National Repository of Grey Literature 5,298 records found  beginprevious5285 - 5294next  jump to record: Search took 0.36 seconds. 

International Commercial Arbitration and the participation on national courts
Synková, Sandra ; Růžička, Květoslav (referee) ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor)
INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION AND THE ROLE OF NATIONAL COURTS SUMMARY International Commercial Arbitration as a form of alternative dispute resolution has flourished over the past decades. Parties to an arbitration agreement choose to have their dispute settled by means of arbitration and thereby exclude national courts from deciding on matters covered by their agreement. Arbitration thus allows each of the parties to avoid the home courts of the other party and allows the parties to adopt their own rules of procedure. However, parties' autonomy is not unlimited. It's limits are set down by the rules of the law of the seat of arbitration (lex arbitri) and also by the rules of the state in which enforcement of the final award is sought. Moreover, the arbitral process is subject to certain supervisory powers entertained by the the court of the seat of arbitration. The international trend is to limit these supervisory powers. The relationship between national courts and arbitral tribunals is said to be one of partnership. This partnership is not a partnership between equals. Arbitrators are dependent on the underlying support of the courts. As the arbitral awards are made by private individuals (or private arbitral institutions) their binding force must be sanctioned by national legal orders....

Non-contractual institutions of using an original work of authorship
Jonáková, Eva ; Žikovská, Petra (referee) ; Wünschová Pujmanová, Alexandra (referee)
57 Summary The subject of my graduation thesis is "The ban and restriction of certain types of conventional weapons in armed conflicts". First, it was necessary to define that as conventional weapons are understood all weapons not being weapons of mass destruction, to explain that the ban and restrictions can take many different forms, and finally, to define, to which kind of armed conflicts the humanitarian rules are to be applied. A brief review of the advance on the field of ban and restrictions of certain conventional weapons has been given, including the historical context. From medieval times, when the only international authority, capable of at least trying to moderate the horrors of war, was the pope, over the first agreements of "civilised nations" in the times before the World War I, to the modern conventions adopted after World War II. Great attention is paid to the Declaration of St.Petersburg and to the so-called law of Hague (consisting of many agreements, today a part of the customary law), which as the first documents state, that the progress of civilization should have the effect of alleviating as much as possible the calamities of war, and they contain the prohibition of use of weapons which uselessly aggravate the sufferings and the Hague law even the prohibition of non-discriminating use...

Administrative delicts of legal entities
Kareta, Jan ; Prášková, Helena (advisor) ; Kopecký, Martin (referee)
72 10. Resumé Liability of legal entities is a actual issue which is broadly discussed not only in the Czech republic in the connection with criminal law reform but in the whole Europe. According to the international treaties and also as a result of internal interest each state has to find its way to be able to impose effective and deterring sanctions towards legal entities in the the case of breach of public law. This thesis describes the Czech system of public liability of legal entities which lies within the administrative branch of law, its difficulies and suggests how it could be partialy improved. Current state of the law of liability of legal entities suffers from numerous imperfections, defects and from the absence of general arrangement. The most important challenge which lies before the Czech legislatives is to deside if the public law liability of legal entities stays within the reach of the administrative law and will be just altered and impoved partialy or if it shifts to the penal law. This question is very hard to respond, because the traditional continental criminal law is on one hand based on the principle "societas delinquere non potest", which means that the legal entity is not able to possess a guilty state of mind (or mind at all) and on the other hand it is based on the principle of...

Legal regulation of advertisement and its harmonization with EU law
Ondřejová, Eva ; Munková, Jindřiška (advisor) ; Tichý, Luboš (referee)
Téma regulace reklamy lze jen stěží označit za oblast, kterou by se odborná literatura nezabývala. Právě naopak. Už sama o sobě reklama vzbuzuje v lidech zájem a stala se atraktivním tématem pro mnoho vědních oborů, které tento fenomén nezkoumají odděleně, jako samostatný jev, nýbrž jej zasazují do širšího kontextu. Takto jsem pojala i tuto práci. Reklamu, v této práci především rozpracovanou klamavou reklamu, lze považovat za průnik oblasti nekalé soutěže, reklamy a ochrany spotřebitele. Cílem této práce je vytvořit stručný a ucelený náhled na úpravu reklamy napříč právním řádem a na harmonizaci této oblasti s právem komunitárním. Reklama jako projev nekalé soutěže je po dlouhé době předmětem národní úpravy, nicméně při budoucím společném trhu je třeba k odstranění různých forem překážek jisté harmonizace předpisů v této oblasti, protože reklama je přeshraniční záležitost způsobem svého šíření a omezující právní předpisy v jednotlivých státech by mohly bránit volnému pohybu zboží. Vzhledem k tomu, že jde o problematiku dvojího druhu, nebyla volena úprava přímo platným právním předpisem, nýbrž úprava směrnicová, která zajišťuje harmonizaci, která na druhé straně ovšem reklamu, která se týká určitých škodlivých látek a je předmětem zákazu, směřuje do oblasti práva veřejného, které lze tímto způsobem nejlépe...

Restrictions of the free movement of workers on the basis of judgments of the Court of Justice
Šedová, Klára ; Grmelová, Nicole (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Petr (referee)
Freedom of movement of workers constitutes right of citizens of the Union to move and reside freely within the territory of Member States for the purpose of employment. But this right is not an absolute one. Bachelor thesis focuses on restrictions which arise out of EC Treaty, such as limitations justified on grounds of public policy, public security and public health or employment in the public service. Other limitations arise out of the disunity of national provisions. In order to reduce such limitations the Council shall adopt provisions for the harmonisation of legislation. It is typical in the process of recognition of diplomas and qualifications. Main legal sources of the bachelor thesis are judgments of the Court of Justice.

Quo vadis, Czech Legislation - Laws of the Czech Republic since 1993 and Factually Subject Characteristics
Novák, František
This chapter is concerned of the analysis of the Czech legislation from the year 1993 to the present in category of Law Acts as the basic legislative instrument enected in that period. The results obtained from such comparisons demonstrate that the most intensive attention is in legislation devoted to economic and state administrative affairs including justice, but problems connected with individual and his rights and possible satisfying his cultural, social and education needs are after the year 1990 even more marginalized.

Analysis of health and safety management system in organisation PORT, a. s.
Maříková, Jana ; Hůlová, Marie (advisor) ; Hykš, Ondřej (referee)
This thesis judges a state of fulfilling the lawful requirements in the area of occupational safety and health in real organisation. The goal of this thesis is to define deficiencies in keeping lawful requirements and to propose possible solutions of this deficiencies. The output of this thesis is a suggestion of the health and safety management system in this organisation should work to follow the valid law requirements.

Application of natural law in the Czech jurisdiction
PANUŠ, Marek
This work deals with the development and possible application of natural law in the Czech judiciary. The first part of this work deals with relationship between natural and positive law, historical development of natural law and legal positivism. The second part investigates the current legal order of the Czech Republic and the practice of Constitutional Court, which should give judgements that are conformable with natural-law core of Constitution of the Czech Republic. The work reflects that there is some difficulty in application of natural rights in practice of Constitutional Court. On that account the work solves how is the natural law applied. However, the work finds out that there obviously aren?t any sources which would be treated about mentioned application. The third part of this work is engaged in possible proposal of natural law as a potential solution of difficulties that are connected with practice of Constitutional Court.

Solutions of disputes in the area of consumer contracts
The aim of this work with a title Solution of disputes in the area of customers contracts was desribed, analyzed and compared economic a legal aspects, advantages and disadvantages by the solution of customers contract in the arbitration and in the lawsuit. Next aim was comparison the czech law with the law in Slovakia, when it was turned to the arbitration and disputes in the area of customers contracts. Then there was desribed and analyzed the problems of the arbitration centre position and the custumers contrancts with arbitration clause, according to the law effective before and after the day of the 1 st April 2012. In conclusion there was defined some changes in legislation.

Present state and the future of asylum policy
Sváčková, Jana ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Ditrychová, Lucie (referee)
Svou práci soustřeďuji kolem problematiky osob v právním postavení uprchlíka žádajících mezinárodní ochranu formou azylu. Vycházím z mezinárodních principů , které si stanovila OSN, připojuji koncepci Evropské unie a konečně i praxi v jednotlivých státech. Analyzuji a srovnávám, způsob jakým mají vybrané státy azylovou problematiku ošetřenou, komu a na základě jakých kritérií tuto ochranou instituci udělují. Dále sleduji, jak se jejich přístupy vzájemně odchylují či přibližují a jestli směřují k naplňování vize jednotného společného evropského azylovému systému. V neposlední řadě zkoumám, jestli se na pojetí politiky udělování azylu odrazily mezinárodní teroristické útoky. Vývoj sleduji za léta 2001 a 2004 ve vybraných evropských zemích. Zahrnuji zde dvě skupiny zemí, země s koloniální tradicí a delší zkušeností s problematikou ( Velká Británie, Francie, Švédsko) a země Višegrádské čtyřky( Česká republika, Polsko, Maďarsko a Slovensko), které jsou vzájemně porovnatelné díky podobné historicko- politické platformě a kde se vlivem této zkušenosti azylová politika nově konstituuje. Komparativní analýzou právního rámce a sociálních dimenzí popisuji současný stav azylové politiky . Mezi hlavní právní nástroje mezinárodní ochrany uprchlíků , žadatelů o azyl patří Úmluva o právním postavení uprchlíků z roku...