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European schools
Cohen, Pavla ; Tomková, Anna (advisor) ; Loudová Stralczynská, Barbora (referee)
European Schools are educational establishments in some European Union countries, providing the children of employees of the European institutions a multilingual and multicultural education in nursery, primary and secondary levels. Due to the multiculturalism, for the successful functioning and management of the system, it is necessary to find compromises. It is on a similar principle that the new curriculum of Early Education in European schools - Early Education Curriculum is based. The first part of my work is the presentation of the European Schools system (its history, principles, structure, functioning) and of the Early Education Curriculum. The aim of the next section is to compare this Curriculum and the Czech Framework Education Programme for Early Education, seeking for mutual inspiration and ideas in both systems. This is a theoretical and analytical comparison of the documents with a deeper focus on cooperation with parents, transition between nursery and primary school, and evaluation methods. Several videos, interviews and responses to the questionnaire answered by the teachers in the European Schools illustrate the application of the the Curriculum in the practice of the European Schools, particularly in the monitored areas. A collected set of opinions of the Czech nursery teachers on the...
The Cooperation of Nursery Schools with Centres for Environmental Education in The South Bohemia Region
In my work I deal with its implementation of environmental education in kindergartens in co ? operation with EETP centres (environmental education training and public awareness) in South Bohemian region. In the area of education is EETP centre one of the cross-section themes entered into the framework of training programmes for all levels of education: pre-school, primary, basic customization of training students with mild mental retardation, for special education elementary school, for high school, for special training. The general objective of environmental education is to awaken in people interest in nature and lead them to the protection of the environment. In the framework curriculum of pre-school education is an environmental education represented by areas called The Child and the world. But it permeates through the other areas because this is a cross-section theme. The realization of the environmental education in the motherly education we can utilize many methods and means. We can also use some of the services of the EETP centres. In the South Bohemia there are 12 EETP centres that offer their services in the context of environmental education to nursery schools. The aim of my work was to find out the offers of the programs and services for nursery schools in the South Bohemia region and determinate whether the nursery schools in the South Bohemia region consider offers of EETP centres within sufficient. Furthermore, I have focused on the implementation of environmental education for integrated children with disabillities in nursery school, as well as to whether the centres are willing and able to adapt their services to these children. To get the result I used the qualitative research, query´s method with technique interview. The results indicate that the centres have a wide range of services involving a range of tutorials for nursery school, a number of projects. They also hosts occasional events, seminars for educators, various lectures, competetions, exhibitions, provide methodological support to nursery school, they lend a variety of materials and equipment and offer advice in the field of environmental education. The most widely used EETP centres in the South Bohemia region are CEGV Cassiopeia and the Protection of Fauna in the Czech Republic. Nursery schools are satisfied with offering services from EETP centre. They would have changed nothing on its content. Most of their training programs and workshop for educators are the most widely used. With regard to the integrated children, EETP centres are trying their services up to adapt to their needs. Nursery schools are satisfied with offer and appreciate the efforts of the EETP centres with a maximum redesign for this target group. And yet, when working with these children, it is necessary to adapt the activities to their facilities. EETP centres mostly missing programs targeted to children with disabilities which I see as a major shortcoming. The first in the South Bohemia region in this project was CEGV Cassiopeia ?I can´t see, I can´t hear, but I know?, that was aimed at EETP for pupils with disabilities from elementary school. I think that this should be changed. An example might be Gartentherapie, Garden ? therapy project implemented by the company Chaloupka which is aimed at the social inclusion and inclusion of disadvantages groups. Environmental education in nursery school has its substantiation as shown not only from theoretical knowledge but also from practise. A child of pre-school age creates its value, we can lead him to love and respect for nature and for its protection.
Creative play for preschool children with an overlap in the area of environmental education
This work deals with art (creative) game for preschool children with an overlap in environmental education. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on explaining the basic concepts of environmental education, the development of preschool age. Environmental education is also described as solved by General educational program of preschool education. Important chapters for the creation of this work such as the creation of games and putting games, are included. The practical part deals with creating games Help, each hand good and its applications in kindergarten Netolice. This section reviewed the results of games and applications also addressed environmental issues with which preschool children acquainted.
Business plan of private nursery school
Hora, Lukáš ; Špička, Jindřich (advisor) ; Krause, Josef (referee)
This document deals with the private enterprise in the field of early childhood education and child care. Summarizes the various possibilities and forms of these institutions, which can currently be found in the Czech Republic, discusses their attributes. The aim is to draw attention to important facts and pitfalls related to the establishment and operation of private nursery schools to be included in the register of schools and school facilities. The work includes an internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses and the external analysis just as micro /macroenviroment political, environmental, socio-demographic, economic and legislative framework. Calculation pessimistic, realistic and optimistic scenarios of business by determining the brake even point, quantifying the amount of profit the project decide on feasibility of the project of foundation Private nursery school Amálka.

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