National Repository of Grey Literature 9,094 records found  beginprevious9085 - 9094  jump to record: Search took 0.26 seconds. 

Occupational Medical Aspects of Work with Cyanide
Vojáčková, Štěpánka ; Malinová, Jana (advisor)
The bachelor thesis contents evaluation of work environment factors of workers at production of hydrogen cyanide, alkaline salts and other coherent products. The first part of the thesis talks about a presence of hydrogen cyanide and cyanides, their properties and mechanism of toxic effect. The second part focuses on history of LZ Draslovka a.s. Kolín inclusive of technical principals of hydrogen cyanide and alkaline cyanides. In the third part of thesis are mentioned individual factors of work environment in the workplaces of cyan chemistry. Third part also advert method of controlling of physicals and chemicals factors of workplaces including casuistry of toxic states from 1962 to the present. To the evaluation of influence of factors of workplace was partly used questionnaire survey. As the second type of evaluation were several objectifications of physical and chemical factors of work environment. Tabs show a presence of several factors of work environment on several workplaces. The tabs was gained from registry of work categorisation "KAPR". The goal of my bachelor thesis was estimation of several factors of work environment at work in cyan production and observation of their influence on health of workers.

Conventions on Chemical and Biological Weapons - Similarities and Differences
Currently, although we are not jeopardized by global conflicts, but when the threat of chemical or biological attack, especially from the side of some of terrorist groups or a belligerent state, is still real, it is necessary to use all possible available measures for the conservation of global security against conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction. The aim of this thesis is the following: To analyze texts of both stated Conventions and thus to get a consolidated view on the issue of biological and chemical weapons from the legislative point of view. To obtain, on the basis of the analysis and systematic comparison of particular provisions, an overview of identical and different elements in both Conventions. On the basis of results of the mutual comparison of particular provisions of both Conventions, to assess, according to their versions, meaning and extent, the influence on performance of both Conventions. After meeting these objectives it was possible to provide an answer to the stated research question: Are the measures formulated in international Conventions on the Prohibition of Biological and Chemical weapons sufficient in their importance, versions and extent, including the effective control? For the purpose of this thesis, theoretical part is focused especially on defining biological and chemical weapons and effective warfare agents. Furthermore, in order to obtain the idea of the importance of existence of international Conventions on the Prohibition of Biological and Chemical Weapons there is given a brief history of the use of these weapons in armed conflicts and a history accompanying negotiations regarding their prohibition. For completeness, the current state of biological and chemical weapons and compliance with both Conventions are given in conclusion. Second part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis and comparison of texts of both Conventions, so objectives of the thesis could be achieved and the research question could be answered. Stated objectives were achieved with the assistance of methods of the qualitative research. After detailed analysis of both texts and systematic assessment of individual measures contained in them, there were detected especially the range and overall text of each Convention. Subsequently, identical and different articles were mutually compared in order to observe the differences, which could have an impact on the performance of both conventions. After overall review of compliances and differences, and after the assessment of the scale, version and meaning of particular different provisions, the research question could be answered, and at the same time basic recommendations, whose importance may represent means to more efficient implementation of individual provisions of Conventions, could be defined. On the basis of results of comparison of particular provisions of both Conventions, in response to the research question it is necessary to state, that actions formulated in CWC, including its Annexes, appear to be sufficient for compliance with arising obligations. While measures contained in BWC, in particular in terms of the absence of any control measures, which could be used as an effective feedback regarding the implementation of provisions of the Convention, optionality to declare information on activities unrestricted by the Convention and inaccurate definition of components seem to be insufficient in its version, extent and meaning for this purpose. Essential reformation regarding the implementation of the objectives of BWC would be adoption of a complex of control measures according to the design of CWC, which has major impact on the objectives of the Convention. Proposed completion of existing articles, in case of which the change in wording would extend the scope of their versions and increase the emphasis on some areas of contained provisions for more efficient implementation of the Convention, may be also beneficial.

Flow cytometry used in study of man`s infertility.
Kutová, Radka ; Drahošová, Marcela (referee) ; Jílek, Petr (advisor)
Background: Currently infertility of couples is a major problem, whereas the share of man and woman in infertility disorder is alike. It is important to discover the cause of infertility as soon as possible. The diagnostic possibilities of male infertility detection include the examination of sperm by flow cytometry and microscopic examination of semen. Aims: The aim of our work is to draw up an overview of the possible causes of male infertility and a summary of possible examination of semen using flow cytometry. Next aim is to evaluate the data measured by flow cytometry obtained from men over the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 at the Institute of Clinical Immunology and Allergology University Hospital Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, and determine interdependencies between the measured sperm parameters. Further, the work deals with the methodology optimization in examination of semen using flow cytometry. Methods: Determination of sperm parameters (sperm count and leukocyte count, sperm vitality, acrosom status and presence of intra-acrosomal protein) was performed using flow cytometer Cytomics FC 500 with CXP analytic software. The method used is based on the test SpermFlow from the company Exbio. Semen samples were obtained from 163 men. Results: Statistical analysis of our data set showed that men...

Positive influence sphere of tourism in marketing due to innovative technologies
Mališ, Daniel ; Postler, Milan (advisor) ; Petrů, Zdenka (referee)
Diploma thesis deals with the positive influence on the tourism sector in marketing due to innovative technologies. The main objective of this work is to acquaint the reader with the basic typology and characteristics of marketing tools, with particular emphasis on selected species, taking into consideration the specificities of the tourism industry and based on the business described company. The whole concept is designed to reflect the very real conditions, focusing on the possibility of using various communication tools in terms of limited financial resources. Assumption is that despite the limited budget for marketing department, which does not allow the use of marketing tools is applying appropriate communications mix to create an effective form of promotion. Another point is the claim that the shift from the concept of "learning organization" to the concept of "mutually learning organization" and build a lasting relationship of partnership, allowing to obtain a competitive advantage.

The tradition of creating nativity scenes in the Pribram region
Lundáková, Natálie ; Malcová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Skopova, Věra (referee)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is the description and summary of the development of the nativity scenes in Pribram and its specific features over the years. The theoretical part describes the beginnings of the production of the nativity scenes along with an overview of the most famous nativity scenes locations in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, this thesis deals with the production of the nativity scenes directly in Pribram and deals with its past and present status. Part of this thesis is the analysis of the association "Pribramsti betlemari", whose aim is to preserve the traditional examples of the nativity scenes in Pribram and its local area. The main section of this work is dedicated to the current preservation of the nativity scenes in Pribram, along with an interview of the chairman of the association which offers subjective insight into the issue. Based on the analysis of the attitudes of the councillors of Pribram city towards the tradition of nativity scenes, this thesis suggests the possibility of obtaining financial support and help for the association to preserve and present the tradition to the general public.

Rodinné finanční plánování
Špačková, Eva ; Smrčka, Luboš (advisor) ; Zámečník, Petr (referee)
Ve své práci bych chtěla čtenáře seznámit s možnostmi úspor jejich financí prostřednictvím např. daňových a státních podpor, dále s možnostmi investování jejich finančních prostředků a spoření a nakonec i poradit jaké jsou možnosti v případě úvěrů a půjček. Ze své dosavadní praxe bankovního zaměstnance vím, že finanční gramotnost v České republice je stále velmi nízká. Spousta lidí netuší, jak je možné využívat některé daňové úlevy a státní podpory, ani jaké nástroje investování trh nabízí. Dle serveru ze 14.5.2007 až 90% lidí nevyužívá daňové úlevy v maximální možné míře. Je to dáno především malou informovaností veřejnosti, jak správně zhodnocovat své úspory, jak efektivně pracovat s rodinným rozpočtem. Většina investorů je spokojena s termínovanými vklady v bankách a někteří starší lidé stále vyžadují oblíbené vkladní knížky. Využíváním těchto produktů se však připravují o větší výnosy a díky vlivu inflace se může i stát, že jejich celoživotní úspory ztrácí na hodnotě. Lidé by se měli finančně vzdělávat, aby se dozvěděli o možnostech, které se jim nabízí a aby je dokázali využít. V dnešní době už není problém obrátit se na zkušeného finančního poradce nebo bankéře, který bezplatně dokáže poradit a vysvětlit složitý svět financí. Je důležité, aby lidé ztratili obavu z cenných papírů či investičních fondů, protože vhodně zvolenou strategií a diverzifikací portfolia je možné poměrně bez rizika získat zajímavý výnos z investice. Lidé by se měli o své finance začít zajímat co nejdříve, protože důležitým faktorem při zhodnocování investic je čas. Lidé by měli se spořením či investováním začít co nejdříve, aby čas pozitivně působil na výnosnost. Každý by měl v rámci svých možností spořit či investovat, aby měl určitou finanční rezervu pro případ nepředvídatelných událostí nebo aby si vylepšil finanční situaci v důchodovém věku. Pravidelným spořením si člověk zároveň vytvoří i jistou finanční disciplínu, která mu občas zabrání v utrácení za zcela nepotřebné věci. V lidském životě však nastávají situace, kdy je třeba vyšší finanční částky, která se nám nedostává. Tuto situaci je možné vyřešit půjčkou potřebných peněz. Je důležité vědět, jaké jsou možnosti a podmínky při získání úvěru a neukvapovat se rychlým rozhodnutím na základě ?lákavých? nabídek, které při bližším prozkoumání mohou být velmi nevýhodné. Základním produktem určeným k rodinnému hospodaření je běžný účet, dále zmiňuji produkty jako jsou termínovaný vklad a spořící účty, zabývám se i penzijním připojištěním a životním pojištěním. Potenciál do budoucna vidím v investování do podílových fondů, kde každoročně přibývá počet investorů do různých typů fondů. Úvěrové produkty tvoří další část mé práce. Úvěry jsou rozděleny podle jednotlivých druhů a typů na účelové a neúčelové. V praktické části mé diplomové práce jsem ve čtyřech modelových případech navrhla řešení finančních potřeb různých imaginárních klientů, kteří si vyžádali radu finančního poradce. Cílem mé práce je přehledně a srozumitelně seznámit čtenáře s možnostmi spoření a investování volných finančních prostředků, ale i s nabídkami různých typů půjček a úvěrů. Výčet těchto nástrojů není zdaleka konečný, ve své práci se věnuji jen těm nejznámějším, o kterých by každý měl mít alespoň základní povědomí, protože si myslím, že důkladný rozbor každého produktu by si zasloužil samostatné rozpracování v mnohem podrobnější formě.

The Bohemian lattice in the renaissance and baroque periods
Gandalovičová, Šárka ; Kybalová, Jana (advisor) ; Horyna, Martin (referee)
Po první, úvodní části, ve které jsou objasněny důvody, které vedly k výběru tématu a problémy během jeho zpracování, následuje sedm kapitol. Druhá kapitola, "Souhrn dosavadní literatury", poukazuje na úskalí, se kterými se setkáváme při studiu uměleckohistorické literatury, ale také na klady především odborné literatury, zabývající se obecnými kovy, která je nezbytná pro pochopení problematiky výroby mříží. Vývojem kovaných mříží v Evropě od nejstarších dob do období baroka se zabývá třetí kapitola, přičemž je kladen důraz na vývojové odlišnosti jednotlivých zemích a dále jsou zde uvedeny přI'klady významných dobových mříží a eventuelně jejich autorů, jsou-li známi. Vývoj v Čechách je zmíněn v souvislosti s vývojem v Evropě. Čtvrtá kapitola se věnuje materiálům sloužícím ke zhotovení mříží, technologii výroby mříží, užívaným výzdobným technikám a dále řemeslům zpracovávajícím kovy, skladbě mříže a ornamentu. Tyto informace jsou převzaty z literatury uměleckohistorické, ale také především z odborných příruček určených profesionálům zabývajícími se kovy. Důležitou částí je pátá kapitola, jejímž obsahem je vývoj kovaných mříží v Čechách do počátku novověku. Taktéž k tomuto tématu bylo čerpáno především z literatury. Některé informace byly získány prostřednictvím odborníků, kteří se mřížemi zabývají -...

Analysis of system of subsidies provided by the State Agricultural Intervention Fund
Mrkvičková, Klára ; Ochrana, František (advisor) ; Peková, Jitka (referee)
The main goal of the study is to analyze the system of subsidies provided by the State Agricultural Intervention Fund (SAIF). Induced administrative costs associated with grant applications at the recipient's site and at the provider's site are examined. Also the control system was examined whether it ensures efficient and economical use of the resources provided. For the purpose of the study, the grant programs SAIF were divided into two groups - operational and capital nature, which were processed separately using questionnaires and average of the administrative costs on the applicant's site associated with the operational subsidies can be estimated as 1% of the amounts received. The percentage is indirectly proportional to the size of holding. The assesment of the administrative costs associated with the investment subsidies was not possible due to the high variability of supporting measures to express the same indicator. It would be necesssary to increase the data set. The administrative expenses of SAIF for reallocatig the resources are 3,5%. For control needs of direct payments there is a system Cross complience, which indirectly ensures efficient and economical management of resources obtained. Investment projects are administrated under direct supervison of SAIF's authority checks.

Genus Haemophilus and laboratory examinations in medicine today
My bachelor´s thesis focuses on the most major pathogen of the genus named Haemophilus, and Haemophila influenzae. H. influenzae is an originator of more serious infections, mainly its type b, which is the most virulent organism, causing invasive diseases mainly with children and older people. It causes mainly meningitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In the theoretical part of my bachelor´s thesis I write about the genus Haemophilus and clinic significances of the most famous species which occur at present. The genus Haemophilus is an aerobic and a facultative aerobic gram that means it is a negative bacteria, which is characteristic for its arduous requests for accretion. I used some methods for the diagnosis. I used the following methods a test with growth factors, which is a common diagnostic method, which distinguishing Haemophilus according to their addiction to the growth factors. This method is financially very demanding and currently the mason being why its results are not so accurate. But thanks to a new technology a more modern method called MALDI TOF weight spektronomie (MS) was found, which is easier, quicker and more accurate than the first one. MALDI TOF enables a diagnosis of the most demanding pieces of bacteria, yeast and mushrooms. The MALDI TOF diagnosis is characterized by undisputed reliability and cost effectiveness. Lactam antibiotics, mainly antibiotics - co-amoxicilin and chloramfenikol are used as treatment methods against Heamophilus. Against serious infections can one protect themselves with a vaccination the Hib vaccination. In the practical part of my bachelor´s thesis I described some processes and laboratory diagnostics of the pathogen H. influenza by methods MALDI TOF MS and by the Test for growth factories in a microbiological laboratory named Synlab, czech s.r.o., in České Budějovice. The results of how frequently H. influenza occurred in the year 2013, were gained from of the previously mentioned laboratory information system and were transported into the other laboratory from a field office of general practisioners. The other aim of my bachelor´s thesis was to compare severity and of each method. HYPOTHESIS 1: The frequency of H. influenzae in the year 2013 depends on a season. HYPOTHESIS 2: The MALDI TOF MS method is reliable and fast for identification of the genus Haemophilus. The Test with growth factories is not so reliable and fast. From the results it is obvious that the frequency of H. influenzae depends on the season. Heamophilus are very demanding and sensitive bacteria for cultivation and they need optimal conditions for their accretion. In this season the viral diseases increase and they can affect the process of the treatment. During the comparison of these two methods I managed to prove that the second hypothesis MALDI TOF is useful in a diagnosis. This method is not demanding. And the result can be obtained in a few minutes. At the end of my thesis it can be said that the MALDI TOF MS method is fast, reliable and an efficient diagnosis tool for identification of microorganisms. MALDI TOF MS has become an effective method for taxonomic classifications and microbiological studies. The MALDI TOF MS method is fast and there are minimal costs for consumables in samples.

Induction heating for small applications
Hrbáč, Lukáš ; Foral, Štěpán (referee) ; Krbal, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis covers the topic of induction heat and possible solutions for small applications. There is theoretical knowledge needed for design of an induction device and also principles of induction heat. In the thesis, there is described resonant circuit, which is the main part of induction heating device. Furthermore, usual interpretations of driver and power circuits are analyzed. This work describes different ways how to adjust operating frequency to achieve better results. This thesis also includes verification of functionality of such a device, measurement of operating parameters and efficiency. Instructions for laboratory exercise dealing with induction device are attached in the appendix.