National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Změny biologických vlastností černozemí v důsledku vodní eroze
Svobodová, Zuzana
Diploma thesis "Změny biologických vlastností černozemí v důsledku vodní eroze" is ai-ming to evaluate effects of erosive runoff on biological parameters of soil in location Bošovice (okr. Vyškov). Long term experiments took place during years 2018 – 2019. The control area was classified as carbonate regosol. Erosion area classified as carbona-te regosol accumulated. Accumulated area classified as carbonate chernozem accumula-ted. Sellected areas have been monitored for these parametres: microbial biomass con-tent, bazal soil respiration, soil reaction, content and quality of humic substances. Stan-dard analytical methods were used. Results showed significantly lower basal soil respi-ration in eroded area compared to control area. Content of microbial biomass is highest in accumulated area. Differences in soil reaction showed statistically unsignificant. Sig-nificantly higher content of humic substances showed on accumulated area.
Pedologický průzkum v katastrálním území Velké Opatovice
Plisková, Jana
The bachelor thesis is focused on the Soil survey in the cadastre Velké Opatovice (region Blansko). The main aim was to classify soil type and calculate the price of arable land. Monitoring of selected physical and chemical properties such as grain size analysis, buffering capacity, conductivity, soil reaction, carbonate content, nutrient content and humic substances quality was carried out. The official price of arable land was calculated in accordance with the evaluation units (BPEJ). Two soil types were classified – Luvic Chernozem and Fluvic Chernozem Stagnic.
Změny chemických vlastností u degradovaných černozemí
Matoušek, Jan
Bachelor thesis „Changes of chemical properties in chernozems due to degradation“ is evaluated the effect of water erosion on agrochemical soil properties. Chernozems are intensively used in agriculture and strongly endangered by water erosion and degrada-tion. As a control undamaged chernozem in the upper part of the slope (convex part). This was compared with severely damaged soil (log cabin of the slope), and with the accumulated sediment in the lower part of the slope (concave part). Statistically sig-nificant differences in humus content and quality were found between undamaged soil and severely damaged soil. The eroded areas are typical by a gradual exposure of the subsoil, which negatively affects the content of sufficient nutrients (P and K). On the other hand, the accumulated area was rich in humus and nutrients.
The influence of biochar on physico-chemical properties of soil
Polášková, Nikola ; Sedláček, Petr (referee) ; Smilek, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is focused on assessment of the influence of biochar on the soil physico-chemical properties (particle density, dry density, porosity, water retention capacity and maximum water holding capacity, oxidizable carbon content, total nitrogen content, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium content). The selected and examined soil types were: cambisol, fluvisol, chernozem and regosol. There were two types of biochar used for analysis – NovoTerra and Sonnenerde. Soil samples were dried to constant weight and adjusted to grain-size fraction under 2 mm, respectively 0,25 mm. The oxidizable carbon content was measured by oxidation using a mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid (Walkley-Black method), the total nitrogen content was measured by kjeldahlization and P, K and Mg content was measured using Mehlich 3 extraction and ICP-OES spectrometer. The results show that biochar has a significant influence on soil characteristics depending on the type of biochar and soil we use for biochar application. This thesis can be used to clarify the complex issues in terms of soil in Czech Republic or it can be used by farmers considering using biochar as a soil additive with the intention to increase productivity and fertility of soil.
Steppe or woodland? Ecological Conditions of Formation and Evolution of Chernozems in Central Europe
Vysloužilová, Barbora ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Kalvoda, Jan (referee) ; Havlicek, Elena (referee)
Chernozem became the crucial soil for the beginnings of soil science through the work of Dokuchaev from 1883. Since then the genesis of chernozems in Central Europe has raised many questions among soil scientists, botanists and paleo-environmentalists. While in Eastern Europe chernozems have been described as zonal soils, that are typical for continental steppe and forest-steppe areas, there are areas in Central Europe which are predisposed by their climatic characteristics to the presence of woodlands. The goal of this dissertation is to enrich the discussion about the genesis of chernozems by restoring the environmental conditions that were prevalent during the formation of chernozem soils in Central Europe. Chernozems are usually developed on loess with a very thick and dark organic surface which passes directly to a calcareous horizon. The organic matter underwent a polymerization in dependence on climate contrasts. However, in Central Europe, the climatic characteristics of the areas of chernozems are a bit different. These chernozems are supposed to have been formed under the climatic conditions that dominated Central Europe during the Late Glacial and the Early Holocene. The climatic nuances may contribute to the explanation of the differences in distribution of chernozems ("drier") and...
Anthracology and NMR spectroscopy in Palaeoecological Research of Chernozems
Danková, Lenka ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Chuman, Tomáš (referee)
This thesis deals with black carbon, its characteristic features and with its occurrence in chernozemic soils. In particular, this thesis deals with methods, which can study presence of black carbon in soils. The presence of black carbon and the whole composition of soil organic matter of three chernozemic soils in Czechia (Zeměchy, Tursko, Syrovice) is examined by 13 C NMR spectroscopy. Anthracological analysis of charcoal from fossil chernozems of Zemechy loess ravine deals with pedogenesis of chernozems and development of Quaternary vegetation in Central Europe. Coniferous tree species of Pinus sp., Pinus cf. cembra, Larix/Picea, Juniperus a Vaccicium, i.e. cold- and drought-tolerant taxa, were identified by anthracological analysis of soils of Zemechy loess ravine. The identified species suggest that the landscape around Zemechy was probably formed by parkland taiga. According to 13 C NMR spectroscopy, soil organic matter of fossil chernozem of Zemechy loess ravine consists particularly of alkyl and O-alkyl carbon. Aromatic carbon is also significant. O-alkyl carbon is the most important in the recent chernozems of Tursko and Syrovice. Aromatic carbon has the smallest proportion in both chernozems. The presence of aromatic carbon in chernozem of Tursko is the smallest of all analyzed soils. The...
The influence of biochar on physico-chemical properties of soil
Polášková, Nikola ; Sedláček, Petr (referee) ; Smilek, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is focused on assessment of the influence of biochar on the soil physico-chemical properties (particle density, dry density, porosity, water retention capacity and maximum water holding capacity, oxidizable carbon content, total nitrogen content, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium content). The selected and examined soil types were: cambisol, fluvisol, chernozem and regosol. There were two types of biochar used for analysis – NovoTerra and Sonnenerde. Soil samples were dried to constant weight and adjusted to grain-size fraction under 2 mm, respectively 0,25 mm. The oxidizable carbon content was measured by oxidation using a mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid (Walkley-Black method), the total nitrogen content was measured by kjeldahlization and P, K and Mg content was measured using Mehlich 3 extraction and ICP-OES spectrometer. The results show that biochar has a significant influence on soil characteristics depending on the type of biochar and soil we use for biochar application. This thesis can be used to clarify the complex issues in terms of soil in Czech Republic or it can be used by farmers considering using biochar as a soil additive with the intention to increase productivity and fertility of soil.
Steppe or woodland? Ecological Conditions of Formation and Evolution of Chernozems in Central Europe
Vysloužilová, Barbora ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Kalvoda, Jan (referee) ; Havlicek, Elena (referee)
Chernozem became the crucial soil for the beginnings of soil science through the work of Dokuchaev from 1883. Since then the genesis of chernozems in Central Europe has raised many questions among soil scientists, botanists and paleo-environmentalists. While in Eastern Europe chernozems have been described as zonal soils, that are typical for continental steppe and forest-steppe areas, there are areas in Central Europe which are predisposed by their climatic characteristics to the presence of woodlands. The goal of this dissertation is to enrich the discussion about the genesis of chernozems by restoring the environmental conditions that were prevalent during the formation of chernozem soils in Central Europe. Chernozems are usually developed on loess with a very thick and dark organic surface which passes directly to a calcareous horizon. The organic matter underwent a polymerization in dependence on climate contrasts. However, in Central Europe, the climatic characteristics of the areas of chernozems are a bit different. These chernozems are supposed to have been formed under the climatic conditions that dominated Central Europe during the Late Glacial and the Early Holocene. The climatic nuances may contribute to the explanation of the differences in distribution of chernozems ("drier") and...
Anthracology and NMR spectroscopy in Palaeoecological Research of Chernozems
Danková, Lenka ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Chuman, Tomáš (referee)
This thesis deals with black carbon, its characteristic features and with its occurrence in chernozemic soils. In particular, this thesis deals with methods, which can study presence of black carbon in soils. The presence of black carbon and the whole composition of soil organic matter of three chernozemic soils in Czechia (Zeměchy, Tursko, Syrovice) is examined by 13 C NMR spectroscopy. Anthracological analysis of charcoal from fossil chernozems of Zemechy loess ravine deals with pedogenesis of chernozems and development of Quaternary vegetation in Central Europe. Coniferous tree species of Pinus sp., Pinus cf. cembra, Larix/Picea, Juniperus a Vaccicium, i.e. cold- and drought-tolerant taxa, were identified by anthracological analysis of soils of Zemechy loess ravine. The identified species suggest that the landscape around Zemechy was probably formed by parkland taiga. According to 13 C NMR spectroscopy, soil organic matter of fossil chernozem of Zemechy loess ravine consists particularly of alkyl and O-alkyl carbon. Aromatic carbon is also significant. O-alkyl carbon is the most important in the recent chernozems of Tursko and Syrovice. Aromatic carbon has the smallest proportion in both chernozems. The presence of aromatic carbon in chernozem of Tursko is the smallest of all analyzed soils. The...
Evaluation of humus content and quality in different tillage systems
Quantitative and qualitative Soil Organic Matter (SOM) properties were observed in the soil samples of a medium-term field experiment (Cambisol ? Studena, Czech Republic) and an exact field experi?ment (Chernozem ? Gross Enzersdorf, Austria) in the year 2005 considering different soil tillage systems (conventional and minimum tillage). Except the standard parameters, soil organic matter content and quality in particulate water stable aggregates size fractions was additional determinated for Cambisol. Cambisol showed more favourable values of both quantitative and qualitative SOM parameters in minimum tillage system compared to those in conventional tillage system. SOM quality in the water stable aggregates fractions was better in minimum tillage compared to conventional tillage. Cambisol also showed that SOM in aggregates fractions is much more quality compared to SOM in the original soil samples. Chernozem showed higher values of both quantitative and qualitative SOM parameters in conventional tillage compared to those in minimum tillage but the differences are not high. It can be said that Chernozem organic matter reaction to tillage technology changes is slower and of minor rate in comparison with that of Cambisol organic matter. The results of quantitative and qualitative parameters do not conform to the generally recognised values for the Chernozem soil type.

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