Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 5 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Technological stage of the rough substructure of the multifunctional building Vlněna in Brno
Janíček, Peter ; Doubek, Rostislav (oponent) ; Kantová, Radka (vedoucí práce)
Bachelor thesis deals with the realization of rough substructure for multifunctional building Vlněna in Brno. It is two storey basements founded in complicated subsoil. Thesis contains draft, adaptation and comparison of variable technological solutions of the chosen phase, technical report of the chosen technological phase, the block plan drawing of transportation roads, location drawing and the technical report of the building site equipment, the technological regulations of monolith reinforced concrete structures, the inspection and testing plan for monolithic structures, the machine set designing, the occupational safety and health care, the cost estimation budget with bill of quantities, the time schedule, the scheme of critical concreting and applicability diagram of tower cranes.
Price comparison of a variant technical solution of a specific building
Zelenay, Šimon ; Mrňová, Zuzana (oponent) ; Tichá, Alena (vedoucí práce)
The subject of the thesis is a price comparison of a variant technical solution of a specific building. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part describes the basic terms used in the processing of calculation and budget, price theory, types of prices and software used for budget. The practical part consists of the proposal of variable technical solutions and their comparison based on the chosen criteria. The conclusion is the evaluation of various variable technical solutions and the selection of the most suitable technical solution regarding the purpose of the building.
Price comparison of a variant technical solution of a specific building
Zelenay, Šimon ; Mrňová, Zuzana (oponent) ; Tichá, Alena (vedoucí práce)
The subject of the thesis is a price comparison of a variant technical solution of a specific building. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part describes the basic terms used in the processing of calculation and budget, price theory, types of prices and software used for budget. The practical part consists of the proposal of variable technical solutions and their comparison based on the chosen criteria. The conclusion is the evaluation of various variable technical solutions and the selection of the most suitable technical solution regarding the purpose of the building.
Technological stage of the rough substructure of the multifunctional building Vlněna in Brno
Janíček, Peter ; Doubek, Rostislav (oponent) ; Kantová, Radka (vedoucí práce)
Bachelor thesis deals with the realization of rough substructure for multifunctional building Vlněna in Brno. It is two storey basements founded in complicated subsoil. Thesis contains draft, adaptation and comparison of variable technological solutions of the chosen phase, technical report of the chosen technological phase, the block plan drawing of transportation roads, location drawing and the technical report of the building site equipment, the technological regulations of monolith reinforced concrete structures, the inspection and testing plan for monolithic structures, the machine set designing, the occupational safety and health care, the cost estimation budget with bill of quantities, the time schedule, the scheme of critical concreting and applicability diagram of tower cranes.
Variantní řešení v investičním rozhodování
FIALOVÁ, Michaela
Bakalářská práce se kromě základního rozdělení investic a jejich hodnocení, zabývá také přístupy k investičnímu rozhodování a představení nejpoužívanějších metody hodnocení, variantních řešení a finanční analýzy. Praktická část práce je založena na případu konkrétního podniku a vyhodnocení pořizované investice s použitím ukazatelů čisté současné hodnoty investice, vnitřního výnosového procenta, doby návratnosti a v neposlední řadě je investiční záměr podroben i citlivostní analýze.

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