National Repository of Grey Literature 81 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Vliv hnojení kejdou na fyzikální a hydrofyzikální vlastnosti půd
Rzymanek, Jakub
The work deals with the assessment of the effect of the application of cattle slurry on the physical and hydrophysical properties of Luvisol (LU). The experimental site is situated in a cereal growing zone. An operational experiment was established in 2017 with two variants of cattle slurry fertilization and a noorganic fertilized control. At the PK variant, cattle slurry fertilization was carried out only once a year in the autumn, at the PJK variant cattle slurry was applied twice a year in the autumn and spring. Core samples were taken from the experimental plots in four terms using Kopecký rollers, always in three replicates for each variant. Samples were taken from depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm. Simultaneously, loose samples were taken from the same depth to perform the analysis of the water-stable structure and the preparation of fine soils. The analysis of intact soil samples revealed a significant effect of slurry fertilization, of both variants, on the increase of the maximum water capacity of the soil, compared to the unfertilized zero variant. The analysis of the loose samples showed the effect of slurry fertilization on the increase of the COX content, in depth of 0-20 cm, between the PJK variant and the zero variant. The effect of slurry application on pH / H2O and pH / KCl was significant for both fertilization variants, in comparison with the control. The content of water-stable structure aggregates was without significant changes. The results of the remaining analyzes of core samples were unsignificant.
Impact of warming on soil organic carbon
Štecová, Michaela ; Vindušková, Olga (advisor) ; Jílková, Veronika (referee)
Climate change is the main cause of rising global temperatures around the world. Carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems is considered one of the main tools for climate change mitigation, but current estimates of sequestration potential do not include the impacts of future climate change. The aim of this thesis is to summarize our current knowledge on the response of soil organic carbon to warming, alone as well as in combination with other drivers of climate change. A complementary aim is to compare the different methods used to study the impact of warming on soiIncreased temperature causes significant losses of soil carbon, but no consistent effect has been observed in combination with other aspects of climate change. Research suggests that carbon losses depend on the stability of soil fractions, with warming leading to greater decreases in particulate organic matter (POM). The combination of warming with rising CO2 concentration has led to an overall increase in soil carbon, although losses have been observed in combination with drought. When studying the effects of warming on soil carbon stocks, selecting the appropriate method is crucial. Active methods offer precise control but are more expensive and can impact soil biota, whereas passive methods are cheaper but require more time....
Study of plasma activated water effects on decomposition rate of organic matter using the “tea bag index” method
Bednařík, Tomáš ; Kalina, Michal (referee) ; Kozáková, Zdenka (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the effect of plasma-activated water on the decomposition rate of organic matter using the tea bag index method. The first part of the theory of the bachelor thesis deals with plasma and plasma activated water. The second part deals with the tea bag index method and the analytical methods used in this thesis. In the experimental part, the aim of the thesis was to prepare plasma activated water using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) and pin-hole discharge. Furthermore, to carry out the physicochemical characterization of plasma activated water, i.e., to determine the concentration of H2O2-, NO3-, NO2-, to measure its conductivity and pH, to determine the soil pH by two methods. The first method was determined using distilled water and the second using 0.2 M KCl. The last objective was to determine the rate of decomposition of organic matter using tea bag index and to assess the effect of plasma activated water on the physicochemical properties of soil. The results obtained indicate a positive effect on soil microorganisms and properties of plasma activated water. The next step in the investigation was to prepare a container experiment, produce and characterize plasma activated water for watering model plants, in this case lettuce.
Influence of biodegradable polymers microplastics on properties of soil organic matter
Denková, Pavla ; Řezáčová, Veronika (referee) ; Kučerík, Jiří (advisor)
The microplastics contamination is an issue observed in all environmental compartments. Currently, the trend is to replace the synthetic polymers by biodegradable ones, which are expected to degrade faster due to omnipresent microorganisms. However, this assumption may not correspond with the reality. In nature, biodegradation can last long or not whatsoever and the microparticles of biodegradable polymers can remain in soil the same way as particles of synthetic polymers. The effect of microparticles of biodegradable polymers on soil´s biota has already been studied, but the effect on the properties of soil and water in the soil has not been elucidated yet. This thesis deals with the influence of microparticles of biodegradable plastics on the physico-chemical properties of soil organic matter, especially on the behavior of water in the soil system under arid and semiarid conditions. Microparticles of poly(R-3-hydroxybutyrate), abbreviated as P3HB, were used as a model biodegradable polymer and were introduced into the soil in various concentrations. To determine the evaporation enthalpy of water and stability of water bridges that affect (stabilize) the physical and chemical structure of soil organic matter Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was used. Simultaneously was also measured their effect on water holding capacity of soil organic matter. Under experimental conditions, P3HB microplastics were found to reduce evaporation enthalpy, which facilitates drying of soil organic matter. Nevertheless, their effect on final water holding capacity was relatively low. Besides, we observed a negative effect on the stability of water molecule bridge that connect segments of soil´s organic components. Thus, P3HB microparticles in soil could pose a risk due to their influence on the water retention mechanism in soil under arid and semiarid conditions.
Water-cation bridges in soil organic matter
Starostová, Anna ; Komendová, Renata (referee) ; Kučerík, Jiří (advisor)
Degradace půdy zasolováním, zvyšující se teplota a následný úbytek mnonžství srážek v posledních letech vedou k rozšiřování aridních a semi-aridních oblastí (v současnosti pokrývají třetinu pevniny Země). Navíc představují globální environmentální problémy, které, pokud se nebudou správně řešit, můžou vést k vážné celosvětové krizi. V této diplomové práci jsme propojili tato témata a zaměřili se na lepší porozumění role sodných kationtů na vazbu vody v půdní organické hmotě v aridních a semi-aridních podmínkách. Náš cíl byl prozkoumat proces vzniku a stabilitu vodních molekulových můstků a vodních-kationických můstků v půdní organické hmotě, sílu vazby a množství vázáné vody v půdě za využití diferenční kompenzační kalorimetrie. Nasycení sodnými kationty bylo studováno ve dvou koncentračních oblastech. Na simulaci přirozených podmínek v půdách bylo použito nasycení vazebných míst sodnými kationty do 100% a nasycení nad 100% reprezentovalo vysoce zasolené půdy. Výsledky potvrdily význam schopnosti půdy získávat vodu ze vzdušné vlhkosti, podíl vody v půdě vzrůstal s relativní vlhkostí. Vyšší podíl vody v půdě pak způsoboval snížení síly vazebných interakcí, což bylo interpretováno jako fakt, že rovnováha mezi půdní a vzdušnou vlhkostí vede k optimální vlhkost půdy. Přítomnost sodných kationtů ve vzorcích do nasycení 100% měla na množství vody zanedbatelný vliv, ale v přesycených vzorcích umožňovala navázání většího množství vody. V přesycených vzorcích bylo také pozorováno zvýšení síly vazebných interakcí mezi půdou a vodou, což vede k její větší zádrži. Molekulové můstky byli stabilnější ve vzorcích, které obsahovaly Na+. Nejvyšší stabilita byla pozorována u 10% nasycených vzorcích, další zvyšování Na-saturace pak již vedlo k snižování stability molekulových můstků. Hlavním výstupem práce je, že tvorba vodních-kationických můstků stabilizuje půdní strukturu a že má vlyv na sílu a množství vody vázané v půdě, což představuje klíčové aspekty kvality půdy. Je potřebný rozsáhlejší výskum tohoto tématu, aby získané výsledky pomohli optimalizovat půdní manažment v aridních oblastech a také v ostatních oblastech, kde dochází k degradaci půdy.
Stability of soil organic matter and humic substances
Nováková, Šárka ; Enev, Vojtěch (referee) ; Klučáková, Martina (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on changes of stability in organic matter by extraction in different agents. Two soils of a different type and isolated humic acids were used for stability determination. Extraction agents were selected usually used for soil metal extraction, and a changes in the structure of the organic matter was observed. Samples were characterized using FTIR analysis and elemental analysis, the extracts were measured by UV-VIS spectroscopy, absorption ratios E2/E3, E4/E6 were discovered, dynamic light scattering were determined for particle size distributions. Next part of the thesis was the assessment of the change of thermal stability using thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry, degradation temperatures of the extracted samples were discovered and compared with the original samples.
Relationship between thermo-oxidative stability and soil quality indicators
Svatoň, Karel ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (referee) ; Kučerík, Jiří (advisor)
This diploma thesis focuses on the use of thermogravimetry as quick and low-cost method in the analysis of soil quality. Most of the currently used methods for analyzing some soil properties are, unlike thermogravimetry, demanding especially for pretreatment and analysis time. Previous research has shown an interesting correlation between thermogravimetry data and some soil properties, but to obtain these correlations, it is necessary to keep the analyzed soils at 76% relative humidity. The aim of this work was to determine whether similar correlations can also by achieved at lower relative humidities. Therefore, soil samples in this work were thermogravimetrically analyzed at 43% relative humidity. That humidity is closer to laboratory conditions and it is also easier to be reached by most of commercially available thermogravimeters. Next aim of this thesis was to find whether thermogravimetric data correlate with other soil properties, especially microbiological indicators of soil quality. Results showed that thermogravimetry of soil samples correlates with standard methods even at 43% humidity. Furthermore, it was found that they also correlate with selected microbiological parameters, such as anaerobic ammonification or urease activity. These results suggest the possibility of using thermogravimetry analysis at broader spectrum of soil properties, without the need for pretreatment of samples and at different (relevant) soil moisture.
Behaviour of diclofenac in soil systems
Šmerdová, Kateřina ; Kalina, Michal (referee) ; Klučáková, Martina (advisor)
In these days, a large amount of drugs are not completely removed in wastewater treatment plants, than it enters watercourses and then it leaks into soils. These substances are not natural in the environment, so they can have a negative effects here. This is very important to study the behavior of foreign substances in the environment. In this thesis the sorption and desorption behavior of the commonly used drug diclofenac in the soil system was monitored. The rate of sorption and desorption was determined from the change in diclofenac concentration analyzed by UV-VIS spectrometry. Changes in pH and conductivity were also monitored. Diclofenac showed good sorption properties in all the concentrations. There was no desorption or just a minimal desorption, that indicating a strong bond between diclofenac and soil and less leachability into the soil fusion. The results of this thesis showed, that even if diclofenac leaks into the environment, it is mostly adsorbed into the soil. This is largely positive, because diclofenac is practically harmless in the soil and due to the strong bond it also persist there.
Selected hydropedological parameters as indicators of soil quality
Schneiderová, Šárka ; Doležal, Petr (referee) ; Kameníčková, Ivana (advisor)
When it comes to agriculture’s soil, the near surface layer is one of the most important layers for proper planting and their growth. It is the place where root system absorbs water and necessary nutrient are found here in the soil organic matter form. We can measure the near surface soil quality using indicators, such as physical and hydro-physical properties or soil organic matter content. The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis is focused on measuring those properties of soil, where the practical part’s objective is judging the effect of agrotechnology, based on the properties described in Czech and foreign literature. Those properties will be determined by using standard laboratory methods testing intact soil cores and grabbed soil samples. Those cores and samples were collected 4 times in total during vegetation period in 2016 in Šardičky (Vyškov district).
Stability of Soil Organic Matter
Heldesová, Michaela ; Doskočil, Leoš (referee) ; Kalina, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor thesis summarizes available information about current research of soil organic matter stability and it divides them into two logical units. The first part includes environmental, physical and chemical factors, including human activities, which affect the stability or decomposition of soil organic matter. The methods used for the study of organic matter in the soil are summarized in the second part of this thesis. There the attention is paid to the accumulation of organic matter in specific pools, the ways of extraction of organic compounds and the use of quantitative and qualitative analytical methods to describe various characteristic of organic matter.

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