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Department of Civil Protection in the army in the Czech Republic since 1989
ŽÁKOVÁ, Markéta
This paper has two parts, theoretical and a practical one. The theoretical part consists of five subchapters and these are dividend into several parts. In the first subchapter I describe the term civil defence as well as its long history that has been recorded since 1929, surpassing the Second World War. The second subchapter contains an explanation of what kind of services are included in the civil defence and their brief description. These services were composed of units intended to civilians and soldiers. They have been used for rescue and clean up operations when emergencies as epidemics or epiphytie have occurred. The third subchapter details the legislative history of civil defence. This subchapter is divided into eight parts each of which describes a specific period of legislative changes. The first legislation related to civil defence Act no. 82/1935 Coll., on the protection and defense against air attacks, which laid the foundations for further legislation. During the Second World War, the legislation did not change, it just changed the name civil defence to "Luftschuz". However, officially the name "civil defence" appeared first in 1992. After that year it became a significant change in this area. The fourth subchapter describes the development of the prewar Czechoslovak army in the period since 1918 to 1938. I describe subsequent modernization and reorganization of the Czechoslovak army, which was aimed to defend us against our only enemy which was Germany. Our army was one of the best armies from all over Europe, even though it was dissolved due to the occupation. In the fifth subchapter the postwar development of the army is analyzed . The fifth subchapter has six parts, in which the development is divided into particular time periods. The biggest changes in the military occurred in 1948 due to the onset of communism in our country, after extensive reorganization in 1968 after the invasion of Soviet troops, and finally in 1993 after the split of Czechoslovakia into two independent countries. The practical part of my work is rather theoretical, because of the thesis of my work and its objectives. My work consists of four chapters, which are the research question, methodics, results and discussion. The second chapter contains of two subchapters in which the research question and methodics. In the subchapter that deals with research issue, I describe literally the name and the research question, "What is the development trend of civil defense in the army in the Czech Republic since 1989?" The development trend is decreasing and it is because the civil defense troops have to depart beyond the borders of our country and can not fight. In the second subchapter I describe the methodology that I have processed my work with. The third chapter contains the main results of my thesis, which describe the history and changes in the structure of 15th Engineer Regiment. Furthermore, the results describe also the history of the engineer battalion, their structure, tasks, utilization, equipment and technology. Moreover I focus on various laws, rules, regulations, contracts and agreements, which are in accordance with the deployment of forces and means of military rescue units of the Army of the Czech Republic. The results also contain tables of the amount of engineers and rescue workers in the 15th Engineers Regiment, as they changed over time since 2003 until 2013, from which the changes occurred in the numbers. These numbers are set in the graph to show effectively the decrease of the civil defense troops in the country. The fourth chapter is a discussion in which I describe changes in the number of military units of civil defence and the reasons why these changes has occurred. These departments were transferred to other sections or canceled. As a matter of fact, the Rescue Battalion Hlucin has been transferred to the subordination of the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic.

To thin from psychedelic experiences - a transdisciplinary interpretation
Pokorný, Vít ; Komárek, Stanislav (advisor) ; Horák, Miroslav (referee) ; Dadejík, Ondřej (referee)
Pokorný, V., To think from psychedelic experiences. Transdisciplinary interpretation. Diseration Thesis, Departement of General Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University Prague, 2016 Abstract: The goal of this text is to think from and according to psychedelic experiences. To think from psychededic experiences means to introduce a transdisciplinary model of psychedelic domain. This model is based on autoethnographic, cognitive, phenomenological and psychopharmacological types of analysis. These analyses allow to demonstrate: 1) place of psychedelics in contemporary globalised czech society; 2) possible heuristic (theoretical and experiemental) value of psychedelic experience for understanding human situation. This text interprets psychedelic experience as a process of deteritorialization and reteritorialization that occurs on different, intertwinned levels of our experience, and, thus, it is a contribution to explication of a philosophical concept of intertwinning. Keywords: psychedelic experience, transdisciplinarity, autoethnography, cognitive anthropology, anthropology of experience, enactivism, phenomenology, embodiment, analogy, intertwinning

Analysis of the Consumers' Shopping Behaviour in Selected Locality
Fritsch, Martin ; Cimler, Petr (advisor) ; Hommerová, Dita (referee)
Bachelor thesis analyses shopping behaviour of the customers from Černošice and its environs. It describes selected shops in Černošice and nearby and briefly characterizes a development of preferences of a type of a main shopping place for food in the Czech Republic and shoppers' character in the Czech Republic. Shopping behaviour of the customers from Černošice and its surroundings is analysed on the basis of its author's survey. The choice of shops is described as well as its reasons. The importance of these reasons is compared according to the choice of the type of main shopping place or the shoppers' mobility. The outcomes of this analysis are compared to the situation in the Czech Republic.

Design of cable-stayed pedestrian bridge
Uher, Lukáš ; Kulhavý,, Tomáš (referee) ; Nečas, Radim (advisor)
This diploma thesis aims to design a structure of pedestrian bridge over the Svratka river. To make a preliminary study of possible bridging, three different outlines were drafted. The cable-stayed variant was selected for further analysis. Two towers, inclined in both their longitudinal and transverse direction, support a cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete deck through stay cables anchored in the tower and the deck. After determining the desired initial state, a finite element analysis was carried out using the Ansys software. The capacity of all main load-bearing elements was checked so it meets the ULS and SLS design criteria in accordance with EN 1992 codes.

Škatula, Václav ; Bajer, Miroslav (referee) ; Sýkora, Karel (advisor)
The final thesis is focused on a project of a load bearing structure of a aircraft maintenance hangar that has a rectangular ground plan 60,0x120,0 m and includes suspended mobile hoist of loading capacity 5,0t. The object is situated in the airport area of Ostrava Mošnov. The task provides two versions of design. The first version consists of eleven traverse joining beams witch are distanced twelve meters from each other. The second version consists of thirteen traverse joining beams witch are distanced ten meters from each other. The thesis focuses on the load pressure of the steel construction, the main emphasis being placed on the single structural components and assembling components. The calculation meet the standards of ČSN EN.

Conversion of the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with Czech Accounting Standards to International Financial Reporting Standards
Janovská, Zuzana ; Zelenková, Marie (advisor) ; Zelenka, Vladimír (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused on the theoretical and practical issues connected with conversion of the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with Czech Accounting Standards to International Financial Reporting Standards. The thesis deals with adjusting items in the consolidated statements of the balance sheet and in the income statement. In addition, the thesis analyses items from individual balance sheets and income statements of the consolidated companies, in order to be able to set the consolidated statements based on IFRS.

Zobecnění objektově orientovaného paradigmatu zavedením morfologie objektů
Šlajchrt, Zbyněk ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (advisor) ; Merunka, Vojtěch (referee) ; Virius, Miroslav (referee)
Modeling protean objects, i.e. objects adapting their structure and behavior dynamically with respect to a changeable environment, is often challenging in traditional object-oriented languages. According to the author, the root cause of this problem lies in the class-based conceptual framework embedded in the foundation of the object-oriented para-digm. The proposed paradigm Object Morphology (OM) is greatly influenced by prototype theory developed in the field of cognitive psychology. OM abandons the notion of class and suggests, instead, that the abstractions of protean objects should be established through the construction of morph models describing the possible forms of those objects. This the-sis defines the theoretical foundations of OM, which is further used to specify the elements of prototypical object-oriented analysis. An important part of this work is also a proof-of-concept implementation of an OM framework in Scala.

Double Journey Of The Queen
Bobreková, Anna ; MAŠEK, Vojtěch (advisor) ; MRAVCOVÁ, Marie (referee)
This study focuses on structural analysis of narrative of the double journey film The Queen according to three types of structuring - classical three act structure, sequence approach and the hero's journey. Each of those methods is examining the story with regard to the fact that the film has two protagonists. It is also taking into consideration the possibility of adjusting these model structures to fit this particular story. The study concludes that each of those methods can be beneficial if used in service of the chosen theme.

The Register of Population Act No 133/2000 statute book, focussing on permanent residency and issues connected with so-called official addresss in the course of administering civil services and civil proceesings
Cibulková, Pavlína ; Kadlecová, Eva (advisor) ; Pavla, Pavla (referee)
The diploma thesis The Civil Registration under the Act 133/2000 Coll., focusing on the place of residence and the issue of official addresses in the exercise of state administration and civil proceedings is dealing with the population register since the origin of the right of domicile till the current legislative framework. In the first part the terms are defined in theoretical level relating to the administrative procedure, records of citizens and legal framework of examined issues. In the practical part there is the analysis of undertaken questionnaire surveys. Respondents were people with an official address and a questionnaire survey examined the experiences of citizens with address of permanent residence at the headquarters of the registration office. Another method of exploring the issue were structured interviews. Interviewees were persons with an official address, clerks of municipal office and clerks of the court mailroom. Through evaluating the data obtained various aspects of the institute of official address have been explained. Their effect has been assessed not only to people who are registered on an official address, but also to other citizens and public administration.

Effect of a soft tissue on vocal tract acoustic resonance properties in vocal exercises using phonation into tubes
Radolf, Vojtěch ; Horáček, Jaromír ; Laukkanen, A. M.
Mathematical model is introduced to clarify the influence of the vocal tract soft tissues on the acoustic resonance (formant) frequencies. The influence is studied in the context of voice therapy technique that uses phonation into tubes. Strong acoustc-structural interaction is demonstrated to take place in the vocal tract when it is prolonged by a tube with the distal end in air or submerged 2 cm and 10 cm in water. The numerical results from the model are compared with the resonance frequencies measured in humans.