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Balkanization versus europeanization - expressing ideological concepts (in Czech and Bulgarian)
Kačmarčíková Bakajsová, Petra ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor) ; Simeonova, Margarita (referee)
Author's name: Petra Kačmarčíková Bakajsová School: Charles University, Prague Tha Faculty of Art Institut of Slavic and Eastern European Studies Nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1, 116 38 Program: Bulgarian Studies Title: Balkanization versus Europeanization. Expressing Ideological Concepts (in Czech and Bulgarian) Consultant: Prof. PhDr. Hana Gladkova, CSc. Number of pages: 106 + attachments Number of attachments: 1 (from page 107 to page 184) Year: 2010 Key words: Europeanization, Balkanization, discourse, the concept of Europe, the concept of the Balkans, creating an image, journalistic style The aim of this thesis is to describe the two terms - Europeanization and Balkanization - using the Czech and Bulgarian language data. Both of the terms are set in broader contexts of Europe and the Balkans as emerging concepts and the way they have been represented in Czech and Bulgarian. The relevant language data originate in the national corpuses - The Czech National Corpus and The Bulgarian National Corpus. All the examples have been divided according to their expressivity and prevailing subject, which means that we are trying to point out to both - the type of expressivity as well as the most frequent contexts in which the terms appear. The conclusions that have been drawn from the analysis are supposed to...
Balkanization versus europeanization - expressing ideological concepts (in Czech and Bulgarian)
Kačmarčíková Bakajsová, Petra ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor) ; Simeonova, Margarita (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the two terms - Europeanization and Balkanization - using the Czech and Bulgarian language data. Both of the terms are set in broader contexts of Europe and the Balkans as emerging concepts and the way they have been represented in Czech and Bulgarian. The relevant language data originate in the national corpuses - The Czech National Corpus and The Bulgarian National Corpus. All the examples have been divided according to their expressivity and prevailing subject, which means that we are trying to point out to both - the type of expressivity as well as the most frequent contexts in which the terms appear. The conclusions that have been drawn from the analysis are supposed to either confirm or refuse existence of primarily negative Balkan discourse, and primarily positive European discourse.
Language aspects of vituperative humor of Hašek's Švejk in comparison with his Bulgarian translation
Dichev, Bogdan ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor) ; Rangelová, Albena (referee)
The diploma paper consists of an introductory part, four chapters of presentation and a conclusion. The preface introduces Jaroslav Hasheck's novel and the person of its Bulgarian translator - Professor S. Ivanchev. The first chapter presents general methodological and theoretical matters. It pitches on the frequently negative contingent readers' reception of Hasheck's novel related to a lexical specificity of his - the usage of slang and vulgarisms; it examines the possible differentiation of the vulgarisms as inert and functional according their humorous effect; it alludes to the idea of a normative permanence and the justification of filthy words in the novel due to its thematic orientation; it sketches out the characteristics of the humour displayed in "Shveik"; it determines the theoretical indications and the functioning terminological apparatus, it lays out the possible links between humour and obscene words on the basis of the comical incongruity; it fixes on the problematic aspects of the translation - the diachronic aspect and its relationship with the constantly developing linguistic situation and the potential necessity of its actualization; it introduces the methods of excerption of the vulgar lexis and the terminological notional instrumentation of K.J.Obratill by outlining the thematic fields...
Verb prefixes in the Bulgarian-Czech context
Vosmíková, Nikol ; Rangelová, Albena (referee) ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor)
The aim of this Master thesis is to give a self-contained view ot the Bulgarian verbal prefixes in a comparision with Czech language in accord with the method of the diachronic and synchronic description. The aim is to present own typology of the prefixes coming out from the lexical - semantic features of each described prefix in a cooperation with the lexical - semantic ground of the non-prefig verb. The main attention is paid to demonstrate different meanings of the analysed prefixes in both of compared languages.
Tradition of purism in Croatian linguistics
Vlašić, Marija ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor) ; Dudok, Miroslav (referee) ; Šurla, Andrej (referee)
The main topic of the doctor's thesis is tradition of purism in Croatian linguistics, i.e. the development of Croatian language from the point of view of the thesis of purism as a constant in Croatian langauge. The focus is placed by the author on the role of Croatian linguistics in building such a traditional image. The thesis furthermore explains motives and perspectives of the mentioned tendency. The thesis questions the role of purist principles in the construction of language identity and analyzes long-term consequences of this tendency in Croatian linguistics. The introductory chapter gives an overview of theoretic opinions on the term of purism and current ideas of the recent socio-linguistics and furthermore explains the position of Croatian linguistics on the level of purism of Croatian language. Puristic tendency of Croatian language is in Croatian linguistics considered analogue to the language development. Therefore, purism is a very important element of identification built into the character itself of Croatian language. The view onto Croatian linguistic history is narrowed in the second part of the thesis, in which the author analyzes the materials, in which elements of implicit and explicit purism are to be seen (from pre-standard era, beginning of standardisation and particularly the...
Studies of contemporary student slang in Banja Luka
Symon, David ; Nehring, Dieter (advisor) ; Gladkova, Hana (referee)
My thesis deals with the problems of language situation in Banja Luka and the most of all with the describing of contemporary student slang at University of Banja Luka with focus on Philosophical Faculty. Language behavior of local students is infuenced by the following factors: 1) language factors (standard language, dialect, sociolect, idiolect, foreign language), 2) non-language factors (demographical, economical, social and cultural). During the research stay in Banja Luka slang units were gathered by the means of questionnaire, observation, interview and other sociolinguistical methods. The slang units were sorted according to the determined criteria. There were two levels on which student slang in Banja Luka was being studied: lexical level and functional (communicative) level. This thesis has offered insight into the language situation in the student surroundings of University in Banja Luka in the academical year 2007/08. By this work a certain foundation for possible future research of Banja Luka sociolects is given.
The comparison of Czech and Russian publicistic style
Yezerska, Yuliya ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor) ; Hasil, Jiří (referee)
Cílem této diplomové práce je porovnat současný publicistický styl v češtině a ruštině na základě současných periodik, charakterizovat a porovnat stylotvorné prostředky a prvky používané v současném českém a ruském psaném publicistickém stylu. Východiskem pro tento úkol bude porovnání české a ruské publicistické tradice a teorie a charakteristika nejvýraznějších odlišností mezi nimi. Materiálem pro porovnání ruského a českého publicistického stylu bude excerpce jednoho z nejčtenějších publicistických týdeníků v České republice, a to týdeníku Reflex a jednoho z nejčtenějších publicistických týdeníku v Rusku - týdeníku (dále Ogoňok).1 Tato volba vychází z porovnání typu periodika, jeho distribuce, obsahu a zaměření, čtenářské obce a recepce. Mým cílem bylo srovnat tyto týdeníky především z hlediska jazykového, tj. z hlediska stylu. Součástí jazykové analýzy však musí být též analýza obsahová a tematická. Excerpované texty bylo nezbytné omezit z hlediska rozsahu, volila jsem čistě vnější mechanické principy, abych nezkreslila eventuálně výsledky výzkumu. Pro svou analýzu jsem si vybrala týdeníky z let 1995, 2000 a 2005, tedy s časovým odstupem pěti let a po dvou číslech z každého ročníku náhodným výběrem a dle dostupnosti, a to z roku 1995 červencová čísla 28 a 30, z roku 2000 dubnové a červnové vydání - čísla...
Imperfect in Bulgarian language and its equivalence in Czech language
Krasteva, Vesela ; Hrdlička, Milan (referee) ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor)
The subject of my work is imperfektum in Bulgarian language and its equivalence in Czech. The work is divided into three main parts. The first one describes a general characteristics of Bulgarian imperfektum. It is a tense with double temporal orientation representing an action realized in a specific moment in the past. The goal of the second part is to determine a way of finding a Czech equivalent of Bulgarian imperfektum. The theory behind this relies on analysis of relations between different pieces of translated text where the meaning or substance of the text after translation stays unchanged. The third part outlines examples of the imperfektum and its translated equivalents. The main goal of this work is to introduce the topic to the reader, and not to write it out.
The paradigmatics of nouns in Grigorovich's prophetologium
Pilát, Štefan ; Čermák, Václav (referee) ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor)
The aim of this thesis was to offer a complete description of the dec1ension of the substantives in the Grigorovich's prophetologium (Grig), a Macedonian church Slavonic literary work from the end ofthe 12th or the beginning of the 13th Century, and on the basis of this description to establish the system relations among the various paradigms and herewith discover the development tendencies which are expresse'd in the dec1ension of the substantives of this literary work in the context of the church Slavonic literature of that time. It was accomplished a full exception of the substantives from the Old Testamental reading of the Grig. - For the correct understanding of the phonetic structure of the suffixes was made in the first part of the thesis an orthographical and phonetic analysis of the language of the Grig. In the second part of the thesis was interpreted the particular declension types of the substantives on the basis of the productive gender principle. In every type was separately analysed particular irregularities and specialities. - The conclusion of this thesis is that in the language of the Grig is clearly expressed within the dec1ension of the substantives a proces s of a transitio,n form the radical principle to the gender principle. To that is also related a clear disappearance ofthe...
Turcisms (orientalisms) in contemporary Macedonian press. Parallels and distinctions in use of the so-called Turcisms in Bulgarian and Macedonian publicism
Spasov, Manoil ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor) ; Milenkovik, Vojkan (referee)
Předmětem diplomové práce Turci srny (orientalismy) v současném makedonském tisku s podtitulem Paralely a odlišnosti v užívání tzv. turcicismů v bulharské a makedonské publicistice je srovnání postavení tzv. turcismů ve spisovné makedonštině a bulharštině na základě materiálu excerpovaného ze současného bulharského a makedonského tisku. Srovnávací materiál bude čerpán výhradně z internetových verzí makedonského periodika Vreme, vycházejícího každý den a bulharských novin Sega, které vycházejí denně kromě neděl. Oba deníky jsou celostátní a jsou vydávány také v tištěné podobě. Cílem práce je v první řadě poukázat na shody a rozdíly ve stylistickém užívání tzv. turcismů v obou jazycích, a to na základě článků, vycházejících v podobně koncipovaných bulharských a makedonských denních periodikách, určených pro širší veřejnost2 Při analýze této specifické jazykové vrstvy bude kladen důraz především na lexikologické (lexikografické) a stylistické srovnání. Morfologickým turcismům3 bude věnována pozornost jen okrajově a pouze v souvislosti s vývojovými jazykovými tendencemi, které ovlivňují užívání lexikálních turcismů. Totéž platí do jisté míry i o tureckých frazeologismech. Morfologicko-sémantické klasifikaci turcismů vyskytujících se ve zvolených periodikách ale bude věnována samostatná kapitola. Kalky a...

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