National Repository of Grey Literature 306 records found  beginprevious296 - 305next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Non-commercial multimedia-making and copyright
Tvrz, Pavel ; Horný, Stanislav (advisor) ; Vinkler, Vladimír (referee)
This work has as one's task to analyze actual situation of copyright law in the area of amateur or non-commercial multimedia-making. The main orientation of the work is especially on audiovisual works or let me say film-making. Things like graphics, color adjustment, special efects or retouching are common part of modern film. That's why I call this complex by term multimedia production. Nowadays is amateur film-making very popular. But on the other side raising number of non-professional film-makers causes conflict with Czech copyright law which is not completly ideal fot these pusposes. The law is too dificult and chaotic for common user which is leaved out on behalf professional users. This causes (but in many cases unconscious) breaking the law. There is a several solutions. My work is mainly considering the international intiative Creative Commons. Creative Commons is organization which released a few copyright licences. Authors can limit the rights on usage of their works. This way is much more easier to handle for a non-professional users. In the last part of work is the copyright law analysis aplicated on practical models of usage in amateur film-making. The cases are also described from professional view, of cource in very simplified version.
Intellectual Property Trade and EU Law
Vytlačil, Josef ; Malý, Josef (advisor) ; Halík, Jaroslav (referee)
My bachelor thesis is divided into three parts: 1)basic definitions as to ivention, utility model, industrial design, trademark, copyright and know-how 2)legal regulation of the terms listed above by the EU Law 3)intellectual property trade itself, i.e. licences
Possible means of legal protection for computer programs and perspectives of future development
Toufar, Pavel ; Bruckner, Tomáš (advisor) ; Čerych, Ondřej (referee)
This theses focuses on the possible legal protection of a computer program as well as on the legal nature of computer program as an intangible asset. Both copyright protection (as a standard and worldwide accepted means of protection) and also the other possibilities, i.e. patent protection and protection based on provisions regulating an unfair competition are discussed. Each means of protection is assessed based on its usability in relation with the computer program taking the overall impact on the information technology branch as such into account. Furthermore, this theses involves critical evaluation regarding the capability of traditional model of distribution and protection of computer programs to face the rapid technological development in the digital era. With respect to this fact some alternative models (SaaS, Free Software) are cited and an analysis of their practical applicability and perspectives of the future development is conducted
On-line lending of DRM protected copyrighted works by University of Economics library
Věříš, Ondřej ; Pinkas, Otakar (advisor) ; Broďáni, Dušan (referee)
In this thesis I'm going to show the advantages of digitization of library collection. Afterwards I'll analyze legal situation of on-line lending of copyrighted materials by University of Economics library and I'll introduce methods of Digital Rights Management protections. I'll analyze available software based Digital Rights Management solutions and consider their implementation in University of Economics library.
Unprofessional film-making and copyright law
Vitinger, Aleš ; Horný, Stanislav (advisor) ; Krsek, Libor (referee)
Main goal of this work was to map the area of copyright law connected with nonprofessional film-making. Due to fast expansion of the internet and digital media, the number of non-professional film-makers is increasing rapidly. And copyright law is not able to react on this change. Temporary Czech copyright law is strongly developed, with strong position of colective administrators of copyrights. For non-professional use is this situation quite unsuitable. Copyright laws are too strict and complicated and collective administrators are focused on professional use. The result is massive infringement of copyright laws. One of the answers is the Creative Commons iniciative, which proposed few licenses, based od copyright laws. These licenses can be published along with the artwork to encourage potential user to use the work without asking permission. Author can choose what rights would be limited, for example commercial use, or making derivative works. This bachelors work proves that Creative Commons licenses are good choice for non-professional film-maker. They bring simplicity and null costs, in comparison with complicated and expensive licensing from collectively administrated rights.
Copyright infringements on the internet
Mezera, Jiří ; Pavlíček, Antonín (advisor) ; Šubrta, Václav (referee)
The purpose of this work is to analyze current state of copyright protection of the art works in regard of rising influence of the internet on the society. Nowadays, a large number of copyrighted data fluctuates through the internet and the character of the internet blocks efficient use of legislation for action against computer piracy. The first part of this work is oriented broadly. It contains evolution of the copyright in historical context, analyzes data downloading and uploading in juristic aspect and there are also significant suits, which routed the evolution of the copyright. There are described two main methods of data downloading and uploading in analytic part of this work -- peer-to-peer and warez forums -- with introduction of their main representatives, analysis of the current state and juristic analysis of their functioning. The last chapter resumes actual findings and tries to predict a future of the symbiosis of the copyright and the internet.
Intellectual Property In The International Trade With An Emphasis On The Authors' Rights
Sanigová, Jana ; Čápová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Petránková, Andrea (referee)
Duševní vlastnictví a ochrana práv s ním souvisejících zaujímají v mezinárodním obchodě stále významnější místo. Tvorba nadnárodního legislativního rámce a vymahatelnost autorských práv jsou důležitými body jednání mezinárodních institucí. V této práci je předložen výčet nejdůležitějších mezinárodních úmluv v oblasti práva k duševnímu vlastnictví, jsou nastíněny klíčové body jednotlivých ustanovení a je naznačena jejich vzájemná návaznost. Na konkrétních příkladech je ilustrována aktuální míra porušování těchto práv a je poukázáno na nedostatečnou postižitelnost protiprávního jednání.
Intellectual Property - Case of Information Technology
Ždímal, Martin ; Ševčík, Miroslav (advisor) ; Císař, Jan (referee)
This theses analyses necessity and legitimacy of existence of intellectual property rights, especially patents and copyrights. There is shown the true essence of these instruments as monopoly privilege. On case of information technology I demonstrate that these privileges are unreasonable and counterproductive in many cases. Analysis of ?free software? alternative model proves that use of patents and copyrights is not a necessary condition of creation of intangible goods. The last part of this work shows, that existence of any special instruments for intangible goods protection is not needed as well as it is not reasonable.
Postihování nelegálního šíření počítačových programů
Kuk, Petr ; Hejda, Jan (advisor)
Práce se zabývá problematikou nelegálního šíření počítačových programů. Problematika nelegálního šíření počítačových programů je dnes neoddělitelnou součástí našich životů. Tato práce by měla laikovi poskytnout poměrně ucelený přehled o problematice jak z pohledu práva, tak z pohledu těch kdo autorské právo porušují. V první části je zaměřena zejména na vysvětlení základních pojmů, které s problematikou souvisí. Následuje část věnovaná právním normám a postihování nelegálního šíření počítačových programů. Druhá část je pak věnována praktické stránce šíření nelegálních programů, zejména v síti internet. Cílem práce je zejména shrnutí poznatků o problematice do ucelené formy, které čtenáři umožní utřídit a rozšířit si vědomosti z této oblasti a dozvědět se i některé skutečnosti,které nejsou obecně známy.
Úprava odevzdávaných písemností studentů na Fakultě managementu v Jindřichově Hradci
Dočekalová, Jana ; Pokorný, Pavel (advisor)
Práce popisuje úpravu odborných prací dle norem ČSN ISO 01 690 a úpravou citací dle ČSN ISO 690 a ČSN ISO 690 2. Zabývá se úpravou stránky, úpravou textu a jeho členěním, základními pravidly pro psaní znaků, zkratek a značek, úpravou tabulek a ilustrací, autorským právem a také bibliografickými citacemi. Práce také popisuje nejčastější chyby v bakalářských a diplomových pracích a zabývá se tvorbou šablon.

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