National Repository of Grey Literature 31,302 records found  beginprevious31293 - 31302  jump to record: Search took 1.59 seconds. 

Economy of Religion and Conversion
Zehnalová, Simona ; Potužák, Pavel (advisor) ; Mičúch, Marek (referee)
This work defines religion market as a network industry when at a certain level of switching costs can lead in individual's locking up in the current group and thus prevent his conversion. First, the participating individual's utility function is defined. It is largely influenced by the probability which the individual attaches to the existence of God and afterlife. The study shows, that at sufficiently high level of social capital, it is advantageous to participate for rationally minded individuals although they are not believers. The empirical part demonstrates the effect of specific religious and social capitals on individual's decision to convert through the logit model. This influence is positive, compared to original expectations (i.e. the higher the social and specific capital, the higher the tendency to convert). It can confirm the thesis that the influence of these individual's growth of specific capital is causing higher demand for more strict organizations which eliminate free-riders and provide higher social capital.

Risk-Sensitive and Average Optimality in Markov Decision Processes
Sladký, Karel
This contribution is devoted to the risk-sensitive optimality criteria in finite state Markov Decision Processes. At first, we rederive necessary and sufficient conditions for average optimality of (classical) risk-neutral unichain models. This approach is then extended to the risk-sensitive case, i.e., when expectation of the stream of one-stage costs (or rewards) generated by a Markov chain is evaluated by an exponential utility function. We restrict ourselves on irreducible or unichain Markov models where risk-sensitive average optimality is independent of the starting state. As we show this problem is closely related to solution of (nonlinear) Poissonian equations and their connections with nonnegative matrices.

Modelling impacts of minimal quality standards and protection against misleading advertising on consumers’ utility
Chaloupka, Jan ; Burian, Jan (advisor) ; Řepa, Václav (referee)
In this thesis we explore the importance of consumer protection (concretely protection against misleading advertising and minimal quality standards of product) for providing consumers' utility. Our target is to discover whether these protections are necessary for providing consumers' utility or not, and whether are the consumers able to provide themselves equal or higher utility (then can mentioned protections do), scilicet through their mutual communication and buying behavior. Furthermore, we want to discover, if can happen a situation in which the mentioned protection decline the consumers' utility, in comparison with situation, when no protections exist. These conclusions are stated for concrete product (LCD TV) and concrete society (little community within the Czech Republic society), whereas we explore the influence of consumer protection both on utility of whole community and on utility of each social class within different proportions of these classes within society. For this research has been created an original multi-agent model, in which we simulate consumer behavior and companies behavior on market. The important parts of the model architecture are presented in this thesis: principles of social structure creation (based on the knowledge about social groups and different types of social ties), buyer behavior and principles of consumer communication through social network, and decision of companies about product characteristics. In conclusion we have interpreted the simulation results and have stated an importance of consumer protection in tested society buying tested product.

Podlipná, Jana ; Mikovcová, Hana (advisor) ; Biško, Jan (referee)
Documentation of business processes and results of operations including storing the entries in data warehouses inherently belongs to the current requirements for corporate governance. But still more valuable is the ability to process the collected data into information that is used daily as a basis for management decisions at all levels of corporate management. This thesis deals just with form and methods of organizing information into standardized reports, whereas the object of analysis is a separate internal department within a selected company. The aim of this work is a detailed analysis of department reporting, assessment of its informative quality, utility and benefit for users. The theoretical part includes methodological bases and general principles for creating reports. Content of the practical part is an entire description of standard reports with a focus on application of controlling methods, usage of reported data and detection of weaknesses. In conclusion part there was evaluated overall level of analyzed reporting system, there were summarized circumstances that affect its present-day form, and proposed additional indicators, that could enrich the current concept.

Specifics Nursing care of patients on chronic resuscitation drive
The Bachelor paper subject: Specific aspects of care given to chronic patients of Resuscitation Unit. The Ward of Chronic & Intensive Care is a specialized unit providing quality care to patients long-term dependent on the breathing apparatus. Formulated for the paper were three objectives: (1) to explore special aspects of nursing care delivered to patients long-term treated in the Resuscitation Unit. With the results reviewed, the nurses were found to provide comprehensive well-aimed care to the patients as regards the aspects of hygiene, nutrition and excretion. Great emphasis was placed on communication with clients, their families and other close relatives. A proper method of such communication was chosen in consideration of individual features of each person and his or her communication capabilities. The entire medical team applied the concept of basal stimulation. Consequently, the first objective was met. (2) to map the difficulties encountered while providing care in the Unit. Most of the nurses found their work mentally exhausting. The second objective was achieved, too. (3) to examine demands imposed on nurses staffing the Unit. The nurses had to be responsible; properly educated; familiar with different elements of the basal stimulation; and capable of taking independent decisions, showing empathy, utilizing communication skills, and cooperating not only with the other staff members but, first and foremost, with the families and relatives of the clients. The third objective was thus accomplished.

Care for the terminally ill people in a home environment
Bachelors work is conceived in a theoretical and practical scope. Theoretical part of my bachelors work is partially dedicated to utilization of hospice and palliative care, and care for the terminally ill in a home environment. Part of my work is committed to the role of social worker, and his/her support for home care providers. The research part is based on interviews with relatives, who provided hospice care at home. Interviews with them are used to analyze motivation for such decisions. In this part are also included the results evaluation, discussion and conclusion. Bachelors work is supplemented by attachments.

The utilization of different sources of finance in company investment policy
The aim of this final work was to analyse a company´s investment decision while considering the possibility of using different financial sources and on the basis of the analysis to choose the most advantageous financing alternative of the chosen investment. The discounted costs method was applied to the relevant calculations to sum up the investment efficiency, which was acquisite of different financial sources. The substance of that method is particular options comparing in term of their total costs of investments and discounted operating costs for the whole service life. The most of the companys´ investment decisions aim is the financing sources security with the minimum average capital costs.

Exponenciální řízení homogenních markovských procesů
Stanek, Pavol ; Dostál, Petr (advisor) ; Beneš, Viktor (referee)
Title: Exponential control of homogeneous Markov processes Author: Pavol Stanek Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, MFF UK Supervisor: Mgr. Peter Dostál Ph.D., Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, MFF UK Abstract: This master thesis concerns exponential control of Markov decision chains. An iterative alghorithm for finding a control, that maximizes a long term growth rate of expected utility is developed. The utility is measured by exponential utility function. The algorithm is derived for both discrete time and continuous time chain. Subsequently, the results are applied on the problem of optimally managing port- folio with proportional transaction costs. The dynamics of the investor's position is derived and the consequent process is approximated by Markov chain. Using the iterative alghorithm, the optimal trading strategy is numerically found. Keywords: exponential control, Markov chain, portfolio optimization, proportional transaction costs 1

Text segmentation
Češka, Pavel ; Pecina, Pavel (advisor) ; Podveský, Petr (referee)
The bachelor thesis focuses on basic pre-processing (tokenization and segmentation) of Czech texts, mainly for purposes of Czech internet corpus. The texts for this corpus will be automatically obtained from the world wide web, therefore the segmentation is preceeded by character encoding recognition, cleaning and language identification. We performed experiments with two methods of language identification and present their results. The first method is based on comparison of the most frequent n-grams (substrings of length n) extracted from an unknown document and a large Czech corpus. The second one employs a model estimating word probabilities by conditional probabilities of trigrams estimated on the same corpus. For wider usage, we developed a module for tokenization and identification of sentences boundaries by a decision tree analysis of the nearest context of potential sentence boundaries and utilizing extensive lists of Czech abbreviations. The decision tree was trained on a set of manually processed data. Its evaluation was based on independent human judgements and results are presented in the work.

Collective Investment in the Czech Republic Focused on Physical Entities
Paluka, Jiří ; Votava, Libor (advisor) ; Vopátek, Jiří (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with a set of problems related to decisions about investments in collective investment funds. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part should explain the principles of collective investment in the Czech Republic - legal regulations, principles of investment, types of funds and the composition of their holdings. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to pension funds in the Czech Republic to compare shares funds and pension funds. The practical part is focused on practical utilization of theoretical pieces of knowledge and a comparison of chosen investment companies. The aim is to advise investors how to proceed when deciding about investments in collective investment funds and how they can invest their money in them.