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Meaning and correction of walking by the choosed diagnoses - pes planus
This thesis is focused on the importance and correction of gait of patients with pes planus diagnosis (flat foot). The theoretical part describes, in an uncomplicated way, the general importance of movement for the human organism as a whole. It also comprehensibly explains the evolution of a foot and consequently gait. Furthermore, the thesis includes the brief ontogenesis of child?s gait, gait itself and in its final part it is focused on the foot. Data for the practical part are gathered on the basis of qualitative research, which includes three patients (boys). In order to carry out the research, the following techniques are utilized: interview, observation, case study and data analysis. The main idea of the practical part of this thesis is an attempt to most efficiently utilize the sensomotoric stimulations for bipedal gait and also for pes planus. The aim of this thesis is to map the importance of gait for the human organism and related problems. Another aim is to inform patients (primarily) and general public about the correct locomotion and one?s own possible effort to correct it. The results of the case studies show that the sensomotoric stimulations can to a certain degree influence the arch of the foot, deep stabilization system and therefore also human gait.

Nurse's part in free time activities and games for children that are hospitalized at small hospitals.
The social development of last decades brings about rapid changes, affecting also medicine and nursing. It also contributed to a positive shift, so a hospitalization of a child does not necessarily mean breaking bonds with its parents, siblings, and the broader family. Yet, a nurse remains an irreplaceable link in the process of child's treatment. It is a nurse who spends most of the time with the child during a hospitalization. A nurse has therefore a great potential of influencing child's adaptation to the hospitalization either in a positive or a negative way. Regardless of health or illness, a child retains a need of play activities. A play is an important healing component, it improves emotional condition, facilitates an adaptation to a changed health situation and enables saturation for activities the disease makes difficult or impossible. This diploma thesis aimed to analyze how spare time and play activities are ensured in small hospitals, regarding personnel, time and material. The author also set the task of finding out what importance the nurses give to their own role in the educational process. The research was conducted in two ways. The qualitative part contains interviews with children of primary school age who answered questions about what they wanted and what children hospitalized in small hospitals generally miss. Hypotheses were subsequently formed according to results of this part. These hypotheses were then tested by a quantitative research. The research group for the quantitative research were nurses working in pediatric departments of hospitals in the regions of Plzen, Karlovy Vary and Central Bohemia. The research shows that many pediatric departments of small and medium-sized hospitals have to deal with nurses' time troubles and with an insufficient staffing in order to fill meaningfully and effectively the child patients' spare time. The results of this research will be used as a platform for improvement of hospitalized children's conditions in one particular department.

Communication with the Children with Down Syndrome Using Sign Language
Signing language as a form of alternative and augmentative communication is firstly used for communication of deaf people who are not enough developed by verbal component of speech or for those where there is no verbal komponent of speech at all. In simplified form of sign language it also helps children with Down syndrome to express themselves. For this target group the signing is supporting method which helps to developt the speech which is delayed because of the mental disability. In communication with children with Down syndrome is verbal speech accompanied by signs which help child to understand the meaning and give him the opportunity to express oneself. The aim of the thesis was a comparasion by studying Czech and foreign professional publications by two different views on the use of sign language in communication with children with Down syndrome and this views illustrate by case studies. The thesis includes definition and characteristics of Down syndrome, speech development of children with this diagnosis, characteristics alternative and augmentative communication and its individual systems and also benefits and potential risks of signing. The next section of thesis illustrate the knowledge from previous chapters by case studies. There were selected two women as mothers of children with Down syndrome. They were chosen on the different experience with signing. It was appeared while signing there is necessary to support mother by whole family and to involve the family into the process of signing. Next there appears that knowledge from professional literature can?t be apllied to whole target group, i.e. children with Down syndrome. The thesis also shows how few professional publications apply the potentional risks of signing. The thesis can be used as an information for those parents who decide to communicate with their child by using methods of signing.

Integration of a Child with Phenylketon
Ježková, Jana ; Mrkosová, Eva (advisor) ; Zemková, Jaroslava (referee)
Fenylketonurie je pro většinu lidí neznámým pojmem. Z výsledků průzkumu u rodičů dětí majících PKU vyplývá, že pouze jeden z dvaceti rodičů znal tento pojem před diagnózou dítěte. Po sdělení diagnózy v sobě rodiče objevují síly, které dosud nebyly využity. Je nutné na sebe vzít břemeno nových požadavků, nový režim rodiny, zvýšené finanční nároky, časové požadavky. Důležité je, aby si rodiče jednotlivě i společně utřídili a ujasnili vše, na co spoléhají, kdo nebo co jim může pomoci.

Life with Autism (Discussions about Family, Work and Perspectives)
Michalová, Petra ; Vorlová, Marie (advisor) ; Klimešová, Anna (referee)
The thesis describes difficulties of families with autistic child and changes caused by nativity of such child. Five mothers are interviewed how they made place with this diagnosis, about their families, friends and possible return to their jobs. Powered by TCPDF (

Food supplements and iodine supplementation breastfeeding women
IVANOVÁ, Markéta
Iodine is a trace element that is essential for the production of thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Iodine deficiency had in the past result in many serious diseases and disorders. At present is in the Czech Republic considered mastered. However, Iodine deficiency are vulnerable to specific groups of the population, including pregnant and nursing women, because of their need and the recommended daily dose of iodine is increased. Breastfeeding women should receive adequate amounts of dietary iodine for optimal saturation for themselves and their child. Otherwise, exposing themselves and their child risk of diseases and disorders of iodine deficiency. Increased supply of iodine can be replaced by eating foods rich in iodine. In the event that you cannot increase intake of iodine - rich food preferences in iodine, there are various supplements that contain iodine. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the intake of iodine supplements and supplements in nursing women and breast-feeding women to assess the awareness for greater needs of iodine and food iodine sources. There were set up the three research questions: How many nursing women used to supply iodine supplements and supplements?, What is the awareness of breastfeeding women need more iodine? and What is the awareness of breastfeeding women about dietary sources of iodine? A quantitative research strategy was used for the implementation of the research. The method used for data collection was made by an anonymous questionnaire. A questionnaire was handed in a printed copy to pediatricians and gynecologists in the southern Bohemia. With the doctors help were invited nursing women to fulfill the questionnaire. Part of the women was invited to complete the questionnaire directly. The research sample consisted of 117 female respondents. The research shows that 62 % of breastfeeding women know why it is important to increased need for iodine during lactation. But only 9 % of women know all the risks of iodine deficiency on the mother mentioned in the questionnaire and only one new mother knows all risk of iodine deficiency for infants listed in the questionnaire. The recommended daily intake of iodine properly reported or estimated 40.2 % of women. It turned out that 46 % of respondents from the research group used food supplements and supplements containing iodine. Each of these respondents used only one preparation with iodine. The most commonly used products were: GS mamavit, a Smart baby and Femibion 400 and Gravital. 43 % of respondents had used a dietary supplement containing iodine from the beginning of pregnancy and in 57 % of the respondents were informed about food supplements through a doctor (gynecologist, pediatrician). The results showed that awareness of breastfeeding women about food sources of iodine is not good. 67 % of women know that settlement higher needs iodine during lactation is possible by eating foods rich in iodine, but all food sources of iodine in the questionnaires (sea fish, seafood and seaweed, iodized salt, and milk and dairy products) registered only one respondent. 39 % of women known as a rich source of iodine, seafood, seafood and seaweed, iodized salt , but none of them knew that the rich and a good source of iodine is also milk and dairy products. Based on the results of the work would be desirable to issue educational print disabled educational material that could be used to increase awareness of not only women who are breastfeeding, pregnant women as well as the higher of the recommended daily dose of iodine and what foods to include in your diet in order to pay the increased intake of iodine. Provide information on supplements containing iodine, which can add missing quantities of iodine, what products are available and what are the currently preferred by nursing women.

Gluten-free diet - reality in school facilities
The topic of this bachelor thesis is gluten-free diet - reality in schools facilities. The goal of this work was to determine the number of school cafeterias in the Vysocina Region which provide gluten-free meals, to evaluate awareness of the canteen staff about preparation of the gluten-free diet and to describe the cooperation between the school cafeteria and family of the pupil with gluten-free diet. School meals are important to provide optimal intake of nutrition during the time the child spends in school, to establish proper eating habits and to better integrate the child into the group of its peers. Gluten-free diet is a necessary medical precaution especially for those with coeliac disease, in which case gluten can lead to villous atrophy, and for those with gluten allergy for whom gluten intake can cause anaphylactic shock. Adherence to the gluten-free diet is recommended also to those with non-coeliac gluten sensitivity diagnosis, although gluten causes only short-term complications, usually intestinal. The method of quantitative and qualitative research was used to make this thesis. The research sample consisted of 8 school cafeterias from the Vysocina Region which provide gluten-free meal to their pupils. Awareness about gluten-free diet principles of the managers of the cafeterias or of the cooks responsible for preparation of gluten-free meal was determined by means of semi-structured interviews. The calculation of the two-day menu of each cafeteria by means of the Nutriservis Profesional program was also part of this thesis. The results were compared with the recommended daily intake of energy, proteins, fat, and saccharides for pupils of elementary and secondary schools. The results of the quantitative research show that gluten-free diet is provided by only a small percentage of school cafeterias in the Vysocina Region. The qualitative research prove sufficient awareness of the cooks about gluten-free diet, with awareness of those cooks directly responsible for preparation of gluten free meals being at much higher level. It was also determined that the cooperation with parents of pupils with gluten-free diet is a usually one time occasion limited to an arrangement of nonperishable gluten free meal packages.

Education of Children with Autism
Rendlová, Petra ; Ortová, Marie (advisor) ; Bémová, Hana (referee)
The thesis is mainly about two different things. The first part deals with the education of autistic children in the mainstream school. The second part is about education of autistic children in the special basic school. The author writes about reasons why she decided to choose this topic and why she describes these two types of education for children with autism. The second chapter tells us about the diagnosis of autism. We can read about different diagnostical methods, disturbances in autistic spectrum, combination mental handicap with autism and possibilities in education. The third chapter is about the integration. Theoretical part is focused on the teacher itself, his skills, education, personality etc. The cooperation with the family of the child is very important for making the Individual educational plan which is necessary for good educaion of these children. There is also description of two institutions dealing with the process of integration. There is also written the casework of a child who has been succesfully integrated into a mainstream school. Next part describes the education in the special basic school. To know the legislative is very important for every teacher working in this type of school. The author used to work in the special school in the Rooseveltova street and she tells us about...

Possibilities and limits of play therapists psychological support to hospitalized children
Vitoušová, Libuše ; Horáková Hoskovcová, Simona (referee) ; Šturma, Jaroslav (advisor)
In this dissertation I tried to introduce play work and job of play specialists. Play work is used to treat children's and their parent's emotional and behavioral problems. Play therapists do never act as nurse or doctor. Their job is to guide child and its parents throw hospitalization, communicate with them, and be present to help them solve their problems or answer their questions. They also act as communication bridge between doctors and clients. In my research I was interviewing thirteen therapists to get information about their opinions, needs, and experiences, based on their work. All of the specialists agreed that they see their work as meaningful, feeling it's helpful for clients. They all have very good work motivation. To cover their needs, they would like to have more education, supervisory control, consultation, and trainings. They feel possible problems in following up those needs, to find own position in the work team, sometimes even communicating with children or parents. In spite of that they can feel satisfaction with their work and social support, and also feel positive feedback about their job. There is very good cooperation between specialists.

Methodical process of downhill skiing for childern with cerebral palsy
Šedivý, Pavel ; Matošková, Petra (referee) ; Hruša, Jan (advisor)
Title of the thesis: Methodical process of downhill skiing for children with cerebral palsy Objective: To present and apply in practice methodical process of downhill skiing for hemiparetic children with cerebral palsy. Method: The study was formed by the method of case essay. We used methods of observation, interview, question-forms and use of medical documentation. Issues: We realized that, during the summary of presently known information and on the basis of practical ski teaching of the handicapped, there are special differences in methodical process of health children and hemiparetic cerebral palsy handiccaped. It is always necessary to respect current health conditions of the child and to proceed according to present circumstances. Skiing of hemiparetic handicapped can be a positive activity, with a view to improvement of mobility, fitness and social integration. It is recommended to consult possible negative effects with a specialist. Keywords: handicap, methodical process, skiing, cerebral palsy