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Administration of development documetation over WWW II
Gregárek, Ondřej ; Sysel, Petr (referee) ; Balík, Miroslav (advisor)
Document server is a web application controllable by way of web browser. It is meant to serve for the management of development documentation. The application is divided to the four basic parts: Requirements, Products, Tests and Test Run. The section Requirements serves for inserting requirements for products. Product is produced on the basis of these needs and registered in part Products. Test setting is created in the part Tests according to requirements from the part Requirements. Particular products are then tested. The part Test Run registers records of these tests. These are parts of the application: management of users, connecting supplements to records, printing and exportation of data to different formats, saving history of records, filtration and sorting of entries, etc. All the data is saved in the database MySQL. The application is written in scripting language PHP. Data is presented by template system Smarty. The output is in language XHTML. Cascading style CSS is used to formatting. This work describes development of the application. First it is dealing with the proposal of the database, connection and structure of particular tables. The function of the programme is explained in detail at the same time, which is essential for the correct proposal of the database. The application is based on the database. The selected structure of files and relations of scripts to library functions are shown. The template system and the interface for access of the programme to the database are explained. The most attention is paid to the description of solving important functions of the application, i.e. listing of records, their pagination, filtration, sorting and operation with them: saving, browsing, copying, confirmation and work with history, category and problems by upkeep of consistent tree and export of data to various formats. It is always outlined the problem, the idea of solving and the description of appropriate scripts. Samples of source code are also included for better understanding of complicated algorithms.
Visualization of the MBI data
Syrovátka, Adam ; Novotný, Ota (advisor) ; Pour, Jan (referee)
The topic of this master's thesis is to design and implement a web application for visualization of relationships between the MBI objects in order to deliver additional functionality to the web portal of MBI - Management of Business Informatics. The first part introduces the concept of MBI and ranks the functionality of the MBI web portal from the view of user queries and visualization capabilities. The queries which are identified as the most difficult are set as the primary functional request for the new web application. The second part contains the design and implementation of the web application. Both functional and non-functional requirements are specified, including the design of user interface and visual graph searching. Based on these requirements, a suitable application architecture is selected together with a graph database and suitable query library and visualization library. The application is implemented with the selected technologies and tested against the initial requirements. The last part includes a service manual and a user documentation which describes the complete application functionality and provides a use case scenario.
Project Interdependencies Management
Mazanec, Daniel ; Chocholatý, Drahomír (advisor) ; Maleček, Václav (referee)
This thesis describes a domain of interdependencies emerging in within the projects as well as between them, in situations, when these projects are about to reach the same objective using their shared deliverables or resources. In the IT projects area are such project interdependencies rather identified in majority of all ongoing projects - due to this reason, the theoretical part of this thesis describes relationship of areas of project, program and portfolio management as well as managing projects in the multi-project environment and dependency management. Based on the results of the theoretical part and acquired knowledge, the tools and techniques for managing such project interdependencies are presented in the practical part of this work. The aim of the theoretical part is to introduce the issue of management of interrelated projects and to identify the areas, in which the formation of dependencies and linkages occurs and is followed by the subsequent need of their management - then the practical part is focused on the exploration and presentation of the functionality of available tools and methods that can be used to manage projects interdependencies. When selecting the specific tools and methods, the practical part of this thesis further develops the results theoretical part and extends mapping and assignment of specific tools and methods in different areas of interdependencies and management levels. Due to this systematic approach to the interdependencies topic, which is firstly described on a theoretical level, and then extended with the practically - oriented attitude, the thesis points out where the interdependencies are, who is responsible for managing them and which tools and methods can be used to identify, describe control and work with them. A useful overview of this quite unknown area is provided by this thesis.
Techniques for making reports in selected CAD systems in the examples focusing on 3D modelers Inventor and SolidWorks
SOSNA, Tomáš
This bachelor thesis deals with differences in CAD systems. Specifically it is focused on differences in Autodesk Inventor and SolidWorks. Main aim is to look into creation of system methods which means creation and assembling of components into system using bonds and animation. For this purpose it was created system of steam engine on which were demonstrated all techniques and differences in programmes. This thesis was structured for teaching in CAD systems area. The second part of this work deals with research which was drawn up as questionnaire. Author´s goal was to find out for example how many technical companies and schools use one of these two CAD systems, how many women and men work as constructor and how many students put given programmes into effect at schools. Next significant part of this thesis is AVI file which demonstrates a function of system and how it moves.
The living conditions of children staying with their mothers in jails.
The theoretical part of this bachelor project, whose topic is "The life conditions of children placed in mothers with children prisons, contains chapters about punishment, imprisonment, women's prisons exceptionalities." The aim of this work is to look at the prison's environment in Světlá nad Sázavou and to present the results of qualitative examination implemented just in that environment. Those results have been found out through the dialogues with sentenced mothers and prison service employees (psychologist, educator). Furthermore found out through non-structured observation. The research examination wants to answer folowing questions: What are the life conditions of children placed in mothers with children prisons like? What is the convicted mothers' view of their children's care, upbringing and education themselves? What is the prison service employees' view of sentenced mothers' care of their children? The results show the lack of outer motivation which influence the children in prison and unsatisfying psychic needs. The uncompromising priority seems to be material conditions and children's dependency on mothers. The research indicates that prisons are unable to provide such background, which a child gets at home in family environment. Mothers must realize that they have been confinemented.
Judges? attitude toward the project People replacing the walls
VESELÁ, Kateřina
The diploma thesis titled Judges? attitude toward the project ?People replacing the walls? is mainly concerning juvenile delinquency ending in custody, its alternatives, and it also introduces German company?s project EJF Lazarus, that could become another effective alternation of the custody institution also in the Czech Republic. The goal of the diploma thesis is to make a survey of the judges? attitude toward juvenile delinquency that ends in custody. The thesis is also aimed to find out more about awareness of Czech judges who work mainly on juvenile justice of the project of the German company EJF Lazarus Menschen statt Mauern/People replacing the walls, as well as to make a survey of attitudes that judges have toward the project and if they would appreciate foundation of similar institution in the Czech Republic. There was used qualitative research in the diploma thesis. To collect the data there were used the interview method and the technique of semi-structured interview. The research group consisted of 10 judges (5 females and 5 males) who were engaged in justice concerning matters of juveniles at the county and region courts in Prague, Central, and South Bohemia. The goals of the thesis were accomplished. Investigation results showed that judges? awareness of the project ?People replacing the walls? is minimal. After the judges had learnt more about the key idea and contents of the project, they rated it positively unlike present modification of custody institution for young offenders. The diploma thesis is concerning also alternative arrangements replacing the custody that also have their imperfections. The implementation of Czech version of the project ?People replacing the walls? could help to remove some of these shortages. The contribution of the thesis lies in the survey that provides the view of judges? opinion on juvenile delinquency ending in custody and on the project People replacing the walls. The diploma thesis also helps to enlarge it. To implement the Czech version of the project People replacing the walls, I would recommend carrying on with informing the judges about the project. Additionally, I would recommend finding out what attitudes toward the project keep various educational institutions and determining what are the conditions under which would be possible to implement the philosophy of the project People replacing the walls in there.
Profession of matron in prison medical centre
This diploma paper dealt with the profession of the Head Nurse working in Prison Health Centre.The work considered the level of education of the Head Nurses working in the Prison Health Centre with the aim to analyse the level of education nowdays predominating in this profession. Furthermore, the work was aimed to specify whether the Head Nurses have mostly secondary school education. Due to the fad that the author of this work has been studying at the Faculty of Health and Social studies of the University of South Bohemia, the work also took into consideration prevailing attitudes to possible advantages of studies at the Faculty of Health and Social studies of the future Head Nurses. The work also applied to the number of Paramedical workers who have been working in the Prison Service and attempted to analyse whether there is a tendency to increase the percentage of medical personnel in the employee structure of the Prison service. To fulfil the objectives of this work the author had chosen various methods: questionnaires, interviews and analysis of statistical data showed in annual reports of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic.
Place into the Penitentiary as an alternative of an execution of a punishment.
My diploma thesis deals with two institutes of penal law ?detention and a court-ordered institutional education. The aim of the study was to tackle the issue theoretically and empirically, to give a comprehensive picture of both alternatives and to compare them. The aim was to add some information to contribute to decision-making in detention or alternative solutions in the issue of juvenile delinquency. The thesis is divided into two sections - theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part, the legal basis of detention in the Czech Republic with regard to juvenile delinquents is defined, psychosocial issues of the juvenile delinquents detention are surveyed, the legislative base of the placement of juveniles into educational institutions is described, and the psychosocial issues connected with the stay of juvenile delinquents in educational institutions are outlined. In the final part, the possibilities and limits of the juvenile delinquents´ placement into educational institutions rather than detention solutions are discussed. At the beginning of the empirical section of the work, the objectives and research questions were stated. To answer these questions, a qualitative research investigation analyzing the stay of juveniles in detention and an educational institution was carried out. The respondents were chosen by a purposeful selection in educational institutions. The necessary data were obtained by conducting modeled semi-structured interviews with 7 juveniles who had gone through both detention and an educational institute. The interviews were transcribed and case studies were developed from them. The collected data were analyzed using the grounded theory method, open coding. The research has shown differences in experiencing detention and the stay in an educational institution in juvenile delinquents. It has been proved that detention is a stressful situation for juvenile delinquents, but it does not have a destructive affect on the personality of the juvenile. In contrast, the stay in an educational institution was evaluated positively by the respondents, and they emphasized its positive effect on their personalities. The research has also revealed the reasons for incidents in educational institutions, which result from boredom and the unwillingness of the juvenile to adapt to the regime. Now findings of the thesis demonstrate an insufficient use of the programs offered in penitentiaries. For this reason, as an optimization recommendation, I suggest to increase awareness and the motivation of prisoners to participate in these programs.
A Qualitative Study of Arrests as Perceived by Accused Juveniles
Juvenile crime and juvenile criminals are the focus of one key area of society. Criminal acts are commited by youth especially in big towns and cities and they are accompanied by increasing manifestations of aggression. The number of juvenile crimes commited under the influence of narcotics and psychotropic substances continues to rise. There was an important moment when a specific law, no. 218/2003 Sb. Which regards the responsibility of juveniles for unlawful acts and also the judicial system concerning youth, was enacted. Juveniles perceive imprisonment on a significantly worse scale than adults do. Therefore, it is quite possible to influence juveniles in a more positive way by means of a suitable penological and pedagogical approach. Placing juveniles under arrest, their eventual conviction and their eventual imprisonment and confinement is the last solution. This thesis focuses on the research of how juveniles perceive their arrest as they within the Czech prison system. The data was gained by means of the qualitative research method with the use of a half-standardized interview. These interviews took place with ten men, who spent time under arrest as juveniles or young adults (up to 26 years of age). The goal of the diploma thesis was to map the situation of the arrest solution problems due to juvenile criminal activities, to answer some research questions and to eventually offer an optimized solution. These goals have been reached. The findings of this thesis can be beneficial for everybody who deals with the problems of juvenile crime and juvenile criminals. The recorded interviews, which describe the cause, the progress and the results of crime and criminals, as well as the execution of the arrests are of particular importance.
Psycho - social hygiene in the state prisons
Thesis describes the development and current state of Czech prison, psycho-social problems in prisons and psychosocial hygiene. Among prisoners and the Prison Service staff are examined views on psycho-social hygiene in prison in České Budějovice and Příbram prison and quality of life prisoners subject to health.

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