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Connectivity control system to virtual reality system
Holešovský, Jiří ; Tůma, Zdeněk (referee) ; Bradáč, František (advisor)
This thesis deals with options of connecting the real control system to the immersive virtual reality system. Options of moving an object in IC.IDO are mentioned in the first part of the thesis. The theoretical part deals with commercial types of gaining data from control systém Sinumerik 840D sl and with programmable types of gaining data which means that there is no need to buy other licenses or software. Two g-codes were made in the experimental part. The first one provides feed of the machine in x axis and the second one reads position of the x axis of the machine and actual times. A script for IC.IDO which moves a model in IC.IDO exactly as the machine moved was written.

The Utilization Of Goats And Sheep In Care For Landscape And Their Submission In Ogranic Farming
The analysis of management of sheep and goat breeding on the organic farm is the main aim of my thesis. The herd was examine at the Slunečná organic farm in the Šumava Mountains. The animals were monitored during grasing season by force of metod ethology monitoring. Sheep and goats were monitored and it was done four times for always 24 hours during a grazing period. The method of the direct monitoring was used and the base categories of the behaviour (food intaking, lying, standing and moving) were written down by an interval method - the interval took 10 minutes. The comfortable, mother's, social and sexual behaviour were writen down as well. Gained data from single sighting was expressed absolute and percentage share form total tables and graphs. The results were interpreted on the basis of the study of special literature and legislation about organic farming and animal ethology. The way of sheep and goats farming was according to an inborn biorhythm and gave the animal free and natural ways of behaviour. The physiological and ethological needs of animals are satisfactory. Sheep and goats have the possibility to graze freely on pastures and they effect positively on the landscape management. They keep grasslands without woody plants and weeds.

Impact of ethnicity on recent fertility change by marital status in Kazakhstan
Dyussupova, Saule ; Rychtaříková, Jitka (advisor) ; Kocourková, Jiřina (referee) ; Kalibová, Květa (referee)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE Faculty of Science Department of Demography and Geodemography PhD study program Mrg. Saule Dyussupova IMPACT OF ETHNICITY ON RECENT FERTILITY CHANGE BY MARITAL STATUS IN KAZAKHSTAN PhD dissertation Tutor: Prof. RNDr. Jitka Rychtaříková, CSc. Prague - 2011 Dedicated to my parents - Khanshaym and Tuyakh I declare that this dissertation is my own work under the supervisor of Prof. RNDr. Jitka Rychtaříková CSc. Where other sources of information have been used, they have been acknowledged. I agree that if any results gained while working on this thesis will be used outside the Charles University in Prague, written permission of the University will be necessary. I agree to lend this thesis for study reasons and agree that the thesis will be added to the borrower's database. In Prague, 14.05.2011 Saule Dyussupova Acknowledgements I would like to open the first paper of my dissertation with the deepest expression of gratitude to all teachers for their time, patience, and hard work, to those who made my study at the Charles University in Prague successful, exciting and pleasant. It was an unforgettable experience. You were always there to help and share knowledge, skills and ideas with me. My special words of appreciation go to my dear tutor Prof. RNDr. Jitka Rychtaříková CSc, whose...

Quality Standards in Social Care Sevices - The Formation Process of Written Standards in Some Organizations of Civic Sector
Strouhalová, Magdaléna ; Moree, Dana (advisor) ; Průša, Ladislav (referee)
This graduation thesis is concerned with the topic of quality standards in social care and the formation process of writen quality standards in some organizations in the civic sector, which offer social services. The theoretical section of this thesis concerns new legal arrangement of social services, their principles and international connections; as well as standards of quality of themselves and of the different tools which are related to them, for example inspection of the quality in social services, registration of providers and education of emploees in social care services. The empirical section deals with evaluation of the research focused on the process of formatting written quality standards in organizations which were under investigation and on the presentation of obtained data which were gained, especially by observation and questionnaire inquiry in organizations.

Changes in common foreign and security policy in the Lisbon Treaty
Jirsenská, Lucie ; Tichý, Luboš (advisor) ; Svoboda, Pavel (referee)
prfce v anglick6mjazyce Changesin CFSPin the Lisbon Treaty Europe's aspiration to gain position of important player in the international relations goesalong with the origins of the Europeanintegrationprocess.Common foreign and securitypolicy (CFSP)and its predecessor,Europeanpolitical cooperation,arevery important partsof the Europeanintegrationprocess.Lisbon Treaty shouldhavehelped the Union to build more effective and coherentfunctioning in general.That is why I decidedto elaboratea thesison thetheme,,Changesin CFSPin theLisbonTreatf'. The purposeof my thesisis to analyzethe most significantchangesin the CFSpthat wasintroducedby theLisbonTreaty. The thesis is composedof eight main chapters.The first one is introductory and containsthreemain hypothesisthat needto be answered.The secondchapterfocuses on main aspectsof CFSPfrom thehistoricalperspective. Chapterthree and four are dealing with the problem that the aims are not laid down specifically for CSFP,but generallyfor the externalaction, andtry to make systematic enlistmentof CFSParea. Chapterfour showsthat CFSPis still seperatedandhasspecialpositioneventhoughit is not saidsodirectly.We cansaywe havetwo-pillar structure. In chapter five it is written about the fact that the Union is finally grantedwith the legalpersonalityin theLisbonTreaty....

Selfmonitoring of Type 1 Diabetes mellitus in adolescents
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic, lifelong disease. The younger the patient, the more seriously the disease affects his (her) childhood. The disease brings about a lot of changes, it involves the loss of freedom and independence. Diabetes makes the normal troubles of adolescence even more difficult. Adolescence is a hard stage of life for patients with the type 1 diabetes mellitus because it is a period when the compensation of diabetes is more difficult than in the previous and following stages of life. Regular self-monitoring is one of the crucial tasks. The selfmonitoring is important for the overall compensation of diabetes and also for the clinical results of treatment. Self-monitoring is the process of monitoring and measurement of one´s own glycemia and ketones in blood and sugar and ketones in urine. It enables the diabetic patient a better orientation in the disease and a certain level of independence. Self-monitoring helps parents gain confidence in cure of their children suffering from diabetes. The theoretical part of my thesis deals with the questions of the type 1 diabetes mellitus and the method of self-monitoring. The objective of the practical part was to survey the subjective view of adolescents with the type 1 diabetes mellitus on self-monitoring and the level of their self-reliance. I set hypotheses suggesting that adolescents perceive self-monitoring to be uncomfortable and cannot cope with the procedures independently. These hypotheses were not confirmed in my research. To get relevant data, I used the questionnaire method. I handed out questionnaires to young patients with diabetes aged 13{--}18 years. A letter for patients´ parents asking for their written consent with the research was attached to the questionnaire.

Creation of disco dance choreographies
Outratová, Anna ; Fričová, Marie (advisor) ; Kolbová, Kateřina (referee)
Cílem této bakalářské práce je sjednotit poznatky z teorie a praxe v jeden celek, který se může stát praktickou příručkou pro začínajícího trenéra-choreografa. Tomuto cíli napomůžou dvě části. Část teoretická popisuje historický vývoj až po dnešní soutěže Disco Dance a východiska tvorby choreografie. Následuje část analytická, která rozebírá dvě vybrané choreografie. Vyústěním je Závěr dávající do souvislosti nasbírané poznatky z teorie a vlastní analýzy videí a jejich porovnání. Annotation The aim of this bachelor thesis is to provide a work summarising both the theory and practice of the choreography of rock and roll dance routines, which could be used as a guidebook for a beginner trainer-choreograph. To achieve this aim the thesis is written in two main sections. A theoretical part describes the historical development of Disco Dance choreography right up until contemporary competitions. The second section provides an analysis of two selected choreographies. Finally the author concludes in providing a comparison by way of video analysis, in light of the knowledge gained from the theory of the choreographies.

Romany paras versus hospitalization in hospitals
In my bachelor thesis I was engaged in Romany questions namely the problems of Romany women. My work is devided into two parts. The first part is theoretical and the second part encludes the research work. In the first part I dealt with Romany comunity from its history until present. I tried to refer to some hot themes such as the Romany family, education, living Romany attitude to their health, etc. In the end of the theoretical part I´ve briefly mentioned the transcultural nursing which should help us (meaning the medical staff) with our approach to the Romany ethnic group. I´ve made the research by the help of 29 closed question questionnaires. The questionnaires were given to 100 Romany women in South Bohemia. 70 filled in questionnaires were given back to me and this was the sample I worked with in my research of my bachelor thesis. The answeres in the questionnaires ought to confirm or to displace the set hypothesis. The fist hypothesis {--} the Romany women take the negative line to a longer hospitalization. The second hypothesis- the Romany women are leaving hospital before they were relased on the ground of outlasting conventional model of Romany family. On the basis of the answeres gained from the questionnaires it is possible to say that neither the first or the second of the set hypothesis in this work wasn´t acknowledged. The Romany women don´t have any negative attitude to the hospitalization not even to the medical staff. In case that they have some reservations to the hospitalization those are only reservations concerning to lack of something (TV, choise of meals, prohibition of smoking and others). The second hypothesis was disconfirmed by the fact that 60% of Romany women after childbirth left the hospital after they were released by the doctor. In case that the women left hospital even it was for a short therm only the medical staff was informed by them. The most frequent reason leading to leaving hospital was the anxiety of children who were left at home. This was in a close connection to the age and to the number of already birthed children. The elderly expectant mothers having more children left hospital more often without the awareness of the medical satff or on declaration written undertaking then the younger expectant mothers that got over less births and having less children at home. For denying of this second hypothesis it is possible to assume the weakening of the influence of conventional model of Romany family.

Two writers and one town (Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský, Alois Jirásek a Litomyšl)
Tomášková, Lenka ; Stejskalová, Anna (advisor) ; Hrabáková, Jaroslava (referee)
Résumé In my diploma work, I tried to compare there the relation of Alois Jirásek and Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský to the city Litomyšl in which both lived, taught and wrote their books and to show the reflection of the small-town atmosphere of Litomyšl in their works. I worked with all sorts of historical documents, sources of information and literature which told aboud this town or these two authors. During the study 1 visited the Regional Museum in Litomyšl where I could see the extant personal corespondence of Jirásek and Šmilovský from which we could best read what their realation to the city and the citizens was. I could also read other historical documents in the District Archive in Litomyšl. But I found much of literature in the City Library in Litomyšl too. I also worked with books of Alois Jirásek and Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský, mostly with these which were written in Litomyšl or in which these authors wrote about the small-town atmosphere of Litomyšl. At the close of my diploma work I proposed a project in which the information gained during the writing my work could be used. I realized this project with pupils of the eight class of the primary school Proseč, district Chrudim. Alois Jirásek got familiarized with Litomyšl better than Šmilovský, he came to love this town so he described better the...

Regional foods and its importance.
This bachelor work is focused on regional food and their meaning in general. It also examines awareness of regional food among women in general public. The theoretical part deals with general characteristic of regional food and with their importance in Czech Republic. It is concerned with institutions which are devoted to development of these regional foods in Czech Republic. It is also focused on regional food in history and abroad, especially in Europe and in our closest neighbors. Then it is dedicated to thirteen regions in Czech Republic. There is general characteristic of a local climate for each region and possibilities for agriculture. Three award-winning foods and their producers are written and slightly described for each region. The practical part focuses on discovering awareness of regional food among working women and retired women in the form of questionnaire. The gained data are processed and then graphically represented. 88% of respondents usualy buys regional food.