National Repository of Grey Literature 87 records found  beginprevious37 - 46nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Issue of Satisfaction and Access of Foreigners into the Health Insurance (A Case of the Czech Republic)
Kušniráková, Eliška ; Arnoldová, Anna (advisor) ; Kučera, Michael (referee)
The master thesis The Issue of the Satisfaction and Access of Foreigners into the Health Insurance (A Case of the Czech Republic) focuses on the topic of the situation of foreigners residing in Czechia and their access into the social security system, especially into the systems of public or private health insurance systems. The thesis brings to light the system of residences and legal statuses and how they affect the range of rights that foreigners can possess, with special emphasis put on their access into the public or private health insurance systems. It also offers an analysis of both public and private health insurance systems and critically compares them.
Optimization of Tax Burden of Individual
Kokoliová, Eva ; Havlová, Jiřina (referee) ; Brychta, Karel (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with taxation of income of individuals and tax optimization of this income. The thesis also includes the issue of social and public health insurance for persons doing business on the basis of a trade license. The aim is to compare the tax burden for these selected variants with an individual having income from dependent activity and from the independent activity and to propose the most suitable variant.
Comparison of health insurance systems in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany
Stieberová, Marie ; Štefko, Martin (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema "Vergleich der Krankenversicherungssysteme in der Tschechischen Republik und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland". Zwischen den gesetzlichen Krankenversicherungssystemen der Tschechischen Republik und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bestehen viele Unterschiede und Besonderheiten. Es zeigt sich, dass beide Systeme auch eine ganze Reihe von gemeinsamen Aspekten aufweisen. Die Arbeit besteht aus sieben Kapiteln, wobei sich jedes Kapitel einem besonderen Aspekt der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung widmet. Im ersten Kapitel wird eine historische Entwicklung erklärt, wobei im Unterabschnitt 1 dieses Kapitels die historische Entwicklung in der Tschechischen Republik behandelt wird, während der Unterabschnitt 2 sich der Entwicklung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland widmet. Das zweite Kapitel setzt sich mit der rechtlichen Regelung beider Staaten auseinander. Dieses Kapitel ist in zwei Teile untergliedert, wobei der erste Teil sich mit der Regelung in der Tschechischen Republik beschäftigt und der zweite Teil die Situation in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beschreibt. Das dritte Kapitel befasst sich mit der Problematik der Krankenkassen in beiden Staaten. Die folgenden zwei Kapitel analysieren den Umfang der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung, und zwar zum einen des...
The legal position of the private healthcare providers in the Czech healthcare system
Dobiáš, Michal ; Tröster, Petr (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
The purpose of my Master's thesis in law is to analyse the legal position which the private healthcare providers (i.e. operators of private healthcare facilities) occupy in the Czech healthcare system, particularly in the system of public health insurance. Since the private providers emerged in the Czech Republic only after the Velvet Revolution in 1989, the development of their position within the system is relatively short and unsettled. The legal regulation of the field is quite complicated, yet is the subject of strong political controversies, partly due to the generous but vaguely formulated constitutional right to free healthcare. Currently, the Parliament is in the middle of adoption of the healthcare reform of larger scale which would make changes that deserve to be examined. The thesis is composed of Introduction, three chapters and Conclusion. Each of the chapters aims on different aspect of the topic; however, they are interlinked by common legal institutes which play role in the whole thesis. First two subchapters of Chapter I are most general and introduce the possible ways of financing healthcare (public and private insurers, direct payment) and its specifics. The options of foreign citizens are also clarified. After the conclusion that the most important system in the Czech context...
Provision of Health Care in Selected EU Countries and its Reimbursement
Hebort, Dušan ; Tröster, Petr (advisor) ; Vysokajová, Margerita (referee) ; Chvátalová, Iva (referee)
Provision of Health Care in Selected EU Countries and its Reimbursement Subject matter of this thesis is to analyze, compare and evaluate way of provision and reimbursement of health care in selected EU countries including Czech Republic. All investigated countries deal with budgetary difficulties while providing health care. This thesis aspires to find out a legal solution with respect to economic principles in order the system of provision and reimbursement of health care was financially sustainable. Focus of thesis lays in health services (health care in narrow sense), medicines and health appliances are mentioned occasionally. Terminology of the text is not confined to terms of health services or health care, both terms are used substitutable. Problems of provision and reimbursement of health care does not inhere in "services" or "care". Chapters are structured according to particular EU countries. First and most comprehensive chapter is devoted to Czech Republic, its legal regulations are default comparison test. Short historical retrospect follows overview of legal provisions with focus on problematic or attention worthy sections. Outline of forthcoming public health care reform puts something more emphasis on formal aspects against the content of relations in public health care. Within the...
Progress of the system of public health insurance and health insurance companies in the Czech Republic for the period 2000 - 2015
Pecková, Tereza ; Lukášová, Tereza (advisor) ; Bartůsková, Lucia (referee)
This bachelor´s thesis analyzes the basic funds of health insurance companies for the period 2000 - 2015 in the Czech Republic, especially the creation of resources and their use and the entire system of public health insurance in the Czech Republic. Basic funds are one of the components of the overall economy of health insurance companies. First it is necessary to describe the market of the insured. The insured create and use the finances within public health insurance. Also important are contributions from the state budget for those insured by the state. We can conclude that the cost of health insurance companies are rising and that population is aging in the Czech Republic. However, this is not a balanced linear growth. The number of pensioners grew at a slower rate of growth, but according to population development forecast, there should be faster growth in the number of pensioners in the following years. Significant growth in cost is particularly noticeable in the age category of 80 and above, and increasingly more people should live up to this blessed age, also thanks to modern public health.
Personal income taxation from employment, self-employment and rental income in 2014
The aim of my diploma thesis is to analyze the principles of personal income taxation including social contributions and health insurance. Overall personal income tax is composed of five different partial tax bases. The first partial tax base consists of income from employment, the second one is self employed income, the third is income from rental property, the fourth is income from capital and the last is "other income". This thesis will deal with the first four partial tax bases. In the theoretical section I have described the most important concepts of personal income tax structure, social contribution and health insurance. The practical part is divided into four chapters according to partial tax base. I have chosen six different amounts from 100 000 CZK to 5 000 000 CZK which were used for tax calculation. The main goal is to compare partial tax bases of personal income tax in 2014.
Analysis of trends in the number and structure of the insured in the Czech Republic
Andrysíková, Hana ; Procházková, Radka (advisor) ; Marcela, Marcela (referee)
The topic of the thesis is analysis of number and structure development of insured people in Czech Republic. The first part of the thesis is defined by terms related to relevant topic. The second part of the thesis is focused on statistical analysis of selected indicators of development of structure and insured people from 2004 to 2014, done by methods of elementary characteristic of time series, trend functions and extrapolation of statistical analyzes. The last part of the thesis is based on values obtained by statistical analysis of single indicators and provides a complete overview of the number of people insured by selected insurance companies, on which basis an estimation of future trends of number of insured people is done.
The Assessment of Specific Insurance of Foreigners in Public and Commercial Health Insurance Systems in the Czech Republic
Schořovská, Kristýna ; Kukalová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Jaroslav, Jaroslav (referee)
This thesis is focused on insurance for foreigners in the systems of public and commercial health insurance in the Czech Republic. Evaluate the effects that would result from the integration of foreigners into the public health insurance, based on the gross costs of the annual reports of commercial insurers and based on the income statement. Work gives a comprehensive overview of the current health care system in the Czech Republic, and design optimization. The first part is devoted to health systems, which are used in the world. They are defined by their key characteristics as well as their advantages and disadvantages. The second part is devoted to public and commercial health insurance in the Czech Republic, where the two systems are compared. In the third part we are analyzed the conditions, limitations, exclusions and insurance products offered price between commercial insurers. There are also quantified the costs and revenues associated with the inclusion of commercially insured foreigners in public health insurance. In the final part evaluates the balance of income and expenditure, which would hold a public health insurance, including the formulation of their own opinion on optimizing the system.
Rights of Insurance Holder in the System of Public Health Insurance
The topic of this Bachelor´s thesis are the rights of the actual insured in the system of the public health insurance. The system of the public health insurance is based on the principle of solidarity when particular payers contribute to the health insurance by different amounts hereat all actual insured have guaranteed the equal right for the providing of the necessary medical care. The basic laws adjusting the problematic of the rights of an actual insured are the law No. 48/1997, about the public health insurance and the law No. 372/2011, about the medical services. The target of the thesis was to summarize the development of the legal regulations concerning this problematic and to find out what is the opinion of the citizens from southern Bohemia of the present legal regulations. The terms concerning the public health insurance are explained in the theoretical part of the thesis. The attention is paid to the medical care and its particular kinds as it is paid, unpaid and partially paid care. The economically more demanding option of the medical care, which was cancelled on the date 5th August 2013, is analyzed in detail. The conditions of providing the medical care in the Czech Republic and abroad are explained in the following chapter, where the hinges are urgent care and essential care. The main part of the thesis is given to the rights of an insured according to the law No. 48/1997, about the public health insurance. The right of checking the provided care has been much discussed recently. It is discussed that doctors charge the health insurance companies for the medical services which they really did not do. Therefor the insured has right to ask his health insurance company for the statement of account of the provided care and in this way he is able to check his doctor. The resume of the theoretical part deals with the patient´s rights according to the law No. 372/2011, about the medical services. The quantitative research was used for the processing of the practical part. The questionaire involved 14 questions and was distributed both in electronical form and by means of the printed forms. The research group was created from by chance chosen citizens at the age from 18 from the south of Bohemia. Generally about 400 respondents took part in this research, of which 15 respondents did not meet the conditions of research, and therefore were excluded. For the research there were given three hypothesis, which were verified during the research. The first hypothesis sounded: The patients agree with the possibility to choose an economically more demanding option of the medical care. The second hypothesis sounded: The patients express the disagreement with the extension of time for the change of the health insurance company. The third hypothesis sounded: The patients evaluate positively the possibility to ask for the statement of account for the provided care which is in charge of the health insurance company. On the basis of the results of the questionaire the hypothesis number 1 and 3 were confirmed, while the hypothesis number 2 was displaced. It was showed, that the patients agree with the extension of time for the change of the health insurance company. From the confirmed hypothesis number 1 flows, that the patients agree with the possibility to choose the more economically demanding option of the medical care. At the hypothesis number 3 almost all the respondents agreed that they appreciate the possibility to ask for the statement of account for the provided care. The thesis could serve as an informative brochure for the public or as a educational material for students.

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