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Porovnání welfare koní v různých podmínkách chovu
Jeřábková, Michaela
Thesis is deals about evaluation of welfare in diferent conditions in horse breeding. The aim is to characterize the welfare of horses in the stables monitored including pastoral areas, setting out the main values of welfare for the experiment, all to assess, prepare and submit proposals for improvement. To obtain data were compiled questionnaire survey. To the study was visited 26 stables with a total of 100 horses. The study included stables with individual boxes, group boxes, stanchion barns and today very prosperous stay in the pasture. It found the combination of individual box and grazing. In terms of welfare was further assessment of feeding, health care and social behavior in the herd of horses and behavior to humans. The most numerous breed was rated Czech Warmblood, English Thoroughbred, but draught-horse horse too. The number of 52 horses used for recreational riding. The most common type of housing is in box, which spent 37% of evaluated horses. Another very popular type of breeding horses is on pasture, which accounted for 35% of horses. Evaluation was carried out of stall the type of housing and at 8 horses. Up to 60% of horses is moderate condition. Direct contact with other horses is 96%. Top Rated welfare was the larger ones stables, but at the expense of a large workload horses. The worst welfare had stable with one horse where the horse has a very poor environmental conditions and care.
Friendships and partner relationships in young adults with autism spectrum disorder
Slavíčková, Kateřina ; Sotáková, Hana (advisor) ; Kucharská, Anna (referee)
This master thesis examines friendship and partnership relationships in young adults with autism spectrum disorders. In the literature section, the definition of autism spectrum disorders according to the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems and the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-V manual is presented, the specific areas of autism spectrum disorders are discussed, with attention being paid mainly to the social area, and the chapter also focuses on diagnosis and support options. The next chapter covers general aspects of friendship and specifics in friendships for people on the spectrum. The chapter on partner relationships is divided in the same way. The literature section also includes specifics of relationships in the online world and concludes with a brief summary. The research section begins by introducing the research objectives and research questions. The research design was conceived as qualitative. The research was conducted in two phases, the first of which was an online questionnaire. The second phase then consisted of semi- structured interviews that aimed to deepen the findings from the questionnaire. Both phases of the research were evaluated qualitatively using the thematic analysis method. The results of the thesis describe how people on the...
Sledování integrace koní do stáda v aktivním ustájení
The aim of this diploma thesis was to prepare an overview of the current scientific findings regarding the ethology of horses, housing technology and manifestations of stress in horses. Another goal was to prepare an own observation, the aim of which was to evaluate the course of familiarization of newly arrived horses placed in the integration box with the new herd during the first three days and to evaluate the importance of the integration box. A total of three young horses up to the age of 3 were monitored, integrated into an active stable in an integration box with the use of camera recordings. Each horse was monitored continuously for the first 3 days of integration. The duration of individual categories of behavior was recorded in minutes. A total of 216 hours were evaluated. The data was processed in Microsoft Excel. Subsequently, a statistical evaluation was performed using the chi-square test and the paired t-test. For all horses, the frequency of social behavior was found to be highest on the first day and then decreased, on average from a total of 174.7 minutes on the first day to 84 minutes on the third day. However, a difference was noted between the observed individuals in the length of the total time spent on social behavior (110 min, 197 min and 766 min). This difference was confirmed as statistically significant (p-value = 0.004). During the first three days, the proportion of locomotion decreased on average from 207.3 minutes on the first day to 144.3 minutes on the third day, and on the contrary, the time spent on eating behavior - eating increased from an average of 342.3 minutes on the first day to 497.7 minutes on the third day and rest time on average from 333 minutes on the first day to 450 minutes on the third day. When comparing the behavior of horses during the day and at night, social behavior, locomotion and alternative posture during the day predominated. In the case of social behavior (average 73 and 47 min), this difference was not conclusive (p-value = 0.12 > 0.05), on the contrary, the average time of locomotion (average 118 and 75 min) and alternative posture (average 144 and 75 min) differed significantly between day and night (p-value = 0.02 < 0.05). The results of the work show that during the first three days in the integration box, the signs of stress subside in horses. The influence of the individual and his temperament on the course of integration in the first three days was confirmed. Thus, the use of an integration box when introducing horses appears to be suitable for reducing stress and for safer inclusion of the horse in a new herd with subsequent habituation to an active stable.
Druhově specifické hejnové chování ryb ve sladkovodní nádrži.
HOLUBOVÁ, Michaela
This study handles the problematics of schooling behaviour in the pelagic habitat of a temperate freshwater reservoir by the means of underwater visual survey via underwater camera. UVC proved to be a great tool for obtaining behavioural patterns which are rather poorly studied in the pelagic zone. Four species were identified as school forming. Naturally, schooling tendency varied in between species mostly due to proneness to predation, increasing with vulnerability to a predator. Heterospecific schools were quite common, particularly in vulnerable species sharing a space and food niche with species less attractive to predators.
Kdo je boss teď? aneb dopad farmaka sertralinu na hierarchii raků
MAREŠ, Josef
Pharmaceuticals' pollution of open waters is a current threat to aquatic organisms. The development of pharmacies and increased consumption of drugs leads to a burden on the aquatic environment with dangerous pollutants. Due to the fast and stressful lifestyle, the consumption of antidepressants increases significantly in the majority of the human population. After consumption and excretion, antidepressants and other drugs enter groundwater and surface water through wastewater treatment plants, which can have a secondary effect on non-target organisms. This master thesis assesses the possible impact of the commonly used antidepressant sertraline on the mutual social behavior of marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis). The experiment was based on monitoring the behavior of different pairs of different crayfish. The created dyads assessed mutual interactions between control crayfish, crayfish exposed to sertraline, and reciprocally between both crayfish groups. Three weeks before monitoring, crayfish were exposed to an environmentally relevant sertraline concentration of 1 g?l-1. The results were evaluated by sensory assessment according to available methods, and subsequently, the statistics were assessed. No group of crayfish observed showed a significant difference in behavior. Thanks to the initial phase of experiments of this type, we cannot determine with certainty from the results that sertraline does not affect the social behavior of marbled crayfish. However, along with other antidepressants, sertraline, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, is undoubtedly a potential threat to the environment.
Vliv hřebce na sociální úspěšnost hříbat
Paternal behaviour in mammals could play an important role in the development of young offspring. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of interactions between colts and the stallion (father) in the early phase of their development focusing on the subsequent behaviour and social position of these young stallions in the bachelor group. We found that the behaviour of stallions is age-dependent and the individuals born to primiparous mothers are more dominant. In addition, we have not confirmed that the father is a behavioural model for his male offspring. In conclusion, we suggest that the most important factor which affects a social behaviour of young stallions is their personality.
Oxytocin and Social Behavior in Laboratory Rodents
Aruťuňanová, Patricie ; Svoboda, Jan (advisor) ; Růžička, Jiří (referee)
Oxytocin is a neuropeptide hormone that is primarily known for its neuromodulatory effects on the female reproductive system. It evolved together with vasopressin from vasotocin and is synthesized in the hypothalamus, specifically in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei from where it travels through the neurohypophysis into the bloodstream. Its peripheral effects cover a whole range of physiological processes, from inducing labor to easing anxieties. The oxytocin receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor whose agonists and antagonists are abundantly used in obstetrics. Recently, this hormone has been associated with social behavior, for instance, there have been shown its effects on agonistic behavior in laboratory rodents. In these species, it is responsible for the right course of copulation, just as it stimulates parental behavior in them. It also has a positive influence on their social memory. Oxytocin is a promising drug for neuropsychiatric diseases with social deficits.
Behaviour of the Elephant ( Elephas maximus ) in ZOO Prague
Ouřadová, Petra ; Řezníček, Jan (advisor) ; Kopřivová, Kateřina (referee)
This bachelor thesis describes daily routine and elements of social behavior of Asiatic Elephants in ZOO Praha. The observation period was from summer 2011 to spring 2012. The paper starts with Proboscidea literature analysis (history, occurrence, anatomy and reproduction). In the next part behavioral aspects are analyzed. At the end a summary of the research is presented. Daily manners of Prague elephants are compared to manners of elephants living in the open. The work is focused on myths which are known among our society. Presented information is supported by interview with elephant keeper from ZOO Praha. Keywords: Indian elephant, social behavior, stereotyped behavior

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