National Repository of Grey Literature 27,682 records found  beginprevious27673 - 27682  jump to record: Search took 1.90 seconds. 

Emissions from Combustion of Dry Stabilized Sewage Sludge in Oxy-fuel Mode.
Moško, Jaroslav ; Pohořelý, Michael ; Durda, Tomáš ; Zach, Boleslav ; Šyc, Michal ; Svoboda, Karel
The influence of combustion temperature and oxygen concentration in combustion medium on emissions of NOx, N2O and SO2 was studied in the pape.
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Plný tet: SKMBT_C22017011010090 - Download fulltextPDF

Estimation of Radioactive Aerosol Particles Size Distribution.
Otáhal, P.P.S. ; Burian, L. ; Ondráček, Jakub ; Ždímal, Vladimír ; Holub, R.F.
The main purpose of these experiments is to compare results of the size distribution measurements using conventional aerosol methods with results of radioactive aerosols measurements. Additional purpose was to compare our results with published data on dependency of unattached fraction on aerosol particle concentration. Our data show the limitations of the commonly used approximation to this relationship.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22016102412243 - Download fulltextPDF

Analysis of selected aspects of the breeding biology of Great Crested Grebe (\kur{Podiceps cristatus})
MARKOVÁ, Kateřina
The aim of the thesis was monitoring abundance and distribution of nests of Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) during the season on the Naděje fishpond system. Further observation included factors that could affect nesting success of the Great Crested Grebe. Attention was concentrated on Wild Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) which is bred by man on the fishpond system and might negatively affect nesting success of Great Crested Grebe. Part of this study was the detailed observation of selected pairs during the nesting season by using camera traps. Temperature measurement in the nests was done by temperature data logger. The investigation was realized on the Naděje fishpond system near the village Frahelž. The research took place from the 14th of April to the 28th of October in 2015. In 2015 were found and investigated 37 nests on the Naděje fishpond system. On the fishpond Skutek were monitored 34 nest, on the fishpond Láska 2 nests and on the fishpond Rod only 1 nest. Majority nests (30) were found on a free surface and 7 nests were situated in the bushy vegetation. Parameters of 111 eggs were obtained altogether. On the fishpond Skutek were found 100 eggs, on fishpond Láska 8 eggs and in the only nest on fishpond Rod 3 eggs. Using the camera traps during the observation proved negative effect of wild duck on Great Crested Grebe nesting. The nest was destroyed group of wild duck. The maximum temperature in the nest reached 33,8 °C.

Landuse efects on the temperature regime of streams with focus on the habitat conditions for Margaritifera margaritifera
Skála, Miroslav ; Douda, Karel (advisor) ; Matasová, Klára (referee)
Landuse efects on the temperature regime of streams with focus on the habitat conditions for Margaritifera margaritifera Summary This bachelor thesis deals with the matter of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera). It will describe the main factors affecting its reproduction and presence in the watercourse - the fresh pearl mussel is to be found among the endangered species and its presence and survival in a certain location depend primarily on the hosting fish which is the brown trout here in the Czech Republic. Generally, the main stress lays on the temperature and its influence on the ecology of the freshwater pearl mussel. This thesis contains a research part which describes the freshwater pearl mussel and impacts on it, and a practical part where you can find an assessment of the temperature and qualitative impact on growth and death of the freshwater pearl mussel during bioindications. The temperature influences all age stages of the freshwater pearl mussel. The temperature changes thanks to a variety of different aspects such as surrounding flora in the watercourse, atmospherical factors, anthropogenic activity or altitude. You will be able to find all these aspects along with a percentage of their potential effect on the freshwater pearl mussel in this thesis as well as the assessment of the average summer temperature and its possible impact on any specimen of any stage. The thesis is also based on the impact of surroundings on the freshwater pearl mussel which are discovered during bioindications that are also described here and have been partially used in the appraisal. The practical part of the thesis is focused on the growth and death of the species in the bioindication in five profiles of the watercourse. The third part of the practical thesis is about locations that show surroundings and representation stated components. The reason I included this part is mostly for illustrative purposes which serve to expound the matter to the reader. The used data of components in the locations are from 2012.

Study of interspecies differences in plasma protein binding of 18F-labeled radiopharmaceuticals
Nováková, Dana ; Lázníček, Milan (advisor) ; Bárta, Pavel (referee)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Mgr. Dana Nováková Consultant: Prof. PharmDr. Ing. Milan Lázníček, CSc. Title of Thesis: Study of interspecies differences in plasma protein binding of 18 F-labeled radiopharmaceuticals In this thesis, the binding ability of three radiopharmaceuticals containing radionuclide 18 F to the plasma proteins was examined in bovine, pig, human and rat plasma, and the interspecies comparison was performed. Examined radiopharmaceuticals included 18 F-FDG, 18 F-fluorocholine and 18 F-thymidine. The two main methods used are equilibrium dialysis and ultrafiltration. These methods are based on separation of free ligand from the linked component. During the separation, semi-permeable membrane and special filters (AMICON and VIVASPIN) were used for equilibrium dialysis and ultrafiltration, respectively. Free fraction of drugs is considered to be an important parameter for the availability of the drug distribution into the tissues and cells, interaction with receptors, excretion and metabolism. All experiments were carried out at the physiological temperature of 37řC. Obtained results indicate low plasma protein binding of the three radiopharmaceuticals in all studied species, which suggests...

Freeze-thaw processes, temperature and moisture trends in earth hummocks
Kodríková, Anna ; Křížek, Marek (advisor) ; Treml, Václav (referee)
Earth hummocks are nonsorted patterned ground types. This thesis is primary focused on the study of temperature regime particularly during freeze-thaw process and also on factors that affect its non-uniformity. Secondary, it refers to the relation between temperature and moisture regime, morphometric characteristics of earth hummocks and their geographical expansion in the world. The information from the literature search is applied to the results from temperature and moisture measurements of the earth hummocks in depths 5 - 40 cm in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains - Keprník peak in 2005 - 2010. The results show that many factors affect the non-uniformity of temperature regime in different parts of earth hummocks. The most important of them are: the shape of the earth hummock, the aspect orientation, the distribution and the height of snow cover, the wind exposure and the presence of vegetation. There is an interaction between the soil moisture content and the temperature regime, and they are mutually affected. The obtained results from the Keprník study area are compared with the literature data about the earth hummocks in the world. Key words: patterned ground, earth hummock, temperature regime, moisture, regelation, Keprník peak, Hrubý Jeseník Mountains

The influence of operating parameters and construction parameters of the low-NOx burner on characteristic parameters of combustion processes
Nykodým, Jiří ; Hudák, Igor (referee) ; Bělohradský, Petr (advisor)
The main aim of the work was the investigation of the effect of operational parameters of the combustion process (combustion air excess, primary fuel ratio) and burner constructional parameters (the pitch angle of secondary nozzles, tangential orientation of secondary nozzles towards the axis of the burner) on the formation of NOx and CO, flue gas temperature, the shape, dimensions and stability of the flame, in-flame temperatures in the horizontal symmetry plane of the combustion chamber and the amount of heat extracted from the hot combustion gases in the combustion chamber’s shell. Experimental activities were carried out in the laboratory of the Institute of Process and Environmental Engineering, which is focused on burners testing. The combustion tests were performed with the experimental low-NOx type burner, namely the two-gas-staged burner. Mathematical model developed based on the experimental data describes the dependency of NOx on the operating parameters of the combustion process and burner constructional parameters. The model shows that increasing air excess and increasing angle of tangential orientation of the secondary nozzles reduce the formation of NOx. The temperature peaks in the horizontal symmetry plane of the combustion chamber decreases with increasing combustion air excess. The thermal load to the combustion chamber’s wall along the length of the flame was evaluated for selected settings. It was validated that the thermal efficiency of is reduced when higher air excess is used.

The influence of landscape management on biodiversity of small mammals - the model area of Lužnice fluvial plain.
The work is focused on the biodiversity of small terrestrial mammals at selected meadows with diverse water regime and management. The capture of small terrestrial mammals using live traps proceeded during three periods from June to October for three days at four sites in the Trebon region, where also some meteorological variables (temperature, humidity) had been measured throughout the vegetative season. The weight, age and sex of the captured individuals were recorded . Then the individuals were marked by ear tags and released. Two sites are located in Mokré Louky area near the town Trebon. The locality Mokré louky - not mowed, is not agriculturally exploited and is flooded regularly. The locality Mokré louky {--} mowed, which is nearby, is agriculturally maintained. The third locality is Církvičný meadows, which have a drainage system, are regularly fertilized, and mulched. Boundary pastures Jeţek is the last site. They are alternately grazed and mowed. Overall, 83 individuals of five species of small terrestrial mammals were captured Microtus arvalis, M. agrestis, Micromys minutus, Apodemus sylvaticus and Sorex araneus. 62 individuals of the total number were marked and released . The highest number of species and number of specimens was found out in the site Mokré louky mowed, fewer individuals and species were captured on the meadows Církvičný. Only one species (Microtus arvalis) was captured in the pasture Jeţek. The results of the first vegetative season show on raising biodiversity of small terrestrial mammals with higher soil moisture sites. The captures will proceed next year and the dependence of biodiversity on the measured meteorological variables will be monitored.

Factors affecting the attendance of Zoo Brno
Klofáč, Daniel ; Babin, Jan (advisor) ; Slaný, Martin (referee)
The aim of my bachelor thesis is to identify factors, which affects the demand of service of ZOO Brno and recommend steps to management to raise attendance and takings. I use daily data of attendance from years 2008 - 2014. The parameters are estimated by ordinary least square method. Most variables are statistically significant. Results show us, that the biggest influence on attendance has the variable weekend, in amount up to 165 % on adult group. Next significant variables with positive effect are bank holidays, school holidays and event in the area of ZOO park. Variables price, amount of precipitation and holding Moto GP in Brno have negative effect. Temperature has positive effect until breaking point, from this point the effect is negative.

Seasonal variation of activity and pathogen prevalence in populations of the spiny-cheek crayfish
Matasová, Klára ; Petrusek, Adam (advisor) ; Slavík, Ondřej (referee)
The most widespread of invasive crayfish in the Czech Republic is the spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus). It is a major disease carrier of crayfish plague, caused by the pathogen Aphanomyces astaci. The infection is lethal to European native species of crayfish. Transmission of this disease is usually associated with the spread of crayfish, which is dependent on their movement. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the differences in crayfish migratory activity in the Pšovka brook among seasons, and assess the factors that may affect it, by the use of radiotelemetry and trapping. We tested the hypothesis that crayfish use brook in the period from spring to autumn and then return back into a pond to overwinter. Furthermore, we evaluated how far from the pond crayfish migrate, and whether there is any relationship between migration and the season or water temperature. The results demonstrate that the activity varies among seasons (being strongly affected by breeding season) but in most studied periods did not significantly depend on water temperature. According to our monitoring, the spiny-cheek crayfish does not spread substantially to upstream parts of the Pšovka. Seasonal migration between the pond and the brook was monitored using two-way flow-through traps installed at the mouth of...