National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The royal journey of Wenceslas IV. to France 1398. Political, cultural and geographic aspects.
Dufková, Tereza ; Bobková, Lenka (advisor) ; Drška, Václav (referee)
The aim of this work is to reconstruct the royal journey of Wenceslas IV. to Reims in 1398 and analyse its diplomatical influence. To accomplish goals of this thesis charters, regests and rules had to be analysed. The emphasis was placed on welcome ceremony in Reims, mostly described by French chroniclers. An extensive itinery, including almost twenty towns visited by the king, was successfully created. The described royal journey is possible to use to enhance and summarize the picture of the reign of Wenceslas IV. between years 1378 to 1398. Another contribution is historical-geographical and entry ceremony, called adventus regis, analysis. Key words: Wenceslas IV., Charles VI., court of Luxembourg, court of France, royal journey, royal entrance, historical route, Papal Schism, Hudred Years War, travelling in the Middle Age
Bad King Wenceslas? Deposition of the "Idle King" in the Context of Political and Legal Thought of the Late Middle Ages
Vanča, Matouš ; Bobková, Lenka (advisor) ; Žůrek, Václav (referee)
This master's thesis focuses on the deposition of the king Wenceslas (1361-1419) from the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. The dethronement act was realised in August 1400 by four Rhenish electors (Count Palatine and archbishops of Mainz, Cologne and Trier) after years- long preparations. The first chapter briefly questions the possibility of king's deposition in medieval political thought. The second chapter describes long political fights in the Holy Roman Empire before 1400 and highlights the most important events which finally led to the king's deposition, such as the fight for the controll over the archbishopric of Mainz. The third chapter analyses the legal dimension of the dethronement act and puts forward possible interpretation of its role in the constitutional history of the Holy Roman Empire. The elector's activity can be understood as a part of long-term growth of political power of the electoral college, as it was codified in the Golden Bull of Charles IV.
The Czech lands and the avignon papacy in the period 1378-1419, diplomatic aspects
Vlková, Tereza ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor) ; Soukup, Pavel (referee)
0 ABSTRACT In my thesis I focus on the political situation in the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of France during the Great Western Schism, particularly its first two thirds. I put emphasis on the personality of Honoré Bovet, who was a diplomat and a messenger of the French king and who visited the court of the Bohemian king, Wecleslas IV. in 1399 My work is based on primary and secondary sources and scientific and specialised literature concerning the subject mentioned above. In addition I made use of my one- semester study program in France where I attended the lectures of and consultations with French medieval historians. First I describe in the thesis the ecclesiastical and political situation in both kingdoms. The next chapters are dedicated to the personality of Honoré Bovet and his writings related to his opinion on the Great Western Schism and the church in general. As a result of the research I present a general attitude of the French Kingdom to the Bohemian Kingdom, particularly king Wenceslas IV, in the period of the Great Western Schism and the dual papacy. Moreover, based on his writings I express Bovet's view of the Schism and the personalities involved in the Schism.
A note on one aspect of historism in the art of the Jagiello period and its influence on the interpretation of art from the Wenceslas IV era
Hlaváčková, Hana
On the interpretation of the letter W in monuments from the times of Ladislaus Jagiello and Wenceslas IV.

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