National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Strategy of an Enterprise
Paluka, Jiří ; Kovář, František (advisor) ; Prokeš, Vladimír (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with creating the optimal strategy for selected enterprise. The work is divided into 2 parts. The theoretical part should explain the terms and processes in formulating appropriate strategies and describe the various analyses, leading to a final choice. The practical part is focused on the application of analysis to specific business and subsequent recommendations, which direction should the company issue in the following period. The aim is to make a complex strategic analysis of the selected company and on the basis of this analysis to determine current position on the market and then propose a strategy for the next period.
Collective Investment in the Czech Republic Focused on Physical Entities
Paluka, Jiří ; Votava, Libor (advisor) ; Vopátek, Jiří (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with a set of problems related to decisions about investments in collective investment funds. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part should explain the principles of collective investment in the Czech Republic - legal regulations, principles of investment, types of funds and the composition of their holdings. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to pension funds in the Czech Republic to compare shares funds and pension funds. The practical part is focused on practical utilization of theoretical pieces of knowledge and a comparison of chosen investment companies. The aim is to advise investors how to proceed when deciding about investments in collective investment funds and how they can invest their money in them.

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