National Repository of Grey Literature 62 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Energetický management obce Dolní Kralovice
Korityák, Daniel
The diploma thesis focuses on the implementation of a local survey in the village of Dolní Kralovice, focused on buildings and facilities owned and managed by the village. The aim of the survey was to find a suitable solution to reduce the energy intensity of buildings and equipment, specifically public lighting and other selected buildings with the highest consumption, based on the technical condition of build-ings and submitted documents for energy consumed. The proposed measures were determined in accordance with the rules and sys-tém of energy management and the application of the ISO 50001 standart. The conclusion evaluates the three most suitable variants of the proposed solu-tion to reduce energy consumption based on the installation of photovoltaics on selected buildings and compares them with the potential energy savings in rela-tion to the cost of its acquisition.
The issue of energy-efficient home heating
Kollár, Ľubomír ; Hrnčířová, Michaela (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
Low-energy houses are becoming more common and requested. The Bachelor's thesis focuses on heating and ventilation of low-energy houses. The beginning chapters describe and explain basic principles of these buildings and basics of air-handling and heating systems. The main part of the work overviews contemporary heating and ventilation systems while pointing out their advantages and disadvantages. The work includes a design of heating and ventilation of low-energy house.
Economics aspects of building and operation of heat power plant utilizing biomass
Špinar, Marek ; Pěcha, Jiří (referee) ; Mastný, Petr (advisor)
This work builds on a semester project where they were processed by the first two points of tasks, this the issue of the use of biomass in energy and needs quantification of biomass for energy production plant defined performance. Now the work is devoted to comparing plants using heat energy from biomass economically and possible future developments respectively. Recommendations for construction. Prior to the issue of technology are addressed aspects related to the implementation of production in terms of investment. Methods are provided solution investment opportunities and outlook on the implementation phase electricity works. The work is devoted to the assessment of value and comparison of different technologies to convert biomass into electricity. The paper compares the capital and operating costs of the considered types of power plants defined performance. The indicator is the ratio CZK / kWh. The important part is the processing recommendations for construction based on the information gathered. This section discusses the sources of electrical energy with a view to the future, therefore consideration of appropriate application of specific types of production with regard to regulation, for use as to the optimal mode of operation. At the end of the work is devoted to the issue of clean energy from biomass, which is the main point of interest in financial support from the state in the form of grants, which the state encourages individual entities in the construction of energy sources and bio establishments.
Energy independence and optimization of energy consumption with use renewable sources and smart wiring in house
Kaděra, Jan ; Hošek, Milan (referee) ; Bátora, Branislav (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis focuses on optimization of electric energy consumption in household and its energetic independence. There is an overview of available energy sources for household and possibilities of its accumulation. Next, the function of system electrical wiring is described and compared with systems in today‘s market. In more detail, the thesis deals with description of FOXTROT control system developed by the company TECO a. s. and with possibilities of its application. The study describes savings optimization from both investment and operation perspective. A comparison of appliances of two energy classes in current prices is done, as well as a comparison of one-way and two-way pricing. Savings opportunities in lighting system, temperature control and appliance division according to their manageability are demonstrated. A calculator for photovoltaic system was created which provides return time of investment upon input parameters. A part of the thesis is a project documentation realized as a stage of a household object study, on which optimization opportunities are demonstrated.
Methods of knowledge representation
Adamec, Jan ; Valenta, Jan (referee) ; Jirsík, Václav (advisor)
Thesis analyses the problems of energy sources evaluation during the reconstruction of an object or new building.There are described representatives of heat sources for given energy sources in text. rough view of how to proceed in searching for acceptable energy source is made here. this problematics is solved by the help of diagnostic expert system NPS32. created knowledge base could be used for sale support or for users for easier orientation in this problematics.
Energy assessment of the building
Bidmonová, Renata ; Velísková, Eva (referee) ; Hirš, Jiří (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the energetic evaluation of the building in Brno. It is divided into three parts. Part A focuses on basic definitions and division problematics under applicable laws, decrees, and technical standards. Part B provides a more detailed description of the individual relationships and calculation procedures used to process the parts of the building's energy performance certificate. Furthermore, proposals for measures to improve the energy performance of a building, economic and environmental assessment. Part C contains a description of the object, its construction solution and the specifications of the BS (Institute of Building Services) systems. Furthermore, the calculation of energy needs for individual BS (Institute of Building Services) systems. Designing austerity measures for a given object. The main part of the bachelor thesis is experimental measurement and its evaluation.
Modern Trends of Household Heating
Hornák, Pavol ; Šnajdárek, Ladislav (referee) ; Lisý, Martin (advisor)
While building a house or during it’s reconstruction is a type of heating one of the most important tasks. This thesis contains complex view of heating methods and subsequent comparison of selected methods.
Regional energetic waste exploitation
Krňávek, Martin ; Putna, Ondřej (referee) ; Bébar, Ladislav (advisor)
The master’s thesis deals with technologies for energy utilisation of waste with annual treatment capacity approximately from 10 to 50 kt/year and their application in regions of the Czech Republic. In the first part of the thesis the results of heat consumption analysis in seven regions of the CR are introduced while in two selected regions a production of waste was analyzed too. The main part deals with the design of technological solution of waste-to-energy plant with medium capacity and its integration to specific conditions of the two selected regions. Alternatives of combined heat supply were assessed from waste-to-energy plant as well. A basic economic analysis that contains the estimates of incomes and capital expenditures and operating expense is a part of this thesis too.
Super Grids Conception
Chodura, Przemysław ; Prokop, Václav (referee) ; Paar, Martin (advisor)
Cílem bakalářské práce “Super Grids Conception” je poskytnout komplexní náhled na problematiku Super Gridů ve smyslu pozadí, konceptu jako takového, dostupných technologií, dosavadních zkušeností a budoucího vývoje, možných zdrojů elektrické energie a konkrétních konceptů a studií. V úvodu jsou osvětleny důvody vedoucí k potřebě elektrických sítí nové generace – celosvětové snahy snižovat dopad výroby elektrické energie na životní prostředí, rostoucí poptávka po elektrické energii a potřeba integrovat obnovitelné zdroje energie. Možné zdroje elektrické energie jsou diskutovány jak v širším kontextu, tak i ve smyslu současných omezení a budoucího vývoje. V druhé části jsou popsány koncepty Smart Gridu, Super Gridu a SuperSmart Gridu s důrazem na přínosy, základní principy a systémové hledisko. Autor se dále zabývá jen koncepcí Super Gridu. Použití stejnosměrných (HVDC) a střídavých (HVAC) technologií je porovnáno z technického i ekonomického hlediska a z něj vycházející typické použití těchto technologií. Dále je podrobně popsána nejlepší dostupná technologie HVDC systémů – základní principy a konfigurace, popis jednotlivých částí, omezení současných technologií, dosavadní zkušenosti a možný prostor pro další vývoj. Následuje zmínka nových výzev oblasti HVAC technologií ve vztahu k Super Gridům a popis problémů souvisejících s hybridními AC/DC linkami a koridory. V poslední části jsou vysvětleny rozdíly v historickém vývoji a současných postojích v různých částech světa. Zároveň jsou představeny koncepce zvažovaných Super Gridů. Zvláštní prostor je poskytnut vizionářské koncepci vytvořené DESERTEC Foundation a technickoekonomické studii OffshoreGrid.
Effective Technologies for Heating
Čapoš, Eduard ; Špiláček, Michal (referee) ; Lisý, Martin (advisor)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to summarize knowledge about current methods of heating family houses with it’s main focus on description and comparison. Second part of this thesis compares chosen methods applied on the model house.

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