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Crime prevention at secondary vocational school
Hofbauerová, Soňa ; Jirsáková, Jitka (advisor) ; Miroslava, Miroslava (referee)
The bachelor thesis focuses on hazardous behaviour of adolescentsand crime prevention at vocational school. Theoretical part explains concepts related to adolescence, describes causes and exanples of juvenile crime and clarifies types of crime prevention. Empirical part of the thesis contains basic information on Secondary Vocantional School of Energy in Chomutov. Further, a quantitative questionnaire survey, conducted at the mentioned school, is processed an evaulated. On the basis of results of the survey recommendations leading to improve the crime prevention are suggested in the conclusion.

Subspace Modeling of Prosodic Features for Speaker Verification
Kockmann, Marcel ; Kenny, Patrick (referee) ; Nöth, Elmar (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Předložená disertační práce se zabývá ověřováním mluvčího pomocí prozodických příznaků zahrnujících hodnoty základního tónu, energie a délek řečových úseků. Studovali jsme dvě rozdílné techniky pro parametrizaci: první vede k dobře definované sadě menšího počtu příznaků, druhá k vysoko-dimenzionální sadě heterogenních prozodických příznaků. První část práce se věnuje vývoji příznaků reprezentujících prozodické kontury, zde jsme vyvinuli a ověřili několik modelovacích technik, s důrazem na modelování v reprezentativních podprostorech. Druhá část práce se zaměřuje na nové pod-prostorové modelovací techniky pro heterogenní prozodické parametry s velkou dimenzionalitou. Model je teoreticky odvozen a experimentálně ověřen na oficiálních datech z NIST evaluací ověřování mluvčího (NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation). Ve srovnání s ostatními současnými prozodickými jsme dosáhli podstatně lepších výsledků. Na konci práce presentujeme také novou techniku pro elegantní kombinaci dvou prozodických systémů. Tato technika může být použita rovněž pro fúzi prozodického systému se standardním přesným cepstrálním systémem, což vede k dalšímu podstatnému zvýšení úspěšnosti verifikace.  

Extensions to Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for Speaker Recognition
Plchot, Oldřich ; Fousek, Petr (referee) ; McCree,, Alan (referee) ; Burget, Lukáš (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá pravděpodobnostními modely pro automatické rozpoznávání řečníka. Podrobně analyzuje zejména pravděpodobnostní lineární diskriminační analýzu (PLDA), která modeluje nízkodimenzionální reprezentace promluv ve formě \acronym{i--vektorů}.  Práce navrhuje dvě rozšíření v současnosti požívaného PLDA modelu. Nově navržený PLDA model s plným posteriorním rozložením  modeluje neurčitost při generování i--vektorů. Práce také navrhuje nový diskriminativní přístup k trénování systému pro verifikaci řečníka, který je založený na PLDA. Pokud srovnáváme původní PLDA s modelem rozšířeným o modelování  neurčitosti i--vektorů, výsledky dosažené s rozšířeným modelem dosahují až 20% relativního zlepšení při testech s krátkými nahrávkami. Pro delší  testovací segmenty  (více než jedna minuta) je zisk v přesnosti  menší, nicméně přesnost nového modelu není nikdy menší než přesnost výchozího systému.  Trénovací data jsou ale obvykle dostupná ve formě dostatečně dlouhých segmentů, proto v těchto případech použití nového modelu neposkytuje žádné výhody při trénování. Při trénování může být použit původní PLDA model a jeho rozšířená verze může být využita pro získání skóre v  případě, kdy se bude provádět testování na krátkých segmentech řeči. Diskriminativní model je založen na klasifikaci dvojic i--vektorů do dvou tříd představujících oprávněný a neoprávněný soud (target a non-target trial). Funkcionální forma pro získání skóre pro každý pár je odvozena z PLDA a trénování je založeno na logistické regresi, která minimalizuje vzájemnou entropii mezi správným označením všech soudů a pravděpodobnostním označením soudů, které navrhuje systém. Výsledky dosažené s diskriminativně trénovaným klasifikátorem jsou podobné výsledkům generativního PLDA, ale diskriminativní systém prokazuje schopnost produkovat lépe kalibrované skóre. Tato schopnost vede k lepší skutečné přesnosti na neviděné evaluační sadě, což je důležitá vlastnost pro reálné použití.

Multimedia Data Processing in Heterogeneous Distributed Environment
Kajan, Rudolf ; Ferko,, Andrej (referee) ; Míkovec, Zdeněk (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
Pervasive computing sa zameriava odstránenie zložitostí pri interakcii s výpočtovou technikou a zvýšenie efektivity pri jej každodennom používaní. Ale i po viac ako 15 rokoch od sformulovania hlavných cieľov Pervasive computingu existujú aspekty interakcie ktoré stále nie sú súčasťou užívateľskej skúsenosti s dnešnou technológiou. Bezproblémová integrácia s prostredím vedúca k technologickej neviditeľnosti, alebo interakcia naprieč rôznymi zariadeniami predstavujú stále veľkú výzvu. Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je prispieť k tomu, aby sa ciele Pervasive computingu priblížili k realizovaniu tým, že predstavíme spôsob intuitívneho zdieľania informácií medzi osobným a verejne umiestneným zariadením. Predstavili sme tri interakčné techniky, ktoré podporujú intuitívnu výmenu obsahu medzi osobným zariadením a zdieľaným displejom. Tieto techniky sú založené na prenose videa, rozšírenej realite a analýze pohľadových dát. Okrem interakčných techník sme tiež predstavili mechanizmus pre získavanie, prenos a rekonštrukciu aplikačného stavu na cieľovom zariadení.

Measuring the Performance of Human Capital in the Building Company
The main objective of this work is to measure the performance of human capital in the chosen building company. Another goal is to bring suggestions for improvement that will lead to increasing to the efficiency of human capital. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part provides information from the Czech and foreign literature. Knowledge of theoretical part is then applied to the practical part. Basic information about the company is included in the practical part and comparison with competing businesses is also mentioned. But the most attention is paid to the performance of human capital, which is measured by labour productivity. Two indicators are selected for the calculation of labour productivity - sales and added value. Both indicators are compared in two ways; the first is average number of employees and the second personnel costs. Calculations are performed by internal resource of the company for the period 2007-2014.

Strategy marketing in a chosen company
The aim of the thesis is to suggest a marketing strategy for a specific company, including the marketing plan in order to deal with possible changes resulting from the current situation. Strategic marketing process, which is based on the strategic management process consists of planning, implementation and control. On the basis of marketing situational analysis SWOT analysis was set up, marketing objectives were defined, strategies were formulated and a marketing plan was suggested. The implementation of a plan is a part of an implementation phase. Finally, the interim results were evaluated and possible changes were proposed, which should lead to the achievement of the planned outputs at the end of the period.

Tretiag, Štěpán ; KORČÁK, Jakub (advisor) ; HRBEK, Daniel (referee)
Using the concrete examples of my practical bachelor work my intent is to retrospectively describe and reflect on our scenic realization of the play Missing by south-African author Reza de Wet. The essence of a modern dramatic direction is to perceive the script of a play as a model which becomes a basis for its interpretation and the subsequent staging of the play. It is the process from the initial interpretation to final scenic realization I wish to focus on in my work.In the first part I will be dealing with creation of a physical space, that being stage design. I will try to capture what lead us to its final shape and how the basis for that can be found in the script of the play as well as the potential capability of the physical space to become a dramatic space. Its ability to create a platform for the actors to proceed from and how can it provoke them into acting, in particular. In the second part I will be dealing with the dramatic space, ergo the spacial expression of relationships and themes. I will proceed again retrospectively, focusing on how we managed to achieve the stage image which is functioning as a materialized metaphor. I will focus mostly on non-verbal actions, but with regard to the fact, that dramatical script is the basis for our realization of the play.

Application of logistics processes in online shop
MELENOVÁ, Štěpánka
The aim of this bachelor paper was to evaluate an activity of the company TV Products CZ, Ltd. during a calendar year, assess the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping from the customer's view and compare it with traditional shopping at stores. In the theoretical part, the terms of e-shop and store were explained. This part was also occupied with the e-shopping history and development. Then this part was focused on the payment methods and the level of the customer services. In the practical part, the selected company was introduced at first and then all activities from orders to goods delivery to customers were monitored. It was realized by personal visit to this company. Through this visit the shortcomings were detected and the measures which lead to improvement and customers' satisfaction were created. The company should pay attention to these shortcomings and focus on their removal

Single cell expression analysis of genes with potential mrna gradient in mouse oocytes
Dorosh, Andriy ; Margaryan, Hasmik ; Vodička, Martin ; Ergang, Peter ; Šídová, Monika ; Dvořáková-Hortová, Kateřina
In frogs, there are clearly visible differently pigmented animal and vegetal poles of the egg determined before fertilization and leading to asymmetrical divisions. Mammalian egg does not show any comparable differentiation and it has been generally accepted that even the individual blastomeres in 2-cell and 4-cell embryos are homogenous. However, recent findings suggest that those blastomeres display different gene expression patterns and might already possess some inclinations to specific cell lineages. We therefore raised a question, whether there could be any mRNA or protein gradients in pre-fertilization oocytes similar to a previously described amphibian egg one. In mammalian eggs, there is a membrane region that is poor in microvilli, cortical granules are absent beneath plasma membrane and sperm cells generally do not bind to this location. This microvilli free region also covers the egg nucleus, and cytoskeleton localization differs markedly to the rest of the cortical space, forming actin –myosin II cortical cap/ring and is considered as animal pole. The purpose of this study was to determine gene products that can be detected at single cell level using qPCR and display gradient like distribution in mature oocytes. We checked expression of 12 selected genes in a pool of 10 oocytes and single mature oocytes. Then, we analysed gene expression in fixed intact oocytes and those undergoing laser capture microdissection procedure (LCMD). Eventually, we have determined six candidate genes for the study of intracellular spatial gene expression in mature mammalian oocytes by subcellular qPCR and in situ hybridization.

The Role of Nurse in the Prevention of Disease of Civilisation
PAVLOVÁ, Martina
The current state Prevention is a complex care of a patient when we are trying to prevent from the occurrence or development of a disease, or when we want to prevent from its consequences and mitigate them. Recommendations for prevention set by a doctor must be on a scientific basis, and they must be a part of all branches of medicine. Their effectiveness depends on the cooperation between patients and medical staff. The basic and most efficient method of prevention is the health promotion and health education, which is closely associated with it. The term health promotion involves a set of activities and precautions for the purpose of making health better and sustaining it. Diseases of civilisation (hereinafter "DoC") are groups of diseases which are distinguished by their association to our lifestyles. Human body is more and more threatened from unfavourable influences of external environment, such as the quality of atmosphere, work environment and environment itself, the lack of physical movement, unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The list of diseases of civilisation varies and changes together with our society and the development of our lifestyles. Among the most common or frequent diseases of current time are cardiovascular diseases, which involve atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary artery disease and obesity. Furthermore, between civilization diseases include diabetes mellitus type 2 or cancer, etc. The goal of the thesis There are two goals set for this paper. The first goal was to find out what the role of a nurse in the prevention of diseases of civilisation was. The second goal was to find out what the above mentioned role of a nurse was from the point of view of patients. Methodology For the purpose of the research part of this thesis, qualitative research using semistructured interviews was carried out. Respondents were divided into two groups; the first one consisted of eight nurses working at internal medicine and neurological department of the hospital in České Budějovice and a nurse working in a private office of a general practitioner for adult patients. The second group consisted of eight patients of the above mentioned health facilities. Results According to our findings, nurses and patients have different oppinions on the role of a nurse. Nurses in disease prevention see themselves as an equivalent to a doctor when undertaking this practice and giving guidance. The patient speaks only to the nurse who emphasized what they were told by the doctor and reiterated the main points. They make available to them leaflets and brochures or Internet resources. In contrast, most patients see a nurse as a more important source of information than the doctor. Patients have the feeling that the doctor does not have enough time or does not want to be botherd with questions. Rather the patient turns to his nurse, which they sees as more appropriate and someone to whom they can confide in without bothering. Summary The goal of the thesis was to focus on prevention, DoC, and the role of a nurse in the prevention of such diseases, as well as to study this issue, look at it from the point of view of patients and nurses via the interviews carried out in this paper, and to analyse such information. Based on this analysis are published recommendations for nurses and patients.