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Psychological aspects of traffic psychology
The paper deals with traffic psychology in more detail. The theoretical part focuses mainly on the personal characteristics of drivers, including the perspective of their personality, temperament, motivation, emotion, ability and differences between men and women. Further, the traffic accidents are described concentrating on tendencies and causes of their occurence. The paperwork includes also a chapter dealing with typology of drivers, focusing on dangerous drivers. The practical part is based on an explarotary investigation, on the basis of which the objectives are evaluated. The survey provides information on the number of people who have encountered an accident and their response to this event. There is also an evaluation of information on how the interviewed people themselves behave while driving a car.
Accidents of children under 15 years of IRS interventions over the past 5 years in the Prague region
Bachelor thesis on the topic of Accidents of children up to 15 years of age with intervention of the Integrated Rescue System over the period of past 5 years in the region of Prague is concerned with the issue of accidents of children. The aim of the thesis is to analyze components of the integrated rescue system in the region of Prague. The thesis can be divided into three basic parts. First part describes an accident from a theoretical point of view, including characterization of an accident, kinds of injuries, kinds of prevention and precautionary measures, components of the Integrated Rescue System and categorization of a child's age into different developmental stages according to pediatrics. Second part deals with statistical data analysis concerning interventions of the integrated rescue system in accidents with participation of children up to 15 years of age, especially accidents and fires. Third part records results of an analysis of questionnaires submitted to parents of children up to 15 years of age. Furthermore, this part includes a summary of contemporary precautionary measures in the Czech Republic. In conclusion, the goals of the thesis are summarized and recorded, and a recommendation is made for enlarging the awareness of the possibilities of prevention in order to diminish the number of accidents.
Regression and correlation analysis of time development of the traffic accidents number at transportation of dangerous substances in a selected region.
VÁVRA, Martin
The aim of this thesis was to conduct a statistical survey and the measurement of statistical dependences of time development of the traffic accident rate at transportation of dangerous solid, liquid and gaseous substances, including their total number and also in case of leakage of these substances in a selected region "the Czech Republic". The purpose of the thesis was to verify statistical data, or more precisely, verification of two basic hypotheses H1 and H2, and five sub-hypotheses H11, H12, H13, H14, H15. For these verifications methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics were used, especially regression and correlation analysis in hypothesis H1. To verify hypothesis H2, nonparametric normality test as a technique of mathematical statistics was applied. Verification of hypotheses H1 and their sub-hypotheses H11, H12, H13, H14, H15 enabled to prove linear regression associated with negative correlation within the development of traffic accidents at transportation of dangerous substances in annual units of time (2002 to 2011). Verification of hypothesis H2 enabled to demonstrate normality in distribution of the number of accidents at transportation of dangerous substances within individual months of the monitored period from 2007 to 2011. As benefits of this thesis both the proposal of the sequence of statistical methods for examining the research topic and the application of the mentioned statistical methods to the number of traffic accidents at transportation of dangerous substances can be considered Based on the results of this study, possible follow-up research work may be suggested. A research is proposed which would survey the ways of prevention or other factors leading to negative correlation dependence. Another possibility of follow-up research work could be, for example, statistical surveys and the measurement of statistical dependences in regions of the CR or investigation of the theoretical distribution of the number of traffic accidents at transportation of dangerous substances within a different time unit.
The impact of nex luxury cars on road traffic fatalities and serious injuries in the Czech Republic
Zapletal, Jan ; Houdek, Petr (advisor) ; Rod, Aleš (referee)
This paper analyzes the negative effect of new luxury cars on road traffic fatalities and serious injuries in the Czech Republic. The analysis has been done using linear regression method on time series dataset for years 1991-2010. The results may show (with low significance) that 1 % increase in share of luxury cars on total number of registered vehicles results in 0.39% decrease of road traffic deaths accidents and 0.03% decrease in number of seriously injured persons. Results, which are contradictory to other previous studies, were probably caused by the broader definition of luxury cars, including new classes which weren't included in earlier papers. The results may show as well that new luxury cars don't increase significantly the risk of death for car passengers in other vehicles, what may have been due to prevailing share of low risk luxury cars in traffic than the higher risk ones. Very surprising finding is that with increasing alcohol consumption there would be less people seriously injured. The increase in alcohol consumption by 1 % would decrease the number of seriously injured people by 2.36 %. It is probably caused by the responsibility of the people who in threat of the punishment didn't drive a car after they have consumed alcohol. The impact of demerit point system may show, that its introduction decrease accidents fatality rates by 2.31 %.
Quantification of expenses in case of human death due to traffic accident and finding ways how to prevent them
Slánský, Josef ; Mervart, Michal (advisor) ; Čech, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis examines the issue of acceptability of a particular transportation project. It is objective is to capture the expenses which arise from a traffic accident. on this basis the goal is to express all expenses of the human death and to compare them with the specific transportation project. In addition to this, different means of accident prevention are to be figured out within the support of public safety. The whole thesis is split into four parts. The first part describes the accidents on Czech roads. The second part deals with the specific expression methodology of the human death. The third shows the real transportation project and the last section evaluates if the expenditure on the implementation of particular project exceed the expenses caused by the accident.
Forming factors of traffic accidents in transporting dangerous substances.
The thesis ``Causes of Accident Occurrence in Transporting Dangerous Substances{\crq}q is aimed at the topic of road accidents in transport of dangerous substances, which is one of its inseparable parts on which extra stress is placed and cannot be classified as common transport. Road transport of dangerous substances is subject to the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR). Although the safety of road transport of dangerous goods is broadly secured in the sense of ADR there are still numerous factors affecting the transport course itself, which may lead to a road accident. Road accidents of vehicles transporting dangerous goods often involve leaks of dangerous substances and subsequent threat to human lives and health, damage on environment and property. This is why transport of dangerous substances definitely belongs to activities with higher risk rate. The fact that the time and place of accident occurrence cannot be determined in advance even escalates the danger. The thesis is aimed at surveying the situation in the field of causes of accident occurrence in transporting dangerous substances, discovering the level of awareness of the problems of dangerous substance transport and the causes of road accidents among traffic participants and proposing concrete preventive measures. Quantitative research was performed to gain information necessary to confirm my hypotheses. Secondary analysis of the data from the Police of the Czech Republic archives was used as the method for confirmation of hypotheses. A questionnaire survey was used for determination of the level of awareness among traffic participants. The hypotheses set in the thesis, that the causes of accident occurrence in transporting dangerous substances have direct influence on accident frequency and common road traffic participants do not have sufficient knowledge of the problems of dangerous substance transport have been confirmed.
Analysis of the human element in the area of road motor vehicles.
My dissertation analyzes the frequency of selected violations of the law in the Czech Republic. In the operation of vehicle on roads that are to blame to a greater or lesser extent in the traffic accident. As a separate chapter in the thesis are fundamental concepts and the individual paragraphs, which are analyzed and used. Also you can find statistics that reflect the evolution of the number of accidents and their consequences. Except resources for the next chapter my diploma papers also show results of lighting, using cell phone and seat belts while driving. Another part is the experimental section. Here are details about my own questionnaire and field measurements. They are transformed into the analytical part of the summarization tables. The synthetic part of thesis compares obtained data in the research and the statistical summary. In the last section, which covers general recommendations for practice are set out possible options which could prevent future violations of the law.
Externalities in the selected industries and their solution
The main aim of the work was to define externalities in a selected sector (transport) and to propose options to address them. The operational objectives of this work are to evaluate the effectiveness of existing measures and to propose solutions to externalities.
Analysis of the Safeness of Traffic Operation in the System "Man - Technics - Environs".
This dissertation is based on the analysis of causes of traffic accidents in traffic operations and on portion of driver, self-propelled motor vehicle and terrestrial communications on it. On the basis of these analyses there are finished general conclusions for decreasing of traffic accident frequencies.

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