National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The European Parliament 2019 Elections Online Campaign of Czech Political Actors
Chejn, Tomáš ; Křeček, Jan (advisor) ; Vochocová, Lenka (referee)
In the thesis we are going to focus on the topic of on-line political communication of 8 czech ballot leaders on the social network service Facebook during the 2019 European Parliament election campaign. On-line campaign is essential tool to gain the favor of the electorate in the 4th age of political communication. In long term perspective the European Parliament elections are suffering from the low interest of the electorate and from the trend of decreasing tournout in both pan-European and Czech political arenas. Our research is based on the theoretical concepts about main functions of on-line campaign in the 4th age of political communication. The mobilization of the electorate towards political participation is one of those functions. Next we base our research on the second order elections theory of Karlheinz Reif and Hermann Schmitt. The European Parliament elections are characterised by predominance of topics important to the local political system and by substituting as a referendum about the government of a member country. Last but not least, we base our research on the theory of Paul Taggart and Alexander Szczerbiak, who say that today, euroscepticism is an attractive mainstream topic, which can be found throughout the whole political spectrum. The goal of our research is to prove and...
Quantitative Analysis of Preferential Voting in Regional Elections in the Czech Republic
Cvejn, Michal ; Švec, Kamil (advisor) ; Jüptner, Petr (referee)
The thesis deals with preferential voting in regional elections in the Czech Republic. The preferential vote has had little effect until recent adjustment of electoral system, which lowered the eligibility threshold from 10 to 5 %, thus making an opening for more important role of voters' preferences. Author makes use of newly available data to assess the impact of the electoral reform. The reform is shown to make a significant, but rather uneven impact across political parties and regions. The effect of preferential vote is largely concentrated among smaller parties and low-size electoral districts, leaving some regions and parties unaffected. Mechanisms that facilitate this outcome are discussed in detail.
Applying the second-order elections model on the European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic
Lubinová, Tereza ; Kubát, Michal (advisor) ; Perottino, Michel (referee)
The bachelor thesis Applying the second-order elections model on the European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic deals with the theory of second-order elections and the possibility of its application to the European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic, which took place in 2004 and 2009. The first part of the work attends to origin and development of theories of second-order elections. The basis of the research of this theory was the first direct elections to the European Parliament in 1979. Based on the analyses of these elections the first comprehensive theory of second order elections was created by Karlheinz Reif and Hermann Schmitt. This theory was subsequently modified in consideration of the increasing elections. The second part of the work analyzes elections to the European Parliament in the Czech Republic in terms of the theory of second-order elections, i.e. verifies hypotheses resulting from this theory to the elections in 2004 and consequently in 2009. The final chapter is the comparison of obtained results, which verifies whether elections in 2004 show the same results as the elections in 2009. The aim is to verify the validity of hypotheses and based on that assess whether the European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic correspond to second-order elections.
The Comparison of the European elections in 2004 and 2009 with the case study of Slovakia
Böhmová, Dorota ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Smetanková, Daša (referee)
The thesis deals with the Euroepan elections in 2004 and 2009 where the emphasise is placed on Slovakia, as a new member country. The resource for the inquiry into the election results was the second order election model which was forumulated after the first direct elections to the European Parliament in 1979. The other tack of the thesis is current situation of parties representing the social democracy and the crisis of the social democracy in general which took effect in the European elections in 2009. In Slovakia, this overflow of the social democracy represented by the governing party SMER -- SD did not occur, thereby one of the basic rules of the second order elections was not approved. The thesis therefore resolves the question if this model is fully applicable to Slovakia, as a representative of the so -- called Eastern enlargement.

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