Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Analýza jízdních vlastností motocyklů
Janovec, Ladislav ; Růžička, Bronislav (oponent) ; Mazůrek, Ivan (vedoucí práce)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá metodami vyhodnocování jízdních vlastností vozidel se zaměřením na analytické posouzení stavu tlumících jednotek. Práce v rešeršní části popisuje některé dnešní analytické metody používané v praxi i v experimentálním měření. Analytické metody umožňuji při posuzování jízdních vlastností vozidel objektivní hodnocení. Hlavním cílem práce bylo vytvoření dvou nezávislých metodických postupů pro analýzu jízdních vlastností motocyklu s následným ověřením v praxi.
Technical diagnostics of the motorcycle suspension
Al-Qubati, Ali Mohammed Ali Hasan ; Růžička, Bronislav (oponent) ; Klapka, Milan (vedoucí práce)
Vehicle suspension testing is very important to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. There are many testers, one of which is the resonant adhesion tester. It is an easy and non-invasive device that is used to assess the functionality of cars’ suspensions. EUSAMA is one of the best known methodologies that this tester is based on. However, there is no such simple device for checking the technical condition of a motorcycle suspension. Therefore, this work examined the applicability of the EUSAMA methodology for the evaluation of motorcycle suspension. It also examined the specification and determination of the parameters that most affect the EUSAMA, as well as ways to minimize the negative impacts of these parameters on the accuracy and reliability of test results. In parallel, a simulation model was created for the Aprilia ETX motorcycle for sensitivity analysis, in which the range for the most important parameters of the motorcycle suspension was set, and their effect on EUSAMA was tested within their specified range. As a result of the simulation model and experiments, it was observed that the rider’s weight, tire stiffness, and platform angle have a major impact on EUSAMA, where rider weight, stability during testing, tire inflation, and platform angle could lead to incorrect suspension evaluation. Subsequently, the modified platform and the stabilizing mechanism were experimentally verified on a selected sample of motorcycles. To eliminate the negative impact of the monitored parameters, several modifications were proposed in this work, including some test conditions and design accessories, including the addition of a stabilizing mechanism, checking tire inflation before testing, and specifying the driver's position during testing.
Technical diagnostics of the motorcycle suspension
Al-Qubati, Ali Mohammed Ali Hasan ; Růžička, Bronislav (oponent) ; Klapka, Milan (vedoucí práce)
Vehicle suspension testing is very important to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. There are many testers, one of which is the resonant adhesion tester. It is an easy and non-invasive device that is used to assess the functionality of cars’ suspensions. EUSAMA is one of the best known methodologies that this tester is based on. However, there is no such simple device for checking the technical condition of a motorcycle suspension. Therefore, this work examined the applicability of the EUSAMA methodology for the evaluation of motorcycle suspension. It also examined the specification and determination of the parameters that most affect the EUSAMA, as well as ways to minimize the negative impacts of these parameters on the accuracy and reliability of test results. In parallel, a simulation model was created for the Aprilia ETX motorcycle for sensitivity analysis, in which the range for the most important parameters of the motorcycle suspension was set, and their effect on EUSAMA was tested within their specified range. As a result of the simulation model and experiments, it was observed that the rider’s weight, tire stiffness, and platform angle have a major impact on EUSAMA, where rider weight, stability during testing, tire inflation, and platform angle could lead to incorrect suspension evaluation. Subsequently, the modified platform and the stabilizing mechanism were experimentally verified on a selected sample of motorcycles. To eliminate the negative impact of the monitored parameters, several modifications were proposed in this work, including some test conditions and design accessories, including the addition of a stabilizing mechanism, checking tire inflation before testing, and specifying the driver's position during testing.
Analýza jízdních vlastností motocyklů
Janovec, Ladislav ; Růžička, Bronislav (oponent) ; Mazůrek, Ivan (vedoucí práce)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá metodami vyhodnocování jízdních vlastností vozidel se zaměřením na analytické posouzení stavu tlumících jednotek. Práce v rešeršní části popisuje některé dnešní analytické metody používané v praxi i v experimentálním měření. Analytické metody umožňuji při posuzování jízdních vlastností vozidel objektivní hodnocení. Hlavním cílem práce bylo vytvoření dvou nezávislých metodických postupů pro analýzu jízdních vlastností motocyklu s následným ověřením v praxi.

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