National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Historical development of crossborder co-operation in Czechia after 1989 on the example of Euroregions
Mňuk, Tomáš ; Havlíček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Jeřábek, Milan (referee)
Since the 1990s, cross-border cooperation has been an instrument of the European Union for the development of geographically disadvantaged regions at the border, for which cooperation should be a way to cope economically with the central areas and be an instrument for the often isolated and culturally different inhabitants of the border. Euroregions, which were established to solve regional economic, institutional, or social problems, became a platform for cross-border co-operation activities. One of the objectives of the thesis was to describe the circumstances of the establishment of Euroregions and development of the activity of Euroregions in Czechia with the assumption of regional differentiation. The method used for this part was a desk research and semi-structured interviews. Thanks to finances from the European Regional Development Fund, cross-border cooperation is supported in the form of subsidies, which are available for individual program periods for applicants from defined areas near the border. The Czech parts of the Euroregions are administrators of Small Project Funds, which include projects with a small financial scope, mostly supporting meeting activities of local communities. The second goal of the thesis was the comparison of the funds of individual Czech Euroregions over...
Actors of Cross-border Cooperation in the Euroregion Silva Nortica
Kolářová, Kateřina ; Havlíček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Jeřábek, Milan (referee)
This thesis is concerned with the actors of cross-border cooperation in the Euroregion Silva Nortica. The aim is to analyze what kind of actors affect cross-border region Silva Nortica and are involved in cross-border cooperation in this area. Another aim is to determine key areas of cross-border cooperation with its specific features within the Euroregion Silva Nortica and evaluate the selected programmes on the Czech and Austrian side of the euroregion. The first programme is the Community Initiative Programme Interreg IIIA and Disposition Fund for the period 2004-2006 and the second programme is the European Territorial Cooperation Austria-Czech Republic and Small Projects Fund under this initiative for the period 2007-2013. The theoretical part deals with the phenomenon of the border, cross-border area and the establishment of Euroregions. The practical part consists of a survey and outcomes of structured interviews. Keywords: cross-border cooperation, euroregion, Euroregion Silva Nortica, actors of cross-border cooperation, Disposition Fund, Small Projects Fund
The Significance of Cross-border Cooperation in the Context of Activities of Bavarian Forest / Bohemian Forest Euroregion, Pilsen Region and South Bohemian Region
Cross-border cooperation (CBC) influenced the regional development of the border regions. CBC is very much supported by the European Union and its funding policy. Cooperation between border regions is considered as a key to the joined Europe. Since 1989 there is a special programme supporting CBC within the member states of EU. A new programme supporting cross-border cooperation between the member states and the candidates' countries "Phare CBC" was developed in 1993. This paper is focused on selected issues of cross border cooperation of Euroregion Šumava, Pilsner region and South Bohemian region. Euroregion Šumava was established in 1993. It is a voluntary association of cities, villages and other joined organizations intent on the cross border cooperation with similar association on Bavarian and Austrian site of border. These three associations established trilateral Euroregion Šumava{--}Bayericher Wald{--}Mühlviertel. Together they implement the principles of European regional policy. Cross border activities of Euroregion Šumava were analyzed on followed issues: 1. Euroregion budget and its development between 1998{--}2006 2. Projects supported by Small Projects Fund realized by Euroregion 3. Projects realized under the financial support of Small Projects Fund Phare CBC and Interreg IIIA (focusing on the projects´ holders, priority areas and districts) Pilsner and South Bohemian regions were established in 2001 as regional authorities. They provide national and regional service partly financed by their own resources (mainly tax income) and partly by grants received from central authorities. Together they constitute the cohesion region of NUTS 2 "Southwest". Pilsner and South Bohemian regions create joint regional development policy and strategic documents because of implementing Regional operational programme. So far CBC was not part of their common regional policy. Cross border activities are analysed on the projects realised under the Interreg IIIA programme, which was managed by the Secretary of Cohesion region. Special focus is put on the projects´ holders, priority areas and regional aspects. Results of analysis are summarized in graphs, tables and maps.
Sokolová, Marie ; Žid, Josef (advisor) ; Horáček, Jiří (referee)
The diploma thesis in its theoretical part describes importance and requirements of the cross-border cooperation, history and facts about Euroregion Nisa, Next part briefly describes programs supporting cross-border cooperation, that where in Czech Republic implemented before was Czech Republic accepted as a member of the European Union and after that from the perspective of the Euroregion Nisa. Practical part analysis and compares structures of applicants and their projects within the Small Projects Fund between program Interreg IIIA Czech Republic -- Saxony and program Cíl 3/Ziel 3 Czech Republic -- Saxony from the perspective of the Euroregion Nisa. Next part here contains evaluation of those two programs by applicants and their opinions were obtained by prepared questionnaire. The main goal of the thesis is thus to analyze Euroregion Nisa and its cooperation with Saxony, find out whether submitting of an application and project implementation within the time has simplified or vice versa and suggest own recommendations for the future of this kind of cooperation.
Analysis of causes of failure of applicants in the Small projects fund of Euroregio Silva Nortica.
Jandová, Kristýna ; Weingärtnerová, Markéta (advisor) ; Jílek, Petr (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with analysis of causes of failure of applicants in the Small projects fund of Euroregio Silva Nortica. The main goal of the work is to identify the most common causes of failure during submission of project applications through analysis and comparative methods and to define corrective arrangement for elimination the most common causes of failure. In the theoretical part, author is focused on general information about cross-border cooperation and Euroregions, particularly on Euroregio Silva Nortica and the Small projects Fund of this Euroregio. In the practical part are analyzed information provided by the administrator of the Small projects Fund and results of the survey. With mutual comparison of the analysis are identified causes of failure of the applicants and corrective measures for their elimination are defined.
Hry bez hranic - project funding from EU structural funds
Fuchs, Jiří ; Boukal, Petr (advisor) ; Matyáš, Jan (referee)
This bachelor thesis should be instruction for obtaining subsidies from EU structural funds, namely the Fund for small projects. It describes the procedure for establishing the civic association, which is an appropriate organizational form for a grant and is also focusing on an appropriate provisioning programs for non-profit organizations and individual project request. The thesis is based on the project Brněnské hry bez hranic.

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