National Repository of Grey Literature 36,361 records found  beginprevious36352 - 36361  jump to record: Search took 2.39 seconds. 

Problematics of Creole languages: example of Capverdian Creole
Pelant, Matyáš ; Tláskal, Jaromír (referee) ; Jindrová, Jaroslava (advisor)
Hlavním tématem této diplomové práce je problematika kreolštin portugalského základu - jejich vymezení vzhledem k ostatním jazykům a hlavně jazyku základu - portugalštině. Ukázali jsme, že tendencí moderní lingvistiky je vnímant kreolštiny obecně jako samostatný jazykový systém. Studium teoretických prací nám ukazuje výjimečnost kreolštin, zejména při jejich vzniku, a představuje nám rozsáhlou terminologii, která tyto jazyky popisuje. Právě proto, že je někdy obtížné z čistě jazykového hlediska určit přesný rozdíl mezi pidžinem a kreolštinou, zdá se nám základní terminologie kreolistiky pro popis kreolštin nezbytná. Kreolštiny portugalského základu, které jsme představili, jsou stále významné, zejména v africké oblasti. V Asii jsme byli svědky dekreolizace či vymizení kreolštin. Také jsme ukázali, že se jedná o velmi rozsáhlou oblast, která nabízí mnoho témat nejen pro kreolistiku, jazykovědu jako takovou a její pro příbuzné obory (hlavně sociolingvistika), ale i pro historii (historie osídlování, otrokářského systému, vztah jazyka a historie apod.) či etnologii Gazykjako významná charakteristika komunit). Na příkladu kabuverdianu jsme sledovali jednotlivé rysy, které jsou typické pro kreolské jazyky. Srovnávali jsme její systém s portugalštinou, protože se jedná o jazyk, se kterým je kabuverdianu stále v...

Behavioral pattern as a suspected risc of the development of specific diseases
Šornová, Tereza ; Hrachovinová, Tamara (referee) ; Kebza, Vladimír (advisor)
V kasuistikách ani prostřednictvím dotazníkových metod jsme nezjistily nijak výraznou a plošně se vyskyttijící přítomnost specifických typů chování či jiných behaviorálních determinant, popisovaných v teoretické části práce. Zkoumaný soubor se vyznačoval výraznou interindividuální specifitou vzhledem k možným intervenujícím behaviorálním proměnným. Společným rysem by teoreticky mohlo být zatljetí profesionálním životem spolu s nízkým výskytem protektivních zájmových činností. Žádné specifické psychické dekompenzace jsme u osob z výběrového souboru globálně nezaznamenali. Častěji se vyskytoval obecný pocit osobní nepohody s individuálním sycením jejích negativních průvodních znaků. Vzhledem k dosavadní absenci jednoznačné odpovědi na otázku vztahu typu chováni a psychosociálních determinant ke zdraví člověka, stejně jako uceleného teoretického přístupu k této problematice jsme zastánci následujícího postupu v psychologické a lékařské praxi: Primární i sekundární péče by se měla soustředit na snížení miry škodlivého vlivu různých aspektů negativní emotivity a chování s ohledem na genetické dispozice jedince. Detekce rizik je otázkou pečlivé rodinné a osobní anamnézy zaměřené na psychosociální, biologické a environmentální determinanty. Následná intervence by se měla odvíjet od detekované přítomnosti...

Internal audit
Švandrlíková, Monika ; Roubíčková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Brabec, Miroslav (referee)
This diploma paper is focused on the problems of internal audits. The goal of the paper is to inform readers on the profession of the internal auditor. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part background information is provided on the origin and development of the auditor profession, kinds of audit, and the relationship between external and internal audits. Next in this part is an overview of the internal audit; namely its development, requirements on the person of the internal auditor, law concerning internal audits in the Czech Republic and the procedures of internal auditing starting with risk analysis, planning and realization of the internal audit and concluding with the reporting of results and assessment of the internal audit. In the second part a case study is provided of an internal audit at the Ministry of Education. In this part I describe the history of the department, and an internal audit of the department - its position and individual results accomplished by the internal audit.

History of elementery education in selected areas (school project)
Obermajerová, Kateřina
This diploma thesis is focused on the origin and history of elementary education system in the area Prague- west. The work is divided into two main parts, theoretical and practic. The theoretical part chronologically introduces the history of the schools since their inception ( complete dissolution ), to the present. The history of a particular schools in this area is the material source used to formulate the project for for students of different schools as the general public. The main aim of this project is to familiarize pupils with the history of their school and to strengthen the students' relationship to the school. The project will be realized in the school year 2014/2015. All proposed activities and expected outcomes are formulated according to the Framework Educational Programme.

Growth hormone - IGF - 1 axis, it's regulation and function. Plasma ghrelin levels in certain pathologic states
Jarkovská, Zuzana ; Marek, Josef (advisor) ; Hainer, Vojtěch (referee) ; Mareš, Jan (referee)
Ghreliu is a peptide hormone with a strong stimulatory effect on growth hormone (GH) secretion. Ghrelin was origiu;i!íy isolated from the rat stomach as an endogenous secretagogue for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Although the fírst coinpoimds of the group of growth hormone seeretagogues were synthesized already in 1997, the isolation of the GHS-R and ghrelin is a matter of tlie last decade. Our study was aimed at the determination of the physiological role of endogenous ghrelin in GH secretion in certain pathological conditions and its associations with tlie GH/IGF-1 axis compounds. Our study was the first one detecíing also active ghrelin coucentrations. We assumed, that ghrelin secretion is aflected by the GH secretory statě. In patíents with acroinegaly we expected low ghrelin coucentrations (hypothesis 1) aud in patients with GHD we presuined, that ghrelin concentrations will be elevated (hypothesis 2) in comparison with healthy subjects as an effect of the negative feedback regulation by GH. Our findings however did not support tliese hypotheses, active and total ghrelin concentrations did not differ between patients and healthy controls. These data do not support an important role tor ghrelin in GH secretion in these conditions as well as the existence of a negative feedback...

German-Polish Relationship from the Perspective of Expellee Association
Brusová, Hana ; Kunštát, Miroslav (advisor) ; Křen, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis are german-polish relationships that began to change during the 1980's and the 1990's. Poland was on the verge of political, social, and economical transformation. The BRD and DDR were about to unite and that was not possible without dealing with their past. That involved the need to smooth out the relations with Poland that were left unresolved after the World War II. Powered by TCPDF (

Psychosomatics and speech negotiations actor
Hacurová, Eva ; SZYMIKOVÁ, Regina (advisor) ; PLEŠTILOVÁ, Miroslava (referee)
In my master thesis I focus on psychosomatic, internal and external, actors assumptions, which are an essential part of acting talent. I deal with the question of to what extent is an anctor influenced by the nature of man, his qualities and character. The work is examining the relationship between the body and the psyche, especially its impact on creating a dramatic character during the rehearsing process and the overall speaking and physical stage of negotiations. I am naming not only my own acting assumptions, but also the problems that accompanied me during the study, whether cloistered and in graduate roles in the theater Disk . I am referring to the actor's bad habits, risks of relations between acting partners and creative team as well as the necessity of pursuing the profession responsibly and artistically, realize of my strengths and weaknesses and targeted work to eliminate them.

The Register of Population Act No 133/2000 statute book, focussing on permanent residency and issues connected with so-called official addresss in the course of administering civil services and civil proceesings
Cibulková, Pavlína ; Kadlecová, Eva (advisor) ; Pavla, Pavla (referee)
The diploma thesis The Civil Registration under the Act 133/2000 Coll., focusing on the place of residence and the issue of official addresses in the exercise of state administration and civil proceedings is dealing with the population register since the origin of the right of domicile till the current legislative framework. In the first part the terms are defined in theoretical level relating to the administrative procedure, records of citizens and legal framework of examined issues. In the practical part there is the analysis of undertaken questionnaire surveys. Respondents were people with an official address and a questionnaire survey examined the experiences of citizens with address of permanent residence at the headquarters of the registration office. Another method of exploring the issue were structured interviews. Interviewees were persons with an official address, clerks of municipal office and clerks of the court mailroom. Through evaluating the data obtained various aspects of the institute of official address have been explained. Their effect has been assessed not only to people who are registered on an official address, but also to other citizens and public administration.

Creation and enforcement of receivables
Šebková, Tereza ; Uhlík, Milan (advisor) ; Pavla, Pavla (referee)
The thesis Creation and enforcement of receivables is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with legislation that currently applies to the whole issue of claims. The issue of debts and obligations is monitored in general in the framework of the Czech legal system, while not neglecting European law. The practical part aims to identify the most common causes of claims for individual and legal persons. The most extensive chapter of the practical part is the analysis of the recovery process of the incurred debts. There are a number of enforcement methods which are directly linked at specific conditions. Therefore the analysis of the whole process is relatively large. The last section focuses on the success of the recovery process in the collections agency. The final section summarizes the results of the whole researched issue and analyzed causes of the fluctuations in the success of the recovery process.

Capital structure of Czech joint stock companies and its determinants
Poulová, Lucie ; Marek, Petr (advisor) ; Hrdý, Milan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to perform an analysis of capital structure of joint stock companies based in the Czech Republic. The first part of the thesis introduces modern theories and main determinants of capital structure. Further it stakes out basic models used for testing the validity of mentioned theories and the methodology used. The second part of the thesis focuses on practical results of the analysis. The first chapter summarises descriptive analysis of the passive structure, the level of leverage, the composition of equity and liabilities of the joint stock companies. These ratios are judged mainly according to industry classification and the type of ownership. In the next step, the relationship between leverage and profitability is closely explored since it is thought to be one of the main determinants. In the last chapter, the models are applied to the sample of Czech companies with the effort to judge the validity of capital structure theories and to evaluate the effect of determinants on capital structure.