a radio play. The thesis is concerned with the shifts of meaning caused by this transposition as well as with a critical discussion issued in 2003 and titled Who Is the Cute Little Redhead? exploring various layers of meaning of the novel/radio play. The next part summarizes the available secondary literature, specifies the focus of scholar interest, contains the essential bibliographic data of the author as well as the chronology of her dramas and it lastly mentions the issue of her subsumption under one of the literary movements appearing in Russia since the end of the seventies.
National identity in the Czech contemporary drama
Bábková, Markéta ; Bílek, Petr (advisor) ; Holý, Jiří (referee)
The goal of the master thesis "National identity in contemporary Czech theatre plays" is to analyse some chosen features of the contemporary Czech national identity based on examples from texts written by David Drábek and Miroslav Bambušek. In the first part, some basic categories are interpreted, that create the Czech identity, from the historical and sociological point of view. The chosen features of the Czech identity are analysed in the second part with regard to the theatre plays by two authors mentioned above. A summary of these features follows, as well as a characteristics of the tools both authors use to interpret topics related to this master thesis.
Dramaturgy and Performances in South Bohemian Theatre: Drama Company 2006 - 2013
Hrádková, Šárka ; Just, Vladimír (advisor) ; Topolová, Barbara (referee)
Abstact South Bohemian Theatre in České Budějovice is an important kulture institution since the end of the First World War. Against many different peripeties is this theatre with four companies only one profesional scene in the South Bohemian Region. From 2004 till now were here thanks to theatre director Jiří Šesták substantially developed opera, operetta, ballet, drama and theatre for children and teen - agers. Since 2006, when Martin Glaser has become an art chief of the Drama Company, works this company on clear dramaturgy and style of performances. Martin Glaser with dramaturge Olga Šubrtová were focused on contemporary drama, on cooperation with eminent czech theatre directors or creators and specially for this company were created several dramas. Thanks to management and direction by Martin Glaser became the Drama Company of South Bohemian Theatre contemporary, respected and definable.
Mai, Portia and Hester - heroines of Marina Carr's trilogy - their irish identity in the background of antic tragedies
Bližňáková, Magdalena ; Kupcová, Helena (advisor) ; Sládek, Miloš (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is the characterization of three female protagonists appearing in the work of the contemporary Irish playwright Marina Carr. Through in-depth analyzation of heroines Hester (By the Bog of Cats), May (The Mai) and Portia Coughlan. I revealed their symbolic relationship, which is analogous to protagonists characteristic for tragedies of the antic Greece. Moreover, this thesis also investigated, how gender and national identity is reflected on the actions of heroines. Last but not least I explained the importance of Marina Carr in the broad context of the modern Irish drama, while presenting the essence of her creative work.
Contemporary Swedish drama by female authors: Sara Stridsberg
Sladkovská, Tereza ; Hartlová, Dagmar (advisor) ; Humpál, Martin (referee)
anglicky: This paper is in its first part dealing with the politicisation of the Swedish literature from 1960's on and it is focusing on the feminist literature written by female authors. It is following this literary tendency untill these days and it is emphasising drama and the theatre culture. In its second part the paper is analysing three plays by one of the most influential contemporary authors, Sara Stridsberg. The paper is also laying down a general definition of the feminist art based on the works of a Swedish gender theorist Tiina Rosenberg.
National identity in the Czech contemporary drama
Bábková, Markéta ; Bílek, Petr (advisor) ; Holý, Jiří (referee)
The goal of the master thesis "National identity in contemporary Czech theatre plays" is to analyse some chosen features of the contemporary Czech national identity based on examples from texts written by David Drábek and Miroslav Bambušek. In the first part, some basic categories are interpreted, that create the Czech identity, from the historical and sociological point of view. The chosen features of the Czech identity are analysed in the second part with regard to the theatre plays by two authors mentioned above. A summary of these features follows, as well as a characteristics of the tools both authors use to interpret topics related to this master thesis.
The Family Issues in the Recent Czech Drama
Rychlá, Eliška ; Heczková, Libuše (advisor) ; Jungmannová, Lenka (referee)
AABBSSTTRRAACCTT TThhiiss tthheessiiss rreefflleeccttss mmooddeerrnn ffaammiillyy ddrraammaa.. IItt bbrriieeffllyy oouuttlliinneess tthhee ssiittuuaattiioonn ooff ddrraammaa aanndd tthheeaatteerr aafftteerr 11998899,, ddeessccrriibbeess tthhee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff CCzzeecchh ffaammiillyy ddrraammaa aanndd bbrriinnggss aawwaarreenneessss ooff tthhee ggeenneerraall EEuurrooppeeaann ccoonntteexxtt.. TThhee mmaaiinn oobbjjeeccttiivvee ooff tthhee tthheessiiss iiss ttoo pprreesseenntt ccoonntteemmppoorraarryy ddrraammaattiicc tteexxttss,, wwhhiicchh ccoonncceerrnnss ffaammiillyy iissssuueess.. BByy uussiinngg tthheeiirr aannaallyyssiiss tthhiiss tthheessiiss ccoommeess ttoo ggeenneerraall ccoonncclluussiioonnss aanndd ccaatteeggoorriieess,, aanndd ttrriieess ttoo ccaappttuurree tthhee ssppeecciiffiicc ffeeaattuurreess ooff tthhiiss kkiinndd ooff ddrraammaa.. TThhiiss wwoorrkk aallssoo lliissttss ssttaaggiinngg ppeerrffoorrmmaanncceess ooff tthheessee tthheeaattrree ppllaayyss,, wwhhiicchh ssiittuuaatteess tteexxttss iinnttoo aa bbrrooaaddeerr ccoonntteexxtt aanndd aaiimmss ttoo ppooiinntt oouutt,, wwhhaatt ccoonntteemmppoorraarryy CCzzeecchh ffaammiillyy ddrraammaa ooccccuuppiieess iinn tthhee tthheeaattrree..
Nina Sadur as a playwright
Dvořáková, Iva ; Ulbrechtová, Helena (advisor) ; Ryčlová, Ivana (referee)
The thesis deals with dramatic work of a contemporary Russian author Nina Sadur (writing since the mid-eighties). Its object is to present main features of her poetics primarily by interpretation of two selected plays - Morokob and Milenkii, ryzhenkii. The first play could be conceived as a metaphysic drama. Its analysis pays attention to two mutually connected levels - those of and of . The second play is based on an older Sadur's subject transposed from the former novel to a radio play. The thesis is concerned with the shifts of meaning caused by this transposition as well as with a critical discussion issued in 2003 and titled Who Is the Cute Little Redhead? exploring various layers of meaning of the novel/radio play. The next part summarizes the available secondary literature, specifies the focus of scholar interest, contains the essential bibliographic data of the author as well as the chronology of her dramas and it lastly mentions the issue of her subsumption under one of the literary movements appearing in Russia since the end of the seventies.

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