National Repository of Grey Literature 6,261 records found  beginprevious6252 - 6261  jump to record: Search took 0.58 seconds. 

Mathematical and numerical modeling of a semiconductor device
Segeth, Karel
Mathematical and numerical modeling of the function of a semiconductor device is a problem of great practical as well as strategical importance. Recently, this modeling has been devoted much theoretical as well as practical effort in the world.

Structure, function and importace of BRCA 1protein
Hojný, Jan ; Falk, Martin (referee) ; Kleibl, Zdeněk (advisor)
Studies of factors contributed to the development of hereditary breast and ovary cancers lead to the discovery of Breast Cancer 1 gene (BRCA1). The protein product of this tumor suppressor gene is nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a critical role in DNA repair and it is required for genome integrity control. The BRCA1 protein is the key component for correct assembly of reparation complexes formed in sites of DNA double strand breaks. Furthermore, BRCA1 protein is implicated in regulation of cell cycle checkpoints and it is also involved in regulation of gene expression in response to DNA damage. These activities suggest that BRCA1 protein plays a crucial role in orchestration of intracellular response to genotoxic DNA damage. Loss of BRCA1 functions leads to the DNA-damage repair mechanisms failure resulting in genomic instability and a tolerance of genomic alterations in affected cells. The genomic instability is the initial step toward early malignant transformation of cells lacking BRCA1 proteins. The aim of this work is to summarize the information about structure, functions known and the importance of BRCA1 protein with respect to the current discoveries enabling elucidation of versatile BRCA1-containing multiprotein complexes in which BRCA1 protein acts as the multiplatform interacting...

Specific nutriton as a means of own self-creation of human pesonality - athletes. Case Study
TEPLÁ, Kateřina
Modern times bring a number of new views on the perception of the meaning and role of nutrition in human life. Observing the current lifestyle we can see considerable differences in particular individuals. This work deals with the problem of specific nutrition in connection with a regular sport activity as contributory factors which create the lifestyle of a sportsperson. This work concentrates on the individual for whom the strict and specifically focused nutrition in connection with a regular sports activity creates an inherent part of their life and is therefore the way to fulfillment ? to self-assembly in numerous directions. The goal of this work was to describe the composition of diet and its changes connected to different stages of a sportsman´s ? body-builder´s training plan. To map possible bio.psycho-social consequences. For the implementation of this research a qualitative research strategy was chosen. The research was carried out as a case study. The reference file has been made of a couple of sportspeople-body-builders. A woman and a man representing the current trend of fitness ? body-building followers for whom the connection of sport and well-focused nutrition represents one of their life´s values. The research was implemented in a wider timeframe, in a frame from May 2012 to January 2013. Semi-structured interviews, observation, evidence of different personal documents and activity results were used as data collecting methods. For the data analysis a qualitative analysis of written-down interviews, observations and personal documents, and activity results was carried out. From the conducted research of the particular case it was further found out that the nutrition of a body-builder changes during the different stages of the training preparation, even in rapid ways. Changes of the total amount of food, the change of the ratio or amounts of particular nutrients as well as changes in the choice of consumed food are observable. The observed changes of the sportspeople´s eating correspond with the theoretical knowledge given in the theoretical part of this work. At the bulk stage of this work the eating of the observed couple was characterized by a relatively high intake of energy, especially as the permanently higher intake of carbohydrates, a high intake of proteins and out of all the stages by the highest demanded feed of fat. In the cutting phase of the preparation the food of the observed couple was characterized, on the average, by a lower intake of energy, especially thanks to the limitation of the intake of carbohydrates, by the same or higher amount of proteins than at the bulk stage. The intake of fat in the man´s food basically didn´t change, but the woman decreased the amount of received fat compared to the bulk stage. At the final stage of the preparation the food of the woman was absolutely specific. During the resting and recovery phase of the preparation the eating of the observed couple did not show any strictly given requirements. Out of the research results it is clear that the sportspeople´s approach to food is varied, it differs according to the phase of training preparation. Food can be therefore either an enjoyment or the need to a sportsperson. For the observed couple, food isn´t a taboo. This specific and to some extent extreme lifestyle brings certain positives and certain risks with it. This work can be used as an information material for nutrition therapists focused on working with sportspeople, and for informing sportspeople themselves as well as the wider society about the possibilities of the effects of extremes in nutrition.

Expression of CD44 molecules in urothelial bladder cancer
Kuncová, Jitka ; Mandys, Václav (advisor) ; Smetana, Karel (referee) ; Hes, Ondřej (referee) ; Záťura, František (referee)
The main aim of presented work was to contribute to clarify the significance of changes in expression of adhesion molecules and CD44 in the malignant behavior of urothelial carcinomas of the urinary bladder. The individual stages to meet this goal were: 2.1 Detailed determination of expression of CD44s and CD44v6 protein in urothelial carcinomas of the urinary bladder in relation to the degree of tumor differentiation. 2.2 Determine the relationship of CD44 protein expression changes depending on the characteristics histomorphologic urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder, and other indicators of biological behavior of tumor (proliferative activity, p53 expression). 2.3 Evaluation of expression of CD44s and CD44v6 protein in two phenotypically distinct cell lines, urothelial carcinomas (HT1197 and 5637) and determine relationships CD44 expression on morphological and growth characteristics of tumor cells of these lines.

Detection of antibodies reactive with F. tularensis in the early phase of infection.
Straková, Kristina ; Janovská, Sylva (referee) ; Konečná, Klára (advisor)
Kristina Straková Detection of antibodies reactive with F. tularensis in early phase of infection Thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty Of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Study program Pharmacy Because of its high virulence and mortality Francisella tularensis is considered to be a dangerous potential biological weapon and therefore this etiological agent is a suitable object of the primary research. Problems of an antibody response to the infection with intracellular pathogens are currently gaining in importance. Opinions and conclusions of various research teams differ, so this topic is up-to-date. The aim of this study was to find whether F. tularensis induces the antibody immune reaction in an early phase of infection (after 24 and 48 hours). The virulent strain of F. tularensis was used. We also intended to validate a feasibility of chosen methodology. Methods: We prepared a whole-cell bacteria lysate of F. tularensis holarctica FSC200. This lysate was separated by 2D electrophoresis with subsequent Western blotting. Proteins were marked by immunodetection using serum of BALB/c mice. Mice sera were collected 24 and 48 hours post challenge with F. tularensis. The serum of uninfected mice was utilized as control. Using comparative analysis, we tried to find proteins reacting only with the...

The relationship between theoretical and practical lives in H. Arendt and Aristotle
Holub, Štěpán ; Kouba, Pavel (advisor) ; Pechar, Jiří (referee) ; Čapek, Jakub (referee)
The Relationship between Theoretical and Practical Lives in H. Arendt and Aristotle The first part of the work deals with the relationship between thinking, philosophy and political action in Hannah Arendt. The research includes the following: an evaluation of the distance Arendt takes from philosophy; a portrayal of what she herself calls "political theory"; analysis of her critical stance towards the philosophical tradition; and, finally, an outline of her conception of an authentic thinking. The second part is devoted to Aristotle and his position within Arendťs work. It assesses the extent to which Arendt justly ranks among neoaristotelians. Some aspects of Aristotle's philosophy are studied as for their usability within Arendtian approach to politics, as well as for their contribution to the formulation of the ideals of theoretical and practical li ves. In particular, the analysis concerns the Nicomachean Ethics (including reflections on its coherence) and some parts of the Politics. The focus i s on the concept of TÉAos and on the connection between concepts of rrpo~ts and ' I EVEPYEICX.

Legal protection of domain names
Seibert, Michal ; Malý, Josef (advisor)
Internet domains and legal protection of domain names are enjoying a rapid growth in awareness among businesses and individuals not only world-wide, but also in the Czech Republic. Undoubtedly it is the internet, what has been the biggest change in our lives in past 15 years. Originally a military project, which turned to be "something" more than anticipated. Internet alone is a brand new world and therefore there must be certain rules to run and to control it. Thanks to rapid improvement of connectivity, above all after broadband connections had been implemented with vast majority of citizens, this medium has become a mass medium and the law enforcement of rules has become more important and common. The goal of this diploma thesis is to create a view of field of internet domains and related law issues, above all concerning the protection of the names of domains. The essential part of the thesis is so called ADR part. It handles the way of resolution of disputes. Information in this thesis is based both on professional sources and on own experience which I gained with my internet projects or even with domain disputes. This document is not intended to be solely an academic text but also a practical guide that will help "everyday users" of internet. This diploma thesis is divided into theoretical beginning and then it focuses on practical law part. Chapters are made of sections which build together a complex overview of the field of law issues. In the end of the thesis there is described so called "ADR" with ".eu" domains. The whole law framework in the thesis is supplemented by real examples from real life and therefore the thesis has the ambition to improve the readers' (law) knowledge in this field.

Standardizace oceňování v mezinárodní komparaci: teoreticko-institucionální pohled
Krabec, Tomáš ; Mařík, Miloš (advisor) ; Sedláčková, Dana (referee) ; Nováček, Jan (referee)
Tématem práce je rozbor a interpretace různých forem světové standardizace oceňování aktiv a rozpracování jejích dopadů a možností použití v institucionálních podmínkách České republiky. V úvodních kapitolách je věnována pozornost dosavadnímu, značně sporadickému, rozpracování vztahu standardizace oceňování a ekonomické teorie. Dále jsou formulovány specifické cíle práce, na něž je v následujících kapitolách hledána odpověď. Teoretické vysvětlení tržního mechanismu, jeho funkcí, významu konkurenčního procesu a alternativní způsoby vysvětlení determinace rovnovážné ceny v rámci nesourodých ekonomických teorií slouží jako východisko analýzy, interpretace a komparace dvou světových přístupů ke standardizaci oceňování: Mezinárodních oceňovacích standardů a standardu pro oceňování podniků IDW S 1. Z teoretického vysvětlení důvodů, účelu a role standardizace jsou vyvozeny závěry. Závěr práce obsahuje shrnutí nejdůležitějších poznatků a jejich dopadů do praktického oceňování různých typů aktiv v České republice a potažmo střední Evropě. Na pravou míru uvádí možnost použití kategorie tržní hodnoty při ocenění podniků a jejich částí a majetkových podílů, tedy aktiv s povahou věci hromadné.

Committee of the Regions
Línková, Aneta ; Abrhám, Josef (advisor) ; Václavík, Radek (referee)
Práce pojednává o jedné z institucí Evropské unie - Výboru regionů. Výbor regionů je analyzován jak z pohledu teoretického tak praktického. Praktická část je založena na dvou konkrétních dokumentech, kteeré byly touto institucí vytvořeny a na jejichž vzniku se podíleli členové České delegace Výboru regionů. V závěru práce je zhodnocení významu Výboru a jeho pravděpodobný vývoj v letech budoucích.

Aplikace metod používaných při analýze rizika a podpoře rozhodování
Nowak, Ondřej ; Jablonský, Josef (advisor) ; Hnilica, Jiří (referee)
Téma analýzy rizika je relativně novou oblastí, která poslední dobou nabývá na významu nejen ve světě, ale i v České republice. Tomu však zdaleka neodpovídá zdejší zázemí. V českém jazyce dosud nebyly vydány žádné tituly zabývající se komplexně touto problematikou, a pokud se již podaří nějakou literaturu najít, pak není určena čtenáři, který s analýzou rizika dosud není příliš obeznámen. Proto si tato diplomová práce klade za cíl rozšířit povědomí o této problematice. Informace v tomto dokumentu jsou založeny na renomovaných anglicky psaných publikacích z této oblasti a dále vycházejí z praktických zkušeností, které jsem načerpal při vývoji vlastního nástroje pro analýzu rizika. Záměrem tak není jen plnit roli akademického textu, ale zároveň praktického návodu, který pomůže každému s tvorbou jeho prvních modelů. Diplomová práce se skládá z teoretické a praktické části. Kapitoly teorie jsou děleny na jednotlivé sekce, které představují dílčí kroky celého procesu analýzy rizika. V praktické části pak je krátce popsána aplikace nástroje Profeta na reálném projektu. Celý dokument je koncipován pro využití širokým spektrem čtenářů se zájmem o úvod do analýzy rizika. Zájemce je postupně seznámen se základy tvorby modelů, identifikování klíčových faktorů úspěchu, definování předpokladů, nalezení předpovědí a interpretování výsledků simulace. Dále pak text zprostředkovává kvalitativní i kvantitativní rozbor rizika a poskytuje instrukce k aplikaci jednotlivých metod k identifikaci, kvantifikaci, předpovídání, ohodnocování, zajištění, diversifikování a managementu rizika. Jednotlivé metody jsou představeny z pohledu jejich reálné aplikace prostřednictvím vybraných z nástrojů pro analýzu rizika a jejich významu pro celý rozhodovací proces.