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Probing natural molecules with PPAR-γ to reveal potent agonist against Cancer
Špaková, Adriána ; Pankaj, Vaishali ; Bhogal, Inderjeet ; Roy, Sudeep
The work focuses on searching for a molecule with potential agonistic properties against cancer. Molecules from six databases were screened and docked to peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor gamma (PPAR-𝛾) by using computer aided drug design approach. Hits underwent further exploration, including dynamic simulation and safety verification. Piperlongumine - naturally occurring small molecule, derived from long pepper (Piper longum) showed after comparison with standards Troglitazone and Rosiglitazone promising results.
Probing natural molecules with PPAR- to reveal potent agonist against Cancer
Špaková, Adriána ; Bhogal, Inderjeet (referee) ; Roy, Sudeep (advisor)
Práca sa zaoberá hľadaním prírodnej molekuly s potenciálnymi agonistickými vlastnosťami proti rakovine. Cieľom práce bolo predovšetkým pochopiť súvislosť medzi receptorom PPAR- a rakovinou. Následne boli molekuly zo šiestich databáz virtuálne skrínované a dokované k nukleárnemu receptoru PPAR- za využitia počítačom podporovaného dizajnu liečiv. Najlepšie molekuly podstúpili ďalšie preskúmanie, vrátane dynamickej simulácie a štúdie viazania voľnej energie. Overenie bezpečnosti najlepších molekúl bolo vykonané predikčnými modelmi ADMET. Dôležitou súčasťou práce bolo porovnanie novoobjavených molekúl disponujúcich agonistickými vlastnosťami proti rakovine s už známymi na trhu. Konkrétne Troglitazón a Rosiglitazón slúžili ako štandardy, ktoré sa vyznačujú vysokou afinitou k receptoru PPAR- a prejavili antineoplastické účinky v rôznych ľudských malígnych nádoroch, vrátane rakoviny prsníka, hrubého čreva a pankreasu. Na druhej strane, tieto dve syntetické molekuly čelia varovaniu zo strany FDA (Úrad pre potraviny a liečivá) v dôsledku ich nepriaznivých vedľajších účinkov. V rámci práce sa podarilo objaviť prírodné molekuly, ktoré vykázali lepšie vlastnosti ako aktuálne štandardy. Tieto sľubné výsledky si zaslúžia ďalšiu pozornosť. Jedna z molekúl by mohla potenciálne viesť k vývoju nového lieku.
Proposal of Marketing Plan
Kovář, Jan ; Mráček, Pavel (referee) ; Šimberová, Iveta (advisor)
The theme of my bachelor’s thesis is a marketing plan regarding to Czech representation of Ford Motor Company. The thesis deals with a stabilization of model Mondeo and its position in comparison to the competition of medium-size automobile category and increasing of its sales. It also treats of conditions within a large competition and pressure for constantly higher vehicle norms.
IS/ICT Support of the Implementation of Strategy
Reslová, Monika ; Kozel, Vladimír (referee) ; Zich, Robert (advisor)
The target of the thesis is to propose an appropriate information system that ensures the implementation of the business strategy for the garden division of the company AGRO CS a.s. Specifically it targets evaluating the use of enterprise information systems and the application of business intelligence according to the information base describing the company's business strategy. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first one is the theoretical part that outlines the methods used for analysing the business strategy and the theory background about business strategy itself. It also contains information system theory. The second part, the analysis part, presents the company and is based on the theoretical part. It also implements methods used for analysing the business strategy and analysing the appropriateness of the use of EIS systems or business intelligence applications. In the last part, the proposal part, an appropriate EIS or BI system is chosen based on consultations, requirements and targets that are the outcome of the previous part.
Marketing Mix of Company Alcon
Svobodová, Jana ; Dvořáková, Lucie (referee) ; Mráček, Pavel (advisor)
The theme of this thesis is an analysis of Alcon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Czech Republic, engaged in the sale and manufacture products for eye care on the basis of the marketing mix. My goal is to help improve the care of existing customers and find the best combination of funds that will lead to entirely new customer acquisition. In my work I focus mainly on the division of CLC (Contact Lenses Care).
Simulation of Accelerator Driven Nuclear Reactor for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transmutation
Jarchovský, Petr ; Ing. Antonín Krása, Ph.D., SCK.CEN Mol (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with usage of burn-up (spent) nuclear fuel in nuclear power plants of next generation – accelerator driven transmutation plants which is produced in current nuclear power plants. This system could significantly reduce the volume of dangerous long-lived radioisotopes and moreover they would be able to take advantage of its great energy potential due to fast neutron spectrum. In the introduction are listed basic knowledge and aspects of spent nuclear fuel along with its reprocessing and the possibility of further use while minimizing environmental impact. As another point detailed description of accelerator driven systems is described together with its basic components. In addition this search is followed by individual chronological enumeration of projects of global significance concerning their current development. Emphasis is placed on SAD and MYRRHA projects, which are used like base for calculations. This last, computational part, deals with the creation of the geometry of subcritical transmutation reactor driven by accelerator and subsequent evaluation which assembly is the most effective for transmutation and energy purposes along with changing of target, nuclear fuel and coolant/moderator.
Fusion systems and their shielding
Roubal, Michal ; Katovský, Karel (referee) ; Král, Dušan (advisor)
This thesis is concerned with nuclear fusion and its use as a source of energy for humanity. In the first part of my thesis, I will briefly explore the research history of nuclear fusion. Next, I will investigate the various possible issues connected with achieving and sustaining nuclear fusion. I will briefly discuss the importance of mastering it. I will talk about existing and anticipated risks of radiation damage which can occur during nuclear fusion. Lastly, i will discuss the principles of tritium breeding.
Accelerator Driven Nuclear Power Plants
Jarchovský, Petr ; Krása,, Antonín (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with utilization of spent nuclear fuel in nuclear power plants of new generation – accelerator driven nuclear power plants and of conversion of this fuel into electrical energy. In the introduction are listed basic physical and theoretical knowledge of nuclear reactors along with their basic division and global distribution. As another point accelerator driven systems are described with their brief development and the basic concept and usage on both the nuclear power plants and transmutation technologies. Some global projects are mentioned here dealing with this system and conduct research. More into detail is point about European projects MYRRHA and ESS, because there are important research facilities worldwide. The next are projects with liquid target as a very promising medium. The last part deals with the calculation of basic parameters of ADS in the MCNPX and its applying.
Strategy for improving of company competitiveness
Chvojková, Lucie ; Ubík, Stanislav (referee) ; Koleňák, Jiří (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis characterizes, analyzes and assesses the current situation of the KERAVIT Ltd. company. The thesis contains theoretical resources, company analysis and recommendations leading to the defined targets in terms of the proposed strategy so that the competitive strength of the company is improved.
The Business Plan for Small Company Development
Košteková, Katarína ; Sýkorová, Salome (referee) ; Koráb, Vojtěch (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis is focused on designing a business plan for the company LV port s.r.o., which is operating on haulage market. Using analysis of company´s environment and inner company´s environment this thesis is considering the recent situation and gives the proposal for its´ future development and improvement.

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