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Exhibition hall steel structure
Selyvonenko, Ivan ; Pilgr, Milan (referee) ; Brosch, Petr (advisor)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the design and structural analysis of an exhibition hall. The building is located in Brno city. The dimensions of a floor plan are 121,8 m x 66,5 m, the height is 17,75 m. The load-bearing structure consists of arched truss girders, which are pin-supported by fixed columns. The distance between main trusses is 8,7 m. The supporting part of the roof deck consists of solid-purlins. Spatial rigidity of the structure is ensured by cross bracing and longitudinal bracing. All structural members are made of rolled steel profiles and are designed according to current ČSN EN standards. Steel S355 is used as the construction material. This thesis consists of structural design report of main load bearing elements including connections design and drawings.
Brno Trade Fairs Future
Beltiukov, Ilia ; Hybská, Bohumila (referee) ; Sedláček, Michal (advisor)
The architectural project of Exhibition Hall is located in a part of Brno-Pisárky, in northern area of BVV. The objective of the land-use planning and architectural proposal was to integrate the Hall in proximity to the second entry of BVV. The pavilion is situated on the primary northen axe, which perpendiculary join the pedestrian bridge. The binding foot-bridge is used for path between the entry of BVV and the western entry into the exhibition section. Surrounding the building is situated green park. There are open areas for pedestrian, tree-hemmed paths and relaxation spots around the entire building. The exhibition hall combines four basic parts: the western entrance connected with the pedestrian bridge, public part, storage part and the multi-purpose exhibition space in between. There are two-floor restaurant and snack bars with an open view to the south part of BVV, in particular to the Hall Z. The pavilion was concieved as a ruled rectangular volume. The creative proposal was to involve the ruled surface geometry, which is formed by connecting two curves with a series of straight lines and covers the entire building. The outer curtain wall is implied «the Curtains», reveals a lightness and airiness by dynamic effect. Geometrical curved profiles clearly point the basic entry spaces outside the exhibition hall. The western entry section allows two different points of entrance: from the pedestrian bridge to the first level and from the ground level. In time of trade fairs there are possibilities to use industrial doors along northern and southern elevations as a secondary entrances. There is a lobby space with the monumental staircase in the centre of public section. The circular shape of staircase rises towards atrium. A collaboration of atrium and natural lighting optically extends and makes easier the foyer space. In addition to the trade fairs, the multi-purpose exhibition hall permits diverse possibilities of using – in time of cultural and sports events u
The steel construction of an exhibition pavilion
Petrovičová, Lucia ; Hron, Lukáš (referee) ; Štrba, Michal (advisor)
The content of this bachelors thesis is design and appraisal of the steel construction of an exhibition pavilion. Ground plan dimensions are 39,2 x 50,0 m with approximate height 10,7m. The supporting system of the structure consists of planar transverse linkages which are created by lattice truss.The design is selected from two pre-solved geometrical and structural variants which are compered on the basis of the weight of structure and ultimate and serviceability limit state. From the selected variant is made detailed static assessment and drawing documentation.
Presentation pavilion of WANEMI, a.s. paper-mill in Zábřeh
Říhová, Helena ; Svoboda, Jiří (referee) ; Zemánková, Helena (advisor)
The sense of the diploma paper is to make a new entrance - green belt - for the paper factory - WANEMI. There is the exhibition pavillion and the administration building situated in the green belt. The main point of the diploma is the exhibition pavillion. The project is based on the basic principle of ekological architecture like - demounting, using of the waste water and using of the waste warm air. The elementary pavillions´ shape reminds of a paper folder. There are another small exhibitions and constructions in the park. Everything is united by shape and material. The park is the cultural area for sport and education.
Multifunctional Pavilion
Dvouletý, Martin ; Pilgr, Milan (referee) ; Barnat, Jan (advisor)
The subject of the diploma thesi is the design and assessment of the pavilions supporting structure for exhibition and other purposes. The building is located close to Zlin. Preliminary designs of supporting structure were created. One of these was selected and detaileddesigned and assessed. Generallythere are two structures that are extended between themselves. A design and assessment of the entrance portal for the exhibition pavilion was created. The entrance portal is an atypical structure that was created from a combination of hyperboloid and cylinder. The entire portal is formed of welded parts and it is completely from glass. The entrance portal has a variable height, where the highest point is 8,258m. The entrance portal is 20,394m long and has a variable width, where the largest width is 12,000m. The exhibition hall, which is located behind the entrance portal was designed from flat arched truss trusses. The arched trusses are made of several radii and hasa overall impression of an elliptical truss. The trusses have a range 37,000m and they are axially distant 6,000m. The height of the arched trusses is 10.530m. In the leading position of the construction were designed pillars and construction for possible connection of the entrance portal, or for the location of the gate system. Whole construction of the exhibition pavilion, without the entry portal, is 54,000m long and 37,000m wide. The built-up area of both structures is approximately 2200m2. Construction are designed according to normative requirements of CSN EN for limit state of load capacity and usability. The main material of the supporting structural parts was used S355JR steel.
Steel structure of exhibition pavilion
Kárník, Miroslav ; Pešek, Ondřej (referee) ; Horáček, Martin (advisor)
The goal of the bachelor’s thesis is to design and assess a steel structure of the exhibition pavilion in Česká Třebová. The ground plan dimensions of the load–bearing structure are 30 meters in width and 63 meters in lenght. The maximal height of the structure is 12 meters. Main frames are made of truss girders of atypical shape. The girders are pin–supported on solid columns on one side and on foundation pads on the other side. The distance between the main frames is 6 meters, the distance between the solid purlins on the girder is 3 meters.
Exhibition pavilion
Nováček, Tomáš ; Šmak, Milan (referee) ; Sýkora, Karel (advisor)
Master´s thesis describes the structural design of the load bearing steel structure of exhibition hall located in Brněnské Výstaviště. The structure is designed according to the normative requirements of ČSN EN for ultimate and serviceability limit state. It´s structure formed by the parabolic main frames at a distance of 6 m apart, which are placed in a rectangular plan of 36 x 36 m. As the main material of load bearing elements was used a steel S355. The hall is designed for exhibitions and social occasions. The work contains a statical calculation, which assessed individual cross sections and joins.
Exhibition Pavilion
Badár, Tomáš ; Buchta, Stanislav (referee) ; Bajer, Miroslav (advisor)
The aim of the work is to design steel structure exhibition pavilion. The building is situated in Brno. The construction is processed in two options. The option A is designed in variant of arched space frame. The internal ground plan dimensions of the building are 42 x 72 meters. Space frame is hinged to the structure of columns. Height in the top of the ship is 16,834 metres. The option B is designed in variant arched truss. The internal ground plan dimensions of the building are 42 x 70 meters. Arched truss is hinged to the structure of columns. Height in the top of the ship is 18,334 metres. The spatial rigidity of the structure is ensured by cross braces. Roof cladding and walls will be made using sandwich panels of KINGSPAN. The main material will be used steel S235.
Exhibition pavilion
Španihel, Jiří ; Doc.Ing. Bohumil Straka,CSc. (referee) ; Sýkora, Karel (advisor)
The subject of the diploma thesis is design and examination of supporting steel structure of the exhibition pavilion situated at the Brno Exhibition Centre, including a comparison with the second variant. The design emphasis has been placed on keeping the architectural character of building related to its purpose. The structure consists of 11 sections shaped as elliptical arcs, formed by truss frames with variable length of semi-axes, while the largest size (the smallest) is 13 m (7 m) for minor semi-axis and 20 m (14 m) for the main semi-axis, height is 16 m (10 m) and distance of support 38.92 m (25.30 meters). For the analysis of internal forces has been assembled spatial bar shaped model. Cladding is made of Kalzip system.
Exhibition Pavilion
Shánělová, Lenka ; Šmak, Milan (referee) ; Bajer, Miroslav (advisor)
The Master´s thesis contains design of steel construction of exhibition pavilion, which is consists of columns, dome, lantern and suspension footbridge. Building will be intended for organizing exhibitions and conferences by town Trutnov. Two models of variants of dome´s construction are drafted in this work– Schwedler´s and Föpple´s dome. Models are space tubular structures.The work contains static assessment of spatial structures and spherical steel joint in program SCIA Engineer for both variants. Hand assessment of bars, basic details and anchoring, technical report and drawing dokumentation are drafted for selected variant construction with Schwedler´s dome.

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