National Repository of Grey Literature 38,356 records found  beginprevious38347 - 38356  jump to record: Search took 2.84 seconds. 

Development of fluvial lakes in the Lužnice River floodplain
Hastíková, Petra ; Šobr, Miroslav (advisor) ; Havlíková, Petra (referee)
The object of the thesis is to evaluate the development of several chosen fluvial lakes in the basin of the river Lužnice, mainly in the section between the border with Austria and Suchdol nad Lužnicí. The river Lužnice in this particular section represents low intensity of modification. Many fluvial lakes are situated there and the river is meandering remarkably in the area. The first part of the thesis deals with the characteristics of the natural conditions in the basin of Lužnice and the defined floodplain and the problematics of lakes and their determination. The main part of the thesis focuses on the evaluation of the flow development and fluvial lakes of the Lužnice floodplain based on the data of a aerosnapshoting. Because of the gradual decease of the meanders and straightening of the flows, it is possible to claim that the river has been considerably shortened with the passing time. In the thesis, 34 chosen fluvial lakes, that were measured morphometrically and batymetrically, were studied in detail.

Raně středověké hradiště v Libici nad Cidlinou, velké nebo malé zázemí?
Mařík, Jan
This paper makes an attempt to quantify the demands of the agglomeration of early medieval castle in Libice on agricultural production and timber resources. The basis of the estimates is population size calculated according to the results of archaeological excavations of burial grounds. Spatial models have been produced showing the maximum, middle and minimum territory needed to supply the agglomeration requirements. None of these models is meant as a reconstruction of a past reality, but as an attempt to define the limits of further thinking about the economy of Early Medieval centres. The maximalist model could go as far as 4.2 km behind the fortification. The models have shown that requirements on arable land and cereal production could be satisfied in the vicinity of the agglomeration. Timber resources and the timber consumption were relatively balanced with no need for transport of timber from further away.

Implementing the Dynamic Languages Using DLR Technology
Beňo, Miloslav ; Zavoral, Filip (advisor) ; Dokulil, Jiří (referee)
The Microsoft .NET Framework was from the beginning designed to support broad range of languages on a Common Language Runtime (CLR). CLR provides shared services such as garbage collection, JIT and tools integration. The other benefit is that these languages can work together and use libraries written in any of them as well as .NET Base class library (BCL). The CLR didn't have the support for dynamic languages. Their dynamic nature makes the compilation uneasy and places high demands on the language runtime. Unlike static languages as C# which don't require runtime support other than CLR itself. How difficult was it to make the dynamic language on .NET can be seen in the open-source implementation of PHP language on .NET called Phalanger. Its code is really complex and hard to survey. This is a serious problem for an open-source project, because it's hard to contribute. The new Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) makes a difference. It adds a lot of support for dynamic languages on .NET, that makes implementing the dynamic languages much easier and it also enables the interoperability between the dynamic languages built on DLR and standard static languages on .NET. This work focuses on features of PHP dynamic language and discusses how they can be implemented in DLR. A part of this work is a pilot implementation...

Changes of commercial culture in Prague center in the industrialisation period
Záhorský, Štěpán ; Pokorný, Jiří (advisor) ; Hnilica, Jiří (referee)
Supermarket Albert, který je součástí velké společnosti Ahold, má jednu ze svých prodejen v budově Staroměstské tržnice. Obchod je v původní velkoryse pojaté prodejní prostoře bazilikální dispozice. Tržnice je kryta ocelovou konstrukcí na litinových sloupech s oktogonální kupolí nad křížením dvou hlavních lodí. Vše bylo však při přestavbě v 80. let zapřeno. Strop byl snížen, sloupy skryly prefabrikované desky. Po příchodu do prostoru z ulice 28. října, skrz skleněné dveře na fotobuňku, nalezneme vpravo pobočku České spořitelny a na druhé straně drogerii. Za bankou zabírá celý prostor východní lodi již zmíněný supermarket. Ten je zde jakýmsi pokračovatelem v naplňování původního účelu stavby. Prodej potravin se však omezil pouze na menší část oproti původnímu trhu. Ostatní plochu kdysi rušného "břicha Prahy" zabrala rozlehlá čínská restaurace s důkladnými dekoracemi, včetně "bohatě" zdobeného portiku a množstvím soch čínských tygrů a postav z populárních seriálů. Když míjíme malou trafiku, dostáváme se druhým vchodem do Rytířské ulice. V 80. letech byla takto vytvořena jednoduchá, avšak funkční, prodejní pasáž. Slabé ozvěny původní, ve své době na výsost moderní stavby, průkopnické architektonické koncepce jsou však na místě dosud. Skrz omezenou prosklenou plochu křížení lze zahlédnout důmyslnou krycí...

Rodina auxinových přenašečů PIN: funkční a evoluční pohled
Skůpa, Petr ; Zažímalová, Eva (advisor) ; Hejátko, Jan (referee) ; Opatrný, Zdeněk (referee)
Growth and development of plant body is dependent on correct and effective integration of information about current deployment of its body parts, as well as on perception and transduction of inputs from environment. Multiple developmental processes within plant body are determined by specific and tightly controlled distribution of molecule with unique signaling mission within plant development - auxin. Spatial distribution of auxin is co-determined by plethora of tightly controlled processes, and the polar auxin transport plays unique role among them. PIN proteins are the plant-specific family of secondary transporters driving movement of auxin across membranes. With their frequent asymmetrical localization within cells, specific expression patterns in developing tissues and their reactiveness to external cues they secure unique, dynamic and asymmetric distribution of auxin within the plant body. This dissertation thesis is focused on characterization of the role different PIN proteins play in determining cellular auxin homeostasis and consequent formation of auxin gradients. Controlled overexpression of PIN proteins in tobacco cells showed, that PIN4 and to some extent also PIN6, function as the direct auxin efflux carriers. In the cellular auxin transport they play the role analogous to other...

Modelling Dynamic Trees
Vajbar, Michal ; Holubová, Irena (referee) ; Toman, Kamil (advisor)
There exist many algorithms that work over tree graphs. Any of them can use di erent data structures to represent the same tree. If we need to run several of these algorithms over one forest together each one could use its own representation of the forest. Moreover if the forest dynamically changes over the time by edge insertions and deletions all these changes have to be reflected into data structures of all algorithms. This is not efficient. Thus several data structures have been proposed to solve this problem. Any of them is good at some properties, but each has a weak point. It appears that Top Trees provide the most acceptable trade-o ff. This thesis deals with Top Trees. First we build an implementation of the structure and describe it in detail. Then a programming language called Top Tree Friendly Language (TFL) is developed exclusively for algorithm designing over our data structure. It combines declarative and procedural approaches that results in simpler and faster algorithm designing. Finally we present Top Tree Query Language (TQL) that provides an easy Top Trees administration. The implementation of Top Trees, the programming language TFL and the query language TQL together form a complex solution for using Top Trees.

Czechoslovak pilots in German captivity 1940-1945
Kudrna, Ladislav ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor) ; Hanzlík, František (referee) ; Gebhart, Jan (referee)
Příslušníci RAF, čs. letce nevyjímaje, byli ze strany velitelství RAF připraveni na možnost zajetí. Předně znali svá práva a povinnosti vyplývající ze Ženevské konvence. Zajatec mohl udat pouze své vojenské číslo, jméno a hodnost. Nic víc. Pokud by porušil tato ustanovení, vystavoval se po skončení války možnosti vojenského postihu. Velení RAF však svoje muže připravilo nejen na to, co mají dělat v případě zajetí, ale i na to, jak se zajetí vyhnout. Ukázali jsme si, že velení RAF nechalo v roce 1941 seznámit svoje příslušníky s příběhem letce, který upadl do zajetí a podařilo se mu z něho utéct a probít se zpět do Velké Británie. Na příkladě tohoto muže mělo být ukázáno, jak se v případě zajetí zachovat, co mohli letci očekávat v případě německých výslechů, a jak využít příležitost k útěku. Letci byli rovněž seznámeni s tím, jak se zachovat v případě sestřelení nejen nad Německem, ale i nad okupovanou Evropou, především nad Francií. Letci potom byli na operace nad nepřátelským územím vybaveni různými pomůckami, které jim měly pomoci probít se zpět do Velké Británie. I když se velení RAF snažilo své muže co nejlépe připravit na možnost sestřelení nad nepřátelským územím, přesto několik čs. letců po válce do protokolu uvedlo, že neměli potřebné instrukce, jak se v takovém případě zachovat. Tedy jak se vyhnout...

Care Farming as a Form of Rehabilitation and Social service
Kadlecová, Helena ; Holmerová, Iva (advisor) ; Deverová, Lenka (referee)
Care farming includes using farms, farm work and animals, and agricultural and horticultural activities for improving human health and quality of life. It has its roots in involving patients in farm and agricultural work within large health and social care institutions in the past. It also originates from rural self-help systems, which used to employ disadvantaged individuals on farms. Modern care farming is a part of multifunctional agriculture, which offers services beyond mere production of food and fabric. From the care part it comes from the search for new possibilities of therapy, rehabilitation and integration of disabled and disadvantaged people, within the process of deinstitutionalisation of care. Some countries have developed this concept with research conducted at both national and international levels. Care farming has been mostly a bottom-up approach that arose spontaneously from individuals' and organizations' pursuits. If the number of care farming providers is higher in a country they tend to create a network to cooperate better and share experience. I describe the situation in Norway and the United Kingdom. Care farming is provided by farms or social/health care organizations as a means of service. Frequent target groups are people with mental health problems, learning difficulties,...

Selecting an optimal set of features for the morphological tagging of Czech
Raab, Jan
This work continues in implementational and experimental project Morče, which aimed to create the best possible morphological Czech tagger based on hidden Markov model with averaged perceptron. Successfulness of algorithm depends mainly on a selected set of features describing a context, which determines choice of a tag. The work describes briefly the algorithm and its implementation. Main part of the work consists of a lot of experiments which explore possible feature sets, their successfulness and their relationships. Few clear rules are defined for comparison of versions. Fivefold crossvalidation with t-test is used for verification of statistical significance. After the work was started, new Czech data became available, so all experiments used data from PDT 2.0. Side effect of this work was statistical significant improvement of successfulness. However, the best Czech tagger was obviously not overwhelmed. Some modifications were made in order to perform automatic version development. It was executed in small extent and also described.

Food Supply of Düsseldorf Citizens and Supply Policy in the British Zone 1945-1948
Nigrin, Tomáš ; Pešek, Jiří (advisor) ; Kunštát, Miroslav (referee)
Schon in den ersten Tagen nach dem Ausbruch des zweiten .Weltkrieges wurde das Rationierungssystem in Deutschland eingefuhrt. Eng verbunden mit der Kriegsentwicklung verschlechterte sich langsam auch die Situation der Zivilbevölkerung im Deutschen Reich. Die Menge der offiziell rationierten Nahrungsmittel sank im Zusammenhang mit wachsender Knappheit an Ressourcen und mit dem Verlust der besetzten Gebiete im Osten, die der brutalen nazistischen landwirtschaftlichen Exploitation unterstellt waren. Während des Krieges kam es aber nie zu einer steilen Senkung der Rationen. Erst im März 1945 kam es in Düsseldorf wegen der Annäherung der Front zum Zusammenbruch des Verwaltungs- und Versorgunssystems und zur Senkung der Rationen zum ersten Mal auf 1.000 Kalorien. Auch nach der Eroberung Düsseldorfs von der amerikanischen Armee verbesserte sich die Versorgungslage kaum. Der totale Zusammenbruch des Verkehrs- und Versorgungssystem verursachte langzeitige Mangel an rationierten Nahrungsmitteln. Bis Ende Sommer 1945 blieben die Rationen auf ungefähr 1.000 Kalorien und erst im Herbst kam es zu Verbesserung der Lage. Seit dem wiederholten sich periodisch bis zum Sommer 1948 periodisch die Winter- und Frühlingskrise und die Stabilisationsphase im Spätsommer und Herbst. Die Krise im Frühjahr 1947 war am längsten und am...