National Repository of Grey Literature 165 records found  beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
An analysis of expression- and content-oriented passages of the Torah: Texts of the Torah in the semiotic perspective of Charles S. Peirce, Yuri Lotman and Umberto Eco
Jezný, Samuel ; Sláma, Petr (advisor) ; Rückl, Jan (referee)
An analysis of expression- and content-oriented passages of the Torah: Texts of the Torah in the semiotic perspective of Charles S. Peirce, Yuri Lotman and Umberto Eco The aim of the presented thesis is to introduce the basic semiotic concepts of Charles Sanders Peirce, Yuri M. Lotman and Umberto Eco. These ideas should be beneficial for the interpretation of the Bible in the Czech republic and Slovakia: particularly in the Old Testament area. The thesis also proposes a new classification of the Torah's texts, and so identify, which functions could be subserved by the particular text. Finally, we intend to draft a new, slightly different model of exegesis, which could help us find new interesting interpretations of the Old Testament texts. Powered by TCPDF (
MMS aneb Sémiotický potenciál obrazové výpovědi
Janda, Filip ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Karľa, Michal (referee)
In the first chapter we will have a look at the transformation and evolution of a photo-camera which on its way to become a medium ofcommunication came a long way from cumbersome glass-plate machinery to the current ubiquitous day-to-day personal digital companion. In the second chapter we will explore the effects of digitisation on the theoretical notion of photography and its position in the present context. Next we will touch on the movement of pragmatism (primarily those versions ofCharles Sanders Peirce and William James) that will allow us to regard our matter as a more holistic interactive problem than dissected pieces of a puzzle; and we will also recapitulate parts of Peirce's theory of signs that are relevant to our cause. The fourth chapter is about the ability of symbolic reasoning - a feature so unique in the world that it is only found in humans and whose principles are very close to the thought-sign system that Peirce devised. In the fifth and last chapter we will see how all that connects to the photographs themselves when they are used in the current digital intention-laden semiotic manner. I
Semiotic and anthropological analysis of Prague metro
Brabcová, Adéla ; Marcelli, Miroslav (advisor) ; Šafaříková, Radana (referee)
Presented diploma work called "Semiotic and anthropological analysis of Prague metro" shows metro to a reader as a place from a semiotic point of view. A metro "user" plays a key role in the whole diploma work. Apart from dealing with metro as a place, this work also regards a reference of a fixed structure of metro to a city. The work also pays attention to an analysis of signs that can be found there by a metro user and can serve him as a useful tool for better orientation there. In the theoretical part semiotics as a science and its approaches are being presented. The diploma work also deals with a topic of a city from an antropological point of view. It applies, for example, a question of place and nonplace, picture of a city or a map and itineraries. The applied part of the work presents use of the theory in Prague metro. It also deals with orientation, navigational sign systems and comunication systems. Other topic examined in this diploma work is a role of Prague metro and its city surroundings in a mental city mapping done by its user. Besides, the work shows the metro and its surroundings as a place of everyday life. Keywords: Semiotics, sign, communication, binary opposition, connotation, denotation, text, city, image map, places and non-places, place and space, map, itinerary, everyday...
The North America in Early Maps
Jílková, Petra ; Bayer, Tomáš (advisor) ; Chrást, Josef (referee)
The North America in Early Maps Abstract The objective of this thesis is to analyze selected map works of European cartographers h showing the territory of North America in the period from 16. to 19. century. Using the cartometric and semiotic methods the map attributes are analyzed focusing the detection and description of the cartographic projection. Next, within the analysis of the topographic content the map symbols and the language of the map are discussed and interesting geographical mistakes of the authors are noticed. On the basis of the partial analyzes the progression of the continent depiction is documented with emphasis on the progression of map symbols and on the change of the shape of the continent in the given period. Key words: North America, cartometry, semiotics, European cartography, discovery, detectproj
Semiotic analysis of Victoria's Secret communication
Jílková, Kristýna ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Podzimek, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis approaches persuasive communication of a chosen company from the point of view of semiotics. It focuses on main areas of Victoria's Secret communication, mainly their well known The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Selected seven video samples over the three- year period cover the main segment of its communication (television advertising, TV broadcasted fashion show) and the means this company uses to approach its audience. We were interested in how the media message is constructed and what the predominant themes are. Also, if all levels of the message correspond with company's promoted values. The chosen method of research is semiotic analysis, applying conceptual framework of Roland Barthes and his terminology and methodology used for revealing of a built-in ideology. The sample is examined in terms of storyline, definiton of primary and secondary signs, description of technical codes and syntagmatic and paradigmatic sorting. Gradually, the meanings of signs in both primary and secondary level of signification are identified along with present myths. This analysis focuses on proclaimed image of a woman and power in comparison with those communicated. In conclusion, a myth of the Victoria's Secret brand's communication is formulated and discrepancies in communication with the...
Facebook and the elections. The analysis of a self-presentation of the Czech political parties before the elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2010
Báčová, Petra ; Marcelli, Miroslav (advisor) ; Nováková, Martina (referee)
The elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic on 28th and 29th May 2010 was called Facebook elections. The reason for such title was the scale of usage of Facebook by the political parties for their campaigns. The thesis Facebook and the elections. The analysis of a self-presentation of the Czech political parties before the elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2010 focuses on a semiotic analysis of Facebook accounts of some political parties and their chairmen. During the monitored period Facebook presentations were presented by the Civic Democratic Party, the Czech Social Democratic Party, TOP 09, the Public Affairs party, Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party and the Greens. The Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia was not officially registered on Facebook. We also analyzed Facebook pages of Mirek Topolanek (ODS), Petr Necas (ODS), Jiri Paroubek (CSSD), Karel Schwarzenberg (TOP 09), Radek John (VV), Cyril Svoboda (KDU-CSL) and Ondrej Liska (SZ). We call Facebook a viral social network. We analyzed it as a cyberspace with an ambivalent structure which influences the mean of a communication process before elections. Rhizomatic map of Facebook is comparable with a topology of a virtual cafe. We also...
Theatrical Signs in the Performance "The Education of Little Tree"
Axmanová, Petra ; Marcelli, Miroslav (advisor) ; Švantner, Martin (referee)
The thesis examines a sign and its theory, focusing on the function of sign in art, particularly in theatre. Both communication conditions and meaning production are covered. The practical part analyzes particular theatrical signs in 'The Education of Little Tree' performance. Selected parts of the performance are examined in detail with regards to the theatrical signs and generating meaning in terms of work with gesture. Further it studies changes of actors' characters and as well as analogue and digital communication. It deals with the question how to create a wide range of characters and settings while using only a very limited selection of props, coulisses and costumes. The results of nonverbal communication analysis are presented in the conclusion of the thesis.
Literature in moving image. A case study of selected films by Martin Ježek.
Hrončeková, Ivana ; Csefalvay,, Andreas (referee) ; Mazanec, Martin (referee) ; Cenek, Filip (advisor)
The dissertation deals with selected films of experimental filmmaker Martin Ježek, who interpret works of experimental literature of the 1960s, or literary works that preceded it. In this pattern, I follow the tightness of the relationship between literary text and film, which I describe in the analytic explanations of films. Text and film represents three types of application: in structure (script and score), performativity (performative reading of the text in while filming) and in sound of the film. This tightness, the way the text is interpreted, simultaneously defined the categorization of the selected sample. This chapter also represents the catalog of selected films. A special category is the analysis of the aspect of performativity, which is present on three levels: in the situation of film projection, during filming and during post-production of the film. Another level of the work is dedicated to a review of Martin Ježek´s filmography from the perspective of gallery practice and contemporary art. In this part, dissertation also analyses the conceptual strategies and contexts that accompany the filmmaking process. The focus of the research is organically based on the practical part of the dissertation, which takes the form of an author´s video, exhibition and screening program.
Semiotic analysis of cover photographs in Vogue magazine international editions
Čápová, Tereza ; Silverio, Robert (advisor) ; Lábová, Sandra (referee)
The central theme of the diploma thesis is fashion photography on the cover pages of Vogue magazine international editions. In the empirical section, the author uses a combination of quantitative content analysis and qualitative semiotic analysis based on the concept of the French semiotics Roland Barthes. The quantitative section of the analysis works with a sample of 87 photographs, from which 8 images are later selected for the semiotic part. At the denotative level, the analysis looks for common and different signs of individual editions. At the level of the connoted image, the author tries to decode the contained signs and their meanings. The semiotic analysis traces linguistic messages, the narrative, the paradigmatic and syntagmatic arrangement of photography, or the presence of national identity. Part of the work is also a theoretical section dedicated to fashion magazines and changes in the aesthetics of fashion photography. This part contains an excursion into the history and present of fashion photography and presents prominent personalities in the field. In the theoretical part, the author defines the terms that form the ground for empirical research. At the end of the work, the results of the analysis and their interpretation are presented.
elation between Textual Devices and Popularity of Media Text on the Example of Radio Series "Tlučhořovi"
Pouzarová, Patricie ; Reifová, Irena (advisor) ; Šoltys, Otakar (referee)
The target of the thesis Relation between Textual Devices and Popularity of Media Text on the Example of Radio Series "Tlučhořovi" is to reveal if there exist any connection between significant textual devices used in the series and its popularity and success. As methods there are used semiotic analysis of sample of the series episodes and "respondent interview" with the listeners. In the first there is focus mainly on particular textual devices and in the second on what respondents consider to be reasons why they do listen to the series. Significant textual devices are one of the central themes of cultural studies and this work sets itself a task to deduce from findings conclusion which would be generalizable to relation between media texts and their audiences universally.

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