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Final Report of the Centre of Excellence for Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of Advanced Materials in Engineering
Parma, Slavomír ; Gabriel, Dušan
This final report presents the CeNDYNMAT Center of Excellence, which was established at the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 2016 and ended in 2022. The report summarizes the most important scientific results of the center. It also gives an overview of the main outcomes and developments of the project, including budgeting, purchasing instrumentation, international cooperation and organization of conferences and summer courses.
Localized formulation of bipenalty method in contact-impact problems
Kolman, Radek ; González, J. A. ; Dvořák, Radim ; Kopačka, Ján ; Park, K.C.
Often, the finite element method together with direct time integration is used for modelling of contact-impact problems of bodies. For direct time integration, the implicit or explicit time stepping are gen-\nerally employed. It is well known that the time step size in explicit time integration is limited by the stability limit. Further, the trouble comes with the task of impact of bodies with different critical time step sizes for each body in contact. In this case, this numerical strategy based on explicit time stepping with the same time step size for both bodies is not effective and is not accurate due to the dispersion behaviour and spurious stress oscillations. For that reason, a numerical methodology, which allows independent time stepping for each body with its time step size, is needed to develop. In this paper, we introduce the localized variant of the bipenalty method in contact-impact problems with the governing equations derived based on the Hamilton’s principle. The localized bipenalty method is applied into the impact problems of bars as an one-dimensional problem. The definition of localized gaps is presented and applied into the full concept of the localized bipenalty method.
Octree-generated virtual mesh for improved contact resolution in CFD-Dem coupling
Studeník, O. ; Kotouč Šourek, M. ; Isoz, Martin
The present work is focused on improving the efficiency of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) – discrete element method (DEM) solver allowing for computations with non-spherical solids. In general, the combination of CFD and DEM allows for simulations of freely moving solid particles within a computational domain containing fluid. The standard approach of CFD-DEM solvers is to approximate solid bodies by spheres, the geometry of which can be fully defined via its radius and center position. Consequently, the standard DEM contact models are based on an overlap depth between particles, which can be easily evaluated for a sphere-sphere contact. However, for a contact between two non-spherical particles, the overlap depth cannot be used and has to be replaced by the more general overlap volume. The precision of the overlap volume computation is (i) crucial for the correct evaluation of contact forces, and (ii) directly dependent on the computational mesh resolution. Still, the contact volume evaluation in DEM for arbitrarily shaped bodies is usually by at least one order of magnitude more demanding on the mesh resolution than the CFD. In order to improve the computational efficiency of our CFD-DEM solver, we introduce the concept of an OCTREEbased virtual mesh, in which the DEM spatial discretization is adaptively refined while the CFD mesh remains unchanged.
Hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method in CFD-based topology optimization
Kubíčková, Lucie ; Isoz, Martin
Advances in technological development, especially in 3D printing, allow engineers to design components with almost arbitrary shape and connectivity. Consequently, more and more attention is being directed towards a highly-specialized application-driven component design based on topology optimization (TO). In the present work, we propose a methodology enabling TO of components in contact with flowing fluids. In particular, the optimization itself is based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) with the component geometry encoded using a binary representation. The optimization criteria are evaluated via computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The main novelty of the proposed TO framework lies in its robustness and effectiveness achieved by utilizing a single computational mesh for all the tested designs and projecting the specific components shapes onto it by the means of an immersed boundary method. The new methodology capabilities are illustrated on a shape optimization of a diffuser equipped as a part of an ejector. The optimization goal was to increase the ejector energy efficiency. The newly proposed methodology was able to identify a design by roughly 9 % more efficient than an alternative one found utilizing a previously published and less general optimization approach.
Shifted proper orthogonal decomposition and artificial neural networks for time-continuous reduced order models of transport-dominated systems
Kovárnová, A. ; Krah, P. ; Reiss, J. ; Isoz, Martin
Transport-dominated systems are pervasive in both industrial and scientific applications. However, they provide a challenge for common mode-based model order reduction (MOR) approaches, as they often require a large number of linear modes to obtain a sufficiently accurate reduced order model (ROM). In this work, we utilize the shifted proper orthogonal decomposition (sPOD), a methodology tailored for MOR of transport-dominated systems, and combine it with an interpolation based on artificial neural networks (ANN) to obtain a time-continuous ROM usable in engineering practice. The resulting MOR framework is purely data-driven, i.e., it does not require any information on the full order model (FOM) structure, which extends its applicability. On the other hand, compared to the standard projection-based approaches to MOR, the dimensionality reduction utilizing sPOD and ANN is significantly more computationally expensive since it requires a solution of high-dimensional optimization problems.
Estimating rheological properties of suspensions formed of arbitrarily-shaped particles via CDF-Dem
Kotouč Šourek, M. ; Isoz, Martin
In recent years, new methods combining computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM) have been intensively studied. Usually, these methods are focused on simulations of spherical particles. Nevertheless, this is inadequate for a simulation of a common suspension, the rheology of which is affected by particle shapes. In this work, we leverage the capabilities of an in-house developed CFD-DEM solver to simulate suspensions formed of arbitrarily-shaped particles. Specifically, we simulate a rheological measurement to estimate the suspension viscosity. The CFD-DEM estimates are in very good agreement with available experimental data and correlations proving the new solver capabilities regarding firstprinciples-based simulations of complex non-Newtonian suspension behaviour. The practical potential of suspension simulation is illustrated in a numerical study of the washcoating process in the preparation of a catalytic filter for automotive exhaust gas after-treatment.
A parallel algorithm for flux-based bounded scalar Re-distribution
Isoz, Martin ; Plachá, M.
Let us assume a bounded scalar function ? : Q = I × ? ? ?0, 1?, I ? R, ? ? R3, where Q is an open bounded domain and its discrete counterpart ?h defined on a computational mesh Qh = Ih × ?h. The problem of redistribution of ?h over ?h ensuring the scalar boundedness while maintaining the invariance of R ?h ?h dV is surprisingly frequent within the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The present contribution is motivated by the case arising from coupling Lagrangian particle tracking and particle deposition within ? h with Eulerian CFD computation. We propose an algorithm for ?h redistribution that is (i) based on fluxes over the computational cells faces, i.e. suitable for finite volume (FV) computations, (ii) localized, meaning that a cell ?h P with ?hP > 1 affects only its closest neighbors with ?h < 1, and (iii) designed for parallel computations leveraging the standard domain decomposition methods.
Developing a coupled CFD solver for mass, momentum and heat transport in catalytic filters
Hlavatý, Tomáš ; Isoz, Martin ; Kočí, P.
Using catalytic filters (CF) in automotive exhaust gas aftertreatment decreases the system heat losses and facilitates the CF regeneration. On the other hand, the CF overall performance is strongly dependent on the catalytic material distribution within it. In the present work, we aim to provide a computational framework to study the dependence of the CF characteristics, i.e. the pressure loss and the conversion of gaseous pollutants, on the catalyst distribution. Previously, we built an isothermal computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the flow and conversion of gaseous pollutants inside the CF. However, the reactions occurring inside the CF are exothermic and the assumption of constant temperature proved to be too restricting for real-life applications of the developed isothermal CFD model. Thus, in this work, we extend the framework by the enthalpy balance, which requires combining all the transport equations (mass, momentum and enthalpy) in a single solver. The new and more general solver provides results in good agreement with a well established (1+1)D channel model calibrated on experimental data. Furthermore, it allows studying more complex device-scale geometries of laboratory CF samples.
Identification of the blade tip possition and measurement techniques using the BTT method
Maturkanič, Dušan ; Procházka, Pavel ; Hodboď, Robert ; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine
This paper describes the existing practice in identifying and defining the position of the blade tips and the relevant technique for measuring their vibration during rotation. In connection with the effort to precisely define the position of the vibrating blade, the paper also analysed the possibilities of unambiguous determination of its position. This work creates a parallel branch to signal processing in the complex system of precision measurement and analysis of blade vibration, which was mentioned in previous papers.
Vibration mode shape extraction of bladed disk
Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine ; Procházka, Pavel ; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista ; Maturkanič, Dušan ; Hodboď, Robert
This research paper deals with the experimental protocol followed to visualize the vibration mode shape of an aero-engine bladed disk. This study is based on a comparison between the numerical results obtained through Finite element methods (FEM) using ANSYS software and experimentally using the laser Doppler vibrometer. Therefore the bladed disk was transformed into a 3D virtual environment and structural analysis was performed. The results demonstrate a match between the numerical and the experimental one, this match offers the possibility for using the model for future studies.

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