National Repository of Grey Literature 112 records found  beginprevious103 - 112  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Virtual meditation: comparison of the effects of meditation and neurofeedback on cognitive processes
Ondřej, Lukáš ; Loneková, Katarína (referee) ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to investigate and compare effects of meditation and neurofeedback on human neurophysiology, cognitive and attentional processes. The theoretical part consists of tree chapters. First, chapter introduces the concept of meditation in neuropsychology, overviews different types of meditation, denotes methodological problems and presents health benefits and possible use in psychotherapeutic process. Second part deals with physiological specifics of meditation, meditation-induced changes in cardiovascular and cortical system, and employment of imaging methods in meditation research. Third part approaches neurofeedback from the standpoint of meditation and attempts to document some basic similarities between the two techniques and their use in psychology-related areas.
The neuropsychological developmental screening NES - a pilot study of its applicability in the Czech context
Klapetek, Anna ; Kulišťák, Petr (referee) ; Šturma, Jaroslav (advisor)
The neuropsychological developmental screening NES was created for German pediatric practice and allows to quickly assess the developmental state of children between 2 and 24 months of age. At 2-4 and 5-7 months, the test assesses regulation of posture and movement, fine motor control, visual perception and cognitive skills, at 9-12 months visual perception tasks are replaced by exploration behavior tasks, while at 16-19 and 22-24 months posture and movement regulation, visuomotor skills, receptive and expressive language, and cognitive skills are evaluated. The aim of this thesis was to introduce the screening and test its applicability in the context of Czech Republic. The theoretical part summarizes current knowledge on child development in the first two years, specifies the term developmental delay and discusses methodological problems associated with developmental diagnostics. Lastly, the theoretical grounding of the NES is described. In the empirical part, a Czech language version of the NES was created and subsequently administered to 50 Czech children. Despite the overall positive experience with the NES, weak points were identified in the original test instructions, which were modified in the Czech manual. The quantitative results allowed the identification of critical test items. Moreover,...
The cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome
Bolceková, Eva ; Šivicová, Gabriela (referee) ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor)
Tr ad i t io n a l ly, th e c e r eb e l lum ha s b e en co n s id e r ed th e s t r u c tu r e in th e h uman b r a in r e sp o n s ib l e f o r mo to r fu n c t io n : p o s tu r e , g a i t , mo v emen t co o r d in a t io n . Howev e r, r e c en t f in d in g s s h ow th a t i t s f u n c t ion i s wid e r - i t i s a l s o in v olv ed in co gn i t ion an d emo t io n . Th e c e r eb e l l a r co g n i t iv e a ff e c t iv e s yn d r ome i s a c l in i c a l u n i t d e s ign ed to d e s c r ib e d e f i c i en c i e s in p a t i en t s wi th c e r eb e l l a r d amag e . Th e a im o f th e s tu d y i s to con f i rm th e v i a b i l i ty o f th i s co n c ep t . Th e th eo r i t i c a l s e c t ion summa r i z e s cu r r en t n eu r op sy ch o lo g i c a l k n owl ed g e a b ou t th e c e r eb e l lum an d fu n c t io n a l d e f i c i en c i e s r e l a t ed to i t s damag e . Th e r e a r e th eo r e t i c a l ex p l an a t ion s o f me ch an i sms o f d amag e , a s we l l a s a r ev i ew o f emp i r i c a l d a t a . Th e emp i r i c a l s e c t io n i s a s tu d y o f 1 3 su b j e c t s wi th dama g e l imi t ed to th e c e r eb e l lum an d a con t r o l s amp l e o f 1 3 he a l th y, d emog r a p h i c a l ly ma t ch ed con t r o l su b j e c t s . Me th o d s in c lu d ed an in t e r v i ew, n...
Rehabilitation of cognitive functions in patients after brain injury
Umlaufová, Veronika ; Uhlář, Pavel (referee) ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor)
The mm of the master thesi s "Rehabilitation of cognitive functions in patients afteľ bľain injury" was to claľify these problems fľom pľactical point of view. In the first chapter readers get acquainted with kinds of brain injury. The second chapter deals with cognitive tlmctions and the third, most extensive, lS dedicated to rehabilitation of patients after brain injury. The ľehabilitation lS conceived as a complex process involving care of patients in the biological, psychicaL social and physical sphere. The empirical part concentrates on training oť attention. Patients after brain injury. who were invol\"ed in the study. vvere divided into two groups. Within three weeks one group practiced on computer (programme RehaCom) and the other attended occupational therapy. We investigated whether there are any diťferences in the influence of training of attention by means oť computer programme or occupational therapy. In regard of a smalI sample (five patients in each group) and other conditions we came to the conclusion that the effect of training oť attention appeared in neither group after three weeks. The empirical part is completed with a questionnaire. We addressed the specialist who work with patients after brain injury and asked them what they thought about the training oť attention by means oť computer...
An attempt to analyze the aphasic syndrom with regard to the possibilities of its neuropsychologica rehabilitation
Straka, Ondřej ; Šivicová, Gabriela (referee) ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor)
Although the Wernicke-Geschwind model has been for a long time one of the most influential bases for the study of aphasia. its general acceptance seems to have been partly undermined by the use of new imaging methods on the one hand. and recent developments in cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics on the other hand. The main reason is that it fails to account for the fact that the lesions in one brain area can result in a variety of deficits in the processing of language. and similarly the same deficit is often due to the impairment of ditlerent brain structures. This thesis ťirst presents the localizationalist theories. then compares both approaches pointing out their respective interests and limitations and tinally focuses at some length on the assumptions about the brain organization of language production postulated by the cognitive psychology and their reflection in the therapeutic procedures used in the neuropsychological rehabilitation of aphasic patients. Key words: aphasia, localization, cognitive psychology, neuropsychological rehabilitation Powered by TCPDF (
Executive functions in patients with frontal code damage
Hůrková, Jana ; Šivicová, Gabriela (referee) ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor)
Executive function testing is very difficult for many reason.s. In everyday life there are situations in which standard neuropsychological tests do not uncover damage of executive functions, which is utterly obvious. Therefore, the aim of the research was to verify one of the possibilities how to get executive function testing doser to reallife and this way to contribute to improving thc diagnosis of executive functions. In the research the performances of a group of 19 respondents with dysexecutive syndrome were compared with the performances of a control group of 19 healthy respondents. Both groups were tested in two testing situations - in silence (standard testing) and in noise (real conditions). The identical tests of the NEUROP-2 program were u sed in both situations, namely KIQ, PAARE, GO fNO-GO, LISEQ, HANOI and NATE tests. The PAARE, LISEQ and NATE tests have not confirmed a noise effect on any of the groups. On the other hand, the results of the KIQ and HANOI tests have shown that in noisy conditions the performances of the group of the people with dysexecutive syndrome have got worse. In the KIQ test this deterioration was statistically significant. Nevertheless, no significant differences between the performances of the group of the respondents with dysexecutive syndrome and the performances of...
Attention training using EEG biofeedback in patients with brain injury
Gregorová, Iva ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor) ; Kocourková, Jana (referee) ; Urban, Pavel (referee)
Celosvětové statistiky jsou pravidelně plněny varovnými čísly, která oznamují, kolik lidí každý rok podlehne následkům traumatu mozku. Díky zlepšující se lékařské péči se zvyšuje počet lidí, kteří přežívají i závažná poranění mozku. Tato poranění však sebou nesou řadu komplikací a to raných i pozdějších. Finanční prostředky vynakládané na léčbu pacientů po poranění mozku jsou značné. Přesná čísla nejsou známa, ale podle Smrčky (2001) v roce 1990 např. v USA dosáhly roční náklady na mozková traumata 25 miliard US dolarů. Tato částka zahrnuje náklady spojené jednak s přímou léčbou pacientů, ale i s následnou rehabilitací, rekvalifikačními kurzy atd. Řada pacientů je díky následkům úrazu v dlouhodobé pracovní neschopnosti nebo trvalé invaliditě. Častými následky po poranění mozku jsou mimo Jlne deficity kognitivních funkcí, zvláště pozornosti. Tato disertační práce se zaměřuje na možnost využití metody EEG biofeedback při tréninku pozornosti u pacientů po poranění mozku, Jednou z terapeutických aplikací metody EEG biofeedback jsou právě poruchy pozornosti. Metoda EEG biofeedback je mnohými opěvovaná a jinými zase zatracovaná. Využívána je při léčbě celé řady onemocnění. Původní projekt této disertační práce musel být změněn. Měla být ověřována efektivita metody EEG biofeedback u vzorku dětí s diagnózou ADHD, u...
Procognitive effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression
Kučerová, Hana ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor) ; Šivicová, Gabriela (referee)
V současné době se problematika kognitivních funkcí u depresivních pacientů dostává do popředí zájmu neuropsychologického výzkumu. Ukazuje se totiž, že porucha ovlivňuje praktický život pacientů. Dává se do souvislosti zejména se sociálním a pracovním selháváním. Bližší prozkoumání podstaty a specifického obrazu kognitivního poškození tak může přispět k hlubšímu pochopení depresivní poruchy a k vytvoření zacílených a efektivních programů její nápravy. Přesto se v současné klinické praxi hodnotí kognitivní výkon u depresivní poruchy spíše výjimečně. Hodnocení kognitivních funkcí např. u schizofrenie je již běžnou součástí klinického vyšetření, zatímco u depresivní poruchy je ještě stále považováno za "nadstandardní". Je to poměrně překvapivé, zvláště když si uvědomíme, že například měření poruch paměti je svým způsobem objektivnější než posuzování jiných významných symptomů deprese jako je její závažnost či přítomnost poruch spánku. Kromě toho je kognitivní deficit pravděpodobně 7 klíčovým faktorem, podle kterého se odvíjí schopnost sociálního fungování nemocných a tím i doba návratu do zaměstnání. Repetitivní transkraniální magnetická stimulace (rTMS) představuje novou možnost léčby depresivních poruch. Výhodou je zejména možnost působit pouze na danou oblast mozkové kůry. Na rozdíl od elektrokonvulzivní...
Application of ICT for Cognitive Functions Support
Šuchman, Ondřej ; Pstružina, Karel (advisor) ; Kulišťák, Petr (referee)
Performance of cognitive abilities, like attention, memory, language and speech, planning, decision making or logical thinking, is the basic assumption for quality of life. There are many ways how to keep and improve them. This thesis deals with connection of information technologies and cognitive sciences with focus on memory support. At the beginning there is introduced an aim of thesis in detail, in the next chapter there are described memory systems and other cognitive functions. Third chapter is focused on short introduction of brain structures, neurotransmitters affecting memory activities and imaging methods that serve for observing memory activities. In the forth chapter there are described the most common memory deficits. In the fifth part there is description of several computer programs currently used for cognitive functions support. Within the scope of practical part there was tested one software from fifth chapter with focus on memory abilities of researched sample. The results of conducted experiment are described in detail at the very end of this thesis.

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