National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
A Study of The Chinese Government's Approach in Preventing Female Employment Discrimination in The Context of The Comprehensive Three-Child Policy
Huang, Zhaoming ; Jusić, Mirna (advisor) ; Kubátová, Hana (referee)
To ease the aging process of the population and change the situation that the fertility rate continues to decline, the Chinese government will adjust the two-child policy to the three-child policy in 2021. The implementation of the three-child policy can indeed release part of the reproductive potential, but childbirth will increase the employment cost of enterprises, which will lead to employment discrimination against women. My thesis is based on the comprehensive three-child policy. The main research problem is the Chinese government's handling of female employment discrimination and putting forward reasonable countermeasures to provide strong support for the Chinese government to deal with female employment discrimination. First of all, through the existing data, we can understand the current employment situation of women in China, and compare the employment situation of women with the employment situation of men. It mainly includes four aspects: high employment threshold, unequal pay for equal work, difficult promotion, and reduced maternity security. The reasons for the current employment discrimination of Chinese women are explained through Becker's model of individual discrimination. When the preference for discrimination is greater than the cost of discrimination, discriminatory behavior...
Why are women becoming more entrepreneurial than man? Case Study: Czech Republic
Halenka, Kateřina ; Kuchař, Pavel (advisor) ; Koendjbiharie, Sarita (referee)
Self-employment has been considered an important part of recovering and growing economy as well as an area of interest of current governing bodies on national and supranational level. Therefore, this study aims to provide deeper understanding, what influences self-employment and how does such influence differ between men and women. Purpose of the study is threefold. First, to synthesize a model of influential factors based on current academic debate. Second, to analyze the case of the Czech Republic (exceptional in higher self-employment growth rates for women than men) to understand whether gender difference phenomenon is universal or only limited to time/space/industry. And third, to analyze what are factors driving self-employment. To answer the question ​How does influence of factors on self-employment differ between genders? ​correlation research design is introduced to examine relationships between micro- and macro-environment factors (explanatory variable) and gender specific self-employment rate (response variable). To analyze these relationships, secondary data collected from online open source platforms of national and supranational public institutions are utilized. Firstly, comparability analysis is conducted between male and female (self-)employment development in Czechia. Secondly,...
The role of work-family reconciliation policies in female employment and fertility recuperation in selected EU member states
Utegenova, Kamila ; Kocourková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Kalibová, Květa (referee)
The role of work-family reconciliation policies in female employment and fertility recuperation in selected EU member states Kamila Utegenova Abstract Currently an increasing number of parents, in particularly women, experience conflict in work-family balance, which significantly affects the level of fertility in developed countries. The European Council is actively involved in solving this problem, since the general welfare of the country may directly depend on the balanced population reproduction. This work is aimed at identifying the effects of the special measures taken to improve women's employment efficiency - in the spheres of childcare arrangements, parental leave and gender equality. Keywords: fertility, employment, work-life balance, European Union member states
The impact of family policy on labour market efficiency
Schneider, Jan ; Filipová, Alena (advisor) ; Marksová, Michaela (referee)
The thesis called "The impact of family policy on labour market efficiency" deals with the relation between family policy and the labour market, specifically with the economic gender inequality and the impact of parenthood on the economic status of families. While analyzing this relation it describes the historical development and the current situation of the labour market in the Czech Republic, with specific attention dedicated to the position of women and the possibilities of harmonizing work and motherhood. The situation in the Czech Republic is not only compared to the Visegrad countries and Germany, but general trends in other EU and OECD countries as well. The thesis clarifies the development of family policy in the Czech Republic and describes the current family-specific policy measures. It looks closely at the area of childcare services, which has strong impact on the position of parents, specifically mothers, in the labour market. In the last part of the thesis, the author evaluates the currently proposed and discussed family policy changes based on the acquired information, and analyses them as far as their impact and relation to the labour market are concerned. The author then provides additional suggestions stemming from both the acquired information and his own experience.
Family policy in the Czech Republic and its role in the reconciliation of work and family life
Heilová, Iva ; Krebs, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Stočková, Olga (referee)
Reconciling work and family life has been the topic of intense discussion in Europe over the past decade, in large part because the continent's declining and aging population makes it necessary to attract the widest possible range of European society into the labor force. One of the available segments comprises mothers and fathers with very young children. This thesis analyzes the formulation of family policy in the Czech Republic and its support in the aarea of reconciling family and professional life. The analysis herein is based on a comparison of international practices. The goal of this work is to evaluate the formulation of the relevant instruments of family policy that are intended to help people successfully balance family and work.

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