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Zodpovědnost mezinárodních neziskových organizací
Staša, Michal ; Skovajsa, Marek (vedoucí práce) ; Muhič Dizdarevič, Selma (oponent)
Diplomová práce se dotýká dvou aktuálních témat, která plní v posledních letech odborné časopisy. Jedná se o diskurz o globální občanské společnosti, její existenci, definici či rozsahu. Diplomová práce mapuje základní přístupy k tématu a řadí autory na globalisty, skeptiky a empiriky. Druhým tématem je zodpovědnost, jejíž potřeba se zvýšila na počátku nového tisíciletí po sérii skandálů několika globálních institucí. Ty se nevyhnuly ani mezinárodním neziskovým organizacím. Práce shrnuje několik typologií zodpovědnosti a představuje její základní oblasti rozdělené do dvou skupin: morální a politická zodpovědnost a procedurální a interní zodpovědnost. Ve výzkumné části jsou hodnoceny tři pobočky mezinárodních neziskových organizací: Amnesty International, Greenpeace a Hnutí DUHA - Přátelé Země. Cílem bylo nalézt vhodnou metodiku pro měření zodpovědnosti národních poboček a vyzkoušet ji na uvedených organizacích. Výsledkem je modifikace existující metodiky organizace One World Trust a zjištění nízké míry zodpovědnosti u zkoumaných organizací.
Zodpovědnost mezinárodních neziskových organizací
Staša, Michal ; Skovajsa, Marek (vedoucí práce) ; Muhič Dizdarevič, Selma (oponent)
Diplomová práce se dotýká dvou aktuálních témat, která plní v posledních letech odborné časopisy. Jedná se o diskurz o globální občanské společnosti, její existenci, definici či rozsahu. Diplomová práce mapuje základní přístupy k tématu a řadí autory na globalisty, skeptiky a empiriky. Druhým tématem je zodpovědnost, jejíž potřeba se zvýšila na počátku nového tisíciletí po sérii skandálů několika globálních institucí. Ty se nevyhnuly ani mezinárodním neziskovým organizacím. Práce shrnuje několik typologií zodpovědnosti a představuje její základní oblasti rozdělené do dvou skupin: morální a politická zodpovědnost a procedurální a interní zodpovědnost. Ve výzkumné části jsou hodnoceny tři pobočky mezinárodních neziskových organizací: Amnesty International, Greenpeace a Hnutí DUHA - Přátelé Země. Cílem bylo nalézt vhodnou metodiku pro měření zodpovědnosti národních poboček a vyzkoušet ji na uvedených organizacích. Výsledkem je modifikace existující metodiky organizace One World Trust a zjištění nízké míry zodpovědnosti u zkoumaných organizací.
INGO´s and public management: the case of Human Rights Watch
Brüggemann, Jörn Tobias ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (vedoucí práce) ; Vymětal, Petr (oponent)
The purpose of this master thesis was to gain more insights into the actual impact that INGOs like Human Rights Watch incorporate as part of global politics. The case of HRW proved to be a great example, which had been largely neglected by the academic analysts so far. The theoretical framework introduced important implications necessary to understand the influence of INGOs to date. Based on a constructivist thinking, it was possible to outline a global political order, which is tremendously influenced by civil society actors such as INGOs. Especially the increasing significance of norms within an internationally arena -- that is becoming more and more connected -- gives impetus to actors that base their work on these collective beliefs. The deliberative power incorporated by INGOs enables them to actually challenge nation-states as well as market representatives by transforming the public sphere thoroughly. Human Rights Watch as particular case study has been analyzed as an organization that epitomizes the power of a rising global civil society. Throughout their historical development, HRW actively contributed to the defense of human rights against repressive governments as well as other violators. Obviously, the foundation of HRW was to a tremendous extent dependent on an overall evolution of human rights within the international arena. The end of the Second World War and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations paved the way for human rights to become an official and crucial part of international affairs. However, it took until the mid-70s when human rights turned into a major paradigm to be followed by nation-states. With the emergence of Helsinki Watch and the consequent evolution of other watch committees, the non-governmental organization strongly engaged with repressive governments (regardless of political orientation) in various regions of the world. Analyzing the contemporary organizational structure of HRW has been a difficult task due to relatively little information available. However, one can clearly state that HRW nowadays acts as a human rights defending organization that is virtually able to respond to abuses in every corner of the world. Its eagerness to review organizational process and adjust to novel human rights issues provides HRW with a unique flexibility and a large room for operations. This is also further strengthened through the integration of HRW within the international arena when considering their consultative status at the United Nations, the platform for worldwide relevant negotiations. Their growing presence in major capitals in conjunction with effective methodological approaches frequently permits HRW employees to meet up with heads of states. The impact this might have on the domestic opposition as well as on the actual socialization of norms has been described with the help of the example from Mexico, where the government refused to deal with forced disappearances. By actively engaging on-site, HRW tremendously fostered civil society movements that were otherwise unheard and powerless. As indicated in line with the spiral model, the intervention of HRW transformed the public sphere and boosted the dialogue between public and civil society representatives. The eagerness of the Mexican government to implement changes must be perceived as a success of HRW in its pursuit to defend human rights.
INGOs and the concept of good governance: the case of Amnesty International
Zlotos, David ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (vedoucí práce) ; Vymětal, Petr (oponent)
In this paper, Jürgen Habermas' account on 'The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere' will be set into relation with the emergence of INGOs as actors in the public sphere. The emergence of NGOs, and later INGOs, can be closely linked to the transformation of the public sphere as described by Habermas. An account from the early beginnings of non-governmental associations to the institutionalized status of INGOs following the establishment of the UN aims to describe the roots and roles of such organizations as actors within the public sphere more precisely. The concept of 'good governance' will be related to the commitments of the INGO Accountability Charter of which Amnesty International (AI) is a signatory. The case of AI will then be used as an example to apply the insights gained from the theoretical perspectives explored before. The question of whether AI is successful in its application of good governance relies on the definition of 'successful'. In this paper, the definition is given by Habermas' definition of the actorness in the transformed public sphere and the fulfilment of the commitments to the INGO Accountability Charter. Identifying AI as an actor in the public sphere provides the ground on which the development and controversies surrounding this INGO will be analyzed. Understanding the role AI aspires to play is an important factor. In this context, the controversies AI has faced in the public eye become a starting point into the inquiry of what role good governance plays in AI's communicative efforts. These, in turn, are a key to the organization's attempts to counterbalance negative perceptions and to maintain its position as a successful communicative actor. The end will be formed by conclusions given on the analysis of AI's employment of good governance in transformed, transnational civil society. Points for future research will be indicated if applicable.

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