National Repository of Grey Literature 28 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Towards a Functional Health System Governance: The Centrality of Policies, Institutions and Actors' Configuration in Malaria Eradication among Under-five Children in Ghana
Amoako, Martha ; Potůček, Martin (advisor) ; Dlouhý, Martin (referee) ; Mpinga, Emmanuel Kabengele (referee)
Zásady udržitelného rozvoje vyžadují silný zdravotnický sektor řešící problémy v oblasti dětského zdraví, a to zejména v rozvojových zemích jako Ghana. Snahu vybudovat silné zdravotnictví nicméně může zmařit výskyt malárie, což je právě případ Ghany. Malárie zůstává v Ghaně významnou příčinou úmrtí dětí mladších pěti let, a to navzdory různorodým globálním i národním zdravotnickým programům a politikám. Tato studie se soustředí na implikace politik, aktérů a veřejných institucí v boji proti malárii mezi dětmi mladšími pěti let ve čtyřech okresech země: obec Obuasi, okres Mpohor, Východní okres Kassena-Nankana a Západní okres Ada. Studie zpracovává primární a sekundární data metodou deskriptivní i empirické analýzy. V rámci studie byly připraveny dotazníky a provedeny rozhovory s 241 respondenty z řad individuálních i institucionálních aktérů s cílem sběru podrobných informací o formulaci politik, aktérských interakcích a výsledcích léčby malárie ve skupině dětí mladších pěti let v kontextu případových studií z různých administrativních oblastí. Tyto oblasti vykazují různá sociální, ekonomická a politická prostředí, která jsou pro posouzení výsledků zdravotnických programů v oblasti boje proti malárii zásadní. Výsledky regrese sekundárních dat metodou nejmenších čtverců (OLS), která byla v rámci...
Working in Austria as a Czech subject. Official requirements to be met when applying for a job in Austria.
KUNCOVÁ, Martina
This bachelor{\crq}s thesis is focusing on analysis of possibilities of Czech citizens who want to get a job in Austria. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part analyses the contemporary health care system, social security system, tax system and the job market in Austria. Further on the thesis deals with conditions which have to be met when applying for a job in Austria. The practical part is devoted to job seeking process in Austria for two people in cooperation with many job agencies and Austrian AMS. Communication with the foreign agencies has been done by electronic mail. The thesis analyses the entire procedure of job seeking and its results. Approach of Austrian agencies to foreign applicants is evaluated as well. In conclusion the thesis provides comparison of theoretical part with personal experience gained in the process of job seeking and findings implying the comparisons.
Approach of the Czech Health Politics to Strategy Health 2020
Machová, Kamila ; Háva, Petr (advisor) ; Tušková, Eva (referee)
The aim of the thesis is the assessment of developments in the approach towards the "European" strategy Health 2020 by Czech political players while using methods of critical discourse analysis and the assessment of the development of the Health 2020 agenda during the period 2010-2012 in the context of previous activities of the World Health Organization. The approach of the Czech health care political players to the strategy had been assessed on the basis of governmental programmatic statements since 1998, the National Reform Program of Czech Republic 2011 and interviews with participants in the Czech health policy and Czech health care. The approach of Czech health policy towards the Health 2020 strategy had been evaluated as extremely problematic. The course of creation and discussion of Health 2020 in 2012 had become a critical barrier for the Czech Ministry of Health. As a result, no wider awareness of this strategy exists in Czech health policy, neither does exist a Czech translation of this strategy. Lastly, the goals of Czech health policy do not reflect in a single point of the goals of the Health 2020 strategy.
Effectiveness of coeliac disease management in the Czech Republic
Přibylová, Kristýna ; Háva, Petr (advisor) ; Mašková, Pavla (referee)
This work deals with effectiveness of coeliac disease management. It is a model case of chronic disease management. The analytical framework of this work is the multilevel Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Framework. Crucial is the interaction between health care team that represents health care system, community partners and patients with their families. In the case of coeliac disease it is necessary to include also the role of representatives of market with gluten free products. The interaction of these participants takes place in wider political context, whose state influences this interaction fundamentaly and reflects so in final results - state of patients and quality of their live. Using the evaluation of the quality of life tool SF-36, it has been ascertained, that the quality of life of coealiac patients is lower in comparison with European standard of healthy population and that the causes of the problem have to be searched and systematically removed at all levels of the system of chronic health care. The findings validate the theoretic presumption, that the chronic health care is still considerably underestimated and that it does not reply to the needs of chronic ill patients, which reflects just on general quality of life.
Comparison of Czech and Polish Health Care Systems
Burešová, Magdalena ; Kotherová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Angelovská, Olga (referee)
The aim of the thesis Comparison of Czech and Polish Health Care System is to compare Health Care Systems of Czech Republic and Poland in terms of several factors. The thesis defines types of both health systems, describes their organization and reforms after year 1989 and defines trends, which can be found in both systems. The key point of this thesis is comparison with focus on their financing, availability of health care and the contentment of patients. Based on this comparison, the author suggests discusses system measures, which could lead to an improvement of the health care in both countries.
Approaches to public health in the selected countries and their comparison
Bačkorová, Tereza ; Hrešanová, Ema (advisor) ; Růžička, Michal (referee)
This thesis investigates approaches to public health in the Czech Republic and compares them to approaches in Norway. The theoretical part outlines key concepts in the field of health, public health, health policy and prevention and explores their diverse interpretation on the level of professional discourse. The empirical part provides a comparative analysis of the development and current state of health systems in both countries, health status of their populations, a general comparison of the approaches to prevention and health policy, as well as an analysis of a concrete example - fight against smoking as a major health risk factor. The aim of the thesis is not only to compare approaches to public health in both countries, but also to understand the complex relationships between the compared cases and the context. Based on this analysis, examples of good practice are identified, and recommendations are formulated which could stimulate further research or serve as a basis for the development of new health policies, prevention programs and campaigns. key words: health, public health, prevention, health policy, health system, health literacy, comparative analysis
Comparison of Health Care Financing System in the Czech Republic and in Singapore in the years 2005–2015
Hofmanová, Veronika ; Lukášová, Tereza (advisor) ; Zubíková, Adéla (referee)
This bachelor thesis compares health care system financing, private and public expenditures, quality of health care and demographic indicators in the Czech Republic and Singapore. The differences in financing between mentioned systems are based on different historical development. The Singaporean system of financing is based on individual responsibility to save money on their own health account and co-finance health care. It is possible to claim that this system is more effective because people do not abuse health care and protect their own health. The Czech system is based on solidarity. People pay according to their income and they use it as they need but it does not lead to effective use of health care and to responsibility for their own health and total health expenditures rise. However, both systems have the same function, they provide health care to all inhabitants. The Singaporean system guarantees health care to the poor by a fund (Medifund) which is financed by the government. This is a current topic for national economics because health care expenditures rise. This systems comparison could provide an impulse to improve the Czech financing system.
Pharmaceutical Industry and Healthcare Policy
Babilon-Crockett, Max ; Háva, Petr (advisor) ; Dlouhý, Martin (referee)
This thesis is concerned with assessing the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry with the United States' health system. We will consider the role that the industry plays in the greater system, and how its activities influence the environment around it. This is done through a case study, in the context of the United States experiencing a so-called "opioid epidemic." This crisis is a serious problem for the health system, and society as a whole, which predominantly involves prescription pharmaceuticals. We will undertake an examination of the pharmaceutical industry's relationship with that crisis through a strong reliance on critical discourse analysis, rooted in systems theory. Despite being a critical component in the American health system, and the one directly responsible for the creation of pharmaceuticals, we will see that the industry is predominantly treated as an ally in addressing the opioid epidemic, rather than complicit in its emergence. This indicates that the industry successfully influences the discourse surrounding its role and responsibilities as a component of the health system. Keywords Pharmaceutical industry, lobbying, healthcare, PhRMA, health system, opioid, prescription drugs
Contracts between health insurance companies and regional hospitals
Rezek, Štěpán ; Dobiášová, Karolína (advisor) ; Angelovská, Olga (referee)
The main focus of the thesis is the multilayered view of regional hospitals on their contractual relationship with health insurance companies. The thesis draws information from two case studies of regional hospitals in Central Bohemia. These case studies have allowed me to map the whole process of establishing a contractual relationship with health insurance companies from the first contact to the final conclusion of the contract for a particular year. Through mapping the process I have identified a number of problematic areas that are encountered when concluding contracts. Thesis has also concentrated on the establishment and content of the payment regulation which, to a large extent, determines the final form of the contractual relationship. One of the goals of the thesis is the identification of key problems stemming from the parameters of the contractual relationship and payment mechanism. These problems are analyzed on the level of hospitals, individual specialized units, and in relation to the provision of health care to patients.
Specialized education of general practitioner for children and adolescents in the Czech Republic
Vacátko, Michal ; Háva, Petr (advisor) ; Duškov, Ivan (referee)
This dissertation" Specialized education in the field of practitioners for children and adolescents in the Czech Republic " focuses on the development of specialized postgraduate medical uducation in the context of social change in the Czech Republic after 1989 and their impact on staffing in the field of health care practitioners for children and adolescents . The first part describes the theoretical and factual basis , which is closely related to the issues . These concepts explained the functioning and development of the health system, providing primary care by practitioners for children and adolescents, impact of transformation of the labor market and human resources in health care and human rights in health care. To analyze the empirical part of the thesis i used the method of historical institutional analysis. I explained formal and informal relationships in time cohorts between major actors and their influence in shaping the institutional framework of specialized education of physicians over time, especially in the legislative documents. Attention is paid especially to organization and financing of specialist medical education in the field of practitioner for children and adolescens, aging of population present practitioners, and their generational replacement in the context of demographic...

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