National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Development Module for Radar Safety Sensor in Single-Track Vehicles
Ťavoda, Martin
This article describes the hardware and software design of a development module for the Radar Safety Sensor (RSS). RSS uses a Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar to track moving objects behind single-track vehicles. The current radar configuration and antenna have significant object tracking deficiency when the vehicle makes a turn and the radar Field of view (FOV) tilts. The assumed solution is to add Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data to the tracking algorithm. The IMU is implemented in the designed development module, which also provides an efficient development and debugging environment.
Development Module for Radar Safety Sensor in Single-Track Vehicles
Ťavoda, Martin ; Kubíček, Michal (referee) ; Honek, Marek (advisor)
Táto práca sa zaoberá návrhom hardvéru a softvéru vývojového modulu pre senzor bezpečnosti jednostopových vozidiel. Tento produkt je vyvíjaný spoločnosťou ALPS ALPINE Co., Ltd. a využíva radar s technológiou frekvenčne modulovanej postupnej vlny na sledovanie objektov, nachádzajúcich sa za jednostopovým vozidlom. Aktuálna verzia sledovacieho algoritmu dosahuje výrazné nepresnosti pri jazde v zákrute, keď sa nakláňa zorné pole radaru. Predpokladaným riešením je pridanie dát z inerciálnej meracej jednotky do sledovacieho algoritmu. Vytvorený vývojový modul obsahuje práve túto jednotku, vývojové rozhranie, výstupné periférie, riadenie napájania a upevnenie radaru. Zahrnutý softvér implementuje tento modul do existujúceho vývojového prostredia pre radar, pričom sa pre komunikáciu využíva Robotický Operačný Systém 2 (ROS2).
Simulation of Autonomous Mobile Robots
Janoušek, Radim ; Burian, František (referee) ; Lázna, Tomáš (advisor)
The goal of this work is to implement robotic algorithms for autonomous tasks. The thesis starts with an introduction to the ROS 2 framework, where the basic features of this framework are introduced. This is followed by a comparison of the most popular robotic simulators, including a more detailed description of the Gazebo simulator and the lesser known Webots simulator. The next chapter focuses on the reasons for choosing the Webots simulator for creating the simulated world and describes the process of creating the interior based on the template. The penultimate chapter discusses the creation of robotic platforms in the Webots simulator and the sensors used, including the simulated lidar. In this simulation, the lidar is created with a mock-up of the real device. In the last chapter, the drivers for controlling the robotic platforms are implemented and a package for ROS 2 is created.
Simulation of Unmanned Aircrafts in a Virtual Environment
Lindtner, David ; Lázna, Tomáš (referee) ; Gábrlík, Petr (advisor)
The master thesis deals with the issue of simulation of unmanned aircraft missions in a virtual environment. The aim of the work is to demonstrate basic and more advanced autonomous aerial missions in the simulated environment Gazebo - ROS 2. The work emphasizes the stability of the software solution and the stability of the communication between critical components of the aerial mission.
Simulation of Autonomous Mobile Robots
Janoušek, Radim ; Burian, František (referee) ; Lázna, Tomáš (advisor)
The goal of this work is to implement robotic algorithms for autonomous tasks. The thesis starts with an introduction to the ROS 2 framework, where the basic features of this framework are introduced. This is followed by a comparison of the most popular robotic simulators, including a more detailed description of the Gazebo simulator and the lesser known Webots simulator. The next chapter focuses on the reasons for choosing the Webots simulator for creating the simulated world and describes the process of creating the interior based on the template. The penultimate chapter discusses the creation of robotic platforms in the Webots simulator and the sensors used, including the simulated lidar. In this simulation, the lidar is created with a mock-up of the real device. In the last chapter, the drivers for controlling the robotic platforms are implemented and a package for ROS 2 is created.
Simulation of Unmanned Aircrafts in a Virtual Environment
Lindtner, David ; Lázna, Tomáš (referee) ; Gábrlík, Petr (advisor)
The master thesis deals with the issue of simulation of unmanned aircraft missions in a virtual environment. The aim of the work is to demonstrate basic and more advanced autonomous aerial missions in the simulated environment Gazebo - ROS 2. The work emphasizes the stability of the software solution and the stability of the communication between critical components of the aerial mission.

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